

Verklaring houdende verbod tot beziging van projectielen met het enige doel verstikkende of vergiftige gassen te verspreiden

Depositaire mededelingen m.b.t.

Joegoslavië (< 25-06-1991)


The Government of the Federal Socialist Republic of Yougoslavia confirmed by its Note of 27 March 1969, received by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands on 8 April 1969, that it considers itself a party to the Hague treaties and declarations of 29 July 1899, ratified by Serbia.



The Government of the Federal Republic of Yougoslavia confirmed by its Note of 7 September 2001, received by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands on 7 September 2001, that it considers itself a party to the Hague treaties and declarations of 29 July 1899.

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