

Verdrag inzake de internationale bescherming van volwassenen

Partijen met voorbehouden, verklaringen en bezwaren

Partij Voorbehoud / verklaring Bezwaren
België Ja Nee
Duitsland Ja Nee
Estland Ja Nee
Frankrijk Ja Nee
Griekenland Ja Nee
Ierland Ja Nee
Malta Ja Nee
Oostenrijk Ja Nee
Tsjechië Ja Nee
Verenigd Koninkrijk Ja Nee



In accordance with article 32, paragraph 2, of the Convention, requests under article 32, paragraph 1, shall be communicated to the Belgian authorities only through its Central Authority.



The Federal Republic of Germany makes a reservation, in accordance with Article 51, paragraph 2, and Article 56 of the Convention, objecting to the use of the French language.



Pursuant to Article 32, paragraph 2 of the Convention, the requests made under Article 32, paragraph 1 may be communicated to the Estonian authorities only through the Estonian Central Authority.
Pursuant to Article 56, paragraph 1 of the Convention, the Republic of Estonia makes the reservation provided for in Article 51, paragraph 2 that any communication sent to the Central Authority or to another authority of the Republic of Estonia in the original language, shall be accompanied by a translation into Estonian language or, where that is not feasible, a translation into English.



France declares, in accordance with Article 32, paragraph 2, that requests made by a competent authority by virtue of the Convention to any French authority which has information relevant to the protection of an adult to communicate that information in accordance with Article 32, paragraph 1, shall only be communicated to the French authorities through the French Central Authority.



Pursuant to Article 56 paragraph 1 of the Convention, the Hellenic Republic makes the reservation provided for in Article 51, paragraph 2 of the Convention with respect to the use of the French language.
In accordance with Article 28, paragraph 1 of the Convention, the Ministry of Justice of the Hellenic Republic – Department of Private International Law is designated as the Central Authority to discharge the duties imposed by the Convention on the Hellenic Republic.
In accordance with Article 42 of the Convention, requests under Articles 8 and 33 of the Convention are to be addressed to the Central Authority.
In accordance with Article 32, paragraph 2 of the Convention, requests under Article 32, paragraph 1 shall be communicated through the Central Authority.
In accordance with Article 38, paragraphs 1 and 3 of the Convention, the Secretariat of the Court, which has taken a protective measure provided for in the Convention or has confirmed the power of representation, is designated as the competent Authority to issue the certificate indicating the capacity in which the person entrusted with protection of the adult’s person or property is entitled to act and the powers conferred.



Ireland makes a reservation in accordance with Article 51, paragraph 2, and Article 56, paragraph 1, of the Convention objecting to the use of the French language.
In accordance with Article 32, paragraph 2, Ireland declares that requests made under Article 32, paragraph 1 shall be communicated to its authorities only through its Central Authority.



The Republic of Malta reserves the right to require that documents so transmitted, in an original language that is neither Maltese nor English, shall be accompanied by a translation into either Maltese or English, while objecting, pursuant to paragraph 2 of Article 51 of the Convention, to the possibility that said translations be delivered in French alternatively.



The Republic of Austria makes a reservation in accordance with Article 51 paragraph 2 and Article 56 paragraph 1 of the Convention, objecting to the use of the French language.



[...] pursuant to Article 56 paragraph 1 of the Convention, the Czech Republic makes reservation provided for in Article 51 paragraph 2 and objects to the use of the French language for translation of communications sent to the Central Authority or to another authority of the Czech Republic.
Requests under Articles 8 and 33 are to be addressed to the Central Authority.

Verenigd Koninkrijk


The United Kingdom declares, in accordance with Article 55, that the Convention shall extend to Scotland only, and that it may modify this declaration by submitting another declaration at any time.
The United Kingdom also declares, in accordance with Article 32 paragraph 2, that a request for information relevant to the protection of an adult made under Article 32 paragraph 1 may be communicated to the Scottish authorities only through the Scottish Central Authority.

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