Verdrag tot regeling van zekere wetsconflicten ten aanzien van cheques
Partijen met voorbehouden, verklaringen en bezwaren
Partij | Voorbehoud / verklaring | Bezwaren |
Portugal | Ja | Nee |
Zwitserland | Ja | Nee |
[...] subject to the reservation that the provisions of the Convention do not apply
to the colonial territory of Portugal.
The Government of Portugal notified the Secretary-General of the withdrawal of this
Depositary communication.
According to a declaration made by the Swiss Government when depositing the instrument
of ratification of this Convention, the latter was to take effect, in respect of Switzerland,
only after the adoption of a law revising Sections XXIV to XXXIII of the Federal Code
of Obligations or, if necessary, of a special law regarding bills of exchange, promissory
notes and cheques. The law above referred to having entered into force on July 1st,
1937, the Convention took effect for Switzerland, as from that date.