Tweede aanvullend Protocol bij het Europees Verdrag inzake wederzijdse rechtshulp in strafzaken
Partijen met voorbehouden, verklaringen en bezwaren
Partij | Voorbehoud / verklaring | Bezwaren |
Armenië | Ja | Nee |
Azerbeidzjan | Ja | Nee |
België | Ja | Nee |
Bosnië en Herzegovina | Ja | Nee |
Bulgarije | Ja | Nee |
Chili | Ja | Nee |
Cyprus | Ja | Nee |
Denemarken | Ja | Nee |
Duitsland | Ja | Nee |
Estland | Ja | Nee |
Finland | Ja | Nee |
Frankrijk | Ja | Nee |
Georgië | Ja | Nee |
Hongarije | Ja | Nee |
Ierland | Ja | Nee |
Israël | Ja | Nee |
Italië | Ja | Nee |
Kroatië | Ja | Nee |
Letland | Ja | Nee |
Liechtenstein | Ja | Nee |
Litouwen | Ja | Nee |
Luxemburg | Ja | Nee |
Malta | Ja | Nee |
Moldavië | Ja | Nee |
Montenegro | Ja | Nee |
Nederlanden, het Koninkrijk der | Ja | Nee |
Noord-Macedonië | Ja | Nee |
Noorwegen | Ja | Nee |
Oekraïne | Ja | Nee |
Oostenrijk | Ja | Nee |
Polen | Ja | Nee |
Portugal | Ja | Nee |
Roemenië | Ja | Nee |
Russische Federatie | Ja | Nee |
Servië | Ja | Nee |
Slovenië | Ja | Nee |
Slowakije | Ja | Nee |
Spanje | Ja | Nee |
Tsjechië | Ja | Nee |
Turkije | Ja | Ja |
Verenigd Koninkrijk | Ja | Nee |
Zweden | Ja | Nee |
Zwitserland | Ja | Nee |
In accordance with Article 4, paragraph 8, of the Protocol, the Republic of Armenia
declares that the copy of the requests for assistance shall be transmitted at the
same time to the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Armenia.
In accordance with Article 6 of the Protocol, the Republic of Armenia declares that
the judicial authorities, for the purpose of the Convention, shall be deemed :
. The Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Armenia;
. The General Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Armenia;
. The Judicial Department of the Republic of Armenia;
. The Police of the Republic of Armenia;
. The National Security Service of the Republic of Armenia;
. The Court of Cassation of the Republic of Armenia;
. The Courts of Appeal of the Republic of Armenia,
. The Courts of General Jurisdiction and Specialised Courts of the First Instance
of the Republic of Armenia.
In accordance with Article 17, paragraph 4, of the Protocol, the Republic of Armenia
declares that the competent authorities, for the purposes of paragraphs 1 and 2 of
Article 17 of the Protocol, shall be the Police of the Republic of Armenia and the
National Security Service of the Republic of Armenia.
In accordance with Article 18, paragraph 4, of the Protocol, the Republic of Armenia
declares that the authority that is competent for the purposes of the mentioned article
shall be the General Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Armenia.
In accordance with Article 19, paragraph 4, of the Protocol, the Republic of Armenia
declares that the authorities that are competent for the purposes of paragraph 2 of
the mentioned article shall be the the General Prosecutor's Office of the Republic
of Armenia, the Police of the Republic of Armenia and the National Security Service
of the Republic of Armenia.
In accordance with Article 26, paragraph 5, of the Protocol, the Republic of Armenia
declares that without the prior consent of the Republic of Armenia, the personal data
- the transmission or the use of which could have been refused or limited within the
framework of corresponding procedures - may not be used, for the purposes of paragraph
1 of the mentioned article.
In accordance with Article 33, paragraph 2, of the Second Additional Protocol, the
Republic of Azerbaijan reserves the right to not apply the provisions of Articles
16, 17, 18, 19 and 20 of the Protocol.
In accordance with Article 15, paragraph 8, of the European Convention on Mutual Assistance
in Criminal Matters (hereinafter – the Convention) as amended by Article 4 of the
Second Additional Protocol, the Republic of Azerbaijan declares that all requests
and other communications referred to in Article 15, paragraphs 1 to 6, of the Convention
as amended by Article 4 of the Second Additional Protocol, should be forwarded to
the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Azerbaijan and to the Prosecutor General’s
Office of the Republic of Azerbaijan as the central authorities […]:
Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Azerbaijan
Prosecutor General’s Office of the Republic of Azerbaijan
In accordance with Article 15, paragraph 9, of the Convention as amended by Article
4 of the Second Additional Protocol, the Republic of Azerbaijan declares that in case
of forwarding of a request through electronic or any other means of telecommunications,
the original of such request has to be subsequently delivered in writing.
In accordance with Article 24 of the Convention as amended by Article 6 of the Second
Additional Protocol, the Republic of Azerbaijan declares that district (city) courts,
serious crimes courts, courts of appellate instance and the Prosecutor General’s Office
of the Republic of Azerbaijan shall be deemed as the judicial authorities.
In accordance with Article 11, paragraph 4, of the Second Additional Protocol, the
Republic of Azerbaijan declares that it reserves the right not to be bound by the
conditions imposed by the providing Party under Article 11, paragraph 2, unless it
receives prior notice of the nature of the information to be provided and agrees to
its transmission.
In accordance with Article 13, paragraph 7, of the Second Additional Protocol, the
Republic of Azerbaijan declares that before an agreement is reached under Article
13, paragraph 1, consent from the person concerned referred to in Article 13, paragraph
3, will be required in each case.
In accordance with Article 26, paragraph 5, of the Second Additional Protocol, the
Republic of Azerbaijan declares that, within the framework of procedures for which
it could have refused or limited the transmission or the use of personal data I accordance
with the provisions of the Convention or one of its Protocols, personal data transmitted
to another Party shall not be used by that Party for the purposes referred to in Article
26, paragraph 1, of the Protocol without the prior consent of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
The Republic of Azerbaijan declares that the provisions of this Protocol will not
be applied by the Republic of Azerbaijan in relation to the Republic of Armenia until
the consequences of the conflict are completely eliminated and relations between the
Republic of Armenia and the Republic of Azerbaijan are normalized.
Concerning Article 3 of the Protocol, the Government of the Kingdom of Belgium will
grant the temporary transfer provided by this article only if the person concerned
is serving a definitive sentence on its territory, excluding anybody in pretrial detention.
The Government of the Kingdom of Belgium will grant temporary transfer as provided
for in Article 11 only if the person concerned is serving a sentence on its territory
and if there are no special considerations opposed thereto.
Concerning Articles 17, 18, 19 and 20 of the Protocol, the Government of the Kingdom
of Belgium intends to prevails itself of the opportunity afforded by Article 33, paragraph
2, to accept the use of cross-border observations, of controlled delivery, of covert
investigations and of joint investigation teams only for the following offences :
trafficking in arms and drugs, trafficking in human beings, pedophilia and terrorism.
Any use of these four methods of research on Belgian territory must also be executed
only by the Belgian competent officers.
Pursuant to paragraph 4 of Articles 17, 18, 19 and 20, the Government of the Kingdom
of Belgium declares that the Federal Prosecutor is designated as the Belgian judicial
authority responsible for the implementation of requests for assistance involving
the use of these particular methods of research.
Pursuant to paragraph 8 of Article 4 of the Protocol, the Government of the Kingdom
of Belgium declares that it requires the transmission of any request for mutual assistance,
except when it is urgent, to the central authority for mutual assistance in criminal
matters of its Federal Public Service Justice.
Pursuant to paragraph 4 of Article 11 of the Protocol, the Government of the Kingdom
of Belgium declares that it reserves the right not to be bound by the conditions imposed
by the providing Party under paragraph 2 of the said article, unless it receives prior
notice of the nature of the information to be provided and agrees to its transmission.
Pursuant to paragraph 7 of Article 13 of the Protocol, the Government of the Kingdom
of Belgium declares that it will grant the temporary transfer provided by this article
only with the consent of the persons detained and to the extent that he/she is serving
a definitive sentence on its territory, excluding anybody in pretrial detention.
Pursuant to paragraph 5 of Article 26 of the Protocol, the Government of the Kingdom
of Belgium declares that, in proceedings for which Belgium could have refused or limited
the transfer or use of personal data in accordance with the provisions of the Convention
or its Protocols, the personal data which it transfers to another Party will not be
used by the latter for the purposes referred to in paragraph 1 of Article 26 of the
Protocol without its prior consent.
In accordance with Article 33, paragraph 3, of the Second Additional Protocol, the Government of Belgium withdraws its reservation to Articles 17, 18, 19 and 20 of the Second Additional Protocol, deposited at the time of ratification.
The Government of Belgium confirms the renewal of its declaration of competent authorities: "The Federal Prosecutor is designated as the Belgian judicial authority responsible for the implementation of requests for assistance involving the use of these particular methods of research".
In accordance with Article 24 of the Convention as amended by Article 6 of the Second
Additional Protocol to the Convention, the Kingdom of Belgium, as a Member State of
the European Union participating in the enhanced cooperation on the establishment
of the European Public Prosecutor's Office, declares that the European Public Prosecutor's
Office ("EPPO"), in the exercise of its competences, as provided for by Articles 22,
23 and 25 of Council Regulation (EU) 2017/1939, shall be deemed to be a judicial authority
for the purpose of issuing requests for mutual assistance in accordance with the Convention
and its Protocols, as well as for the purpose of providing, on request of another
Contracting Party in accordance with the Convention and its Protocols, information
or evidence which the EPPO has obtained already or may obtain following the initiation
of an investigation in the area of its competence. The EPPO shall also be deemed to
be a judicial authority for the purpose of receipt of information in accordance with
Article 21 of the Convention, in respect of offences within its competence as provided
for by Articles 22, 23 and 25 of Council Regulation (EU) 2017/1939. This declaration
is intended to supplement the previous declarations made by Belgium in accordance
with Article 24 of the Convention.
With reference to this declaration made in accordance with Article 24 of the Convention,
the Kingdom of Belgium avails itself of the opportunity to interpret the legal effects
of that declaration as follows:
a) Where the Convention or its Protocols refer to the requesting Party or the requested
Party, this shall in case of requests issued by or addressed to the European Public
Prosecutor's Office be interpreted as referring to the EU Member State of the competent
European Delegated Prosecutor whose powers and functions are referred to in Article
13 of Council Regulation (EU) 2017/1939.
b) Where the Convention or its Protocols refer to the law of the requesting or the
requested Party, this shall in case of requests issued by or addressed to the European
Public Prosecutor's Office be interpreted as referring to Union law, in particular
Council Regulation (EU) 2017/1939, as well as to the national law of the EU Member
State of the competent European Delegated Prosecutor, to the extent applicable in
accordance with Article 5(3) of that Regulation.
c) Where the Convention or its Protocols provide for the possibility for a Party to
make declarations or reservations, all such declarations and reservations made by
the Kingdom of Belgium shall be deemed applicable in case of requests made by another
Party to the European Public Prosecutor's Office whenever a European Delegated Prosecutor
located in the Kingdom of Belgium is competent in accordance with Article 13(1) of
Council Regulation (EU) 2017/1939.
d) As a judicial requesting authority acting in accordance with Article 24 of the
Convention as amended by Article 6 of the Second Additional Protocol to the Convention,
the European Public Prosecutor's Office shall comply with any conditions or restrictions
on the use of information and evidence obtained, which may be imposed by the requested
Party based on the Convention and its Protocols.
e) Obligations imposed upon the requesting Party by Article 12 of the Convention
shall also be binding upon the judicial authorities of the EU Member State of the
competent European Delegated Prosecutor. The same applies in case of obligations of
the requesting Party under Article 11 of the Convention as amended by Article 3 of
the Second Additional Protocol and under Articles 13, 14 and 23 of the Second Additional
Protocol in respect of the EU Member State of the European Delegated Prosecutor competent
in accordance with Article 13(1) of Council Regulation (EU) 2017/1939.
In accordance with Article 15 of the Convention as amended by Article 4 of the Second
Additional Protocol to the Convention, the Kingdom of Belgium declares that requests
to the European Public Prosecutor's Office for mutual assistance as well as information
laid by a Contracting Party in accordance with Article 21 of the Convention shall
be addressed directly to the European Public Prosecutor's Office and the declaration
made in accordance with Article 15 of the Convention shall not apply in the case of
the European Public Prosecutor’s Office. Requests for mutual assistance shall be sent
either to the Central Office of the European Public Prosecutor's Office or to the
European Delegated Prosecutor's Office(s) of that Member State. The EPPO shall, where
appropriate, forward such request to the competent national authorities if the EPPO
either does not have or is not exercising its competence in a particular case.
In accordance with Article 15 of the Convention as amended by Article 4 of the Second
Additional Protocol to the Convention, the Kingdom of Belgium furthermore declares
that applications in accordance with Article 11 of the Convention as amended by Article
3 of the Second Additional Protocol, and Articles 13 and 14 of the Second Additional
Protocol as they refer to the above mentioned Article 11, initiated by one of the
European Delegated Prosecutors in that EU Member State, shall be transmitted by the
federal public service Justice (Ministry of Justice) of the Kingdom of Belgium.
In accordance with Article 33(2) of the Second Additional Protocol, the Kingdom of
Belgium declares that the European Public Prosecutor's Office may, where a joint investigation
team as referred to in Article 20 of that Protocol is intended to operate on the territory
of the Kingdom of Belgium, act in the capacity of "competent authority" in accordance
with Article 20 of that Protocol only with the prior consent of the Federal Prosecutor’s
Office of the Kingdom of Belgium and in accordance with Council Regulation (EU) 2017/1939
and the applicable national law.
Bosnië en Herzegovina
In connection with Article 4, paragraph 8, of the Second Additional Protocol, Bosnia
and Herzegovina declares that all requests and other written notices related to Article
4, paragraphs 1 to 6, are to be delivered to the Ministry of Justice of Bosnia and
Herzegovina, as the central authority.
In relation to Article 4, paragraph 8, of the Second Additionnal Protocol, Bosnia
and Herzegovina declares that in case of direct addressing of urgent requests in line
with Article 4, paragraph 7, of the Second Additional Protocol, copy of the request
will be delivered concurrently to the Ministry of Justice of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
In line with Article 13, paragraph 7, of the Second Additional Protocol, Bosnia and
Herzegovina declares that it shall request the approval referred to under Article
13, paragraph 3, of this Protocol, before reaching an agreement under paragraph 1
of this article.
In line with Article 6 of the Second Additional Protocol, Bosnia and Herzegovina declares
that ordinary courts and prosecutor's office in Bosnia and Herzegovina shall be regarded
as judicial authorities for the purpose of the Convention and this Protocol.
In relation to Article 17, paragraph 4, of the Second Additional Protocol, Bosnia
and Herzegovina declares that:
a. The authority responsible for receiving the request and decision making in line
with Article 17, paragraph 1, of the Second Additional Protocol, is:
Prosecutor's Office of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Kraljice Jelene 88
71000 Sarajeco
Tel. ++387 33 707 100
Fax: ++387 33 707 463
b. The authority responsible for receiving the notice in line with Article 17, paragraph
2, of the Second Additional Protocol, is:
Ministry of Security of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Trg Bosne I Hercegovine
Tel. ++387 33 213 623
Fax. ++387 33 213 628
In line with Article 18, paragraph 4, of the Second Additional Protocol, Bosnia and
Herzegovina declares that:
a. The authority responsible for receiving the request and decision making in accordance
with Article 18, paragraph 2, of the Second Additional Protocol, is:
Prosecutor's Office of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Kraljice Jelene 88
71000 Sarajeco
Tel. ++387 33 707 100
Fax: ++387 33 707 463
b. The authority responsible for execution, management and control of undertaken actions
in line with Article 18, paragraph 3, of the Second Additional Protocol, is:
Ministry of Security of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Trg Bosne I Hercegovine
Tel. ++387 33 213 623
Fax. ++387 33 213 628
In line with Article 19, paragraph 4, of the Second Additionnal Protocol, Bosnia and
Herzegovina declares that:
a. The authority responsible for receiving the request and decision making in accordance
with Article 19, paragraph 2, of the Second Additional Protocol, is:
Prosecutor's Office of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Kraljice Jelene 88
71000 Sarajeco
Tel. ++387 33 707 100
Fax: ++387 33 707 463
b. The authority responsible for providing legal assistance in accordance with Article
19 of the Second Additional Protocol, is:
Ministry of Security of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Trg Bosne I Hercegovine
Tel. ++387 33 213 623
Fax. ++387 33 213 628
In accordance with Article 11, paragraph 4, of the Second Additional Protocol, the
Republic of Bulgaria declares that conditions, imposed by the Party which provides
spontaneous information, shall be observed only if that Party has previously notified
of the nature of the information to be provided and Bulgaria has agreed to its transmission.
In accordance with Article 13, paragraph 7, of the Second Additional Protocol, the
Republic of Bulgaria declares that consent of the person concerned in Article 13,
paragraph 3, will be required before an agreement is reached between the competent
authorities under paragraph 1 of the same article.
In accordance with Article 17, paragraph 4 in connection with paragraphs 1 and 2,
of the Second Additional Protocol, the Republic of Bulgaria defines the Supreme Cassation
Prosecutor's Office to be the competent authority to which shall be submitted requests
for legal assistance under Article 17, paragraph 1, and, in case of urgency in the
course of observation, to be immediately notified of crossing the border under Article
17, paragraph 2. The officers, indicated in paragraphs 1 and 2 of the same article,
who are to conduct the cross-border observation, will be investigators from the National
Investigation Service, and the Ministry of the Interior will render co-operation.
In accordance with Article 26, paragraph 5, of the Second Additional Protocol, the
Republic of Bulgaria declares that within the framework of the procedures for which
the Republic of Bulgaria could have refused or limited the transmission or the use
of personal data in accordance with the provisions of the Convention or one of its
Protocols, personal data transmitted to another Contracting Party will be used by
the latter for the purposes of Article 26, paragraph 1, only with the previous consent
of the Republic of Bulgaria.
In accordance with Article 33, paragraph 1, of the Second Additional Protocol, the
Republic of Bulgaria declares that it shall not apply its declaration on Article 15,
paragraph 6, of the European Convention on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters of
20 April 1959 to the provisions of this Protocol.
In accordance with Article 33, paragraph 2 and in connection with Article 16, of the
Second Additional Protocol, the Republic of Bulgaria declares that it does not accept
the service of procedural documents and judicial decisions on defendants and accused
persons directly by post.
In accordance with Article 15, paragraph 6, of the European Convention on Mutual Assistance
in Criminal Matters, as worded by Article 4 of the Second Additional Protocol, the
Republic of Bulgaria defines courts that have passed the convictions as competent
authorities to which requests for copies of convictions and subsequent measures under
Article 4 of the Second Additional Protocol may be forwarded.
In accordance with Article 15, paragraph 8, sub-paragraph b, of the European Convention
on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters, as worded by Article 4 of the Second Additional
Protocol, the Republic of Bulgaria declares that execution of all requests for legal
assistance shall be determined by observation of the requirement of sub-paragraph
"b" of paragraph 8 of Article 15. Central authority under sub-paragraph "b" regarding
requests for legal assistance in pre-trial proceedings shall be the Supreme Cassation
Prosecutor's Office, and for the rest of the requests for legal assistance under sub-paragraph
"b", the Ministry of Justice.
In accordance with Article 15, paragraph 9, of the European Convention on Mutual Assistance
in Criminal Matters, as worded by Article 4 of the Second Additional Protocol, the
Republic of Bulgaria declares that requests for legal assistance and any other communications
under Article 15, paragraph 9, received by fax and e-mail shall be accepted and executed,
provided that the requesting Party shall verify their authenticity, if requested.
In accordance with Article 18, paragraph 4 in connection with paragraphs 2 and 3,
of the Second Additional Protocol, the Republic of Bulgaria defines the Supreme Cassation
Prosecutor's Office to be the competent authority entitled to govern, control and
decide on controlled delivery.
In accordance with Article 19, paragraph 4 in connection with paragraph 2, of the
Second Additional Protocol, the Republic of Bulgaria defines the Supreme Cassation
Prosecutor's Office to be the competent authority entitled to decide on the request
of covert investigation.
In accordance with Article 11 of the Convention, as amended by Article 3 of the Second
Additional Protocol to the Convention, the Republic of Bulgaria declares that applications
under this article and in accordance with Articles 13 and 14 of the Second Additional
Protocol to the Convention, initiated by an European Delegated Prosecutor in a Member
State of the European Union, shall be transmitted to the authorities determined by
the Republic of Bulgaria in the declaration made under Article 15, paragraph 8, letter
b, of the Convention, as formulated in Article 4 of the Second Additional Protocol.
In accordance with Article 15 of the Convention, as amended by Article 4 of its Second
Additional Protocol, the Republic of Bulgaria declares that requests for mutual assistance
to the European Public Prosecutor’s Office, as well as information laid by a contracting
Party in accordance with Article 21 of the Convention shall be addressed directly
to the European Public Prosecutor’s Office. Requests for mutual assistance shall be
sent either to the Central Office of the European Public Prosecutor’s Office or to
the European Delegated Prosecutor of that Member State. The European Public Prosecutor’s
Office shall, where appropriate, forward such request to the competent national authorities,
if the European Public Prosecutor’s Office either does not have or is not exercising
its competence in a particular case.
In the declaration under Article 15, paragraph 6, of the European Convention on Mutual
Assistance in Criminal Matters, as formulated in Article 4 of the Second Additional
Protocol, a comma shall be inserted at the end and the following text shall be added
“whereas this order shall not apply in the case of the European Public Prosecutor’s
In the declaration under Article 15, paragraph 8, letter b, of the European Convention
on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters, as formulated in Article 4 of the Second
Additional Protocol, a comma shall be inserted at the end and the following text shall
be added “whereas this order shall not apply in the case of the European Public Prosecutor’s
[Note by the Secretariat: the two abovementioned declarations now read as follows:
“In accordance with Article 15, paragraph 6, of the European Convention on Mutual
Assistance in Criminal Matters, as worded by Article 4 of the Second Additional Protocol,
the Republic of Bulgaria defines courts that have passed the convictions as competent
authorities to which requests for copies of convictions and subsequent measures under
Article 4 of the Second Additional Protocol may be forwarded, whereas this order shall
not apply in the case of the European Public Prosecutor’s Office. In accordance with
Article 15, paragraph 8, sub-paragraph b, of the European Convention on Mutual Assistance
in Criminal Matters, as worded by Article 4 of the Second Additional Protocol, the
Republic of Bulgaria declares that execution of all requests for legal assistance
shall be determined by observation of the requirement of subparagraph "b" of paragraph
8 of Article 15. Central authority under sub-paragraph "b" regarding requests for
legal assistance in pre-trial proceedings shall be the Supreme Cassation Prosecutor's
Office, and for the rest of the requests for legal assistance under sub-paragraph
"b", the Ministry of Justice, whereas this order shall not apply in the case of the
European Public Prosecutor’s Office.”]
The Republic of Bulgaria, in accordance with Article 24 of the Convention, as amended
by Article 6 of its Second Additional Protocol, in its capacity as a Member State
of the European Union, participating in the enhanced cooperation on the establishment
of the European Public Prosecutor’s Office, furthermore declares that the European
Public Prosecutor’s Office in the exercise of its competences, as provided for by
Articles 22, 23 and 25 of Council Regulation (EU) 2017/1939, of 12 October 2017, implementing
enhanced cooperation on the establishment of the European Public Prosecutor’s Office,
shall be deemed to be a judicial authority for the purpose of issuing requests for
mutual assistance in accordance with the Convention and its protocols, as well as
for the purpose of providing, on request of another Contracting Party in accordance
with the Convention and its protocols, information or evidence, which the European
Public Prosecutor’s Office has obtained already or may obtain following the initiation
of an investigation in the area of its competence. The European Public Prosecutor’s
Office shall also be deemed to be a judicial authority for the purpose of receipt
of information in accordance with Article 21 of the Convention in respect of offences
within its competence, as provided for by Articles 22, 23 and 25 of Council Regulation
(EU) 2017/1939.
The Republic of Bulgaria avails itself of the opportunity to interpret the legal effects
of that declaration as follows:
Where the Convention or its protocols refer to the requesting Party or the requested
Party, this shall in case of requests issued by or addressed to the European Public
Prosecutor's Office be interpreted as referring to the European Union Member State
of the competent European Delegated Prosecutor whose powers and functions are referred
to in Article 13 of Council Regulation (EU) 2017/1939.
Where the Convention or its protocols refer to the law of the requesting or the requested
Party, this shall in case of requests issued by or addressed to the European Public
Prosecutor's Office be interpreted as referring to Union law, in particular Council
Regulation (EU) 2017/1939, as well as to the national law of the European Union Member
State of the competent European Delegated Prosecutor, to the extent applicable in
accordance with Article 5(3) of that Regulation.
All declarations and reservations made by the Republic of Bulgaria under the Convention
and its protocols shall be deemed applicable in case of requests made by another Party
to the European Public Prosecutor's Office whenever a European Delegated Prosecutor
located in the Republic of Bulgaria is competent in accordance with Article 13(1)
of Council Regulation (EU) 2017/1939.
As a judicial requesting authority acting in accordance with Article 24 of the Convention,
as amended by Article 6 of the Second Additional Protocol to the Convention, the European
Public Prosecutor's Office shall comply with any conditions or restrictions on the
use of information and evidence obtained, which may be imposed by the requested Party
based on the Convention and its protocols.
The obligations imposed upon the requesting Party by Article 12 of the Convention
shall also be binding upon the judicial authorities of the European Union Member State
of the competent European Delegated Prosecutor. The same applies in case of obligations
of the requesting Party under Article 11 of the Convention, as amended by Article
3 of the Second Additional Protocol and under Articles 13, 14 and 23 of the Second
Additional Protocol in respect of the European Union Member State of the European
Delegated Prosecutor competent in accordance with Article 13(1) of Council Regulation
(EU) 2017/1939.
In accordance with Article 33(2) of the Second Additional Protocol and in conjunction
with Article 20 of the Second Additional Protocol to the European Convention on Mutual
Assistance in Criminal Matters, the Republic of Bulgaria declares that where a joint
investigation team as referred to in Article 20 of that Protocol is intended to operate
on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria, the European Public Prosecutor's Office
may act in the capacity of “competent authority” in accordance with Article 20 of
that Protocol only in the presence of agreement with the judicial authorities of the
Republic of Bulgaria and in accordance with Council Regulation (EU) 2017/1939 and
the applicable national law.
In accordance with Article 33, paragraph 2, of the Second Additional Protocol, the
Republic of Chile states that it will not apply the provisions in Article 16 thereof.
In accordance with Article 33, paragraph 2, of the Second Additional Protocol, the
Republic of Chile states that it will not apply the provisions in Article 17 thereof.
In relation to Articles 18 and 19 of the Second Additional Protocol, the Republic
of Chile reserves the right under Article 33, paragraph 2, to accept controlled deliveries
and covert investigations only where the Chilean laws expressly authorises such proceedings.
In accordance with Article 33, paragraph 2, of the Second Additional Protocol, the
Republic of Chile reserves the right to accept Article 20 thereof.
In accordance with Article 4, paragraph 8, letter (d), of the Second Additional Protocol,
the Republic of Chile declares that, for the purposes of Article 15, paragraph 1,
of the Convention, replaced with Article 4 of this Protocol, requests for mutual assistance,
as well as spontaneous information, shall be addressed to the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs of Chile, the Central Authority for the purposes hereof, without prejudice
to their being forwarded directly by the judicial authorities of the requesting Party
to the judicial authorities of the requested Party and returned through the same channels.
In accordance with Article 4, paragraph 8, letter (d), of the Second Additional Protocol,
the Republic of Chile declares that, for the purposes of Article 15, paragraph 2,
of the Convention, replaced with Article 4 hereof, requests referred to in Article
11 of the Convention, replaced with Article 3 of this Protocol, as well as Article
13, shall be addressed, in all cases, to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Chile.
Considering that the Republic of Chile makes no declaration as to Article 27 of the
Second Additional Protocol, according to Article 4, paragraph 8, letter (d), the Republic
of Chile declares that requests for mutual assistance forwarded by administrative
authorities referred to in Article 15, paragraph 3, replaced with Article 4 of the
Second Additional Protocol, shall always be forwarded to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
of Chile.
In accordance with Article 15, paragraph 6, of the Convention, replaced with Article
4 of the Second Additional Protocol, the Republic of Chile declares that the Ministry
of Justice of Chile is the competent authority to which requests for mutual assistance
referred to in Article 4 of the Additional Protocol must be forwarded.
In accordance with Article 15, paragraph 8, letter (a), of the Convention, replaced
with Article 4 of the Second Additional Protocol, the Republic of Chile declares that
in urgent cases where transmission is made by INTERPOL, under Article 15, paragraph
7, of the Convention, replaced with the Second Additional Protocol, where such communication
relates to requests for mutual assistance referred to in Article 15, paragraph 6,
of the Convention, replaced with the Second Additional Protocol, a copy shall be sent
to the Ministry of Justice of Chile.
In accordance with Article 6 of the Second Protocol, amending Article 24 of the Convention,
the Republic of Chile declares that the courts of justice composing the Judiciary
shall be deemed as Chilean judicial authorities for the purposes of the Convention.
Mutual assistance requests for the purposes of this Convention may also be transmitted
to the Public
Prosecutor’s Office, which shall request the intervention of the competent Guarantee
Judge where, under Chilean laws, it is required due to the nature of the request.
However, in no case will this declaration grant jurisdictional powers to the Public
Prosecutor’s Office or make it a judicial authority.
In accordance with the provisions in Article 9, paragraph 9, of the Second Additional
Protocol, the Republic of Chile declares that it shall not apply the rules in this
Article to hearings by video conference involving the accused person or the suspect.
In accordance with the provisions in Article 13, paragraph 7, of the Second Additional
Protocol, the Republic of
Chile declares that before an agreement is reached under Article 13, paragraph 1,
it shall grant the temporarym transfer only with the consent of the detained person.
In accordance with Article 18, paragraph 4, of the Second Additional Protocol, the
Republic of Chile declares that, under domestic regulations, the authorities competent
for acceptance and coordination of requests for controlled deliveries is the Chilean
Public Prosecutor’s Office.
In accordance with Article 19, paragraph 4, of the Second Additional Protocol, the
Republic of Chile declares that, according to domestic regulations, the authority
responsible for accepting and coordinating requests for covert investigations is the
Chilean Public Prosecutor’s Office.
In accordance with Article 26, paragraph 5, of the Second Additional Protocol, the
Republic of Chile declares that it submits the handling and lapse of the requesting
party’s information to domestic laws.
Updating of contact information (Article 4):
Public Prosecution of Chile
Unit of International Cooperation and Extradition of the National Prosecution
Unidad de Cooperación Internacional y Extradiciones de la Fiscalía Nacional del Ministerio
Date of effect of the declaration: 8 January 2018
Article 4
In accordance with Article 15, paragraph 6, of the Convention as replaced by Article
4 of the Second Additional Protocol, the Government of the Republic of Cyprus has
designated the Chief of Police as competent authority.
In accordance with Article 15, paragraph 8, of the Convention as replaced by Article
4 of the Second Additional Protocol, the Government of the Republic of Cyprus declares
that all requests for mutual assistance should be addressed to the Ministry of Justice
and Public Order. In cases of urgency, in accordance with sub-paragraph (c) of the
same Article of the Convention, requests may be channelled through Interpol of Europol
in case they are submitted by Member States of the European Union.
In accordance with Article 15, paragraph 9, of the Convention as replaced by Article
4 of the Second Additional Protocol, the Government of the Republic of Cyprus declares
that it will accept requests for mutual assistance, and any relevant documents, by
facsimile or electronic mail, provided the requesting authority can prove, if deemed
necessary, its authenticity.
Article 6
In accordance with Article 24 of the Convention, as replaced by Article 6 of the Second
Additional Protocol, the Government of the Republic of Cyprus declares that the following
shall be considered as judicial Authorities for the purposes of the Convention and
its Protocols:
- all Courts of the Republic of Cyprus exercising criminal jurisdiction;
- the Attorney General of the Republic;
- the Ministry of Justice and Public Order;
- the Chief of Police;
- the Director of Customs and Excise;
- the Commissioner of Taxation;
- the Unit for Combating Money Laundering (MOKAS);
- any person empowered by national law to investigate according to Article 4(2) of
the Criminal Procedure Law.
In accordance with Article 11, paragraph 4, of the Second Additional Protocol, the
Government of the Republic of Cyprus reserves the right not to be bound by any conditions
imposed by the providing Party under paragraph 2 of the aforesaid Article, unless
it receives prior notice of the nature of the information to be provided and agrees
to the transmission.
In accordance with Article 17 of the Second Additional Protocol, the Government of
the Republic of Cyprus declares that the competent Authorities for the purposes of
paragraphs 1 and 2 this article are the Attorney General of the Republic and the Chief
of Police.
In accordance with Article 18 of the Second Additional Protocol, the Government of
the Republic of Cyprus declares that the competent Authority for the purpose of this
article are the Attorney General of the Republic, the Chief of Police and/or the Director
of Customs and Excise.
In accordance with Article 19 of the Second Additional Protocol, the Government of
the Republic of Cyprus declares that the competent Authority for the purpose of this
article is the Chief of Police.
In accordance with Article 26 of the Second Additional Protocol, the Government of
the Republic of Cyprus declares that the personal data transmitted to another Party
for the purpose of paragraph 1 of the aforesaid Article shall not be used by that
Party without the previous consent of the person concerned or of the competent Authority
in Cyprus.
In accordance with Article 24 of the Convention as amended by Article 6 of the Second
Additional Protocol to the Convention, the Republic of Cyprus, in its capacity as
a Member State of the European Union participating in the enhanced cooperation on
the establishment of the European Public Prosecutor’s Office, declares that the European
Public Prosecutor’s Office (“EPPO”), in the exercise of its competences, as provided
for by Articles 22, 23 and 25 of Council Regulation (EU) 2017/1939, shall be deemed
to be a judicial authority for the purpose of issuing requests for mutual assistance
in accordance with the Convention and its Protocols, as well as for the purpose of
providing, on request of another Contracting Party in accordance with the Convention
and its Protocols, information or evidence which the EPPO has obtained already or
may obtain following the initiation of an investigation in the area of its competence.
The EPPO shall also be deemed to be a judicial authority for the purpose of receipt
of information in accordance with Article 21 of the Convention, in respect of offences
within its competence as provided for by Articles 22, 23 and 25 of Council Regulation
(EU) 2017/1939. This declaration is intended to supplement the previous declarations
made by the Republic of Cyprus, in accordance with Article 24 of the Convention.
With reference to this declaration made in accordance with Article 24 of the Convention,
the Republic of Cyprus avails itself of the opportunity to interpret the legal effects
of that declaration as follows:
a) Where the Convention or its Protocols refer to the requesting Party or the requested
Party, this shall in case of requests issued by or addressed to the European Public
Prosecutor’s Office be interpreted as referring to the EU Member State of the competent
European Delegated Prosecutor whose powers and functions are referred to in Article
13 of Council Regulation (EU) 2017/1939.
b) Where the Convention or its Protocols refer to the law of the requesting or the
requested Party, this shall in case of requests issued by or addressed to the European
Public Prosecutor’s Office be interpreted as referring to Union law, in particular
Council Regulation (EU) 2017/1939, as well as to the national law of the EU Member
State of the competent European Delegated Prosecutor, to the extent applicable in
accordance with Article 5(3) of that Regulation.
c) Where the Convention or its Protocols provide for the possibility for a Party to
make declarations or reservations, all such declarations and reservations made by
the Republic of Cyprus shall be deemed applicable in case of requests made by another
Party to the European Public Prosecutor’s Office whenever a European Delegated Prosecutor
located in the Republic of Cyprus is competent in accordance with Article 13(1) of
Council Regulation (EU) 2017/1939.
d) As a judiciary requesting authority acting in accordance with Article 24 of the
Convention, as amended by Article 6 of the Second Additional Protocol to the Convention,
the European Public Prosecutor’s Office shall comply with any conditions or restrictions
on the use of information and evidence obtained, which may be imposed by the requested
Party based on the Convention and its Protocols.
e) Obligations imposed upon the requesting Party by Article 12 of the Convention shall
also be binding upon the judiciary authorities of the EU Member State of the competent
European Delegated Prosecutor. The same applies in case of obligations of the requesting
Party under Article 11 of the Convention, as amended by Article 3 of the Second Additional
Protocol and under Articles 13, 14 and 23 of the Second Additional Protocol, in respect
of the EU Member State of the European Delegated Prosecutor competent in accordance
with Article 13(1) of Council Regulation (EU) 2017/1939.
In accordance with Article 15 of the Convention, as amended by Article 4 of the Second
Additional Protocol to the Convention, the Republic of Cyprus declares that requests
to the European Public Prosecutor’s Office for mutual assistance as well as information
laid by a Contracting Party in accordance with Article 21 of the Convention shall
be addressed directly to the European Public Prosecutor’s Office. Requests for mutual
assistance shall be sent either to the Central Office of the European Public Prosecutor’s
Office or to the European Delegated Prosecutor's Office(s) of that Member State. The
EPPO shall, where appropriate, forward such request to the competent national authorities
if the EPPO either does not have or is not exercising its competence in a particular
In accordance with Article 15 of the Convention, as amended by Article 4 of the Second
Additional Protocol to the Convention, the Republic of Cyprus furthermore declares
that applications in accordance with Article 11 of the Convention, as amended by Article
3 of the Second Additional Protocol, and Articles 13 and 14 of the Second Additional
Protocol as they refer to the above-mentioned Article 11 initiated by one of the European
Delegated Prosecutors in that EU Member State, shall be transmitted by the Ministry
of Justice and Public Order.
In accordance with Article 33(2) of the Second Additional Protocol, the Republic of
Cyprus declares that the European Public Prosecutor’s Office may, where a joint investigation
team as referred to in Article 20 of that Protocol is intended to operate on the territory
of the Republic of Cyprus, act in the capacity of “competent authority” in accordance
with Article 20 of that Protocol only after prior notification to the Attorney General
of the Republic and in accordance with Council Regulation (EU) 2017/1939 and the applicable
national law.
In accordance with Article 15, paragraph 8 (d) and 15, paragraph 3 (in the European
Convention on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters, as worded by the Second Additional
Protocol), Denmark declares that requests from administrative authorities (cf. Article
1, paragraph 3, in the Convention), shall be forwarded to the Ministry of Justice
in the country requested to provide assistance, and hence may not be sent directly
to the judicial authorities.
In accordance with Article 9, paragraph 9 (in the Second Additional Protocol), Denmark
declares that it does not meet requests for hearing by videoconference involving the
accused person or the suspect.
In accordance with Article 13, paragraph 7 (in the Second Additional Protocol), Denmark
declares that consent as mentioned in Article 13, paragraph 3, will be required prior
to an agreement on temporary transfer of a person held in custody according to Article
13, paragraph 1.
In accordance with Article 18, paragraph 4 (in the Second Additional Protocol), Denmark
declares that the Danish authorities that are competent for the purpose of Article
18 are the judicial authorities as defined by the declaration according to article
24 in the 1959 Convention (i.e. the Courts of Law and the Department of Public Prosecutions
which itself, according to the Danish judicature and procedural code, includes the
Ministry of Justice, the Attorney-General, the prosecutors, the Copenhagen Prefect
of Police and the Police Commissioners).
In accordance with Article 32, paragraph 1 (in the Second Additional Protocol), Denmark
declares that until further notice the Second Additional Protocol shall not apply
to the Faeroe Islands and Greenland.
In accordance with Article 33, paragraph 2, cf. Article 17 (in the Second Additional
Protocol), Denmark declares that it does not accept Article 17 (cross-border observations).
In accordance with Article 33, paragraph 2, cf. Article 19 (in the Second Additional
Protocol), Denmark declares that it does not accept Article 19 (covert investigations).
In accordance with Article 33 (2) of the Second Additional Protocol, the Federal Republic
of Germany excludes the application of Article 16 in its entirety.
In accordance with Article 33 (2) of the Second Additional Protocol, the Federal Republic
of Germany reserves the right to make cross-border observations in its territory pursuant
to Article 17 (1) third sentence always dependent on the observation being entrusted
to the competent German authorities. Application of the urgent case provision laid
down in Article 17 (2) is excluded in its entirety.
In accordance with Article 4 of the Second Additional Protocol, the Federal Republic
of Germany makes the following declarations:
The competent authority pursuant to Article 4 (6) second sentence is the Bundesamt
für Justiz (Federal Office of Justice), which may be contacted at the following address:
Bundesamt für Justiz (Federal Office of Justice)
Adenauerallee 99-103
53113 Bonn
Tel.: + 49 (0)228 99 410 – 40
Fax: +49 (0)228 99 410 – 5591
In accordance with Article 4 (8) (b), the Federal Republic of Germany declares that
requests, except urgent requests, are to be addressed to the Federal Office of Justice.
In accordance with Article 4 (8) (d), the Federal Republic of Germany declares that
requests by administrative authorities are always to be addressed to the Federal Office
of Justice, i.e. also in urgent cases.
In accordance with Article 6 of the Second Additional Protocol, the Federal Republic
of Germany up-dates its declaration in respect of Article 24 of the Convention and
defines what authorities it will, for the purpose of the Convention, deem judicial
authorities. These are as follows:
– das Bundesministerium der Justiz und für Verbraucherschutz (Federal Ministry of
Justice and Consumer Protection), Berlin
– das Bundesamt für Justiz (Federal Office of Justice), Bonn
– der Bundesgerichtshof (Federal Court of Justice), Karlsruhe
– der Generalbundesanwalt beim Bundesgerichtshof (Federal Prosecutor-General at the
Federal Court of Justice), Karlsruhe
– das Justizministerium Baden-Württemberg (Ministry of Justice of Land Baden-Württemberg),
– das Bayerische Staatsministerium der Justiz (Bavarian Ministry of Justice), Munich
– die Senatsverwaltung für Justiz und Verbraucherschutz (Senate Department for Justice
and Consumer Protection), Berlin
– das Ministerium der Justiz und für Europa und Verbraucherschutz des Landes Brandenburg
(Ministry of Justice and for Europe and Consumer Protection of Land Brandenburg),
– der Senator für Justiz und Verfassung (Senator of Justice and Constitution), Bremen
– die Behörde für Justiz und Gleichstellung der Freien und Hansestadt Hamburg (Free
and Hanseatic City of Hamburg Ministry of Justice and Equalities)
– das Hessische Ministerium der Justiz (Hessian Ministry of Justice), Wiesbaden
– das Justizministerium Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Ministry of Justice of Mecklenburg-Western
Pomerania), Schwerin
– das Niedersächsische Justizministerium (Ministry of Justice of Lower Saxony), Hannover
– das Justizministerium des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen (Ministry of Justice of North
Rhine-Westphalia), Düsseldorf
– das Ministerium der Justiz und für Verbraucherschutz des Landes Rheinland-Pfalz
(Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection of the State of Rhineland-Palatinate),
– das Ministerium der Justiz des Saarlandes (Ministry of Justice of Saarland), Saarbrücken
– das Sächsische Staatsministerium der Justiz (Saxon State Ministry of Justice), Dresden
– das Ministerium für Justiz und Gleichstellung des Landes Sachsen-Anhalt, (Ministry
of Justice and Gender Equality, Saxony-Anhalt), Magdeburg
– das Ministerium für Justiz, Kultur und Europa des Landes Schleswig-Holstein (Ministry
of Justice, Cultural and European Affairs Schleswig-Holstein), Kiel
– Thüringer Ministerium für Justiz (Thuringian Ministry of Justice), Erfurt
– die Oberlandesgerichte (the higher regional courts)
– die Landgerichte (the regional courts)
– die Amtsgerichte (the local courts)
– die Generalstaatsanwaltschaften/die Staatsanwaltschaften bei den Oberlandesgerichten
(offices of the public prosecutors general)
– die Staatsanwaltschaften/Staatsanwaltschaften bei den Landgerichten (public prosecution
– die Zentrale Stelle der Landesjustizverwaltungen zur Aufklärung nationalsozialistischer
Verbrechen (Central Office of the Land Judicial Authorities for the Investigation
of National Socialist Crimes), Ludwigsburg
In accordance with Article 9 (2) of the Second Additional Protocol, the Federal Republic
of Germany declares that pursuant to the fundamental principles of its law, a hearing
of witnesses and experts by video conference may take place only on a voluntary basis.
No costs may be imposed or administrative fines charged to witnesses or experts who
do not comply with a request from a foreign judicial authority to be heard by means
of a video conference.
In accordance with Article 9 (9) of the Second Additional Protocol, the Federal Republic
of Germany declares that a hearing of accused persons or suspects by video conference
is not excluded in principle, but that such a hearing may take place only on a voluntary
basis pursuant to Article 9 (8) third sentence.
In accordance with Article 11 (4) of the Second Additional Protocol, the Federal Republic
of Germany declares that it reserves the right not to be bound by the conditions imposed
by the providing Party under Article 11 (2) unless the Federal Republic of Germany
receives prior notice of the nature of the information to be provided and agrees to
its transmission.
In accordance with Article 13 (7) of the Second Additional Protocol, the Federal Republic
of Germany declares that before an agreement is reached under Article 13 (1), consent
from the person concerned referred to in Article 13 (3) will be required.
In accordance with Article 17 (4), Article 18 (4) and Article 19 (4) of the Second
Additional Protocol, the Federal Republic of Germany designates the Bundesamt für
Justiz (Federal Office of Justice) as the authority that is competent for the purposes
of these Articles. The Federal Office of Justice may be contacted at the following
Bundesamt für Justiz (Federal Office of Justice)
Adenauerallee 99-103
53113 Bonn
Tel.: +49 (0)228 99 410 – 40
Fax: +49 (0)228 99 410 – 5591
In urgent cases, requests on the basis of Articles 17, 18 and 19 may also be made
to the Federal Criminal Police Office, which may be contacted at the following address:
Bundeskriminalamt (Federal Criminal Police Office)
65173 Wiesbaden
Tel.: +49 (0)611 55 – 13101
Fax: +49 (0)611 55 – 12141
In accordance with Article 26 (5) of the Second Additional Protocol, the Federal Republic
of Germany declares that, within the framework of procedures for which it could have
refused or limited the transmission or the use of personal data in accordance with
the provisions of the Convention or one of its Protocols, personal data transmitted
to another Party may not be used by the other Party for the purposes of Article 26
(1) unless with the previous consent of the Federal Republic of Germany.
In addition to that, the Federal Republic of Germany declares the following concerning
the whole of Article 26 of the Second Additional Protocol: In applying this Article,
it is the understanding of the Federal Republic of Germany that the Parties remain
free, in consideration of the data protection interests of the persons concerned,
to apply provisions that rule out the transmission of data to another Party or that
allow transmission only subject to certain conditions. The Federal Republic of Germany
therefore reserves the right, as necessary, to make the exchange of personal data
dependent on compliance with the data protection requirements of the domestic law
of the Federal Republic of Germany in specific individual cases. To this extent, the
Federal Republic of Germany also reserves the right to make, in individual cases,
mutual legal assistance on the basis of the Convention and its Protocols dependent
on its limitation to a specific use or a special purpose. In this context, the Federal
Republic of Germany makes reference to its declaration in respect of Article 12 (2)
of the Convention for the Protection of Individuals with regard to Automatic Processing
of Personal Data of 28 January 1981. According to this declaration, it is the understanding
of the Federal Republic of Germany that Article 12 (2) of the Convention referred
to above allows the Parties the freedom to make provisions in their national data
protection law which may in certain cases, in consideration of the data protection
interests of the persons concerned, rule out the transmission of data.
Notwithstanding the above reservations and declarations, the Federal Republic of Germany
declares in accordance with Article 33 (1) first and second sentences that it upholds
all the reservations und declarations made in respect of the Convention and the Protocol.
This applies in particular to the declaration in respect of Article 11 (1) sub-paragraph
2 of the Convention to the effect that the Federal Republic of Germany will refuse
transfer in all the cases enumerated.
In accordance with Article 24 of the Convention as amended by Article 6 of the Second
Additional Protocol to the Convention, Germany, as a Member State of the European
Union participating in the enhanced cooperation on the establishment of the European
Public Prosecutor's Office, declares that the European Public Prosecutor's Office
("EPPO"), in the exercise of its competences, as provided for by Articles 22, 23 and
25 of Council Regulation (EU) 2017/1939, shall be deemed to be a judicial authority
for the purpose of issuing requests for mutual assistance in accordance with the Convention
and its Protocols, as well as for the purpose of providing, on request of another
Contracting Party in accordance with the Convention and its Protocols, information
or evidence which the EPPO has obtained already or may obtain following the initiation
of an investigation in the area of its competence. The EPPO shall also be deemed to
be a judicial authority for the purpose of receipt of information in accordance with
Article 21 of the Convention, in respect of offences within its competence as provided
for by Articles 22, 23 and 25 of Council Regulation (EU) 2017/1939. This declaration
is intended to supplement the previous declarations made by Germany in accordance
with Article 24 of the Convention.
With reference to this declaration made in accordance with Article 24 of the Convention,
Germany avails itself of the opportunity to interpret the legal effects of that declaration
as follows:
a) Where the Convention or its Protocols refer to the requesting Party or the requested
Party, this shall in case of requests issued by or addressed to the European Public
Prosecutor's Office be interpreted as referring to the EU Member State of the competent
European Delegated Prosecutor whose powers and functions are referred to in Article
13 of Council Regulation (EU) 2017/1939.
b) Where the Convention or its Protocols refer to the law of the requesting or the
requested Party, this shall in case of requests issued by or addressed to the European
Public Prosecutor's Office be interpreted as referring to Union law, in particular
Council Regulation (EU) 2017/1939, as well as to the national law of the EU Member
State of the competent European Delegated Prosecutor, to the extent applicable in
accordance with Article 5(3) of that Regulation.
c) Where the Convention or its Protocols provide for the possibility for a Party to
make declarations or reservations, all such declarations and reservations made by
Germany shall be deemed applicable in case of requests made by another Party to the
European Public Prosecutor's Office whenever a European Delegated Prosecutor located
in Germany is competent in accordance with Article 13(1) of Council Regulation (EU)
d) As a judicial requesting authority acting in accordance with Article 24 of the
Convention as amended by Article 6 of the Second Additional Protocol to the Convention,
the European Public Prosecutor's Office shall comply with any conditions or restrictions
on the use of information and evidence obtained, which may be imposed by the requested
Party based on the Convention and its Protocols.
e) Obligations imposed upon the requesting Party by Article 12 of the Convention shall
also be binding upon the judicial authorities of the EU Member State of the competent
European Delegated Prosecutor. The same applies in case of obligations of the requesting
Party under Article 11 of the Convention as amended by Article 3 of the Second Additional
Protocol and under Articles 13, 14 and 23 of the Second Additional Protocol in respect
of the EU Member State of the European Delegated Prosecutor competent in accordance
with Article 13(1) of Council Regulation (EU) 2017/1939.
In accordance with Article 15 of the Convention as amended by Article 4 of the Second
Additional Protocol to the Convention, Germany declares that requests to the European
Public Prosecutor's Office for mutual assistance as well as information laid by a
Contracting Party in accordance with Article 21 of the Convention shall be addressed
directly to the European Public Prosecutor's Office and that the declaration made
by Germany in accordance with Article 15.8.b and d of the Convention as amended by
Article 4 of the Second Additional Protocol to the Convention shall not apply in the
case of the European Public Prosecutor’s Office. Requests for mutual assistance shall
be sent either to the Central Office of the European Public Prosecutor's Office or
to the German European Delegated Prosecutor's Office(s) in Germany. The EPPO shall,
where appropriate, forward such request to the competent national authorities if the
EPPO either does not have or is not exercising its competence in a particular case.
In accordance with Article 15 of the Convention as amended by Article 4 of the Second
Additional Protocol to the Convention, Germany furthermore declares that applications
in accordance with Article 11 of the Convention as amended by Article 3 of the Second
Additional Protocol, and Articles 13 and 14 of the Second Additional Protocol as they
refer to the above mentioned Article 11, initiated by the German European Delegated
Prosecutors, shall be transmitted by the Federal Office of Justice.
In accordance with Article 33(2) of the Second Additional Protocol, Germany declares
that the European Public Prosecutor's Office may, where a joint investigation team
as referred to in Article 20 of that Protocol is intended to operate on the territory
of Germany, act in the capacity of “competent authority” in accordance with Article
20 of that Protocol only with the prior consent of the judicial authorities of Germany
and in accordance with Council Regulation (EU) 2017/1939 and the applicable national
In accordance with Article 18, paragraph 4, of the Second Additional Protocol, the
Republic of Estonia declares that for carrying out controlled deliveries in Estonia,
the competent authorities are the Tax and Customs Board, the Board of Border Guard,
the Central Criminal Police, the Security Police Board and the National Police Board.
In accordance with Article 33, paragraph 2, of the Second Additional Protocol, the
Republic of Estonia declares that it wholly avails itself of the right not to accept
Articles 17 and 19.
In accordance with Article 15, paragraph 8, sub-paragraph (a), of the Convention
(as reworded by Article 4 of the Second Additional Protocol), the Republic of Estonia
declares that a copy of the request for assistance addressed directly to its judicial
authorities shall be transmitted to the Ministry of Justice.
In accordance with Article 24 of the Convention (as reworded by Article 6 of the
Second Additional Protocol), the Republic of Estonia declares that for the purposes
of this Convention the judicial authorities for Estonia shall be the courts, the prosecutor's
office, the Ministry of Justice and investigation boards that on the basis of the
Criminal Procedure Code are competent to carry out pre-trial procedure: the National
Police Board, the police districts, the Security Police Board, the Central Criminal
Police, the Tax and Customs Board, the Estonian Board of Border Guard, the Estonian
Competition Board and the General Staff of the Defence Forces.
In accordance with Article 24 of the Convention as amended by Article 6 of the Second
Additional Protocol to the Convention, the Republic of Estonia, in its capacity as
a Member State of the European Union participating in the enhanced cooperation on
the establishment of the European Public Prosecutor’s Office, declares that the European
Public Prosecutor’s Office (“EPPO”), in the exercise of its competences, as provided
for by Articles 22, 23 and 25 of Council Regulation (EU) 2017/1939, shall be deemed
to be a judicial authority for the purpose of issuing requests for mutual assistance
in accordance with the Convention and its Protocols, as well as for the purpose of
providing, on request of another Contracting Party in accordance with the Convention
and its Protocols, information or evidence which the EPPO has obtained already or
may obtain following the initiation of an investigation in the area of its competence.
The EPPO shall also be deemed to be a judicial authority for the purpose of receipt
of information in accordance with Article 21 of the Convention, in respect of offences
within its competence as provided for by Articles 22, 23 and 25 of Council Regulation
(EU) 2017/1939. This declaration is intended to supplement the previous declarations
made by the Republic of Estonia, in accordance with Article 24 of the Convention.
With reference to this declaration made in accordance with Article 24 of the Convention,
the Republic of Estonia avails itself of the opportunity to interpret the legal effects
of that declaration as follows:
a) Where the Convention or its Protocols refer to the requesting Party or the requested
Party, this shall in case of requests issued by or addressed to the European Public
Prosecutor’s Office be interpreted as referring to the EU Member State of the competent
European Delegated Prosecutor whose powers and functions are referred to in Article
13 of Council Regulation (EU) 2017/1939.
b) Where the Convention or its Protocols refer to the law of the requesting or the
requested Party, this shall in case of requests issued by or addressed to the European
Public Prosecutor’s Office be interpreted as referring to Union law, in particular
Council Regulation (EU) 2017/1939, as well as to the national law of the EU Member
State of the competent European Delegated Prosecutor, to the extent applicable in
accordance with Article 5(3) of that Regulation.
c) Where the Convention or its Protocols provide for the possibility for a Party to
make declarations or reservations, all such declarations and reservations made by
the Republic of Estonia shall be deemed applicable in case of requests made by another
Party to the European Public Prosecutor’s Office whenever a European Delegated Prosecutor
located in the Republic of Estonia is competent in accordance with Article 13(1) of
Council Regulation (EU) 2017/1939.
d) As a judiciary requesting authority acting in accordance with Article 24 of the
Convention, as amended by Article 6 of the Second Additional Protocol to the Convention,
the European Public Prosecutor’s Office shall comply with any conditions or restrictions
on the use of information and evidence obtained, which may be imposed by the requested
Party based on the Convention and its Protocols.
e) Obligations imposed upon the requesting Party by Article 12 of the Convention shall
also be binding upon the judiciary authorities of the EU Member State of the competent
European Delegated Prosecutor. The same applies in case of obligations of the requesting
Party under Article 11 of the Convention, as amended by Article 3 of the Second Additional
Protocol and under Articles 13, 14 and 23 of the Second Additional Protocol, in respect
of the EU Member State of the European Delegated Prosecutor competent in accordance
with Article 13(1) of Council Regulation (EU) 2017/1939.
In accordance with Article 15 of the Convention, as amended by Article 4 of the Second
Additional Protocol to the Convention, the Republic of Estonia declares that requests
to the European Public Prosecutor’s Office for mutual assistance as well as information
laid by a Contracting Party in accordance with Article 21 of the Convention shall
be addressed directly to the European Public Prosecutor’s Office and the declaration
made in accordance with Article 15 of the Convention as amended by Article 4 of the
Second Additional Protocol to the Convention shall not apply in the case of the European
Public Prosecutor’s Office. Requests for mutual assistance shall be sent either to
the Central Office of the European Public Prosecutor’s Office or to the European Delegated
Prosecutor's Office(s) of that Member State. The EPPO shall, where appropriate, forward
such request to the competent national authorities if the EPPO either does not have
or is not exercising its competence in a particular case.
In accordance with Article 15 of the Convention, as amended by Article 4 of the Second
Additional Protocol to the Convention, the Republic of Estonia furthermore declares
that applications in accordance with Article 11 of the Convention, as amended by Article
3 of the Second Additional Protocol, and Articles 13 and 14 of the Second Additional
Protocol as they refer to the above-mentioned Article 11 initiated by one of the European
Delegated Prosecutors in that EU Member State, shall be transmitted by the Ministry
of Justice.
In accordance with Article 33(2) of the Second Additional Protocol, the Republic of
Estonia declares that the European Public Prosecutor’s Office may, where a joint investigation
team as referred to in Article 20 of that Protocol is intended to operate on the territory
of the Republic of Estonia, act in the capacity of “competent authority” in accordance
with Article 20 of that Protocol only after prior notification to the Attorney General
of the Republic and in accordance with Council Regulation (EU) 2017/1939 and the applicable
national law.
Pursuant to Article 13, paragraph 7, of the Protocol, the Republic of Finland declares
that before an agreement is reached under paragraph 1 of Article 13, the consent referred
to in paragraph 3 will be required if the person to be transferred is a national of
Finland or resides permanently in Finland, or if a person who is not a national of
Finland or does not reside permanently in Finland is to be transferred from Finland
to a State other than a Member State of the European Union, Iceland or Norway.
Pursuant to Article 33, paragraph 2, of the Protocol, the Republic of Finland declares
in respect of Article 16 that any summons documents concerning a person accused of
a crime and staying in the territory of Finland must be sent to the person at least
60 days before the date when the accused must appear before the court.
Pursuant to Article 33, paragraph 2, of the Protocol, the Republic of Finland declares
that it will not accept Article 17 of the Protocol.
Pursuant to Article 33, paragraph 2, of the Protocol, the Republic of Finland declares
that it will not accept Article 18 of the Protocol.
Pursuant to Article 33, paragraph 2, of the Protocol, the Republic of Finland declares
in respect of Article 19 that Finland can permit an officer of a foreign State to
act in the Finnish territory only if the competent Finnish authority has requested
assistance from the foreign State in question.
Pursuant to Article 4, paragraph 6, of the Protocol, the Republic of Finland declares
that it deems the Legal Register Centre to be the competent Finnish authority for
the purposes of paragraph 6 of Article 4.
Pursuant to Article 24 of the European Convention on Mutual Assistance in criminal
matters of 1959, as amended by Article 6 of the Protocol, the Republic of Finland
declares that it deems the following to be the Finnish judicial authorities for the
purpose of the Convention:
- the Ministry of Justice,
- the District Courts (käräjäoikeus/tingsrätt), the Courts of Appeal (hovioikreus/hovrätt)
and the Supreme Court (korkein oikeus/högsta domstolen),
- the public prosecutors,
- the police authorities, the customs authorities as well as the border guard officers
in their capacity of criminal investigation authorities under the Criminal Investigation
Act of 22 July 2011 (805/2011).
Pursuant to Article 19, paragraph 4, of the Protocol, the Republic of Finland declares
that, for the purposes of paragraph 2 of Article 19, it deems, in accordance with
Chapter 10, sections 31 and 35 of the Coercive Measures Act (806/2011), the chief
of the National Bureau of Investigation and the chief of the Security Intelligence
Service to be the competent Finnish authorities who may decide on compliance with
requests concerning covert investigations.
In accordance with Article 24 of the Convention as amended by Article 6 of the Second
Additional Protocol to the Convention, Finland, as a Member State of the European
Union participating in the enhanced cooperation on the establishment of the European
Public Prosecutor's Office, declares that the European Public Prosecutor's Office
("EPPO"), in the exercise of its competences, as provided for by Articles 22, 23 and
25 of Council Regulation (EU) 2017/1939, shall be deemed to be a judicial authority
for the purpose of issuing requests for mutual assistance in accordance with the Convention
and its Protocols, as well as for the purpose of providing, on request of another
Contracting Party in accordance with the Convention and its Protocols, information
or evidence which the EPPO has obtained already or may obtain following the initiation
of an investigation in the area of its competence. The EPPO shall also be deemed to
be a judicial authority for the purpose of receipt of information in accordance with
Article 21 of the Convention, in respect of offences within its competence as provided
for by Articles 22, 23 and 25 3 / 5 of Council Regulation (EU) 2017/1939. This declaration
is intended to supplement the previous declarations made by Finland in accordance
with Article 24 of the Convention as amended by Article 6 of the Second Additional
Protocol to the Convention.
With reference to this declaration made in accordance with Article 24 of the Convention
as amended by Article 6 of the Second Additional Protocol to the Convention, Finland
avails itself of the opportunity to interpret the legal effects of that declaration
as follows:
a) Where the Convention or its Protocols refer to the requesting Party or the requested
Party, this shall in case of requests issued by or addressed to the European Public
Prosecutor's Office be interpreted as referring to the EU Member State of the competent
European Delegated Prosecutor whose powers and functions are referred to in Article
13 of Council Regulation (EU) 2017/1939.
b) Where the Convention or its Protocols refer to the law of the requesting or the
requested Party, this shall in case of requests issued by or addressed to the European
Public Prosecutor's Office be interpreted as referring to Union law, in particular
Council Regulation (EU) 2017/1939, as well as to the national law of the EU Member
State of the competent European Delegated Prosecutor, to the extent applicable in
accordance with Article 5(3) of that Regulation.
c) Where the Convention or its Protocols provide for the possibility for a Party to
make declarations or reservations, all such declarations and reservations made by
Finland shall be deemed applicable in case of requests made by another Party to the
European Public Prosecutor's Office whenever a European Delegated Prosecutor located
in Finland is competent in accordance with Article 13(1) of Council Regulation (EU)
d) As a judicial requesting authority acting in accordance with Article 24 of the
Convention as amended by Article 6 of the Second Additional Protocol to the Convention,
the European Public Prosecutor's Office shall comply with any conditions or restrictions
on the use of information and evidence obtained, which may be imposed by the requested
Party based on the Convention and its Protocols.
e) Obligations imposed upon the requesting Party by Article 12 of the Convention shall
also be binding upon the judicial authorities of the EU Member State of the competent
European Delegated Prosecutor. The same applies in case of obligations of the requesting
Party under Article 11 of the Convention as amended by Article 3 of the Second Additional
Protocol and under Articles 13, 14 and 23 of the Second Additional Protocol in respect
of the EU Member State of the European Delegated Prosecutor competent in accordance
with Article 13(1) of Council Regulation (EU) 2017/1939.
In accordance with Article 15 of the Convention as amended by Article 4 of the Second
Additional Protocol to the Convention, Finland declares that requests to the European
Public Prosecutor's Office for mutual assistance as well as information laid by a
Contracting Party in accordance with Article 21 of the Convention shall be addressed
directly to the European Public Prosecutor's Office. Requests for mutual assistance
shall be sent either to the Central Office of the European Public Prosecutor's Office
or to the European Delegated Prosecutor's Office(s) of that Member State. The EPPO
shall, where appropriate, forward such request to the competent national authorities
if the EPPO either does not have or is not exercising its competence in a particular
In accordance with Article 15 of the Convention as amended by Article 4 of the Second
Additional Protocol to the Convention, Finland furthermore declares that applications
in accordance with Article 11 of the Convention as amended by Article 3 of the Second
Additional Protocol, and Articles 13 and 14 of the Second Additional Protocol as they
refer to the above mentioned Article 11, initiated by one of the European Delegated
Prosecutors in that EU Member State, shall be transmitted by the Ministry of Justice.
In accordance with Article 33(2) of the Second Additional Protocol, Finland declares
that the European Public Prosecutor's Office may, where a joint investigation team
as referred to in Article 20 of that Protocol is intended to operate on the territory
of Finland, act in the capacity of competent authority in accordance with Article
20 of that Protocol only with the prior consent of the judicial authorities of Finland
and in accordance with Council Regulation (EU) 2017/1939 and the applicable national
In accordance with Article 33, paragraph 2, of the Second Additional Protocol France
declares that it will not apply paragraph 2 of Article 17 of the said Protocol.
In accordance with Article 15, paragraph 8(d), of the Convention, France declares
that the following types of request shall be addressed to the Ministry of Justice,
Directorate of Criminal Affairs and Pardons:
- requests for mutual assistance relating to the procedures mentioned in Article 1,
paragraph 3, of the
Convention; and
- requests for mutual assistance from a competent authority of the requesting State
other than a judicial
In accordance with Article 15, paragraph 8(d), of the Convention, France declares
that requests for mutual assistance requiring co-ordinated enforcement in several
member States of the European Union may also, where requests addressed to France are
concerned, be forwarded through the intermediary of the French national member of
the Eurojust judicial co-operation unit.
In accordance with Article 9, paragraph 9, of the Second Additional Protocol, France
declares that it will not apply the provisions of this article to hearings of prosecuted
persons during appearances before the trial court.
In accordance with Article 24 of the Convention, France declares that the following
authorities shall be
considered as French judicial authorities for the purposes of this Convention and
its additional protocols:
- investigating courts,
- trial courts,
- courts responsible for the execution of sentences,
- members of the public prosecutor's offices operating with these courts.
In accordance with Article 15, paragraph 6, of the Convention, France declares that
requests for copies of convictions and measures as set out in Article 4 of the Second
Additional Protocol to the Convention can be sent directly to the courts which issued
the decisions in question.
In accordance with Article 15, paragraph 9, of the Convention, France declares that
it will accept requests for mutual judicial assistance or any other communication
effected under this Convention through any channels which permit access to a written
record under conditions enabling it to verify its authenticity.
In accordance with Article 17, paragraph 4, of the Second Additional Protocol, France
declares that it
designates the following officers and authorities for the purposes of paragraph 1:
- as officers empowered to conduct cross-border observations: criminal police officers
of the national
police and of the national gendarmerie, as well as, under the conditions set out in
the appropriate
bilateral agreements mentioned in Article 17 paragraph 5, with respect to their powers
regarding illicit
trafficking in narcotic drugs and other psychotropic substances, trafficking in weapons
and explosives
and the illicit transport of toxic and hazardous waste, customs officers;
- as an authority empowered to authorise the conducting of cross-border observations
in the national
territory: the Directorate of Criminal Affairs and Pardons;
- as an authority empowered to transmit the authorisation to conduct cross-border
observations in the
national territory: the Directorate General of Judicial Police.
France declares that the competent authority for the purposes of Article 18 of the
Second Additional Protocol is the State Prosecutor with the competent Regional Court
(Tribunal de Grande Instance), or failing that, the State Prosecutor with the Paris
Regional Court.
France declares that the competent authorities for the purposes of Article 19, paragraph
2, of the Second Additional Protocol are the State Prosecutor with the Paris Regional
Court or the investigating judge with the same Court, proceeding in accordance with
the provisions of Article 694-7 of the Code of Criminal Procedure.
In accordance with Article 32 of the Second Additional Protocol, France declares that
this Protocol is
applicable to the European and overseas departments of the French Republic.
In accordance with Article 25 of the European Convention on Mutual Assistance in Criminal
Matters, ratified by France on 23 May 1967, and in relation with its two additional
protocols, ratified by France, respectively, on 1 February 1991 (ETS No. 99) and on
6 February 2012 (ETS No. 182), France declares what follows:
In replacement of the declarations made on 23 May 1967, 1st February 1991 and 6 February
2012, the Government of the French Republic declares that, with regards to France,
the Convention and its first and second additional Protocols apply to the entire territory
of the Republic.
France withdraws its declaration to Article 9 of the Second Additional Protocol to the European Convention on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters, contained in the instrument of ratification deposited on 6 February 2012.
In accordance with Article 24 of the Convention as amended by Article 6 of the Second
Additional Protocol to the Convention), France, as a Member State of the European
Union participating in the enhanced cooperation on the establishment of the European
Public Prosecutor's Office, declares that the European Public Prosecutor's Office
("EPPO"), in the exercise of its competences, as provided for by Articles 22, 23 and
25 of Council Regulation (EU) 2017/1939, shall be deemed to be a judicial authority
for the purpose of issuing requests for mutual assistance in accordance with the Convention
and its Protocols, as well as for the purpose of providing, on request of another
Contracting Party in accordance with the Convention and its Protocols, information
or evidence which the EPPO has obtained already or may obtain following the initiation
of an investigation in the area of its competence. The EPPO shall also be deemed to
be a judicial authority for the purpose of receipt of information in accordance with
Article 21 of the Convention, in respect of offences within its competence as provided
for by Articles 22, 23 and 25 of Council Regulation (EU) 2017/1939. This declaration
is intended to supplement the previous declaration made by France in accordance with
Article 24 of the Convention.
With reference to this declaration made in accordance with Article 24 of the Convention,
France avails itself of the opportunity to interpret the legal effects of that declaration
as follows:
a) Where the Convention or its Protocols refer to the requesting Party or the requested
Party, this shall in case of requests issued by or addressed to the European Public
Prosecutor's Office be interpreted as referring to the EU Member State of the competent
European Delegated Prosecutor whose powers and functions are referred to in Article
13 of Council Regulation (EU) 2017/1939.
b) Where the Convention or its Protocols refer to the law of the requesting or the
requested Party, this shall in case of requests issued by or addressed to the European
Public Prosecutor's Office be interpreted as referring to Union law, in particular
Council Regulation (EU) 2017/1939, as well as to the national law of the EU Member
State of the competent European Delegated Prosecutor, to the extent applicable in
accordance with Article 5(3) of that Regulation.
c) Where the Convention or its Protocols provide for the possibility for a Party to
make declarations or reservations, all such declarations and reservations made by
France shall be deemed applicable in case of requests made by another Party to the
European Public Prosecutor's Office whenever a European Delegated Prosecutor located
in France is competent in accordance with Article 13(1) of Council Regulation (EU)
d) As a judicial requesting authority acting in accordance with Article 24 of the
Convention as amended by Article 6 of the Second Additional Protocol to the Convention,
the European Public Prosecutor's Office shall comply with any conditions or restrictions
on the use of information and evidence obtained, which may be imposed by the requested
Party based on the Convention and its Protocols.
e) Obligations imposed upon the requesting Party by Article 12 of the Convention shall
also be binding upon the judicial authorities of the EU Member State of the competent
European Delegated Prosecutor. The same applies in case of obligations of the requesting
Party under Article 11 of the Convention as amended by Article 3 of the Second Additional
Protocol and under Articles 13, 14 and 23 of the Second Additional Protocol in respect
of the EU Member State of the European Delegated Prosecutor competent in accordance
with Article 13(1) of Council Regulation (EU) 2017/1939.
In accordance with Article 15 of the Convention as amended by Article 4 of the Second
Additional Protocol to the Convention, France declares that requests to the European
Public Prosecutor's Office for mutual assistance as well as information laid by a
Contracting Party in accordance with Article 21 of the Convention shall be addressed
directly to the European Public Prosecutor's Office and the declaration made in accordance
with Article 15 of the Convention as amended by Article 4 of the Second Additional
Protocol to the Convention shall not apply in the case of the European Public Prosecutor’s
Office. Requests for mutual assistance shall be sent either to the Central Office
of the European Public Prosecutor's Office or to the European Delegated Prosecutor's
Office(s) of that Member State. The EPPO shall, where appropriate, forward such request
to the competent national authorities if the EPPO either does not have or is not exercising
its competence in a particular case.
In accordance with Article 15 of the Convention as amended by Article 4 of the Second
Additional Protocol to the Convention, France furthermore declares that applications
in accordance with Article 11 of the Convention as amended by Article 3 of the Second
Additional Protocol, and Articles 13 and 14 of the Second Additional Protocol as they
refer to the above mentioned Article 11, initiated by one of the European Delegated
Prosecutors in that EU Member State, shall be transmitted by the Ministry of Justice.
In accordance with Article 33(2) of the Second Additional Protocol, France declares
that the European Public Prosecutor's Office may, where a joint investigation team
as referred to in Article 20 of that Protocol is intended to operate on the territory
of France, act in the capacity of “competent authority” in accordance with Article
20 of that Protocol only with the prior consent of the judicial authorities of the
French Republic and in accordance with Council Regulation (EU) 2017/1939 and the applicable
national law.
The Government of the French Republic specifies that these declarations are only applicable
from the date set by the European Commission in application of Article 120 (2), subparagraph
3, of Council Regulation (EU) 2017/1939 of 12 October 2017 implementing enhanced cooperation
concerning the creation of the European Public Prosecutor's Office.
In accordance with Article 15, paragraph 6, of the European Convention on Mutual Assistance
in Criminal Matters, as replaced by Article 4 of the Second Additional Protocol, Georgia
declares that requests for copies of convictions and measures as referred to in Article
4 of the Additional Protocol to the Convention shall be made directly to the Ministry
of Internal Affairs of Georgia.
In accordance with Article 15, paragraph 8(d), of the European Convention on Mutual
Assistance in Criminal Matters, as replaced by Article 4 of the Second Additional
Protocol, Georgia declares that all requests submitted concerning the mutual assistance
shall be addressed to the Ministry of Justice of Georgia, except for certain types
of requests referred to below:
a) Spontaneous information of an operative-investigation nature shall be addressed
to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia;
b) Requests for copies of convictions and measures as referred to in Article 4 of
the Additional Protocol to the Convention shall be addressed to the competent authority
defined by Georgia for the purposes of Article 4, paragraph 6, of the Second Additional
c) Requests for mutual assistance related to cross-border observations, controlled
delivery and covert investigations shall be addressed to the competent authority designated
by Georgia for the purposes of Articles 17, 18 and 19 of the Second Additional Protocol.
In accordance with Article 15, paragraph 9, of the European Convention on Mutual Assistance
in Criminal Matters, as replaced by Article 4 of the Second Additional Protocol, Georgia
declares that it will accept and execute requests received by electronic or other
means of telecommunication, if the request is urgent and its authenticity is undisputed,
provided the requesting authority subsequently submits the original of the request
within the period specified by the requested authority.
In accordance with Article 24 of the European Convention on Mutual Assistance in Criminal
Matters, as replaced by Article 6 of the Second Additional Protocol, Georgia declares
that for the purposes of the Convention and the Second Additional Protocol, the following
authorities shall be considered as judicial authorities:
a) Prosecutors' Office in Georgia;
b) Common courts of Georgia.
In accordance with Article 11, paragraph 4, of the Second Additional Protocol, Georgia
declares that it reserves the right not to be bound by the conditions imposed by the
providing Party under paragraph 2 of Article 11, unless it receives prior notice of
the nature of the information to be provided and agrees to its transmission.
In accordance with Article 13, paragraph 7 of the Second Additional Protocol, Georgia
declares that the consent as mentioned in Article 13, paragraph 3, will be required
prior to the agreement on temporary transfer of a person held in custody pursuant
to Article 13, paragraph 1.
In accordance with Article 33, paragraph 2, of the Second Additional Protocol, Georgia
declares that it avails itself of the right not to accept paragraph 2 of Article 17
of the Second Additional Protocol.
In accordance with Article 17, paragraph 4, of the Second Additional Protocol, Georgia
declares that it designates the following authority for the purposes of paragraph
1 of Article 17 of the Second additional Protocol:
Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia
Central Criminal Police Department
Address: General Gia Gulua St.10
0114 Tbilisi, Georgia
Phone: +995 32 241 19 84; +995 32 241 87 76
Fax: +995 32 241 87 76
In accordance with Article 18, paragraph 4, of the Second Additional Protocol, Georgia
declares that the authority competent for the purposes of Article 18 of the Second
Additional Protocol shall be:
Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia
Central Criminal Police Department
Address: General Gia Gulua St.10
0114 Tbilisi, Georgia
Phone: +995 32 241 19 84; +995 32 241 87 76
Fax: +995 32 241 87 76
In accordance with Article 19, paragraph 4, of the Second Additional Protocol, Georgia
declares that the authority competent for the purposes of paragraph 2 of Article 19
of the Second Additional Protocol shall be:
Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia
Central Criminal Police Department
Address: General Gia Gulua St.10
0114 Tbilisi, Georgia
Phone: +995 32 241 19 84; +995 32 241 87 76
Fax: +995 32 241 87 76
In accordance with Article 26, paragraph 5, of the Second Additional Protocol, Georgia
declares that the personal data transmitted to another Party for the purposes of paragraph
1 of Article 26 of the Second Additional Protocol, shall not be used by it without
the previous consent of Georgia.
In accordance with Article 33, paragraph 2, of the Second Additional Protocol, Hungary
reserves the right to exclude the application of Article 16 of the Second Additional
Protocol in its entirety.
In accordance with Article 15, paragraph 8.d of the Convention, Hungary reserves the
right that in case of infringements of the rules of law, the Prosecutor General’s
Office accepts and submits requests as the appointed central authority in Hungary.
In accordance with Article 13, paragraph 7, of the Second Additional Protocol, Hungary
declares that before an agreement is reached under Article 13, paragraph 1, consent
from the person concerned referred to in Article 13, paragraph 3, will be required
in each case.
In accordance with Article 17, paragraph 4, of the Second Additional Protocol, Hungary
declares that in applying Article 17, the appointed competent authority according
to paragraphs 1 and 2 is the International Law Enforcement Cooperation Centre.
In accordance with Article 18, paragraph 4, of the Second Additional Protocol, Hungary
declares that in applying Article 18, the appointed competent authority is the County
Chief Prosecutor’s Office which is territorially competent with respect to the execution
of the controlled delivery.
In accordance with Article 19, paragraph 4, of the Second Additional Protocol, Hungary
declares that in applying Article 19, the appointed competent authority is the territorially
competent County Chief Prosecutor’s Office.
In accordance with Article 26, paragraph 5, of the Second Additional Protocol, Hungary
declares that in case of proceedings, where the transmission or use of personal data
could be refused or limited in accordance with the provisions of the Convention or
one of its protocols, personal data transmitted to another party may only be used
for the purposes mentioned in Article 26, paragraph 1, with its previous consent.
In accordance with Article 33, paragraph 2, of the Second Additional Protocol, the
Government of Ireland declares that documents to be served by post on behalf of another
State Party must be sent via the Central Authority.
In accordance with Article 33, paragraph 2, of the Second Additional Protocol, the
Government of Ireland declares that it does not accept Article 17 (cross-border observations).
In accordance with Article 33, paragraph 2, of the Second Additional Protocol, the
Government of Ireland declares that it does not accept Article 19 (covert investigations).
In accordance with Article 15, paragraph 8, of the Convention (as substituted by Article
4 of the Second
Additional Protocol), the Government of Ireland declares that all incoming requests
shall be sent to the Minister for Justice and Equality as the Central Authority:
Central Authority for Mutual Assistance
Department of Justice and Equality
51 St Stephen's Green
Dublin 2
Fax +353 1 408 6117
In accordance with Article 13, paragraph 7, of the Second Additional Protocol, the
Government of Ireland declares that it will always require the consent of the detained
person before any transfer may take place.
In accordance with Article 18, paragraph 4, of the Second Additional Protocol, the
Government of Ireland declares that the competent authorities for the purpose of this
Article (controlled deliveries) are:
- for criminal offences, other than revenue offences:
Garda Commissioner
Garda Headquarters
Phoenix Park
Dublin 8
- for revenue offences:
Revenue Commissioners
Dublin Castle
Dublin 2
In accordance with Article 4, paragraph 8, of the Second Additional Protocol, the
Government of the State of Israel declares that all requests and other communications
to it, as mentioned in Article 4, paragraphs 1 to 6, of the Second Additional Protocol,
should be sent to the Ministry of Justice, Directorate of Courts, Department of Legal
Assistance to Foreign Countries, P.O. Box 34142-91340, Jerusalem.
In accordance with Article 4, paragraph 9, of the Second Additional Protocol (amending
Article 15 of the European Convention on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters), the
Government of the State of Israel declares that at the present time it will accept
requests for legal assistance by means of electronic telecommunication in circumstances
of extreme urgency only. Acceptance of a request by electronic telecommunication is
on condition that the reasons for such urgency are set forth in the request and that
the requesting Party transmits, at the same time, the original request in the usual
manner. Israel will not accept requests to serve procedural documents and judicial
decisions where such requests are transmitted by electronic telecommunication, as
this form of transmittal is, in any case, not suitable for such requests.
At the present time, urgent requests for legal assistance may be transmitted by fax
transmission addressed to the Director of the Department of International Affairs
of the Office of the State Attorney, Ministry of Justice at fax number (972-2-6287-668).
All such requests should be headed "Urgent Request for Legal Assistance under the
Second Additional Protocol".
In accordance with Article 6 of the Second Additional Protocol, the Government of
the State of Israel declares that for the purposes of the Convention and Protocol,
the following authorities shall be considered Judicial Authorities:
- any competent court or tribunal
- the Attorney General of the State of Israel
- the State Attorney of the State of Israel
- the Director of the Department of International Affairs of the Ministry of Justice
- the Deputy Director of the Department of International Affairs of the Ministry of
In accordance with Article 11, paragraph 4, of the Second Additional Protocol, the
Government of the State of Israel reserves the right not to be bound by the conditions
imposed by the providing Party under paragraph 2 of Article 11, unless it receives
prior notice of the nature of the information to be provided and agrees to the transmission.
In accordance with Article 13, paragraph 7, of the Second Additional Protocol, the
Government of the State of Israel declares that the consent as mentioned in Article
13, paragraph 3, will be required prior to an agreement on temporary transfer of a
person held in custody according to Article 13, paragraph 1.
In accordance with Article 26, paragraph 5, of the Second Additional Protocol, the
Government of the State of Israel declares that it requires that personal data transmitted
to another Party will not be used by that Party for the purposes of paragraph 1 of
Article 26 unless with its previous consent.
In accordance with Article 33, paragraph 2, of the Second Additional Protocol, the
Government of the State of Israel declares that any document and judicial decision
which is of criminal law nature should be forwarded to any person only through the
Ministry of Justice of the State of Israel, as set forth in Israel's declaration to
Article 4 of the Second Additional Protocol.
In accordance with Article 33, paragraph 2, of the Second Additional Protocol, the
Government of the State of Israel declares that it does not accept Article 17.
In accordance with Article 18, paragraph 4, of the Second Additional Protocol, the
Government of the State of Israel declares that the Israeli authorities that are competent
for the purpose of Article 18 are : the Director of the Department of International
Affairs of the Ministry of Justice; the Inspector General of the Israeli Police; the
Head of the Intelligence Division in the Investigation and Intelligence Department
in the Israeli Police; the Head of the Special Operations Division in the Intelligence
Division in the Investigation and Intelligence Department; the Director of the National
Center for the Fight against Drugs and Money Laundering in the Israeli Customs Administration
and the Senior Deputy Director General (Investigations) in the Israeli Customs Administration.
In accordance with Article 24 of the Convention, as replaced by Article 6 of the Second
Additional Protocol, the Government of the Italian Republic declares that the following
shall be considered as judicial Authorities for the purposes of the Convention and
its Protocols:
- Corte Costituzionale (Constitutional Court) pursuant to article 90, second paragraph,
and 134 of the Constitution;
- Comitato parlamentare istituito dall'articolo 12 della legge costituzionale 11 marzo
1953, n. 1 (Parliamentary committee established by article 12 of constitutional law
n. 1 of 11 March 1953), when the Constitutional Court has criminal jurisdiction;
- Suprema Corte di cassazione (Supreme Court of Cassation);
- Corti d'appello (Courts of appeal);
- Corti d'assise d'appello (Assizes courts of appeal);
- Tribunali (Courts of first instance);
- Giudici di pace (Justices of the peace);
- Procura generale presso la Suprema Corte di Cassazione (Public prosecutor at the
Supreme Court of Cassation);
- Procure generali della Repubblica (Public prosecutors at the courts of appeal);
- Procure della Repubblica (Public prosecutors at the courts of first instance);
- Tribunali per i minorenni (Juvenile courts of first instance);
- Procure della Repubblica presso i tribunali per i minorenni (Public prosecutors
at the juvenile courts of first instance);
- Magistrati di sorveglianza (Supervisory magistrates);
- Tribunali di sorveglianza (Supervisory courts).
Pursuant to article 17 of the Second Additional Protocol, the Government of the Italian
Republic declares that:
a. the request for assistance referred to in article 17, paragraph 1, and the notification
referred to in article 17, paragraph 2, letter a., must be sent to the Ministry of
b. the officers that may be empowered to conduct cross-border observations are judiciary
police officers and agents determined in accordance with applicable national legislation.
In accordance with Article 24 of the Convention as amended by Article 6 of the Second
Additional Protocol to the Convention the Italian Republic, as a Member State of the
European Union participating in the enhanced cooperation on the establishment of the
European Public Prosecutor’s Office, declares that the European Public Prosecutor’s
Office (“EPPO”), in the exercise of its competences, as provided for by Articles 22,
23 and 25 of Council Regulation (EU) 2017/1939, shall be deemed to be a judicial authority
for the purpose of issuing requests for mutual assistance in accordance with the Convention
and its protocols as well as for the purpose of providing, on request of another Contracting
Party in accordance with the Convention and its protocols, information or evidence
which the EPPO has obtained already or may obtain following the initiation of an investigation
in the area of its competence. The EPPO shall also be deemed to be a judicial authority
for the purpose of receipt of information in accordance with Article 21 of the Convention
in respect of offences within its competence as provided for by Articles 22, 23 and
25 of Council Regulation (EU) 2017/1939. This declaration is intended to supplement
the previous declarations made by the Italian Republic in accordance with Article
24 of the Convention.
With reference to this declaration made in accordance with Article 24 of the Convention,
the Italian Republic avails itself of the opportunity to interpret the legal effects
of that declaration as follows:
a) where the Convention or its Protocols refer to the requesting Party or the requested
Party, this shall in case of requests issued by or addressed to the European Public
Prosecutor's Office be interpreted as referring to the EU Member State of the competent
European Delegated Prosecutor whose powers and functions are referred to in Article
13 of Council Regulation (EU) 2017/1939.
b) where the Convention or its Protocols refer to the law of the requesting or the
requested Party, this shall in case of requests issued by or addressed to the European
Public Prosecutor's Office be interpreted as referring to Union law, in particular
Council Regulation (EU) 2017/1939, as well as to the national law of the EU Member
State of the competent European Delegated Prosecutor, to the extent applicable in
accordance with Article 5(3) of that Regulation.
c) where the Convention or its Protocols provide for the possibility for a Party to
make declarations or reservations, all such declarations and reservations made by
the Italian Republic shall be deemed applicable in case of requests made by another
Party to the European Public Prosecutor's Office whenever a European Delegated Prosecutor
located in the Italian Republic is competent in accordance with Article 13(1) of Council
Regulation (EU) 2017/1939.
d) as a judicial requesting authority acting in accordance with Article 24 of the
Convention as amended by Article 6 of the Second Additional Protocol to the Convention,
the European Public Prosecutor's Office shall comply with any conditions or restrictions
on the use of information and evidence obtained, which may be imposed by the requested
Party based on the Convention and its Protocols.
e) obligations imposed upon the requesting Party by Article 12 of the Convention shall
also be binding upon the judicial authorities of the EU Member State of the competent
European Delegated Prosecutor. The same applies in case of obligations of the requesting
Party under Article 11 of the Convention as amended by Article 3 of the Second Additional
Protocol and under Articles 13, 14 and 23 of the Second Additional Protocol in respect
of the EU Member State of the European Delegated Prosecutor competent in accordance
with Article 13(1) of Council Regulation (EU) 2017/1939.
In accordance with Article 15 of the Convention as amended by Article 4 of the Second
Additional Protocol to the Convention, the Italian Republic declares that requests
to the European Public Prosecutor's Office for mutual assistance as well as information
laid by a Contracting Party in accordance with Article 21 of the Convention shall
be addressed directly to the European Public Prosecutor's Office and the declaration
made in accordance with Article 15 of the Convention as amended by Article 4 of the
Second Additional Protocol to the Convention shall not apply in the case of the European
Public Prosecutor’s Office. Requests for mutual assistance shall be sent either to
the Central Office of the European Public Prosecutor's Office or to the European Delegated
Prosecutor's Office(s) of that Member State. The EPPO shall, where appropriate, forward
such request to the competent national authorities if the EPPO either does not have
or is not exercising its competence in a particular case.
In accordance with Article 15 of the Convention as amended by Article 4 of the Second
Additional Protocol to the Convention, the Italian Republic furthermore declares that
applications in accordance with Article 11 of the Convention as amended by Article
3 of the Second Additional Protocol, and Articles 13 and 14 of the Second Additional
Protocol as they refer to the above mentioned Article 11, initiated by one of the
European Delegated Prosecutors in that EU Member State, shall be transmitted by the
Ministry of Justice of the said State.
In accordance with Article 33(2) of the Second Additional Protocol, the Italian Republic
declares that the European Public Prosecutor's Office may, where a joint investigation
team as referred to in Article 20 of that Protocol is intended to operate on the territory
of the Italian Republic, act in the capacity of “competent authority” in accordance
with Article 20 of that Protocol and in accordance with Council Regulation (EU) 2017/1939
and the applicable national law.
Concerning Article 4, paragraph 8, of the Second Additionnal Protocol, the Republic
of Croatia declares that all the requests and other communications referred to in
paragraphs 1 to 6 of Article 4 of the Second Additional Protocol should be forwarded
to the Ministry of Justice.
Concerning Article 9, paragraph 9, of the Second Additional Protocol, the Republic
of Croatia declares that it will not apply the provisions of this article to hearings
by video conference involving the accused person or the suspect.
Concerning Article 13, paragraph 7, of the Second Additional Protocol, the Republic
of Croatia declares that the consent referred to in Article 13, paragraph 3, will
be required before an agreement on a temporary transfer of a person held in custody
is reached under Article 13, paragraph 1.
In accordance with Article 26, paragraph 5, of the Second Additional Protocol, the
Republic of Croatia declares that it requires that personal data transmitted to another
Party not be used by that Party for the purposes referred to in paragraph 1 of Article
26, without its previous consent.
In accordance with Article 33, paragraph 2, of the Second Additional Protocol, the
Republic of Croatia declares that it does not accept Articles 17, 18 and 19.
Concerning Article 6 of the Second Additional Protocol, the Republic of Croatia declares
that for the purposes of the Convention and the Protocol, courts and state attorneys,
shall be deemed judicial authorities.
In accordance with Article 11, paragraph 4, of the Second Additional Protocol, the
Republic of Latvia declares that it reserves the right not to be bound by the conditions
imposed by the providing Party under paragraph 2 of said Article 11.
In accordance with Article 13, paragraph 7, of the Second Additional Protocol, the
Republic of Latvia declares that before an agreement is reached under paragraph 1
of said Article 13, the consent referred to in paragraph 3 of said Article 13 will
be required.
In accordance with paragraph 5 of Article 26 of the Second Additional Protocol, the
Republic of Latvia requires that personal data transmitted to another Party is not
used by the receiving Party for the purposes of paragraph 1 of Article 26 unless with
its previous consent.
In accordance with Article 33, paragraph 2, of the Second Additional Protocol, the
Republic of Latvia declares that it does not accept Article 17 of the said Protocol.
In accordance with Article 19 of the Second Additional Protocol, the Republic of Latvia
declares that:
- the competent authority during pre-trial investigations is:
Prosecutor - General Office
Kalpaka Boulevard 6
Riga, LV-1801
Phone: +371 704 4400
Fax: +371 704 4449
- the competent authority prior to prosecution is:
Ministry of Interior
Ciekurkalna 1st line 1, k-2
Riga, LV-1026
Phone: +371 67219263
Fax: +371 67829686
Website :
In accordance with Article 18 of the Second Additional Protocol, the Republic of Latvia
declares that the competent authority is:
Ministry of Interior
Ciekurkalna 1st line 1, k-2
Riga, LV-1026
Phone: +371 67219263
Fax: +371 67829686
Website :
In accordance with Article 24 of the European Convention […], done at Strasbourg,
on 20 April 1959, as amended by Article 6 of the Second Additional Protocol to the
European Convention[…], done at Strasbourg on 8 November 2001, the Republic of Latvia,
as a Member State of the European Union participating in the enhanced cooperation
on the establishment of the European Public Prosecutor’s Office, declares that the
European Public Prosecutor’s Office (“EPPO”), in the exercise of its competences,
as provided for by Articles 22, 23 and 25 of Council Regulation (EU) 2017/1939, shall
be deemed to be judicial authority for the purpose of issuing requests for mutual
assistance in accordance with the Convention and its protocols as well as for the
purpose of providing, on request of another Contracting Party in accordance with the
Convention and its protocols, information or evidence which the EPPO has obtained
already or may obtain following the initiation of an investigation in the area of
its competence. The EPPO shall also be deemed to be the judicial authority for the
purpose of receipt of information in accordance with Articles 22, 23 and 25 of the
Council Regulation (EU) 2017/1939. This declaration is intended to supplement the
previous declarations made by the Republic of Latvia in accordance with Article 24
of the Convention.
With reference to this declaration made in accordance with Article 24 of the Convention,
the Republic of Latvia avails itself of the opportunity to interpret the legal effects
of that declaration as follows:
a) Where the Convention or its protocols refer to the requesting Party or the requested
Party, this shall in case of requests issued by or addressed to the European Public
Prosecutor’s Office be interpreted as referring to the EU Member Stale of the competent
European Delegated Prosecutor whose powers and functions are referred to in Article
13 of Council Regulation (EU) 2017/1939.
b) Where the Convention or its protocols refer to the law of the requesting or the
requested Party, this shall in case of requests issued by or addressed to the European
Public Prosecutor's Office be interpreted as referring to Union law, in particular
Council Regulation (EU) 2017/1939, as well as to the national law of the EU Member
State of the competent European Delegated Prosecutor, to the extent applicable in
accordance with Article 5(3) of Regulation (EU) 2017/1939.
c) Where the Convention or its protocols provide for the possibility for a Party to
make declarations or reservations, all such declarations and reservations made by
the Republic of Latvia shall be deemed applicable in case of requests made by another
Party to the European Public Prosecutor’s Office whenever a European Delegated Prosecutor
located in the Republic of Latvia is competent in accordance with Article 13(1) of
Council Regulation (EU) 2017/1939.
d) As a judicial requesting authority acting in accordance with Article 24 of the
Convention as amended by Article 6 of the Second Additional Protocol to the Convention,
the European Public Prosecutor’s Office shall comply with any conditions or restrictions
on the use of information and evidence obtained, which may be imposed by the requested
Party based on the Convention and its protocols.
e) Obligations imposed upon the requesting Party by Article 12 of the Convention shall
also be binding upon the judicial authorities of the EU Member State of the competent
European Delegated Prosecutor. The same applies in case of obligations of the requesting
Party under Article 11 of the Convention in respect of the EU Member State of the
European Delegated Prosecutor competent in accordance with Article 13(1) of Council
Regulation (EU) 2017/1939.
In accordance with Article 15 of the European Convention […], done at Strasbourg on
20 April 1959, as amended by Article 4 of the Second Additional Protocol to the European
Convention on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters, done at Strasbourg on 8 November
2001, the Republic of Latvia declares that requests to the European Public Prosecutor's
Office for mutual assistance as well as information laid by a Contracting Party in
accordance with Article 21 of the Convention shall be addressed directly to the European
Public Prosecutor’s Office (“EPPO”) and the declaration made in accordance with Article
15 (6) of the Convention shall not apply in the case of the European Public Prosecutor’s
Office. Requests for mutual assistance shall be sent either to the Central Office
of the European Public Prosecutor’s Office or to the European Delegated Prosecutor’s
Office(s) of that Member State. The EPPO shall, where appropriate, forward such request
to the competent national authorities if the EPPO either does not have or is not exercising
its competence in a particular case.
In accordance with Article 15, paragraph 6, of the European Convention […], done at
Strasbourg on 20 April 1959, as amended by Article 4 of the Second Additional Protocol
to the European Convention [..], done at Strasbourg on 8 November 2001, the Republic
of Latvia declares that requests for assistance shall be sent through:
State Police of the Republic of Latvia – during pre-trial criminal proceedings until
commencement of criminal prosecution
General Prosecutors Office – during pre-trial criminal proceedings
The Ministry of Justice – during the trial
The Principality of Liechtenstein declares that it will deem as the Liechtenstein
administrative authorities for the purposes of Article 1, paragraph 3, of the European
Convention on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters the Government and its subordinate
offices, staff units as well as the Financial Market Authority, which under Liechtenstein
law can investigate offences and are empowered, once the investigation is concluded,
to ask for the opening of judicial proceedings that may result in a conviction.
The Principality of Liechtenstein declares in accordance with Article 6 of the Second
Additional Protocol to the European Convention on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters
that the Courts of law and the Office of the Public Prosecutor shall be regarded as
Liechtenstein judicial authorities for the purpose of the Convention and the Protocol.
The Principality of Liechtenstein declares in accordance with Article 17, paragraph
4, of the Second Additional Protocol to the European Convention on Mutual Assistance
in Criminal Matters that the national Police shall be the competent authority for
receiving and executing requests under Article 17.
The Principality of Liechtenstein declares in accordance with Article 18, paragraph
4, of the Second Additional Protocol to the European Convention on Mutual Assistance
in Criminal Matters that the National Police shall be the competent authority for
receiving and executing requests under Article 18.
The Principality of Liechtenstein declares in accordance with Article 19, paragraph
4, of the Second Additional Protocol to the European Convention on Mutual Assistance
in Criminal Matters that the Court of Justice is the competent authority to execute
requests under Article 19.
The Principality of Liechtenstein declares in accordance with Article 26, paragraph
5, of the Second Additional Protocol to the European Convention on Mutual Assistance
in Criminal Matters that Liechtenstein requires that the personal data transmitted
by it to another Party for the purposes indicated in Article 26, paragraph 1, letters
a and b, cannot be used without the consent of the person concerned except with the
agreement of the member of the Government of the Principality of Liechtenstein responsible
for Justice for the purposes of procedures for which Liechtenstein could have, according
to the terms of the Convention or the Protocol, refused or limited the transmission
or the use of personal data.
In accordance with Article 26, paragraph 5, of the Second Additional Protocol, the
Republic of Lithuania declares that the personal data transmitted to another Party
for the purposes of Article 26, paragraph 1, of the Protocol, may not be used without
the previous consent of the Republic of Lithuania.
In accordance with Article 33, paragraph 2, of the Second Additional Protocol, the
Republic of Lithuania declares that it avails itself of the right not to accept Articles
16 and 17 of the Protocol.
In accordance with Article 18, paragraph 4 and Article 19, paragraph 4, of the Second
Additional Protocol, the Republic of Lithuania declares that the Prosecutor's General
Office of the Republic of Lithuania is the competent authority for the purposes of
Article 18 and Article 19 of the Protocol.
In accordance with Article 15, paragraph 6, of the European Convention on Mutual Assistance
in Criminal Matters, as amended by Article 4 of the Second Additional Protocol, the
Republic of Lithuania declares that territorial County Prosecutor's Offices, the Court
of Appeal of Lithuania, district and county courts shall perform the functions provided
in Article 15 of the Convention.
In accordance with Article 24 of the European Convention on Mutual Assistance in Criminal
Matters, as amended by Article 6 of the Second Additional Protocol, the Republic of
Lithuania declares that the General Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Lithuania,
the territorial County Prosecutor's Offices of the Republic of Lithuania, the Court
of Appeal of Lithuania, district and county courts are judicial authorities for the
purposes of the Convention.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania informs that, on 21 May 2020, the Seimas
of the Republic of Lithuania adopted the Law No. XIII-2978 amending he text of the
declarations of the Republic of Lithuania made in the instrument of ratification deposited
on 6 April 2004. Accordingly, the entire text of the revised declarations, as well
as the unaffected reservation of the Republic of Lithuania made in the instrument
of ratification deposited on 6 April 2004 shall read as follows:
Reservation of the Republic of Lithuania:
Acting pursuant to Article 33, paragraph 2, of the Protocol, the Seimas of the Republic
of Lithuania declares that the Republic of Lithuania avails itself of the right not
to accept Articles 16 and 17 of the Protocol.
Declarations of the Republic of Lithuania:
Acting pursuant to paragraph 6 of Article 15 of the European Convention on Mutual
Assistance in Criminal Matters (hereinafter the ‘Convention’), as replaced by Article
4 of the Protocol, the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania designates as competent
authorities to whom requests for copies of convictions and measures referred to in
Article 4 of the Additional Protocol to the Convention may be made the courts which
have passed these convictions.
Acting pursuant to point d of paragraph 8 of Article 15 of the Convention, as replaced
by Article 4 of the Protocol, the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania designates as
competent authorities the following:
1) the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Republic of Lithuania for the purposes of
receiving and addressing requests in accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 15 of
the Convention as replaced by Article 4 of the Protocol;
2) the Information Technology and Communications Department under the Ministry of
the Interior of the Republic of Lithuania for the purposes of receiving requests for
information relating to criminal records in accordance with paragraph 2 of Article
13 of the Convention.
Acting pursuant to Article 24 of the Convention, as replaced by Article 6 of the Protocol,
the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania designates the Prosecutor General’s Office
of the Republic of Lithuania, territorial prosecutor’s offices, the Court of Appeal
of Lithuania, regional and district courts as judicial authorities for the purposes
of the Convention and its additional protocols.
Acting pursuant to paragraph 4 of Article 18 and paragraph 4 of Article 19 of the
Protocol, the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania designates the Prosecutor General’s
Office of the Republic of Lithuania as a competent authority for providing mutual
assistance for the purposes of Articles 18 and 19 of the Protocol.
Acting pursuant to paragraph 5 of Article 26 of the Protocol, the Seimas of the Republic
of Lithuania makes a declaration that the Republic of Lithuania does not authorize
the use of personal data transmitted to another Party for the purposes of paragraph
1 of Article 26 of the Protocol without the previous consent of the Republic of Lithuania.
Declarations of the Republic of Lithuania relating to the competence of the European
Public Prosecutor's Office:
1. Having regard to Article 104 of Council Regulation (EU) 2017/1939 of 12 October
2017 implementing enhanced cooperation on the establishment of the European Public
Prosecutor's Office and acting in compliance with Article 24 of the Convention, as
amended by Article 6 of the Protocol, the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania declares
1) the European Public Prosecutor's Office, in the exercise of its competences, as
provided for by Articles 22, 23 and 25 of Council Regulation (EU) 2017/1939, shall
be deemed to be a judicial authority for the purpose of issuing requests for mutual
assistance in accordance with the Convention and its protocols as well as for the
purpose of providing, on request of another Contracting Party, information or evidence
which the European Public Prosecutor's Office has obtained already or may obtain following
the initiation of an investigation in the area of its competence.
2) the European Public Prosecutor's Office shall also be deemed to be a judicial authority
for the purpose of receipt of information in accordance with Article 21 of the Convention
in respect of offences within its competence as provided for by Articles 22. 23 and
25 of Council Regulation (EU) 2017/1939.
2. In accordance with Article 15 of the Convention, as amended by Article 4 of the
Protocol, the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania declares that requests to the European
Public Prosecutor's Office for mutual assistance as well as information laid by a
Contracting Party in accordance with Article 21 of the Convention shall be addressed
directly to the European Public Prosecutor’s Office. Requests for mutual assistance
shall be sent either to the Central Office of the European Public Prosecutor’s Office
or to the European Delegated Prosecutor’s Office(s) of that Member State. The European
Public Prosecutor's Office shall, where appropriate, forward a request for mutual
assistance to the competent national authorities if the European Public Prosecutor's
Office either does not have or is not exercising its competence in a particular case.
3. In accordance with Article 15 of the Convention, as amended by Article 4 of the
Protocol, the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania furthermore declares that applications
in accordance with Article 11 of the Convention, as amended by Article 3 of the Second
Additional Protocol, and Articles 13 and 14 of the Second Additional Protocol as they
refer to the above mentioned Article 11, initiated by one of the European Delegated
Prosecutors in the Republic of Lithuania, shall be transmitted by the Prosecutor General's
Office of the Republic of Lithuania.
4. In accordance with Article 33(2) of the Protocol, the Seimas of the Republic of
Lithuania declares that the European Public Prosecutor's Office may, where a joint
investigation team as referred to in Article 20 of that Protocol is intended to operate
in the territory of the Republic of Lithuania, act in the capacity of a competent
authority in accordance with Article 20 of the Protocol, only with the prior consent
of the Prosecutor General's Office of the Republic of Lithuania and in accordance
with Council Regulation (EU) 2017/1939 and the applicable national law.
Legal effects of a declaration of the Republic of Lithuania in accordance with Article
24 of the Convention, as amended by Article 6 of the Protocol
With reference to a declaration made in accordance with Article 24 of the Convention,
as amended by Article 6 of the Protocol, the Republic of Lithuania avails itself of
the opportunity to interpret the legal effects of that declaration as follows:
1) Where the Convention or its protocols refer to the requesting Party or the requested
Party, this shall in case of requests issued by or addressed to the European Public
Prosecutor's Office be interpreted as referring to the EU Member State of the competent
European Delegated Prosecutor whose powers and functions are referred to in Article
13 of Council Regulation (EU) 2017/1939.
2) Where the Convention or its protocols refer to the law of the requesting or the
requested Party, this shall in case of requests issued by or addressed to the European
Public Prosecutor's Office be interpreted as referring to Union law, in particular
Council Regulation (EU) 2017/1939, as well as to the national law of the EU Member
State of the competent European Delegated Prosecutor to the extent applicable in accordance
with Article 5(3) of Regulation (EU) 2017/1939.
3) Where the Convention or its protocols provide for the possibility for a Party to
make declarations or reservations, all such declarations and reservations made by
the Republic of Lithuania shall be deemed applicable in case of requests made by another
Party to the European Public Prosecutor's Office whenever a European Delegated Prosecutor
located in the Republic of Lithuania is competent in accordance with Article 13(1)
of Council Regulation (EU) 2017/1939.
4) As a judicial requesting authority acting in accordance with Article 24 of the
Convention, as amended by Article 6 of the Protocol, the European Public Prosecutor's
Office shall comply with any conditions or restrictions on the use of information
and evidence obtained, which may be imposed by the requested Party based on the Convention
and its protocols.
5) Obligations imposed upon the requesting Party by Article 12 of the Convention shall
also be binding upon the judicial authorities of the EU Member State of the competent
European Delegated Prosecutor. The same applies in case of obligations of the requesting
Party under Article 11 of the Convention, as amended by Article 3 of the Protocol,
and under Articles 13. 14 and 23 of the Protocol in respect of the judicial authorities
of the EU Member State of the European Delegated Prosecutor competent in accordance
with Article 13(1) of Council Regulation (EU) 2017/1939.
In accordance with Article 24 of the Convention, Luxembourg, as a Member State of
the European Union participating in the enhanced cooperation on the establishment
of the European Public Prosecutor's Office, declares that the European Public Prosecutor's
Office ("EPPO"), in the exercise of its competences, as provided for by Articles 22,
23 and 25 of Council Regulation (EU) 2017/1939, shall be deemed to be a judicial authority
for the purpose of issuing requests for mutual assistance in accordance with the Convention
and its Protocols, as well as for the purpose of providing, on request of another
Contracting Party in accordance with the Convention and its Protocols, information
or evidence which the EPPO has obtained already or may obtain following the initiation
of an investigation in the area of its competence.
The EPPO shall also be deemed to be a judicial authority for the purpose of receipt
of information in accordance with Article 21 of the Convention, in respect of offences
within its competence as provided for by Articles 22, 23 and 25 of Council Regulation
(EU) 2017/1939. This declaration is intended to supplement the previous declarations
made by Luxembourg in accordance with Article 24 of the Convention.
With reference to this declaration made in accordance with Article 24 of the Convention,
Luxembourg avails itself of the opportunity to interpret the legal effects of that
declaration as follows:
a) Where the Convention or its Protocols refer to the requesting Party or the requested
Party, this shall in case of requests issued by or addressed to the European Public
Prosecutor's Office be interpreted as referring to the EU Member State of the competent
European Delegated Prosecutor whose powers and functions are referred to in Article
13 of Council Regulation (EU) 2017/1939.
b) Where the Convention or its Protocols refer to the law of the requesting or the
requested Party, this shall in case of requests issued by or addressed to the European
Public Prosecutor's Office be interpreted as referring to Union law, in particular
Council Regulation (EU) 2017/1939, as well as to the national law of the EU Member
State of the competent European Delegated Prosecutor, to the extent applicable in
accordance with Article 5(3) of that Regulation.
c) Where the Convention or its Protocols provide for the possibility for a Party to
make declarations or reservations, all such declarations and reservations made by
Luxembourg shall be deemed applicable in case of requests made by another Party to
the European Public Prosecutor's Office whenever a European Delegated Prosecutor located
in Luxembourg is competent in accordance with Article 13(1) of Council Regulation
(EU) 2017/1939.
d) As a judicial requesting authority acting in accordance with Article 24 of the
Convention, the European Public Prosecutor's Office shall comply with any conditions
or restrictions on the use of information and evidence obtained, which may be imposed
by the requested Party based on the Convention and its Protocols.
e) Obligations imposed upon the requesting Party by Article 12 of the Convention shall
also be binding upon the judicial authorities of the EU Member State of the competent
European Delegated Prosecutor. The same applies in case of obligations of the requesting
Party under Article 11 of the Convention in respect of the EU Member State of the
European Delegated Prosecutor competent in accordance with Article 13(1) of Council
Regulation (EU) 2017/1939.
In accordance with Article 15 of the Convention, Luxembourg declares that requests
to the European Public Prosecutor's Office for mutual assistance as well as information
laid by a Contracting Party in accordance with Article 21 of the Convention shall
be addressed directly to the European Public Prosecutor's Office. Requests for mutual
assistance shall be sent either to the Central Office of the European Public Prosecutor's
Office or to the European Delegated Prosecutor's Office(s) of that Member State. The
EPPO shall, where appropriate, forward such request to the competent national authorities
if the EPPO either does not have or is not exercising its competence in a particular
In accordance with Article 15 of the Convention, Luxembourg furthermore declares that
applications in accordance with Article 11 of the Convention, initiated by one of
the European Delegated Prosecutors in that EU Member State, shall be transmitted by
the Ministry of Justice.
In accordance with Article 33(2) of the Second Additional Protocol, Luxembourg declares
that the European Public Prosecutor's Office may, where a joint investigation team
as referred to in Article 20 of that Protocol is intended to operate on the territory
of Luxembourg, act in the capacity of “competent authority” in accordance with Article
20 of that Protocol only with the prior consent of the judicial authorities of Luxembourg
and in accordance with Council Regulation (EU) 2017/1939 and the applicable national
Pursuant to Article 17 of the Second Additional Protocol, Malta avails itself of the
opportunity afforded by Article 33, paragraph 2, to accept the use of cross-border
observations provided this measure is xecuted
under supervision of the Maltese competent authorities.
In accordance with Article 9, paragraph 9, of the Second Additional Protocol, Malta
declares that it does not meet requests for hearing by videoconference involving the
accused person or the suspect.
In accordance with Article 13, paragraph 7, of the Second Additional Protocol, Malta
declares that consent as mentioned in Article 13, paragraph 3, will be required prior
to an agreement on temporary transfer of person held in custody according to Article
13, paragraph 1.
Pursuant to paragraph 4 of Articles 17, 18 and 19 of the Second Additional Protocol,
Malta declares that the Attorney General's Office is designated as the Maltese judicial
authority responsible for receiving requests for assistance involving the use of these
In accordance with Article 24 of the Convention as amended by Article 6 of the Second
Additional Protocol to the Convention), the Republic of Malta, as a Member State of
the European Union participating in the enhanced cooperation on the establishment
of the European Public Prosecutor's Office, declares that the European Public Prosecutor's
Office ("EPPO"), in the exercise of its competences, as provided for by Articles 22,
23 and 25 of Council Regulation (EU) 2017/1939, shall be deemed to be a judicial authority
for the purpose of issuing requests for mutual assistance in accordance with the Convention
and its Protocols, as well as for the purpose of providing, on request of another
Contracting Party in accordance with the Convention and its Protocols, information
or evidence which the EPPO has obtained already or may obtain following the initiation
of an investigation in the area of its competence. The EPPO shall also be deemed to
be a judicial authority for the purpose of receipt of information in accordance with
Article 21 of the Convention, in respect of offences within its competence as provided
for by Articles 22, 23 and 25 of Council Regulation (EU) 2017/1939. This declaration
is intended to supplement the previous declarations made by the Republic of Malta
in accordance with Article 24 of the Convention. With reference to this declaration
made in accordance with Article 24 of the Convention, the Republic of Malta avails
itself of the opportunity to interpret the legal effects of that declaration as follows:
a) Where the Convention or its Protocols refer to the requesting Party or the requested
Party, this shall in case of requests issued by or addressed to the European Public
Prosecutor's Office be interpreted as referring to the EU Member State of the competent
European Delegated Prosecutor whose powers and functions are referred to in Article
13 of Council Regulation (EU) 2017/1939.
b) Where the Convention or its Protocols refer to the law of the requesting or the
requested Party, this shall in case of requests issued by or addressed to the European
Public Prosecutor's Office be interpreted as referring to Union law, in particular
Council Regulation (EU) 2017/1939, as well as to the national law of the EU Member
State of the competent European Delegated Prosecutor, to the extent applicable in
accordance with Article 5(3) of that Regulation.
c) Where the Convention or its Protocols provide for the possibility for a Party to
make declarations or reservations, all such declarations and reservations made by
the Republic of Malta shall be deemed applicable in case of requests made by another
Party to the European Public Prosecutor's Office whenever a European Delegated Prosecutor
located in the Republic of Malta is competent in accordance with Article 13(1) of
Council Regulation (EU) 2017/1939.
d) As a judicial requesting authority acting in accordance with Article 24 of the
Convention as amended by Article 6 of the Second Additional Protocol to the Convention,
the European Public Prosecutor's Office shall comply with any conditions or restrictions
on the use of information and evidence obtained, which may be imposed by the requested
Party based on the Convention and its Protocols.
e) Obligations imposed upon the requesting Party by Article 12 of the Convention shall
also be binding upon the judicial authorities of the EU Member State of the competent
European Delegated Prosecutor. The same applies in case of obligations of the requesting
Party under Article 11 of the Convention as amended by Article 3 of the Second Additional
Protocol and under Articles 13, 14 and 23 of the Second Additional Protocol in respect
of the EU Member State of the European Delegated Prosecutor competent in accordance
with Article 13(1) of Council Regulation (EU) 2017/1939.
In accordance with Article 15, paragraph 8, of the European Convention on Mutual Assistance
in Criminal Matters as worded by Article 4 of the Second Additional Protocol, the
Republic of Moldova declares that all the requests for mutual assistance have to be
forwarded to the Ministry of Justice and to the Office of the General Prosecutor.
In accordance with Article 15, paragraph 9, of the European Convention on Mutual Assistance
in Criminal Matters, as worded by Article 4, paragraph 9, of the Second Additional
Protocol, the Republic of Moldova declares that the requests for legal assistance
can be forwarded through any electronic or other means of telecommunication under
the condition that the requesting party shall forward the original request at the
same time.
In accordance with Article 6 of the Second Additional Protocol, the Republic of Moldova
declares that for the purposes of the Convention and Protocol, it considers as judicial
authorities: the Supreme Court of Justice, the Courts of Appeal and other judiciary
courts, the Office of the General Prosecutor and other prosecution authorities, the
Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Custom Service, the National Anticorruption Centre.
In accordance with Article 11, paragraph 4, of the Second Additional Protocol, the
Republic of Moldova declares that it will not be bound by the conditions imposed by
the providing Party under Article 11, paragraph 2, of the Second Additional Protocol,
unless it receives prior notice of the nature of the information to be provided and
agrees to its transmission.
In accordance with Article 13, paragraph 7, of the Second Additional Protocol, the
Republic of Moldova declares that it will grant the temporary transfer of the detained
persons only with the consent of those persons.
In accordance with Article 17, paragraph 4, of the Second Additional Protocol, the
Republic of Moldova designates as competent authorities for the application of paragraph
1 and paragraph 2 of the mentioned Article: the Office of the General Prosecutor,
the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Custom Service, the National Anticorruption
Centre, the Security and Information Service.
In accordance with Article 18, paragraph 4, of the Second Additional Protocol, the
Republic of Moldova designates as competent authorities for the application of paragraph
I and paragraph 2 of the mentioned Article: the Office of the General Prosecutor,
the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Custom Service, the National Anticorruption
Centre, the Security and Information Service.
In accordance with Article 19, paragraph 4, of the Second Additional Protocol, the
Republic of Moldova designates as competent authorities for the application of paragraph
1 and paragraph 2 of the mentioned Article: the Office of the General Prosecutor,
the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Custom Service, the National Anticorruption
Centre, the Security and Information Service.
In accordance with Article 20 of the Second Additional Protocol, the Republic of Moldova
declares the Office of General Prosecutor as competent authority to set up a joint
investigation team.
In accordance with Article 26, paragraph 5, of the Second Additional Protocol, the
Republic of Moldova declares that, in proceedings for which the Republic of Moldova
could have refused or limited the transfer or use of personal data in accordance with
the provisions of the Convention or its Protocols, the personal data which it transfers
to another Party can not be used by the latter for the purposes referred to Article
26, paragraph 1, of the Protocol without its prior consent.
In accordance with Article 27 of the Second Additional Protocol, the Republic of Moldova
declares that for the purposes of Article 1, paragraph 3, of the Convention, as administrative
authorities are designated the judicial authorities.
The Republic of Moldova withdraws the second paragraph of its declarations to the Second Additional Protocol to the European Convention on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters, contained in the instrument of ratification deposited on 8 August 2013.
In accordance with Article 6 of the Second Additional Protocol, Montenegro declares
that it considers the courts and the State Prosecutor as judicial authorities for
the purpose of the Convention.
In accordance with Article 33 of the Second Additional Protocol, Montenegro declares
that it will not apply the provisions of Article 16 of the Protocol.
In accordance with Article 17, paragraph 4, Article 18, paragraph 4, and Article 19,
paragraph 4, of the Second Additional Protocol, Montenegro designates the State Prosecutor
as the central authority for the implementation of the provisions of the Protocol.
Nederlanden, het Koninkrijk der
In accordance with Article 32, paragraph 1, of the Protocol, the Kingdom of the Netherlands
declares that it accepts the Second Additional Protocol for the European part of the
In the European part of the Netherlands, the authority designated competent for the
purposes of Article 4, paragraph 6, of the Protocol is:
The International Legal Assistance (Criminal Matters) Division (AIRS)
Ministry of Justice
Postbus 20301
2500 EB Den Haag
Tel.: +31 (0)70 370 7314 / 370 7433
Fax: +31 (0)70 370 7945
The Government of the Netherlands accepts, for the European part of the Netherlands,
the use of electronic or other means of telecommunication to forward requests for
legal assistance and any other communications as referred to in Article 4, paragraph
9, of the Protocol, provided that the request or communication is forwarded as soon
as possible in its original written form.
Pursuant to Article 9, paragraph 9, of the Protocol, the Government of the Netherlands
declares, for the European part of the Netherlands, that it wishes to avail itself
of the possibility of excluding the use of hearings by video conference involving
Pursuant to Article 13, paragraph 7, of the Protocol, the Government of the Netherlands
declares, for the European part of the Netherlands, that a detained person may be
temporarily transferred, in compliance with a request for legal assistance, to the
requested Party only with the consent of the person concerned.
Pursuant to Article 17, paragraph 4, of the Protocol, the persons designated in the
European part of the Netherlands as officers for the purposes of Article 17, paragraphs
1 and 2, of the Protocol are the officers appointed to carry out police tasks, and,
subject to the conditions laid down in relevant bilateral agreements as referred to
in Article 17, paragraph 5, with respect to their competences concerning the illicit
traffic in narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, breaches of the laws on arms
and explosives, and the illicit carriage of toxic and dangerous waste, officers of
the Fiscal Information and Investigation Service (FIOD), who are competent with regard
to import duties and excise.
Pursuant to Article 17, paragraph 4, of the Protocol, the body designated in the European
part of the Netherlands as the authority for the purposes of Article 17, paragraphs
1 and 2, of the Protocol is:
The National Public Prosecutor for Cross-Border-Observation
International Police Intelligence Department (IPOL)
Dutch Police Services Agency (KLPD)
Europaweg 45
2711 EM Zoetermeer
Tel.: +31 (0)79 345 9214
Fax: +31 (0) 79 345 9202
The competent authority designated in the European part of the Netherlands as the
authority for the purposes of Article 18, paragraph 4, and Article 19, paragraph 4,
of the Protocol is the Public Prosecutor.
The persons designated in the European part of the Netherlands as administrative authorities
for the purposes of Article 27 of the Protocol are the Public Prosecuror and:
The Central Fine Collection Agency (CJIB)
Postbus 1794
8901 CB Leeuwarden
Tel.: +31 (0)58 215 9555
Fax: +31 (0)58 215 6038
In accordance with Article 24 of the Convention as amended by Article 6 of the Second
Additional Protocol to the Convention, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, as a Member
State of the European Union participating in the enhanced cooperation on the establishment
of the European Public Prosecutor's Office, declares, for the European part of the
Netherlands, that the European Public Prosecutor's Office ("EPPO"), in the exercise
of its competences, as provided for by Articles 22, 23 and 25 of Council Regulation
(EU) 2017/1939, shall be deemed to be a judicial authority for the purpose of issuing
requests for mutual assistance in accordance with the Convention and its Protocols,
as well as for the purpose of providing, on request of another Contracting Party in
accordance with the Convention and its Protocols, information or evidence which the
EPPO has obtained already or may obtain following the initiation of an investigation
in the area of its competence. The EPPO shall also be deemed to be a judicial authority
for the purpose of receipt of information in accordance with Article 21 of the Convention,
in respect of offences within its competence as provided for by Articles 22, 23 and
25 of Council Regulation (EU) 2017/1939. This declaration is intended to supplement,
for the European part of the Netherlands, the previous declarations made by the Kingdom
of the Netherlands in accordance with Article 24 of the Convention.
With reference to this declaration made in accordance with Article 24 of the Convention,
the Kingdom of the Netherlands avails itself of the opportunity to interpret the legal
effects of that declaration as follows:
a) Where the Convention or its Protocols refer to the requesting Party or the requested
Party, this shall in case of requests issued by or addressed to the European Public
Prosecutor's Office be interpreted as referring to the EU Member State of the competent
European Delegated Prosecutor whose powers and functions are referred to in Article
13 of Council Regulation (EU) 2017/1939.
b) Where the Convention or its Protocols refer to the law of the requesting or the
requested Party, this shall in case of requests issued by or addressed to the European
Public Prosecutor's Office be interpreted as referring to Union law, in particular
Council Regulation (EU) 2017/1939, as well as to the national law of the EU Member
State of the competent European Delegated Prosecutor, to the extent applicable in
accordance with Article 5(3) of that Regulation.
c) Where the Convention or its Protocols provide for the possibility for a Party to
make declarations or reservations, all such declarations and reservations made by
the Kingdom of the Netherlands, for the European part of the Netherlands, shall be
deemed applicable in case of requests made by another Party to the European Public
Prosecutor's Office whenever a European Delegated Prosecutor located in the Kingdom
of the Netherlands is competent in accordance with Article 13(1) of Council Regulation
(EU) 2017/1939.
d) As a judicial requesting authority acting in accordance with Article 24 of the
Convention as amended by Article 6 of the Second Additional Protocol to the Convention,
the European Public Prosecutor's Office shall comply with any conditions or restrictions
on the use of information and evidence obtained, which may be imposed by the requested
Party based on the Convention and its Protocols.
e) Obligations imposed upon the requesting Party by Article 12 of the Convention shall
also be binding upon the judicial authorities of the EU Member State of the competent
European Delegated Prosecutor. The same applies in case of obligations of the requesting
Party under Article 11 of the Convention as amended by Article 3 of the Second Additional
Protocol and under Articles 13, 14 and 23 of the Second Additional Protocol in respect
of the EU Member State of the European Delegated Prosecutor competent in accordance
with Article 13(1) of Council Regulation (EU) 2017/1939.
In accordance with Article 15 of the Convention as amended by Article 4 of the Second
Additional Protocol to the Convention, the Kingdom of the Netherlands declares, for
the European part of the Netherlands, that requests to the European Public Prosecutor's
Office for mutual assistance as well as information laid by a Contracting Party in
accordance with Article 21 of the Convention shall be addressed directly to the European
Public Prosecutor's Office and the declaration made in accordance with Article 15,
paragraph 9, of the Convention as amended by Article 4 of the Second Additional Protocol
to the Convention shall not apply in the case of the European Public Prosecutor’s
Office. Requests for mutual assistance shall be sent either to the Central Office
of the European Public Prosecutor's Office or to the European Delegated Prosecutor's
Office(s) of that Member State. The EPPO shall, where appropriate, forward such request
to the competent national authorities if the EPPO either does not have or is not exercising
its competence in a particular case.
In accordance with Article 15 of the Convention as amended by Article 4 of the Second
Additional Protocol to the Convention, the Kingdom of the Netherlands furthermore
declares, for the European part of the Netherlands, that applications in accordance
with Article 11 of the Convention as amended by Article 3 of the Second Additional
Protocol, and Articles 13 and 14 of the Second Additional Protocol as they refer to
the above mentioned Article 11, initiated by one of the European Delegated Prosecutors
in that EU Member State, shall be transmitted by the Ministry of Justice and Security
of the Netherlands.
In accordance with Article 33(2) of the Second Additional Protocol, the Kingdom of
the Netherlands declares, for the European part of the Netherlands, that the European
Public Prosecutor's Office may, where a joint investigation team as referred to in
Article 20 of that Protocol is intended to operate on the European territory of the
Kingdom of the Netherlands, act in the capacity of "competent authority" in accordance
with Article 20 of that Protocol only with the prior consent of the judicial authorities
of the European part of the Netherlands and in accordance with Council Regulation
(EU) 2017/1939 and the applicable national law.
In accordance with Article 4, paragraph 8.b, of the Second Additional Protocol, the
Republic of Macedonia declares that all requests and other written notices, except
urgent requests, should be delivered to the Ministry of Justice as the competent authority.
In accordance with Article 4, paragraph 9, of the Second Additional Protocol, the
Republic of Macedonia declares that it will accept and execute requests received by
electronic or other means of telecommunication, whereupon a copy of that requests
is sent by facsimile and the original is submitted by post.
In accordance with Article 4, paragraph 6, of the Second Additional Protocol, the
Republic of Macedonia declares that the competent authority for the implementation
of this paragraph is the Ministry of Justice.
In accordance with Article 6 of the Second Additional Protocol, the Republic of Macedonia
declares that the competent authorities for the purposes of the Convention and this
Protocol are the courts of first instance with extended competence.
In accordance with Article 13 of the Second Additional Protocol, the Republic of Macedonia
declares that, in case of temporary transfer, the consent of the person contained,
in a procès-verbal, is required before an agreement on a temporary transfer of the
person held in custody is reached between the competent authorities under paragraph
1 of the same article.
In accordance with Article 17, paragraph 4, Article 18, paragraph 4, and Article 19,
paragraph 4, of the Second Additional Protocol, the Republic of Macedonia designates
as the competent authority for the implementation of the provisions of the Protocol:
the Public Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Macedonia (Department for organized
crime, Boulevard Krste Misirkov bb - 1000 Skopje, Republic of Macedonia; Phone: +389(0)3219
850; Fax: +389(0)3219 866).
In accordance with Article 26, paragraph 5, of the Second Additional Protocol, the
Republic of Macedonia declares that it requires that the personal data transmitted
to another Party not be used by that Party for the purposes of Article 26, paragraph
1, of this Protocol without the previous consent of the competent authorities of the
Republic of Macedonia.
In accordance with Article 27 of the Second Additional Protocol, the Republic of Macedonia
declares that the administrative authorities and other relevant authorised authorities
for the supervision of the implementation of laws which can investigate offences and
are empowered when the investigation is concluded, to pass sanctions in that proceedings,
have the status of administrative authorities for the purpose of Article 27 of this
In accordance with Article 33, paragraph 2, of the Second Additional Protocol, the
Republic of Macedonia declares that it will not apply the provisions of Article 16
which refers to the acceptance of the delivery by post of procedural documents or
judicial decisions by the competent authority of any Party to persons who are in the
territory of the Republic of Macedonia.
In accordance with Article 9, paragraph 9, of the Protocol, Norway declares that it
will not apply the provisions of this article to hearings by video conference involving
the accused person or the suspect.
In accordance with Article 13 of the Protocol, Norway declares that before an agreement
is reached under paragraph 1 of this article, the consent referred to in paragraph
3 of this article will be required.
In accordance with Article 33, paragraph 2, of the Protocol, Norway declares that
it does not accept Articles 17-20.
In accordance with Article 33, paragraph 2, of the Protocol, the Kingdom of Norway
declares that it avails itself of the right not to accept Article 16.
In accordance with Article 4, paragraph 9, of the Protocol, the Kingdom of Norway
declares that requests for legal assistance forwarded by the use of electronic or
other means of telecommunication will be accepted provided that the request is forwarded
as soon as possible in its original written form.
In accordance with Article 13, paragraph 7, of the Protocol, the Kingdom of Norway
declares that the consent from the person concerned is required if he or she is sought
temporarily transferred for other purposes than being heard as a witness or for purposes
of confrontation. The same applies for temporary transfer in accordance with the European
Convention on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matter (Article 11) as amended by the
Second Additionnal Protocol (Article 3).
In accordance with Article 17, paragraph 4, of the Protocol, the Kingdom of Norway
declares that the competent autority for the purposes of Article 17, paragraphs 1
and 2, is the National Criminal Investigation Service.
In accordance with Article 18, paragraph 4, of the Protocol, the Kingdom of Norway
declares that the competent authority for the purposes of Article 18 is the National
Authority for Prosecution of Organised and other Serious Crime.
In accordance with Article 19, paragraph 4, of the Protocol, the Kingdom of Norway
declares that the competent authority for the purposes of Article 19, paragraph 2,
is the Chief of Police in Oslo.
In accordance with Article 26, paragraph 5, of the Second Additional Protocol to the
European Convention on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters, the Kingdom of Norway
declares that personal data transmitted to another Party may not be used by the latter
for the purposes of paragraph 1 unless with previous consent from Norwegian authorities.
In accordance with Article 33, paragraph 2, of the Second Additional Protocol, Ukraine
declares that it shall enjoy the right not to accept Article 16.
In accordance with Article 33, paragraph 2, of the Second Additional Protocol, Ukraine
declares that it shall enjoy the right not to accept Article 17.
In accordance with Article 33, paragraph 2, of the Second Additional Protocol, Ukraine
declares that it shall enjoy the right not to accept Article 19.
In accordance with Article 3 of the Second Additional Protocol, Ukraine declares that
the authorities, which are authorised under paragraph 2 of Article 11, as amended
in Article 3 of the Second Additional Protocol, shall be the Ministry of Justice of
Ukraine (in cases at the stage of judicial investigation) and the General Prosecutor's
Office of Ukraine (in cases at the stage of pre-trial investigation).
Ukraine declares that, in cases specified in paragraphs 1, 2 and 5 of Article 15 of
the Convention, as amended in Article 4 of the Second Additional Protocol, if the
direct channels of communication are not used the request in cases at the stage of
judicial investigation shall be addressed to the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine, and
the request at the stage of pre-trial investigation - to the General Prosecutor's
Office of Ukraine.
Ukraine declares that requests for mutual assistance under paragraphs 1, 3 (except
for requests of
administrative authorities) and 5 of Article 15 of the Convention, as amended in Article
4 of the Second
Additional Protocol, shall be directly addressed through the main departments of justice
(in cases at the stage of judicral investigation) and through prosecutor's offices
of regional level (in cases at the stage of pre-trial investigation).
Ukraine declares that the competent authorities for the direct receipt of requests
under paragraph 6 of Article 15 of the Convention, as amended in Article 4, of the
Second Additional Protocol, in Ukraine shall be courts that deliver judgements in
individual case.
In accordance with Article 15, paragraph 8, subparagraph d, of the Convention, as
amended in Article 4 of the Second Additional Protocol, Ukraine reserves the right
to perform the request of administrative authorities of the Parties referred to in
paragraph 3 of Article 1 and paragraph 3 of Article 15 of the Convention, as amended
in the Protocol, where they are addressed to the General prosecutor's Office of Ukraine.
In accordance with Article 15, paragraph 9, of the Convention, as amended In Article
4 of the Second Additional Protocol, Ukraine agrees to accept and perform requests
received through electronic or other means of communication, provided that the Requesting
Party shall ensure the prompt provision of a written original of this request. Materials
received as a result of the performance of such a request shall be provided to the
Requesting Party after the receipt of the original request.
For the purposes of Article 24 of the Convention, as amended in Article 6 of the Second
Additional Protocol, Ukraine considers courts of general jurisdiction, prosecutors
of all levels and authorities of pre-trial investigation as "judicial authorities".
Ukraine reserves the right not to be bound by the conditions imposed by the providing
Party, which provides information pursuant to paragraph 2 of Article 11 of the Second
Additional Protocol, unless it receives prior notice of the nature of the information
to be provided and agrees to its transmission.
Ukraine declares that the consent of a person referred to in Article 13, paragraph
3, of the Second Additional Protocol, shall be obtained before an agreement between
the competent authorities in accordance with paragraph 1.
For the purposes of Article 18 of the Second Additional Protocol, the competent authorities
in Ukraine are departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, of the
Security Service of Ukraine and of the State Border Service of Ukraine.
In accordance with Article 20 of the Second Additional Protocol, the authority in
Ukraine which decides on setting up a joint investigation team shall be the General
Prosecutor's Office in Ukraine.
Ukraine delares that personal data transferred to another Party can not be used without
previous consent of Ukraine for the purposes specifiec in Article 26, paragraph 1,
of the Second Additional Protocol, within the framework of proceeding for which Ukraine
may refuse or limit the transmission or use of personal data under the Convention
or Protocols to it.
Ukraine hereby communicates:
- the list of the territorial bodies of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine which are
competent to send a request for mutual legal assistance in criminal matters (in the
cases under trial), in accordance with Article 15, paragraphs 1, 3 (except for requests
for administrative bodies) and 5 of the Convention as amended by Article 4 of the
Second Additional Protocol (Annex 1), and
- the list of courts of Ukraine which are competent to receive requests under Article
15, paragraph 6, of the Convention as amended by Article 4 of the Second Additional
Protocol (Annex 2).
[The above-mentioned Annexes 1 and 2 are available in PDF format on the website of
the Treaty Office of the Council of Europe.]
In February 2014 the Russian Federation launched armed aggression against Ukraine
and occupied a part of the territory of Ukraine – the Autonomous Republic of Crimea
and the city of Sevastopol, and today exercises effective control over certain districts
of the Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts of Ukraine. These actions are in gross violation
of the Charter of the United Nations and constitute a threat to international peace
and security. The Russian Federation, as the Aggressor State and Occupying Power,
bears full responsibility for its actions and their consequences under international
The United Nations General Assembly Resolution A/RES/68/262 of 27 March 2014 confirmed
the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine within its internationally recognized
borders. The United Nations also called upon all States, international organizations
and specialized agencies not to recognize any alteration of the status of the Autonomous
Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol.
In this regard, Ukraine states that from 20 February 2014 and for the period of temporary
occupation by the Russian Federation of a part of the territory of Ukraine – the Autonomous
Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol – as a result of the armed aggression
of the Russian Federation committed against Ukraine and until the complete restoration
of the constitutional law and order and effective control by Ukraine over such occupied
territory, as well as over certain districts of the Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts of
Ukraine, which are temporarily not under control of Ukraine as a result of the aggression
of the Russian Federation, the application and implementation by Ukraine of the obligations
under the above Conventions, Protocols, Agreement, as applied to the aforementioned
occupied and uncontrolled territory of Ukraine, is limited and is not guaranteed.
Documents or requests made or issued by the occupying authorities of the Russian Federation,
its officials at any level in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol
and by the illegal authorities in certain districts of the Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts
of Ukraine, which are temporarily not under control of Ukraine, are null and void
and have no legal effect regardless of whether they are presented directly or indirectly
through the authorities of the Russian Federation.
The provisions of the Conventions, Protocols, Agreement regarding the possibility
of direct communication or interaction do not apply to the territorial organs of Ukraine
in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol, as well as in certain
districts of the Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts of Ukraine, which are temporarily not
under control of Ukraine. The order of the relevant communication is determined by
the central authorities of Ukraine in Kyiv.
Date update of contact information: 30-05-2017 (for lists see website depositary)
Ukraine communicates the list of judicial authorities of Ukraine and the list of main
territorial departments of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine authorised to send and
to receive requests for mutual assistance in criminal matters subject to requirements
of Article 4 of the Second Additional Protocol to the European Convention on Mutual
Assistance in Criminal Matters.
The Permanent Representation of Ukraine to the Council of Europe presents its compliments to the Secretary General of the Council of Europe and has the honour […] to inform about the impossibility to guarantee the implementation by the Ukrainian Side in full of its obligations under the above mentioned international treaties of Ukraine for the period of the armed aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine and introduction of martial law on the territory of Ukraine, until full termination of the infringement of the sovereignty, territorial integrity and inviolability of borders of Ukraine.
Referring to Ukraine’s notification dated 18 April 2022 N° 31011/32-119-26603 [Council
of Europe Notification JJ9359C dated 13 May 2022] in connection with the full-scale
invasion of the Russian Federation in Ukraine, [the Government of Ukraine] further
clarif[ies] that international treaties mentioned therein are implemented on the territory
of Ukraine in full, with the exception of the territories where hostilities are (were)
conducted, or temporarily occupied by the Russian Federation, on which it is impossible
to fully guarantee the Ukrainian Party’s fulfillment of its obligations under the
relevant treaties as a result of the armed aggression of the Russian Federation against
Ukraine, as well as the introduction of martial law on the territory of Ukraine until
the complete cessation of encroachment on the sovereignty, territorial integrity and
inviolability of the borders of Ukraine.
The regularly updated list of territories where hostilities are (were) conducted,
or temporarily occupied by the Russian Federation is located at the link below:
In accordance with Article 6, Austria declares that it will regard as judicial authorities
the Criminal Courts, the Public Prosecution Services as well as the Federal Ministry
of Justice.
In accordance with Article 17, Austria designates the officials of the Federal Ministry
of the Interior, Directorate-General for Public Security - Branch for Special Units
- Central Surveillance as competent officials for the implementation of a cross-border
In accordance with Section 55, paragraph 1, of the Federal Act of 4 December 1979
on Extradition and Mutual Legal Assistance, Federal Law Gazette Nr.529/1979, the Austrian
authority competent for granting cross-border observations is the Public Prosecution
Service where crossing of the border is expected to take place or where the observation
will begin; in case of an observation of an incoming aircraft, the Public Prosecution
Service where landing will take place. Should determination of a competent authority
not be possible under these rules, the Vienna Public Prosecution Service is the competent
authority for granting cross-border observations.
In accordance with Article 18, Austria designates the officials of the Federal Ministry
of the Interior, Directorate-General for Public Security - Branch for Special Units
- Central Surveillance as well as the officials of the customs law enforcement authorities
as competent officials for the implementation of a controlled delivery. Austria declares
that the authority competent for granting requests under Article 18 is the Public
Prosecution Service where crossing of the border is expected to take place or where
the controlled delivery will begin.
In accordance with Article 19, Austria declares that the Public Prosecution Service
where the operation is expected to begin is the competent authority for requests under
Article 19.
In accordance with Article 27, Austria declares that the competent administrative
authorities within the meaning of Article1, paragraph 3, of the Second Additional
Protocol are the district administrative authorities having territorial jurisdiction
(district chief officers' departments or bodies of a city with a status of its own);
however, in matters falling within the remit of the Land police departments in a local
authority area in respect of which the Land police department is also the security
authority of first instance, the Land police departments as well as the local fiscal
law enforcement authorities (tax and customs authorities) are the competent administrative
In accordance with Article 24 of the Convention as amended by Article 6 of the Second
Additional Protocol to the Convention, Austria, as a Member State of the European
Union participating in the enhanced cooperation on the establishment of the European
Public Prosecutor's Office, declares that the European Public Prosecutor's Office
("EPPO"), in the exercise of its competences, as provided for by Articles 22, 23 and
25 of Council Regulation (EU) 2017/1939, shall be deemed to be a judicial authority
for the purpose of issuing requests for mutual assistance in accordance with the Convention
and its Protocols, as well as for the purpose of providing, on request of another
Contracting Party in accordance with the Convention and its Protocols, information
or evidence which the EPPO has obtained already or may obtain following the initiation
of an investigation in the area of its competence. The EPPO shall also be deemed to
be a judicial authority for the purpose of receipt of information in accordance with
Article 21 of the Convention, in respect of offences within its competence as provided
for by Articles 22, 23 and 25 of Council Regulation (EU) 2017/1939. This declaration
is intended to supplement the previous declarations made by Austria in accordance
with Article 24 of the Convention.
With reference to this declaration made in accordance with Article 24 of the Convention,
Austria avails itself of the opportunity to interpret the legal effects of that declaration
as follows:
a) Where the Convention or its Protocols refer to the requesting Party or the requested
Party, this shall in case of requests issued by or addressed to the European Public
Prosecutor's Office be interpreted as referring to the EU Member State of the competent
European Delegated Prosecutor whose powers and functions are referred to in Article
13 of Council Regulation (EU) 2017/1939.
b) Where the Convention or its Protocols refer to the law of the requesting or the
requested Party, this shall in case of requests issued by or addressed to the European
Public Prosecutor's Office be interpreted as referring to Union law, in particular
Council Regulation (EU) 2017/1939, as well as to the national law of the EU Member
State of the competent European Delegated Prosecutor, to the extent applicable in
accordance with Article 5(3) of that Regulation.
c) Where the Convention or its Protocols provide for the possibility for a Party to
make declarations or reservations, all such declarations and reservations made by
Austria shall be deemed applicable in case of requests made by another Party to the
European Public Prosecutor's Office whenever a European Delegated Prosecutor located
in Austria is competent in accordance with Article 13(1) of Council Regulation (EU)
d) As a judicial requesting authority acting in accordance with Article 24 of the
Convention as amended by Article 6 of the Second Additional Protocol to the Convention,
the European Public Prosecutor's Office shall comply with any conditions or restrictions
on the use of information and evidence obtained, which may be imposed by the requested
Party based on the Convention and its Protocols.
e) Obligations imposed upon the requesting Party by Article 12 of the Convention shall
also be binding upon the judicial authorities of the EU Member State of the competent
European Delegated Prosecutor. The same applies in case of obligations of the requesting
Party under Article 11 of the Convention as amended by Article 3 of the Second Additional
Protocol and under Articles 13, 14 and 23 of the Second Additional Protocol in respect
of the EU Member State of the European Delegated Prosecutor competent in accordance
with Article 13(1) of Council Regulation (EU) 2017/1939.
In accordance with Article 15 of the Convention as amended by Article 4 of the Second
Additional Protocol to the Convention, Austria declares that requests to the European
Public Prosecutor's Office for mutual assistance as well as information laid by a
Contracting Party in accordance with Article 21 of the Convention shall be addressed
directly to the European Public Prosecutor's Office. Requests for mutual assistance
shall be sent either to the Central Office of the European Public Prosecutor's Office
or to the European Delegated Prosecutor's Office(s) of that Member State. The EPPO
shall, where appropriate, forward such request to the competent national authorities
if the EPPO either does not have or is not exercising its competence in a particular
In accordance with Article 15 of the Convention as amended by Article 4 of the Second
Additional Protocol to the Convention, Austria furthermore declares that applications
in accordance with Article 11 of the Convention as amended by Article 3 of the Second
Additional Protocol, and Articles 13 and 14 of the Second Additional Protocol as they
refer to the above mentioned Article 11, initiated by one of the European Delegated
Prosecutors in that EU Member State, shall be transmitted by the Ministry of Justice.
In accordance with Article 33(2) of the Second Additional Protocol, Austria declares
that the European Public Prosecutor's Office may, where a joint investigation team
as referred to in Article 20 of that Protocol is intended to operate on the territory
of Austria, act in the capacity of "competent authority" in accordance with Article
20 of that Protocol only after prior notification to the Ministry of Justice and in
accordance with Council Regulation (EU) 2017/1939 and the applicable national law.
In accordance with Article 18, paragraph 4, of the Second Additional Protocol, Austria
designates the officials of the Federal Ministry of the Interior, Directorate-General
for Public Security - Branch for Special Units - Central Surveillance as well as the
officials of the Customs Authority Austria in its capacity as fiscal law enforcement
authority as competent officials for the implementation of a controlled delivery.
Austria declares that the authority competent for granting requests under Article
18 of that Protocol is the Public Prosecution Service where crossing of the border
is expected to take place or where the controlled delivery will begin.
In accordance with Article 27 of the Second Additional Protocol, Austria declares
that the competent administrative authorities within the meaning of Article 1, paragraph
3, of the Convention as amended by Article 1 of the Second Additional Protocol are
the district administrative authorities having territorial jurisdiction (district
chief officers' departments or bodies of a city with a status of its own); however,
in matters falling within the remit of the Land police departments in a local authority
area in respect of which the Land police department is also the security authority
of first instance, the Land police departments as well as the fiscal law enforcement
authorities (Anti-Fraud Office and Customs Authority Austria) are the competent administrative
Austria declares that these declarations took effect on 1 January 2021.
In accordance with Article 33, paragraph 2, the Republic of Poland declares that it
will not execute the requests concerning the cross-border observations (Article 17).
In accordance with Article 4, paragraph 8, the Republic of Poland declares that it
reserves the right to make the execution of requests for mutual assistance dependant
on the following conditions: the requests for mutual assistance concerning the hearing
of witnesses or experts by video conference or telephone conference, shoud be transmitted
via the Ministry of Justice of Poland (Article 4, paragraph 8, letter d).
In accordance with Article 9, paragraph 9, the Republic of Poland declares that it
will not avail itself of the possibility of hearing by video conference the accused
person or the supect (Article 9, paragraph 8).
In accordance with Article 13, paragraph 7, the Republic of Poland declares that it
avails itself of the possibility not to proceed to the enforcement of a request of
a temporary transfer of a person detained on the territory of the requesting Party,
when this person does not consent to the transfer.
In accordance with Article 18, paragraph 4, and with Article 19, paragraph 4, the
Republic of Poland declares that the competent authority for the purposes of the enforcement
of the requests mentioned by these articles is: "Komendant Glowny Policji".
In accordance with Article 17, paragraph 4, of the Second Additional Protocol, the
Republic of Portugal declares that the authority designated for the purpose of paragraphs
1 and 2 of this article is the «Procuradoria Geral da República».
In accordance with Article 18, paragraph 4, and Article 19, paragraph 4, of the Second
Additional Protocol, the Republic of Portugal declares that the competent authority
for the purpose of Article 18 and Article 19, paragraph 2, of this Protocol, is the
«Procuradoria Geral da República».
In accordance with Article 24 of the Convention, as amended by Article 6 of the Second
Additional Protocol to the Convention, the Portuguese Republic, as a Member State
of the European Union participating in the enhanced cooperation on the establishment
of the European Public Prosecutor’s Office, declares that the European Public Prosecutor’s
Office (“EPPO”), in the exercise of its competences, as provided for by Articles 22,
23 and 25 of Council Regulation (EU) 2017/1939, of 12 October 2017, shall be deemed
to be a judiciary authority for the purpose of issuing requests for mutual assistance
in accordance with the Convention and its protocols as well as for the purpose of
providing, on request of another Contracting Party in accordance with the Convention
and its protocols, information or evidence which the EPPO has obtained already or
may obtain following the initiation of an investigation in the area of its competence.
The EPPO shall also be deemed to be a judiciary authority for the purpose of receipt
of information in accordance with Article 21 of the Convention in respect of offences
within its competence as provided for by Articles 22, 23 and 25 of Council Regulation
(EU) 3 / 5 2017/1939. This declaration is intended to supplement the previous declaration
made by the Portuguese Republic in accordance with Article 24 of the Convention.
With reference to this declaration made in accordance with Article 24 of the Convention,
the Portuguese Republic avails itself of the opportunity to interpret the legal effects
of that declaration as follows:
a) Where the Convention or its protocols refer to the requesting Party or the requested
Party, this shall in case of requests issued by or addressed to the European Public
Prosecutor’s Office be interpreted as referring to the European Union Member State
of the competent European Delegated Prosecutor whose powers and functions are referred
to in Article 13 of Council Regulation (EU) 2017/1939.
b) Where the Convention or its protocols refer to the law of the requesting or the
requested Party, this shall in case of requests issued by or addressed to the European
Public Prosecutor’s Office be interpreted as referring to Union law, in particular
Council Regulation (EU) 2017/1939, as well as to the national law of the European
Union Member State of the competent European Delegated Prosecutor, to the extent applicable
in accordance with Article 5(3) of that Regulation.
c) Where the Convention or its protocols provide for the possibility for of a Party
to make declarations or reservations, all such declarations and reservations made
by the Portuguese Republic shall be deemed applicable in case of requests made by
another Party to the European Public Prosecutor’s Office whenever a European Delegated
Prosecutor located in Portugal is competent in accordance with Article 13(1) of Council
Regulation (EU) 2017/1939.
d) As a judiciary requesting authority acting in accordance with Article 24 of the
Convention, as amended by Article 6 of the Second Additional Protocol to the Convention,
the European Public Prosecutor’s Office shall comply with any conditions or restrictions
on the use of information and evidence obtained, which may be imposed by the requested
Party based on the Convention and its protocols.
e) Obligations imposed upon the requesting Party by Article 12 of the Convention shall
also be binding upon the judiciary authorities of the European Union Member State
of the competent European Delegated Prosecutor. The same applies in case of obligations
of the requesting Party under Article 11 of the Convention, as amended by Article
3 of the Second Additional Protocol and under Articles 13, 14 and 23 of the Second
Additional Protocol, in respect of the European Union Member State of the European
Delegated Prosecutor competent in accordance with Article 13(1) of Council Regulation
(EU) 2017/1939.
In accordance with Article 15 of the Convention, as amended by Article 4 of the Second
Additional Protocol to the Convention, the Portuguese Republic declares that requests
to the European Public Prosecutor’s Office for mutual assistance as well as information
laid by a Contracting Party in accordance with Article 21 of the Convention shall
be addressed directly to the European Public Prosecutor’s Office. Requests for mutual
assistance shall be sent either to the Central Office of the European Public Prosecutor’s
Office or to the European Delegated Prosecutor's Offices of that Member State. The
European Public Prosecutor’s Office shall, where appropriate, forward such request
to the competent national authorities if the European Public Prosecutor’s Office either
does not have or is not exercising its competence in a particular case.
In accordance with Article 15 of the Convention, as amended by Article 4 of the Second
Additional Protocol to the Convention, the Portuguese Republic furthermore declares
that applications in accordance with Article 11 of the Convention, as amended by Article
3 of the Second Additional Protocol, and Articles 13 and 14 of the Second Additional
Protocol as they refer to the above-mentioned Article 11 initiated by one of the European
Delegated Prosecutors in that European Union Member State, shall be transmitted by
the Ministry of Justice.
In accordance with Article 33(2) of the Second Additional Protocol, the Portuguese
Republic declares that the European Public Prosecutor’s Office may, where a joint
investigation team as referred to in Article 20 of that Protocol is intended to operate
on the territory of Portugal, act in the capacity of “competent authority” in accordance
with Article 20 of that Protocol only with the prior consent of the Portuguese authorities
(Minister of Justice) and in accordance with Council Regulation (EU) 2017/1939 and
the applicable national law.
In accordance with Article 15, paragraph 9, of the European Convention on Mutual Assistance
in Criminal Matters, as amended by Article 4 of the Second Additional Protocol, the
requests for international mutual assistance and the judicial documents may be transmitted
through electronic means of communication or any other telecommunication means, on
condition that the requesting Party transmits, at the same time, the original request
and/or acts.
In accordance with Article 15 of the European Convention on Mutual Assistance in Criminal
Matters, as amended by Article 4 of the Second Additional Protocol, the central authorities
for Romania are the Ministry of Justice for requests for mutual assistance formulated
during the trial, and the Prosecutor's Office of the High Court of Cassation and Justice
for requests formulated respectively during investigations and prosecutions. For the
requests for mutual assistance refered to in Article 15, paragraph 3, of the European
Convention, the central authority is the Ministry of Administration and Interior.
In accordance with Article 24 of the European Convention on Mutual Assistance in Criminal
Matters, as amended by Article 6 of the Second Additional Protocol, the Romanian judicial
authorities are the courts and the prosecutor's offices to the courts.
In accordance with Article 13, paragraph 7, of the Second Additional Protocol, to
achieve the agreement stipulated by paragraph 1 of Article 13, the consent as provided
for in paragraph 3 of Article 13 will be required.
In accordance with Article 17, paragraph 4, of the Second Additional Protocol, police
officers are designated as competent officers within the Ministry of Administration
and Interior for the purposes of paragraphs 1 and 2 of Article 17. The competent central
authority for receiving requests for mutual assistance foreseen in Article 17, paragraphs
1 and 2, is the Ministry of Justice.
In accordance with Article 18, paragraph 4, of the Second Additional Protocol, the
competent authority for the purposes of Article 18 is the Prosecutor's Office to the
High Court of Cassation and Justice. Controlled deliveries subject to a request for
international mutual assistance addressed to Romania must be authorised by the competent
prosecutor, in accordance with the Romanian law.
In accordance with Article 19, paragraph 4, of the Second Additional Protocol, the
competent authority for the purposes of Article 19 is the Prosecutor's Office to the
High Court of Cassation and Justice. The conduct of criminal covert investigations,
on the basis of a request for international mutual assistance addressed to Romania,
must be authorised by the competent prosecutor, in accordance with Romanian law.
In accordance with Article 24 of the Convention (as amended by Article 6 of the Second
Additional Protocol to the Convention), Romania, as a Member State of the European
Union participating in the enhanced cooperation on the establishment of the European
Public Prosecutor's Office, declares that the European Public Prosecutor's Office
("EPPO"), in the exercise of its competences, as provided for by Articles 22, 23 and
25 of Council Regulation (EU) 2017/1939, shall be deemed to be a judicial authority
for the purpose of issuing requests for mutual assistance in accordance with the Convention
and its Protocols, as well as for the purpose of providing, on request of another
Contracting Party in accordance with the Convention and its Protocols, information
or evidence which the EPPO has obtained already or may obtain following the initiation
of an investigation in the area of its competence. The EPPO shall also be deemed to
be a judicial authority for the purpose of receipt of information in accordance with
Article 21 of the Convention, in respect of offences within its competence as provided
for by Articles 22, 23 and 25 of Council Regulation (EU) 2017/1939. This declaration
is intended to supplement the previous declarations made by Romania in accordance
with Article 24 of the Convention.
With reference to this declaration made in accordance with Article 24 of the Convention,
Romania avails itself of the opportunity to interpret the legal effects of that declaration
as follows:
a) Where the Convention or its Protocols refer to the requesting Party or the requested
Party, this shall in case of requests issued by or addressed to the European Public
Prosecutor's Office be interpreted as referring to the EU Member State of the competent
European Delegated Prosecutor whose powers and functions are referred to in Article
13 of Council Regulation (EU) 2017/1939.
b) Where the Convention or its Protocols refer to the law of the requesting or the
requested Party, this shall in case of requests issued by or addressed to the European
Public Prosecutor's Office be interpreted as referring to Union law, in particular
Council Regulation (EU) 2017/1939, as well as to the national law of the EU Member
State of the competent European Delegated Prosecutor, to the extent applicable in
accordance with Article 5(3) of that Regulation.
c) Where the Convention or its Protocols provide for the possibility for a Party to
make declarations or reservations, all such declarations and reservations made by
Romania shall be deemed applicable in case of requests made by another Party to the
European Public Prosecutor's Office whenever a European Delegated Prosecutor located
in Romania is competent in accordance with Article 13(1) of Council Regulation (EU)
d) As a judicial requesting authority acting in accordance with Article 24 of the
Convention as amended by Article 6 of the Second Additional Protocol to the Convention,
the European Public Prosecutor's Office shall comply with any conditions or restrictions
on the use of information and evidence obtained, which may be imposed by the requested
Party based on the Convention and its Protocols.
e) Obligations imposed upon the requesting Party by Article 12 of the Convention shall
also be binding upon the judicial authorities of the EU Member State of the competent
European Delegated Prosecutor. The same applies in case of obligations of the requesting
Party under Article 11 of the Convention as amended by Article 3 of the Second Additional
Protocol and under Articles 13, 14 and 23 of the Second Additional Protocol in respect
of the EU Member State of the European Delegated Prosecutor competent in accordance
with Article 13(1) of Council Regulation (EU) 2017/1939.
In accordance with Article 15 of the Convention as amended by Article 4 of the Second
Additional Protocol to the Convention, Romania declares that requests to the European
Public Prosecutor's Office for mutual assistance as well as information laid by a
Contracting Party in accordance with Article 21 of the Convention shall be addressed
directly to the European Public Prosecutor's Office and the declaration made in accordance
with Article 15 (2) of the Convention as amended by Article 4 of the Second Additional
Protocol to the Convention shall not apply in the case of the European Public Prosecutor’s
Office. Requests for mutual assistance shall be sent either to the Central Office
of the European Public Prosecutor's Office or to the European Delegated Prosecutor's
Office(s) of that Member State. The EPPO shall, where appropriate, forward such request
to the competent national authorities if the EPPO either does not have or is not exercising
its competence in a particular case.
In accordance with Article 15 of the Convention as amended by Article 4 of the Second
Additional Protocol to the Convention, Romania furthermore declares that applications
in accordance with Article 11 of the Convention as amended by Article 3 of the Second
Additional Protocol, and Articles 13 and 14 of the Second Additional Protocol as they
refer to the above mentioned Article 11, initiated by one of the European Delegated
Prosecutors in that EU Member State, shall be transmitted by the Ministry of Justice.
In accordance with Article 33(2) of the Second Additional Protocol, Romania declares
that the European Public Prosecutor's Office may, where a joint investigation team
as referred to in Article 20 of that Protocol is intended to operate on the territory
of Romania, act in the capacity of competent authority in accordance with Article
20 of that Protocol only with the prior consent of the judicial authorities of Romania
and in accordance with Council Regulation (EU) 2017/1939 and the applicable national
Russische Federatie
Pursuant to Article 33, paragraph 2, of the Protocol, the Russian Federation reserves
the right not to apply the provisions of Article 16, 17 and 19 of the Protocol.
Pursuant to paragraph 2 of Article 33 of the Protocol, the Russian Federation reserves
the right to apply the provisions of Articles 18 and 20 of the Protocol, on condition
of achievement of the arrangement according to Article 21 of the Protocol that officials
of the Party other than the Party of carrying out operation are immune from jurisdiction
of the Party of carrying out operation concerning the actions committed by them in
the performance of their official duties.
1. The Russian Federation declares pursuant to Article 15 of the European Convention
on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters (hereinafter - the Convention) in the
wording of Article 4 of the Protocol:
a) the central bodies authorized on the direction and receiving the requests containing
a request for legal assistance in criminal cases (hereinafter referred to as a request
for legal assistance), as well as information transferred without a request, are:
- The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation - on issues of judicial activities of
the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation in criminal matters;
- The Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation - on the issues of judicial activities
of all courts in criminal matters (with the exception of the Supreme Court of the
Russian Federation);
- The Investigation Committee of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of the Interior
of the Russian Federation, the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation,
the Federal Customs Service - in cases of crimes within their jurisdiction;
- The Prosecutor General’s Office of the Russian Federation on other issues of legal
assistance in criminal matters;
b) the central authorities execute requests for legal assistance directly or through
their competent authorities. When these competent authorities fulfil requests for
legal assistance, the central authorities facilitate their prompt and proper performance;
2. The Russian Federation declares pursuant to paragraph 6 of Article 15 of the Convention
in edition of Article 4 of the Protocol that the competent authority authorized for
consideration and the direction of requests for submission of copies of the sentences
and documents on taking measures provided by Article 4 of the Additional protocol
to the European Convention on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters is the Ministry
of Justice of the Russian Federation;
3. The Russian Federation declares pursuant to paragraph 8 of Article 15 of the Convention
in edition of Article 4 of the Protocol that it reserves the right to execute requests
for legal assistance, the originals of which are sent to the central authorities in
accordance with their competence. In urgent cases, the originals of such requests
are sent to the competent authority with simultaneous submission of their copies to
the relevant central authority. Requests for a search of dwelling, for an arrest of
property, for a temporary transfer of a detained person, as well as other requests
for legal assistance affecting the fundamental rights and freedoms of a person and
citizen and requiring a court or prosecutor’s decision, are sent to the General Prosecutor’s
Office of the Russian Federation;
4. The Russian Federation declares pursuant to paragraph 9 of Article 15 of the Convention
in edition of Article 4 of the Protocol, a request for legal assistance is accepted
for execution after its receipt by telex, fax, e-mail or other similar type of communication.
At the same time the Party that sent the request in such a way shall submit its original
as soon as possible. Informing about the results of the execution of the request is
carried out only under the condition of receiving its original;
5. The Russian Federation declares pursuant to Article 24 of the Convention in edition
of Article 6 of the Protocol that courts, bodies of prosecutor's office, inquiry and
preliminary investigation are considered as judicial bodies in the Russian Federation;
6. The Russian Federation declares pursuant to paragraph 5 of Article 9 of the Protocol
that the interrogation is carried out by the judicial authorities of the requesting
Party in accordance with its legislation, the norms of which should not contradict
the fundamental principles of legislation of the requested Party, under the supervision
of the authorized body of the requested Party. Data about the judicial authorities
of the requesting Party conducting the interrogation are fixed in the relevant procedural
documents drawn up during the interrogation;
7. The Russian Federation proceeds from the understanding that the provisions of Articles
9 and 10 of the Protocol relating to interrogation by means of video conference or
a conference call may be used for interrogating a victim in a criminal case;
8. The Russian Federation declares pursuant to paragraph 4 of Article 11 of the Protocol
that it reserves the right not to fulfil the conditions determined in accordance with
paragraph 2 of Article 11 of the Protocol by the providing Party, unless it receives
prior notification of the nature of the provided information and agrees to its transfer;
9. The Russian Federation declares pursuant to paragraph 7 of Article 13 of the Protocol
that before agreement is reached in accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 13 of the
Protocol, the consent specified in paragraph 3 of Article 13 of the Protocol is required;
10. The Russian Federation declares pursuant to paragraph 5 of Article 26 of the Protocol
that in case when the Russian Federation could refuse to transfer or restrict the
transfer or use of personal data in accordance with the provisions of the Convention
or one of its protocols, personal data transferred to the other Party, cannot be used
by this Party for the purposes specified in paragraph 1 of Article 26 of the Protocol,
without the prior consent of the Russian Federation;
11. The Russian Federation declares pursuant to Article 27 of the Protocol that for
the purposes of paragraph 3 of Article 1 of the Convention, the following are considered
as administrative bodies:
- The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation - on the judicial activities of the
Supreme Court of the Russian Federation;
- The Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation - on the judicial activities of
all courts (with the exception of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation);
- The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, the Federal Security
Service of the Russian Federation, the Federal Customs Service — on the legal proceedings
related to their administrative activities;
- The Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation - on other issues.
For the purposes of Article 18 of the Second Additional Protocol, the Russian Federation
defines the following central bodies authorized to carry out controlled delivery:
- the Investigation Committee of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of the Interior
of the Russian Federation, the Federal Customs Service – in case of crimes within
their jurisdiction;
- the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Russian Federation on other issues of legal
assistance in criminal matters.
With reference to Article 18, paragraph 4, of the Second Additional Protocol and pursuant
to the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of 6 June 2019 No. 120-FZ “On the ratification
of the Second Additional Protocol to the European Convention on Mutual Assistance
in Criminal Matters”, the Russian Side excludes the following central bodies authorised
to carry out controlled delivery:
- the Investigation Committee of the Russian Federation;
- the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Russian Federation.
With reference to Article 18, paragraph 4, of the Second Additional Protocol and pursuant
to the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of 6 June 2019 No. 120-FZ “On the ratification
of the Second Additional Protocol to the European Convention on Mutual Assistance
in Criminal Matters”, the Russian Side defines the following central bodies authorised
to carry out controlled delivery:
- the Ministry of Interior of the Russian Federation;
- the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation,
- the Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation.
In accordance with Article 6 of the Second Additionnal Protocol, the Republic of Serbia
declares that for the purposes of the Convention and Protocol, the following authorities
shall be considered as judiciary organs:
1. regular courts
2. public i.e. state prosecutors offices.
In accordance with Article 33, paragraph 2, of the Second Additional Protocol, the
Republic of Serbia declares that it does not accept the implementation of the provisions
of Article 16 of the Protocol.
In accordance with Article 17, paragraphs 1 and 2, of the Second Additionnal Protocol,
the Republic of Serbia declares that the authorities competent for the purposes of
Article 17 are:
- Republic Office of the Prosecutor of the Republic of Serbia
Nemanjina St. 22-24
11000 Belgrade
Tel: +381 11 3613 734
Fax: + 381 11 3616 558
- Ministry of Interior
Kneza Miliosa St. 101
11000 Belgrade
Tel: +381 11 3062 000
Fax: + 381 11 3617 814
In accordance with Article 18, paragraph 4, of the Second Additionnal Protocol, the
Republic of Serbia declares that the authority competent for the purposes of Article
18 is:
. Republic Office of the Prosecutor of the Republic of Serbia
Nemanjina St. 22-24
11000 Belgrade
Tel: +381 11 3613 734
Fax: + 381 11 3616 558
In accordance with Article 19, paragraph 2, of the Second Additionnal Protocol, the
Republic of Serbia declares that the authorities competent for the purposes of Article
19 are:
- Republic Office of the Prosecutor of the Republic of Serbia
Nemanjina St. 22-24
11000 Belgrade
Tel: +381 11 3613 734
Fax: + 381 11 3616 558
- Ministry of Interior
Kneza Miliosa St. 101
11000 Belgrade
Tel: +381 11 3062 000
Fax: + 381 11 3617 814
Pursuant to Article 18, paragraph 4, of the Protocol, the Republic of Slovenia declares
that the competent authorities for the purposes of Article 18 are the Ministry of
the Interior - Police, the competent State Prosecution Office and the competent Court
- Investigation Judge.
Pursuant to the Article 19, paragraph 4, of the Protocol, the Republic of Slovenia
declares that competent authorities for the purposes of Article 19, paragraph 2 the
Ministry of the Interior - Police, the competent State Prosecution Office and the
competent Court - Investigation Judge.
Pursuant to the Article 27 of the Protocol, the Republic of Slovenia declares that
the administrative authorities for the purpose of the Article 1, paragraph 3, of the
European Convention on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters are the authorities that,
in accordance with national legislation of the Republic of Slovenia, carry out supervisory
tasks over the implementation of regulations and are in this regard competent to make
decisions about minor offences.
In accordance with Article 17, paragraph 4, of the Protocol, the Republic of Slovenia
declares that the competent authority for the purposes of paragraphs 1 and 2 of the
Article 17 is:
Ministry of the Interior
General Police Directorate
Criminal Police Directorate
Stefanova 2
1000 Ljubljana
The authority responsible for receiving the requests under the Article 17 is:
Criminal Police Directorate
International Police Cooperation Division
24/7 Mobile no.: +386 41 713 680
N.C. +386 1 428 4780
Fax: +386 1 251 7516
Stefanova 2
1000 Ljubljana
In accordance with Article 24 of the Convention as amended by Article 6 of the Second
Additional Protocol to the Convention, the Republic of Slovenia, as a Member State
of the European Union participating in the enhanced cooperation on the establishment
of the European Public Prosecutor’s Office, declares that the European Public Prosecutor’s
Office (“EPPO”), in the exercise of its competences, as provided for by Articles 22,
23 and 25 of Council Regulation (EU) 2017/1939, shall be deemed to be a judicial authority
for the purpose of issuing requests for mutual assistance in accordance with the Convention
and its protocols as well as for the purpose of providing, on request of another Contracting
Party in accordance with the Convention and its protocols, information or evidence
which the EPPO has obtained already or may obtain following the initiation of an investigation
in the area of its competence. The EPPO shall also be deemed to be a judicial authority
for the purpose of receipt of information in accordance with Article 21 of the Convention
in respect of offences within its competence as provided for by Articles 22, 23 and
25 of Council Regulation (EU) 2017/1939. This declaration is intended to supplement
the previous declarations made by the Republic of Slovenia in accordance with Article
24 of the Convention.
With reference to this declaration made in accordance with Article 24 of the Convention,
the Republic of Slovenia avails itself of the opportunity to interpret the legal effects
of that declaration as follows:
a) Where the Convention or its protocols refer to the requesting Party or the requested
Party, this shall in case of requests issued by or addressed to the European Public
Prosecutor’s Office be interpreted as referring to the EU Member Stale of the competent
European Delegated Prosecutor whose powers and functions are referred to in Article
13 of Council Regulation (EU) 2017/1939.
b) Where the Convention or its protocols refer to the law of the requesting or the
requested Party, this shall in case of requests issued by or addressed to the European
Public Prosecutor's Office be interpreted as referring to Union law, in particular
Council Regulation (EU) 2017/1939, as well as to the national law of the EU Member
State of the competent European Delegated Prosecutor, to the extent applicable in
accordance with Article 5(3) of Regulation (EU) 2017/1939.
c) Where the Convention or its protocols provide for the possibility for a Party to
make declarations or reservations, all such declarations and reservations made by
the Republic of Slovenia shall be deemed applicable in case of requests made by another
Party to the European Public Prosecutor’s Office whenever a European Delegated Prosecutor
located in the Republic of Slovenia is competent in accordance with Article 13(1)
of Council Regulation (EU) 2017/1939.
d) As a judicial requesting authority acting in accordance with Article 24 of the
Convention as amended by Article 6 of the Second Additional Protocol to the Convention,
the European Public Prosecutor’s Office shall comply with any conditions or restrictions
on the use of information and evidence obtained, which may be imposed by the requested
Party based on the Convention and its protocols.
e) Obligations imposed upon the requesting Party by Article 12 of the Convention shall
also be binding upon the judicial authorities of the EU Member State of the competent
European Delegated Prosecutor. The same applies in case of obligations of the requesting
Party under Article 11 of the Convention as amended by Article 3 of the Second Additional
Protocol to the Convention and under Articles 13, 14 and 23 of the Second Additional
Protocol in respect of the EU Member State of the European Delegated Prosecutor competent
in accordance with Article 13(1) of Council Regulation (EU) 2017/1939.
In accordance with Article 15 of the Convention as amended by Article 4 of the Second
Additional Protocol to the Convention, the Republic of Slovenia declares that requests
to the European Public Prosecutor's Office for mutual assistance as well as information
laid by a Contracting Party in accordance with Article 21 of the Convention shall
be addressed directly to the European Public Prosecutor’s Office. Requests for mutual
assistance shall be sent either to the Central Office of the European Public Prosecutor’s
Office or to the European Delegated Prosecutor’s Office(s) of that Member State. The
EPPO shall, where appropriate, forward a request for mutual assistance to the competent
national authorities if the EPPO either does not have or is not exercising its competence
in a particular case.
In accordance with Article 15 of the Convention, as amended by Article 4 of the Second
Additional Protocol to the Convention, the Republic of Slovenia furthermore declares
that applications in accordance with Article 11 of the Convention as amended by Article
3 of the Second Additional Protocol, and Articles 13 and 14 of the Second Additional
Protocol as they refer to the above mentioned Article 11, initiated by one of the
European Delegated Prosecutors in that EU Member State, shall be transmitted by the
Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Slovenia.
In accordance with Article 33(2) of the Second Additional Protocol, the Republic of
Slovenia declares that the European Public Prosecutor's Office may, where a joint
investigation team as referred to in Article 20 of that Protocol is intended to operate
in the territory of the Republic of Slovenia, act in the capacity of a “competent
authority” in accordance with Article 20 of the Protocol only with the prior consent
of the judicial authorities of the Republic of Slovenia and in accordance with Council
Regulation (EU) 2017/1939 and the applicable national law.
In accordance with Article 15, paragraph 8, of the European Convention on Mutual Assistance
in Criminal Matters, as reworded by Article 4 of the Second Additional Protocol, the
Slovak Republic declares that requests under Article 15, paragraphs 1, 3 and 4 shall
be addressed to the District Prosecutor's Office for the district where the requested
assistance shall be carried out. A copy of the request shall be sent to the General
Prosecutor's Office.
If the requesting authority requires to serve the documents on the addressee in the
Slovak Republic by the court, the request may be addressed directly to the district
court for the district where the addressee resides.
Spontaneous information under Article 11 of the Second Additional Protocol and requests
under Article 15, paragraph 5, of the European Convention on Mutual Assistance in
Criminal Matters, as reworded by Article 4 of the Second Additional Protocol, shall
be addressed to the General Prosecutor's Office.
In accordance with Article 15, paragraph 9, of the European Convention on Mutual Assistance
in Criminal Matters, as reworded by Article 4 of the Second Additional Protocol, the
Slovak Republic declares that the competent authorities of the Slovak Republic shall
commence the execution of a request sent by facsimile or other means of electronic
communication if the request is urgent and its authenticity is undisputed, provided
the requesting authority subsequently submits the original of the request within the
period specified by the requested authority.
The Slovak Republic avails itself of the opportunity provided by Article 11, paragraph
4, of the Second Additional Protocol and declares that it reserves its right not to
be bound by the conditions imposed by the providing Party unless it receives prior
notice of the nature of the information to be provided and agrees to its transmission.
The Slovak Republic avails itself of the opportunity provided by Article 13, paragraph
7 of the Second Additional Protocol and declares that it shall always require the
consent of the person according to paragraph 3 of this article.
In accordance with Article 18, paragraphe 4, of the Second Additional Protocol, the
Slovak Republic declares that the requests for controlled deliveries shall be addressed
directly to the district Prosecutor's Office for the district where the requested
assistance shall be carried out and a copy thereof shall be sent to the General Prosecutor's
Office. Controlled delivery shall be carried out by the General Prosecutor's Office.
Controlled delivery shall be carried out by the competent units of the Police Corps
of the Slovak Republic.
The Slovak Republic will execute requests under Article 18 of the Second Additional
Protocol only if they relate to the controlled import, export and transit of a delivery
provided the circumstances of the case justify the assumption that the delivery without
proper permit contains narcotics, psychotropic substances, precursors, poisons, nuclear
and other similar radioactive materials, counterfeit money or securities, firearms
or weapons of mass destruction, ammunition or explosives and the requesting party
undertakes to provide adequate protection to the information obtained as a result
of the assistance.
The Slovak Republic avails itself of the opportunity provided by Article 33, paragraph
2, of the Second Additional Protocol and does not accept wholly the Articles 16, 17,
19 and 20 of the Second Additional Protocol.
In the Slovak Republic, the authorities which rendered the conviction or measures
shall be deemed as the competent authorities for the purposes of Article 15, paragraph
6, of the European Convention on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters, as reworded
by Article 4 of the Second Additional Protocol.
The Slovak Republic withdraws its reservation made on the basis of Article 33, paragraph
2, to Articles 16, 17, 19 and 20, of the Second Additional Protocol, and partially
withdraws its reservation made on the basis of Article 33, paragraph 2, to Article
18 so that it reads as follows:
The Slovak Republic will execute requests under Article 18 of the Second Additional
Protocol only if the requests relate to the control of delivery from the sender to
the addressee during its transit, export or import, if the circumstances of the case
justify the assumption that the consignment without the necessary permits contains
narcotic substances, psychotropic substances, precursors, poisons, nuclear or other
radioactive materials, hazardous chemical substances, counterfeit or altered money,
counterfeit or altered securities, counterfeit, altered or illegally produced custom
stamps, postal stamps, labels and postal stamps, electronic means of payment or another
payment card or an item capable of such function, firearms or weapons of mass destruction,
ammunition and explosives, cultural heritage items or other items that require special
permissions for their possession, items intended to commit a criminal offence, or
items of a committed criminal offence, for the purpose of apprehending persons who
take part in the handling of such consignment.
In accordance with Article 15, paragraph 8, subparagraph d), of the European Convention
on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters, as reworded by Article 4 of the Second Additional
Protocol, the Slovak Republic declares that it will accept and execute only the requests
for mutual assistance in proceedings pursuant to Article 1, paragraph 3, of the Convention,
which are sent exclusively between judicial authorities.
In accordance with Article 15, paragraph 8, subparagraph d), of the European Convention
[…], as reworded by Article 4 of the Second Additional Protocol, the Slovak Republic
declares that the request under Article 17, paragraph 1, of the Second Additional
Protocol shall be addressed to the Regional Prosecutor's Office in Bratislava.
In accordance with Article 17, paragraph 4, of the Second Additional Protocol, the
Slovak Republic declares that notifications under Article 17, paragraph 2, of the
Second Additional Protocol shall be addressed to the Presidium of the Police Force
of the Slovak Republic. Competent authority for carrying out cross-border observation
is the Police Force of the Slovak Republic.
In accordance with Article 15, paragraph 8, subparagraph d), of the European Convention
[…], as reworded by Article 4 of the Second Additional Protocol, the Slovak Republic
declares that the request under Article 19 shall be addressed to the Regional Prosecutor's
Office in Bratislava.
The Slovak Republic further notifies that under its national law, the covert investigation
is admissible for the detection, identification and conviction of perpetrators of
crimes, criminal offence of corruption, criminal offences of extremism, criminal offence
of abuse of office by a public official or criminal offence of money laundering in
case the investigation would otherwise be significantly impeded. Except for the criminal
offence of corruption and criminal offences of extremism, the agent can be only a
member of the Police Force of the Slovak Republic or a member of police forces of
another State.
In accordance with Article 15, paragraph 8, subparagraph d), of the European Convention
[…], as reworded by Article 4 of the Second Additional Protocol, the Slovak Republic
declares that the request under Article 20 shall be addressed to the General Prosecutor's
Office of the Slovak Republic.
In accordance with Article 26 paragraph 5, of the Second Additional Protocol, the
Slovak Republic declares that within the framework of procedures for which it could
have refused or limited the transmission or the use of personal data in accordance
with the provisions of the Convention or one of its Protocols, personal data transmitted
to another Party cannot be used by the latter for the purposes of paragraph 1 without
previous consent of the Slovak Republic.
In accordance with Article 24 of the Convention as amended by Article 6 of the Second
Additional Protocol to the Convention), the Slovak Republic, as a Member State of
the European Union participating in the enhanced cooperation on the establishment
of the European Public Prosecutor's Office, declares that the European Public Prosecutor's
Office ("EPPO"), in the exercise of its competences, as provided for by Articles 22,
23 and 25 of Council Regulation (EU) 2017/1939, shall be deemed to be a judicial authority
for the purpose of issuing requests for mutual assistance in accordance with the Convention
and its Protocols, as well as for the purpose of providing, on request of another
Contracting Party in accordance with the Convention and its Protocols, information
or evidence which the EPPO has obtained already or may obtain following the initiation
of an investigation in the area of its competence.
The EPPO shall also be deemed to be a judicial authority for the purpose of receipt
of information in accordance with Article 21 of the Convention, in respect of offences
within its competence as provided for by Articles 22, 23 and 25 of Council Regulation
(EU) 2017/1939. This declaration is intended to supplement the previous declarations
made by the Slovak Republic in accordance with Article 24 of the Convention.
With reference to this declaration made in accordance with Article 24 of the Convention,
the Slovak Republic avails itself of the opportunity to interpret the legal effects
of that declaration as follows:
a) Where the Convention or its Protocols refer to the requesting Party or the requested
Party, this shall in case of requests issued by or addressed to the European Public
Prosecutor's Office be interpreted as referring to the EU Member State of the competent
European Delegated Prosecutor whose powers and functions are referred to in Article
13 of Council Regulation (EU) 2017/1939.
b) Where the Convention or its Protocols refer to the law of the requesting or the
requested Party, this shall in case of requests issued by or addressed to the European
Public Prosecutor's Office be interpreted as referring to Union law, in particular
Council Regulation (EU) 2017/1939, as well as to the national law of the EU Member
State of the competent European Delegated Prosecutor, to the extent applicable in
accordance with Article 5(3) of that Regulation.
c) Where the Convention or its Protocols provide for the possibility for a Party to
make declarations or reservations, all such declarations and reservations made by
the Slovak Republic shall be deemed applicable in case of requests made by another
Party to the European Public Prosecutor's Office whenever a European Delegated Prosecutor
located in the Slovak Republic is competent in accordance with Article 13(1) of Council
Regulation (EU) 2017/1939.
d) As a judicial requesting authority acting in accordance with Article 24 of the
Convention as amended by Article 6 of the Second Additional Protocol to the Convention,
the European Public Prosecutor's Office shall comply with any conditions or restrictions
on the use of information and evidence obtained, which may be imposed by the requested
Party based on the Convention and its Protocols.
e) Obligations imposed upon the requesting Party by Article 12 of the Convention shall
also be binding upon the judicial authorities of the EU Member State of the competent
European Delegated Prosecutor.
The same applies in case of obligations of the requesting Party under Article 11 of
the Convention as amended by Article 3 of the Second Additional Protocol and under
Articles 13, 14 and 23 of the Second Additional Protocol in respect of the EU Member
State of the European Delegated Prosecutor competent in accordance with Article 13(1)
of Council Regulation (EU) 2017/1939.
In accordance with Article 15 of the Convention as amended by Article 4 of the Second
Additional Protocol to the Convention, the Slovak Republic declares that requests
to the European Public Prosecutor's Office for mutual assistance as well as information
laid by a Contracting Party in accordance with Article 21 of the Convention shall
be addressed directly to the European Public Prosecutor's Office and the declaration
made in accordance with Article 15 of the Convention as amended by Article 4 of the
Second Additional Protocol to the Convention shall not apply in the case of the European
Public Prosecutor’s Office. Requests for mutual assistance shall be sent either to
the Central Office of the European Public Prosecutor's Office or to the European Delegated
Prosecutor's Office(s) of that Member State. The EPPO shall, where appropriate, forward
such request to the competent national authorities if the EPPO either does not have
or is not exercising its competence in a particular case.
In accordance with Article 15 of the Convention as amended by Article 4 of the Second
Additional Protocol to the Convention, the Slovak Republic furthermore declares that
applications in accordance with Article 11 of the Convention as amended by Article
3 of the Second Additional Protocol, and Articles 13 and 14 of the Second Additional
Protocol as they refer to the above mentioned Article 11, initiated by one of the
European Delegated Prosecutors in that EU Member State, shall be transmitted by the
Ministry of Justice of the Slovak Republic.
In accordance with Article 33(2) of the Second Additional Protocol, the Slovak Republic
declares that the European Public Prosecutor's Office may, where a joint investigation
team as referred to in Article 20 of that Protocol is intended to operate on the territory
of the Slovak Republic, act in the capacity of “competent authority” in accordance
with Article 20 of that Protocol only after prior notification to the General Prosecutor’s
Office of the Slovak Republic and in accordance with Council Regulation (EU) 2017/1939
and the applicable national law.
Spain declares that, with regards to Article 4, paragraph 8, of the Second Additional
Protocol, the
request, unless it is urgent, shall be forwarded to the central authority designated
in the declaration; in case of direct transmission for reasons of urgency, a copy
shall be transmitted at the same time to the Ministry of Justice of Spain.
The competent authorities designated by Spain for the purposes of Article 17, paragraph
4, Article 18, paragraph 4, and Article 19, paragraph 4, of the Second Additional
Protocol, are the following:
- the State Secretary for Security;
- the Directorate general of Police;
- the Directorate General of the Guardia civil.
In the event that the Second Additional Protocol to the European Convention on Mutual
Assistance in Criminal Matters were to be extended to Gibraltar by the United Kingdom,
Spain would like to make the following declaration:
1. Gibraltar is a non-autonomous territory whose international relations come under
the responsibility of the United Kingdom and which is subject to a decolonisation
process in accordance with the relevant decisions and resolutions of the General Assembly
of the United Nations.
2. The authorities of Gibraltar have a local character and exercise exclusively internal
competences which have their origin and their foundation in a distribution and attribution
of competences performed by the United Kingdom in compliance with its internal legislation,
in its capacity as sovereign State of which the mentioned non-autonomous territory
is dependent.
3. As a result, any participation of the Gibraltarian authorities in the application
of this Protocol will be understood as carried out exclusively as part of the internal
competences of Gibraltar and cannot be considered to modify in any way what was established
in the two previous paragraphs.
4. The procedure foreseen in the "Arrangements relating to Gibraltar authorities in
the context of certain international treaties" which were adopted by Spain and the
United Kingdom on 19 December 2007, as well as the "Agreed Arrangements relating to
Gibraltar authorities in the context of EU and EC instruments and related treaties",
dated 19 April 2000, apply to this Second Additional Protocol to the European Convention
on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters.
5. The application of the Protocol to Gibraltar should not be interpreted as an acknowledgment
of any right or any situation regarding areas not covered by Article X of the Treaty
of Utrecht of 13 July 1713, concluded between the Crowns of Spain and of the United
With regard to the communication that the United Kingdom addressed to the Secretariat
General of the Council of Europe on 29 July 2019, concerning the intention of the
United Kingdom to extend to Gibraltar the application of the European Convention on
Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters (ETS No. 30), Spain, recalling that it is a
Party to the said Convention, as well as to the Additional Protocol (ETS No. 99) and
to the Second Additional Protocol (ETS No. 182) thereof, makes the following statement:
- Gibraltar is a non-autonomous territory whose international relations come under
the responsibility of the United Kingdom and which is subject to a decolonisation
process in accordance with the relevant decisions and resolutions of the General Assembly
of the United Nations.
- The authorities of Gibraltar have a local character and exercise exclusively internal
competences which have their origin and their foundation in a distribution and attribution
of competences performed by the United Kingdom in compliance with its internal legislation,
in its capacity as sovereign State of which the mentioned non-autonomous territory
is dependent.
- As a result, any participation of the Gibraltarian authorities in the application
of the European Convention on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters and of the Protocols
thereof will be understood as carried out exclusively as part of the internal competences
of Gibraltar and cannot be considered to modify in any way what was established in
the two previous paragraphs.
- The procedure foreseen in the Arrangements relating to Gibraltar authorities in
the context of certain international treaties which were adopted by Spain and the
United Kingdom on 19 December 2007 (as well as the Agreed Arrangements relating to
Gibraltar authorities in the context of EU and EC instruments and related treaties,
dated 19 April 2000), apply to this Convention and, eventually, to the Protocols thereof.
- The application to Gibraltar of this Convention and eventually of the Protocols
thereof should not be interpreted as an acknowledgment of any right or any situation
regarding areas not covered by Article X of the Treaty of Utrecht of 13 July 1713,
concluded between the Crowns of Spain and of the United Kingdom.
In accordance with Article 24 of the Convention as amended by Article 6 of the Second
Additional Protocol to the Convention, the Kingdom of Spain, in its capacity as a
Member State of the European Union participating in the enhanced cooperation on the
establishment of the European Public Prosecutor’s Office, declares that the European
Public Prosecutor’s Office (“EPPO”), in the exercise of its competences, as provided
for by Articles 22, 23 and 25 of Council Regulation (EU) 2017/1939, shall be deemed
to be a judicial authority for the purpose of issuing requests for mutual assistance
in accordance with the Convention and its Protocols, as well as for the purpose of
providing, on request of another Contracting Party in accordance with the Convention
and its Protocols, information or evidence which the EPPO has obtained already or
may obtain following the initiation of an investigation in the area of its competence.
The EPPO shall also be deemed to be a judicial authority for the purpose of receipt
of information in accordance with Article 21 of the Convention, in respect of offences
within its competence as provided for by Articles 22, 23 and 25 of Council Regulation
(EU) 2017/1939. This declaration is intended to supplement the previous declarations
made by the Kingdom of Spain, in accordance with Article 24 of the Convention.
With reference to this declaration made in accordance with Article 24 of the Convention,
Spain avails itself of the opportunity to interpret the legal effects of that declaration
as follows:
a) Where the Convention or its Protocols refer to the requesting Party or the requested
Party, this shall in case of requests issued by or addressed to the European Public
Prosecutor’s Office be interpreted as referring to the EU Member State of the competent
European Delegated Prosecutor whose powers and functions are referred to in Article
13 of Council Regulation (EU) 2017/1939.
b) Where the Convention or its Protocols refer to the law of the requesting or the
requested Party, this shall in case of requests issued by or addressed to the European
Public Prosecutor’s Office be interpreted as referring to Union law, in particular
Council Regulation (EU) 2017/1939, as well as to the national law of the EU Member
State of the competent European Delegated Prosecutor, to the extent applicable in
accordance with Article 5(3) of that Regulation.
c) Where the Convention or its Protocols provide for the possibility for a Party to
make declarations or reservations, all such declarations and reservations made by
the Kingdom of Spain shall be deemed applicable in case of requests made by another
Party to the European Public Prosecutor’s Office whenever a European Delegated Prosecutor
located in the territory of Spain is competent in accordance with Article 13(1) of
Council Regulation (EU) 2017/1939.
d) As a judiciary requesting authority acting in accordance with Article 24 of the
Convention, as amended by Article 6 of the Second Additional Protocol to the Convention,
the European Public Prosecutor’s Office shall comply with any conditions or restrictions
on the use of information and evidence obtained, which may be imposed by the requested
Party based on the Convention and its Protocols.
e) Obligations imposed upon the requesting Party by Article 12 of the Convention shall
also be binding upon the judiciary authorities of the EU Member State of the competent
European Delegated Prosecutor. The same applies in case of obligations of the requesting
Party under Article 11 of the Convention, as amended by Article 3 of the Second Additional
Protocol and under Articles 13, 14 and 23 of the Second Additional Protocol, in respect
of the EU Member State of the European Delegated Prosecutor competent in accordance
with Article 13(1) of Council Regulation (EU) 2017/1939.
In accordance with Article 15 of the Convention, as amended by Article 4 of the Second
Additional Protocol to the Convention, the Kingdom of Spain declares that requests
to the European Public Prosecutor’s Office for mutual assistance as well as information
laid by a Contracting Party in accordance with Article 21 of the Convention shall
be addressed directly to the European Public Prosecutor’s Office, and the declaration
made in accordance with Article 15 of the Convention as amended by Article 4 of the
Second Additional Protocol to the Convention shall not apply in the case of the European
Public Prosecutor’s Office. Requests for mutual assistance shall be sent either to
the Central Office of the European Public Prosecutor’s Office or to the European Delegated
Prosecutor's Office(s) of that Member State. The EPPO shall, where appropriate, forward
such request to the competent national authorities if the EPPO either does not have
or is not exercising its competence in a particular case.
In accordance with Article 15 of the Convention, as amended by Article 4 of the Second
Additional Protocol to the Convention, the Kingdom of Spain furthermore declares that
applications in accordance with Article 11 of the Convention, as amended by Article
3 of the Second Additional Protocol, and Articles 13 and 14 of the Second Additional
Protocol as they refer to the above-mentioned Article 11 initiated by one of the European
Delegated Prosecutors in that EU Member State, shall be transmitted by the Ministry
of Justice (General Sub-Directorate for International Legal Cooperation).
In accordance with Article 33(2) of the Second Additional Protocol, the Kingdom of
Spain declares that the European Public Prosecutor’s Office may, where a joint investigation
team as referred to in Article 20 of that Protocol is intended to operate on the territory
of the Kingdom of Spain, act in the capacity of “competent authority” in accordance
with Article 20 of that Protocol only with prior agreement of the judicial authorities
of the Kingdom of Spain and in accordance with Council Regulation (EU) 2017/1939 and
the applicable national law.
In accordance with Article 15, paragraph 8.a, of the European Convention on Mutual
Assistance in Criminal Matters as worded by Article 4 of the Second Additional Protocol,
the Czech Republic declares that copies of requests for mutual assistance have to
be forwarded to the central authorities, namely:
- Supreme Prosecutor's Office of the Czech Republic in case of a request made in proceedings
before the case is brought before a court;
- Ministry of Justice of the Czech Republic in case of a request made in proceedings
after the case is brought before a court.
With regard to the fact that the Czech Republic made no declaration under Article
27 of the Second Additional Protocol, the Czech Republic wishes to confirm in connection
with Article 15, paragraph 3, of the European Convention on Mutual Assistance in Criminal
Matters as worded by Article 4 of the Second Additional Protocol, that requests by
administrative authorities under Article 1, paragraph 3, of the European Convention
on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters as worded by Article 1 of the Second Additional
Protocol may be sent only to judicial authorities of the Czech Republic.
In accordance with Article 15, paragraph 9, of the European Convention on Mutual Assistance
in Criminal Matters as worded by Article 4 of the Second Additional Protocol, the
Czech Republic declares that in case of forwarding of a request through electronic
or any other means of telecommunication, the original of such request has to be subsequently
delivered in writing.
In accordance with Article 24 of the European Convention on Mutual Assistance in Criminal
Matters as worded by Article 6 of the Second Additional Protocol, the Czech Republic
declares that for the purposes of the Convention and its additional protocols following
authorities are considered as judicial authorities: the Supreme Prosecutor's Office
of the Czech Republic; high, regional, county and district prosecutors' offices; the
City Prosecutor's Office in Prage; the City Prosecutor's Office in Brno; the Ministry
of Justice of the Czech Republic; the Supreme Court of the Czech Republic; high, regional,
county and district courts; the City Court in Prague and the City Court in Brno.
In accordance with Article 13, paragraph 7, of the Second Additional Protocol, the
Czech Republic declares that the consent referred to in Article 13, paragraph 3, of
the Second Additional Protocol will be required before an agreement on the temporary
transfer of a person under Article 13, paragraph 1, of the Second Additional Protocol
is reached.
In accordance with Article 17, paragraph 4, of the Second Additional Protocol, the
Czech Republic declares that:
a) the authority designated for receipt of a request for assistance referred to in
Article 17, paragraph 1, of the Second Additional Protocol is:
Regional Prosecutor's Office in Prague;
b) the authority designated for receipt of notifications under Article 17, paragraph
2, of the Second Additional Protocol is:
Police Presidium of the Czech Republic;
c) bodies of the Police of the Czech Republic and customs authorities are entitled
to carry out cross-border observations under Article 17, paragraphs 1 and 2, of the
Second Additional Protocol for the Czech Republic.
In accordance with Article 18, paragraph 4, of the Second Additional Protocol, the
Czech Republic declares that the authority competent for the purposes of Article 18
Regional Prosecutor's Office in Prague.
In accordance with Article 19, paragraph 4, of the Second Additional Protocol, the
Czech Republic declares that the authority competent for the purposes of Article 19
High Prosecutor's Office in Prague
Pursuant to Article 15, paragraph 8.d, of the European Convention on Mutual Assistance
in Criminal Matters as worded by Article 4 of the Second Additional Protocol, the
Czech Republic declares that the authority competent for receipt and sending of requests
under Article 20 of the Second Additional Protocol is:
Supreme Prosecutor's Office.
The declaration of central authorities made by the Czech Republic in accordance with
Article 29 of the Convention, registered at the Secretariat General on 1 March 2006,
is amended as follows:
In accordance with Article 15, paragraph 8.a, of the European Convention on Mutual
Assistance in Criminal Matters as amended by Article 4 of the Second Additional Protocol,
the Czech Republic declares that copies of requests for mutual assistance have to
be forwarded to the central authorities, namely
a) the Supreme Prosecutor's Office of the Czech Republic for requests originating
from pre-trial proceedings;
b) the Ministry of Justice of the Czech Republic for other requests.
The declarations to Articles 6, 17, 18, 19 and 20 made by the Czech Republic at the
time of the ratification of the Second Additional Protocol to the European Convention
on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters, are amended as follows:
1. In accordance with Article 24 of the European Convention on Mutual Assistance in
Criminal Matters as amended by Article 6 of the Second Additional Protocol, the Czech
Republic declares that for the purposes of the Convention and its Additional Protocols,
courts and public prosecution offices are considered as judicial authorities.
2. Updating of contact information: Article 17
In accordance with Article 17, paragraph 4, of the Second Additional Protocol, the
Czech Republic declares that:
a) the authority designated for receipt of a request for assistance referred to in
Article 17, paragraph 1, of the Second Additional Protocol is :
Regional Prosecutor's Office in Prague;
b) the authority designated for receipt of notifications under Article 17, paragraph
2, of the Second Additional Protocol is:
Police Presidium of the Czech Republic;
c) bodies of the Police of the Czech Republic and customs authorities are entitled
to carry out cross-border observations under Article 17, paragraphs 1 and 2, of the
Second Additional Protocol for the Czech Republic.
3. Updating of contact information: Article 18
In accordance with Article 18, paragraph 4, of the Second Additional Protocol, the
Czech Republic declares that the authority competent for the purposes of Article 18
Regional Prosecutor's Office in Prague.
4. Updating of contact information: Article 19
In accordance with Article 19, paragraph 4, of the Second Additional Protocol, the
Czech Republic declares that the authority competent for the purposes of Article 19
High Prosecutor's Office in Prague.
5. Updating of contact information: Article 20
In accordance with Article 15, paragraph 8.d, of the European Convention on Mutual
Assistance in Criminal Matters as amended by Article 4 of the Second Additional Protocol,
the Czech Republic declares that the authority designated for receipt of and sending
of the requests under Article 20 of the Second Additional Protocol is:
Supreme Prosecutor's Office of the Czech Republic.
In accordance with Article 24 of the Convention (as amended by Article 6 of the Second
Additional Protocol to the Convention), the Czech Republic, as a Member State of the
European Union participating in the enhanced cooperation on the establishment of the
European Public Prosecutor's Office, declares that the European Public Prosecutor's
Office ("EPPO"), in the exercise of its competences, as provided for by Articles 22,
23 and 25 of Council Regulation (EU) 2017/1939, shall be deemed to be a judicial authority
for the purpose of issuing requests for mutual assistance in accordance with the Convention
and its Protocols, as well as for the purpose of providing, on request of another
Contracting Party in accordance with the Convention and its Protocols, information
or evidence which the EPPO has obtained already or may obtain following the initiation
of an investigation in the area of its competence. The EPPO shall also be deemed to
be a judicial authority for the purpose of receipt of information in accordance with
Article 21 of the Convention, in respect of offences within its competence as provided
for by Articles 22, 23 and 25 of Council Regulation (EU) 2017/1939. This declaration
is intended to supplement the previous declarations made by the Czech Republic in
accordance with Article 24 of the Convention.
With reference to this declaration made in accordance with Article 24 of the Convention,
the Czech Republic avails itself of the opportunity to interpret the legal effects
of that declaration as follows:
a) Where the Convention or its Protocols refer to the requesting Party or the requested
Party, this shall in case of requests issued by or addressed to the European Public
Prosecutor's Office be interpreted as referring to the EU Member State of the competent
European Delegated Prosecutor whose powers and functions are referred to in Article
13 of Council Regulation (EU) 2017/1939.
b) Where the Convention or its Protocols refer to the law of the requesting or the
requested Party, this shall in case of requests issued by or addressed to the European
Public Prosecutor's Office be interpreted as referring to Union law, in particular
Council Regulation (EU) 2017/1939, as well as to the national law of the EU Member
State of the competent European Delegated Prosecutor, to the extent applicable in
accordance with Article 5(3) of that Regulation.
c) Where the Convention or its Protocols provide for the possibility for a Party to
make declarations or reservations, all such declarations and reservations made by
the Czech Republic shall be deemed applicable in case of requests made by another
Party to the European Public Prosecutor's Office whenever a European Delegated Prosecutor
located in the Czech Republic is competent in accordance with Article 13(1) of Council
Regulation (EU) 2017/1939.
d) As a judicial requesting authority acting in accordance with Article 24 of the
Convention (as amended by Article 6 of the Second Additional Protocol to the Convention),
the European Public Prosecutor's Office shall comply with any conditions or restrictions
on the use of information and evidence obtained, which may be imposed by the requested
Party based on the Convention and its Protocols.
e) Obligations imposed upon the requesting Party by Article 12 of the Convention shall
also be binding upon the judicial authorities of the EU Member State of the competent
European Delegated Prosecutor. The same applies in case of obligations of the requesting
Party under Article 11 of the Convention (as amended by Article 3 of the Second Additional
Protocol and under Articles 13, 14 and 23 of the Second Additional Protocol) in respect
of the EU Member State of the European Delegated Prosecutor competent in accordance
with Article 13(1) of Council Regulation (EU) 2017/1939.
In accordance with Article 15 of the Convention (as amended by Article 4 of the Second
Additional Protocol to the Convention), the Czech Republic declares that requests
to the European Public Prosecutor's Office for mutual assistance as well as information
laid by a Contracting Party in accordance with Article 21 of the Convention shall
be addressed directly to the European Public Prosecutor's Office (and the declaration
made in accordance with Article 15, paragraph 6, of the Convention (as amended by
Article 4 of the Second Additional Protocol to the Convention) shall not apply in
the case of the European Public Prosecutor’s Office). Requests for mutual assistance
shall be sent either to the Central Office of the European Public Prosecutor's Office
or to the European Delegated Prosecutor's Office(s) of that Member State. The EPPO
shall, where appropriate, forward such request to the competent national authorities
if the EPPO either does not have or is not exercising its competence in a particular
In accordance with Article 15 of the Convention (as amended by Article 4 of the Second
Additional Protocol to the Convention), the Czech Republic furthermore declares, for
the European part of the Netherlands, that applications in accordance with Article
11 of the Convention (as amended by Article 3 of the Second Additional Protocol, and
Articles 13 and 14 of the Second Additional Protocol as they refer to the above mentioned
Article 11), initiated by one of the European Delegated Prosecutors located in the
Czech Republic, shall be transmitted by the Supreme Prosecutor’s Office of the Czech
In accordance with Article 33(2) of the Second Additional Protocol, the Czech Republic
declares that the European Public Prosecutor's Office may, where a joint investigation
team as referred to in Article 20 of that Protocol is intended to operate on the territory
of the Czech Republic, act in the capacity of "competent authority" in accordance
with Article 20 of that Protocol only with the prior consent of the Supreme Prosecutor’s
Office of the Czech Republic and in accordance with Council Regulation (EU) 2017/1939
and the applicable national law.
In connection with Article 16, the Republic of Turkey does not accept directly address
by post of judicial decisions and other documents by foreign authorities to the persons
who are in the territory of Turkey via mail.
In accordance with Article 33, paragraph 2, of the Second Additional Protocol, the
Republic of Turkey declares that it does not accept Article 17 of the Second Additional
In accordance with Article 4, paragraph 8.b and c of the Second Additional Protocol
to the European Convention on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters, the Republic
of Turkey declares that it reserves the right to ensure that:
-requests, except urgent ones, are forwarded to the Central Authority designated in
the declaration;
-in case of direct transmission to the judicial authorities for reasons of urgency,
a copy of the request is transmitted simultaneously to the Central Authority.
In line with Article 6 of the Second Additional Protocol to the European Convention
on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters, the Republic of Turkey declares that courts
and chief public prosecutor's offices in Turkey shall be designated as judicial authorities.
In accordance with Article 11, paragraph 4, of the Second Additional Protocol to the
European Convention on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters, the Republic of Turkey
declares that it reserves the right not to be bound by the conditions imposed by Article
11, paragraph 2, of the Protocol unless it receives prior notice of the nature of
the information to be provided by the other State and that the information is to be
forwarded to another person.
In accordance with Article 27 of the Second Additional Protocol to the European Convention
on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters, the Republic of Turkey declares that for
the purposes of Article 1, paragraph 3, administrative authorities are those that
are authorized to impose administrative sanctions which may be subject to proceedings
before a judicial authority having jurisdiction in criminal matters.
Turkey declares that its signing/ratification of the Second Additional Protocol to
the European Convention on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters neither amounts to
any form of recognition of the Greek Cypriot Administration’s pretention to represent
the defunct “Republic of Cyprus” as party to the Second Additional Protocol to the
European Convention on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters, nor should it imply
any obligations on the part of Turkey to enter into any dealing with the so-called
Republic of Cyprus within the framework of the said Second Additional Protocol to
the European Convention on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters.
“The Republic of Cyprus” was founded as a Partnership State in 1960 by Greek and Turkish
Cypriots in accordance with international treaties. This partnership was destroyed
by the Greek Cypriot side when it unlawfully seized the state by forcibly ejecting
all Turkish Cypriot members in all the state organs in 1963. Eventually, Turkish Cypriots
who were excluded from the Partnership State in 1963 have organized themselves under
their territorial boundaries and exercise governmental authority, jurisdiction and
sovereignty. There is no single authority which in law or in fact is competent to
represent jointly the Turkish Cypriots and the Greek Cypriots and consequently Cyprus
as a whole. Thus, the Greek Cypriots cannot claim authority, jurisdiction or sovereignty
over the Turkish Cypriots who have equal status or over the entire Island of Cyprus.
Bezwaar Cyprus, 23-01-2017
The Republic of Cyprus has examined the Declaration deposited by the Republic of Turkey
upon ratification of the Second Additional Protocol to the European Convention on
Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters (ETS No. 182), dated 11 July 2016 and registered
at the Secretariat General of the Council of Europe on 13 July 2016.
The Republic of Turkey declares that its ratification of the Second Additional Protocol
to the European Convention in Criminal Matters neither amounts to any form of recognition
of the Republic of Cyprus, as party to that Protocol, nor should it imply any obligation
on the part of the Republic of Turkey to enter into any dealing with the Republic
of Cyprus within the framework of the said Protocol.
In the view of the Republic of Cyprus, the content and purported effect of this Declaration
makes it tantamount in its essence to a reservation contrary to the object and purpose
of the Protocol. By such Declaration, the Republic of Turkey purports to evade its
obligations under the Protocol vis-à-vis another equal and sovereign State Party,
namely the Republic of Cyprus. Indeed, the Declaration prevents the realization of
cooperation between State Parties foreseen by the Protocol.
The Republic of Cyprus therefore strongly rejects the aforesaid Declaration made by
the Republic of Turkey and considers such declaration to be null and void. The aforementioned
objections by the Republic of Cyprus shall not preclude the entry into force of the
Protocol, in their entirety, between the Republic of Cyprus and the Republic of Turkey.
Regarding the Republic of Turkey’s pretension, as expressed in the same Declaration,
that “the Republic of Cyprus is defunct and that there is no single authority which
in law or in fact is competent to represent jointly the Turkish Cypriots and the Greek
Cypriots and consequently Cyprus as a whole”, the Republic of Cyprus would like to
remind of the following:
Despite, being, through binding international agreements, a guarantor of “the independence,
territorial integrity and security of the Republic of Cyprus” (Article II of the 1960
Treaty of Guarantee), the Republic of Turkey illegally invaded Cyprus in 1974 and
continues since then occupying 36.2% of the territory of the Republic.
The illegality of such aggression was made manifested by the U.N. Security Council
Resolutions 541 (1983) and 550 (1984). Resolution 541’s operative paragraph 2 considers
“the declaration [of the Turkish Cypriot authorities of the purported secession of
part of the Republic of Cyprus] as legally invalid and “calls for its withdrawal”.
Paragraph 6 then “calls upon all States to respect the sovereignty, independence,
territorial integrity and non-alignment of the Republic of Cyprus” and further at
paragraph 7 “calls upon all States not to recognize any Cypriot state other than the
Republic of Cyprus”. Resolution 550, operative para. 2, also “condemns all secessionist
actions, including the purported exchange of Ambassadors between Turkey and the Turkish
Cypriot leadership, declares them illegal and invalid, and calls for their immediate
withdrawal”. Para. 3 then « reiterates the call upon all States not to recognize the
purported state of the “Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus” set up by secessionist
acts and calls upon them not to facilitate or in any way assist the aforesaid secessionist
The European Court of Human Rights additionally, in its Judgment of 10th May 2001
on the Fourth Interstate Application of Cyprus v. Turkey, found, at para. 77, that
Turkey, which has “effective control over northern Cyprus”, is responsible for securing
all human rights under the European Convention on Human Rights and for violations
of such rights by her own soldiers or officials, or by the local administration, which
are imputable to Turkey. The responsibilities of the occupying power emanate from
international humanitarian law, including the Fourth Geneva Convention.
Turkey is responsible for the policies and actions of the “TRNC” because of the effective
control she exercises through her army. Her responsibility is engaged by virtue of
the acts of the local administration, which survives by virtue of Turkish military
and other support (Cyprus v. Turkey, Judgment, 10 May 2001, at pp. 20-21, reiterating
Loizidou). From the judgments of the European Court of Human Rights and the Security
Council Resolutions on Cyprus, it is evident that the international community does
not regard the “TRNC” (Turkey’s subordinate local administration in occupied Cyprus,
condemned in the strongest terms by the Security Council ) as a State under international
law (Cyprus v. Turkey, 10 May 2001, para. 61). In contrast, the Republic of Cyprus
has repeatedly been held to be the sole legitimate Government of Cyprus, contrary
to Turkey’s assertions about that Government, which Turkey calls “the Greek Cypriot
Administration” with pretences “to represent the defunct Republic”. The Turkish assertions
constitute a propaganda ploy to divert attention from Turkey’s responsibility for
the violations in occupied Cyprus. Turkey’s assertions and her assorted objections
to the Republic of Cyprus’ authority, jurisdiction and sovereignty, and her claims
on behalf of the Turkish Cypriots and the “TRNC”, have repeatedly been rejected by
the international community and relevant judicial bodies where such claims were fully
argued and then rejected in Cyprus’s pleadings. Misrepresentations about the treatment
of Turkish Cypriots by the Government of Cyprus were made. (These claims were repeated
in Turkey’s current Declaration). In fact, the European Court of Human Rights and
the Commission accepted Cyprus arguments and refutation of Turkish assertions and
exaggerations about the period prior to Turkey’s invasion of Cyprus in July 1974.
It refused to pronounce on Turkey’s version of the ejection of Turkish Cypriots from
offices of State (there was in fact a Turkish boycott).
It is now time for the relevant pronouncement in Resolutions and the decisions therein,
as well as in judgments of the European Court of Human Rights to be heard and acted
upon. The Court itself insisted in its 12 May 2014 Just Satisfaction Judgment that
this must happen once the Court had spoken (Cyprus v. Turkey, p. 23 Joint Concurring
Judgment of nine Judges). It should be emphasized that, as recently as 26 July 2016
(Security Council Resolution 2300), the Security Council reaffirmed all its relevant
Resolutions on Cyprus, having, over several decades, reiterated their content.
Nevertheless, the Republic of Turkey, not only flagrantly holds in contempt all relevant
U.N. Resolutions, International Law rules and the U.N. Charter on the matter, but
furthermore she continues violating international legality, by systematically questioning
the legitimacy of the Republic of Cyprus and further promoting the illegal secessionist
entity in the occupied part of the Republic of Cyprus, including through declarations,
as the one at hand.
Bezwaar Griekenland, 01-06-2017
The Government of the Hellenic Republic has examined the Declaration made by the Republic
of Turkey upon ratification, on 11 July 2016, of the Second Additional Protocol to
the European Convention on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters, which raises grave
concerns both from a political and a legal point of view.
This declaration is politically unacceptable to the extent that a Member State of
the United Nations and other regional organisations, such as the European Union and
the Council of Europe, is designated as defunct, contrary to the relevant decisions
and resolutions of these organisations.
Likewise, this declaration is problematic from the legal point of view in so far as
it provides that the signing/ratification by Turkey of the Second Additional Protocol
to the European Convention on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters should not imply
any obligation on the part of Turkey to enter into any dealing with the Republic of
Cyprus within the framework of the said Protocol. In fact, this statement amounts
to a reservation, as it purports to exclude the application of the Protocol in its
entirety between Turkey and the Republic of Cyprus. This is, however, contrary to
Article 33, paragraph 2, of the Protocol, which explicitly mentions that, with the
exception of Articles 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20 thereof, no other reservations may be
In light of the above, the Government of the Hellenic Republic considers that the
aforesaid Turkish reservation is impermissible as it is prohibited by Article 33,
paragraph 2, of the Second Additional Protocol to the European Convention on Mutual
Assistance in Criminal Matters as well as contrary to the object and purpose of this
Protocol to the extent that it prevents the realisation of inter-State cooperation
under the said Protocol.
The Government of the Hellenic Republic, therefore, objects to the declaration made
by the Republic of Turkey upon ratification of the above Protocol.
This objection shall not preclude the entry into force of the Protocol between the
Hellenic Republic and the Republic of Turkey.
Bezwaar Portugal, 07-07-2017
The Government of the Portuguese Republic has examined the declaration made by the
Republic of Turkey upon ratification of the Second Additional Protocol to the European
Convention on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters.
It welcomes the ratification of the Additional Protocol by the Republic of Turkey
as a significant step for the strengthening of the promotion of human rights and the
rule of law.
Nevertheless, the Portuguese Republic, as a European Union Member State, opposes the
declaration of the Republic of Turkey since it describes another EU Member State,
the Republic of Cyprus, as a defunct entity.
Verenigd Koninkrijk
In accordance with Article 33, paragraph 2, of the Second Additional Protocol, the
Government of the United Kingdom declares that it does not accept Article 17 of the
Second Additional Protocol (Cross-border observations).
In accordance with Article 15, paragraph 6, of the Convention (as inserted by Article
4 of the Second Additional Protocol) the Government of the United Kingdom declares
that the competent authorities to which requests for criminal records should be made
are the ACPO Criminal Records Office (for requests from member States of the European
Union (EU) and the Serious Organised Crime Agency (for requests from non-EU States).
Contact details:
ACPO Criminal Records Office
1st Floor
10 Victoria Street
London SW1H ONN
United Kingdom
Serious Organised Crime Agency
PO Box 8000
London SE11 5EN
United Kingdom
Fax: +44 (0)207 238 8112
In accordance with Article 15, paragraph 8, of the Convention (as inserted by Article
4 of the Second Additional Protocol), the Government of the United Kingdom declares
that all incoming letters of request should be sent to the relevant central authority
set out below.
Contact details:
HM Revenue and Customs
Requests for assistance from England, Wales and Northern Ireland for some customs
matters, including indirect tax matters, alcohol and tobacco smuggling and excise
fraud should be sent to HM Revenue and Customs. Requests relating to the smuggling
of prohibited and restricted items and matters related to direct tax should be sent
to the UKCA. Requests relating to Scotland should all be sent to the Crown Office.
HM Revenue and Customs
Law Enforcement & International Advisory Division
HM Revenue and Customs - Solicitor's Office
Room 2/74
100 Parliament Street
London SW1A 2BQ
United Kingdom
Fax: +44 (0)20 7147 0433
UK Central Authority
Requests for assistance from England and Wales and Northern Ireland, other than requests
which are the responsibility of HM Revenue and Customs, should be sent to the UK Central
UK Central Authority
Judicial Co-operation Unit
Home Office
5th Floor Fry Building
2 Marsham Street
London SW1P 4DF
United Kingdom
Fax: +44 (0)207 035 6985 (urgent cases only). This must be followed by a written letter
of request sent via post.
Requests for assistance only from Scotland should be sent to the Crown Office and
Procurator Fiscal Service.
Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service
International Co-operation Unit
Crown Office
25 Chambers Street
Edinburgh EH1 1LA
United Kingdom
Fax: 44 (0)844 561 4002
In accordance with Article 15, paragraph 9, of the Convention (as inserted by Article
4 of the Second Additional Protocol), the Government of the United Kingdom declares
that HM Revenue and Customs and the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service will
accept requests transmitted by email or fax; and the UK Central Authority will, in
urgent cases, accept transmission of requests by fax provided that the request is
subsequently sent via post.
In accordance with Article 24 of the Convention (as inserted by Article 6 of the Second
Additional Protocol), the Government of the United Kingdom declares the following
to be judicial authorities:
- Magistrates' Courts, Crown Courts and the High Court;
- the Attorney General for England and Wales;
- the Director of Public Prosecutions and any Crown Prosecutor;
- the Director and any designated member of the Serious Fraud Office;
- the Secretary of State for Business, Innovation & Skills in respect of his function
of investigating and prosecuting offences;
- the Director of the Revenue and Customs Prosecutions Office and anyone within that
Office authorised by him;
- District Courts, Sheriff Courts and the High Court of Justiciary;
- the Lord Advocate;
- any Procurator Fiscal;
- the Attorney General for Northern Ireland;
- the Director of Public Prosecutions in Northern Ireland;
- The Commissioners of the Inland Revenue;
- the Financial Services Authority.
In accordance with Article 9, paragraph 9, of the Second Additional Protocol, the
Government of the United Kingdom declares that it will not allow video conferencing
to be used where the witness in question is the accused peson or the suspect.
In accordance with Article 11, paragraph 4, of the Second Additional Protocol, the
Government of the United Kingdom declares that it will not be bound by the conditions
imposed by the providing Party under Article 11, paragraph 2, of the Second Additional
Protocol, unless it receives prior notice of the nature of the information to be provided
and agrees to its transmission.
In accordance with Article 13, paragraph 7, of the Second Additional Protocol, the
Government of the United Kingdom declares that it will always require the consent
of the detained person before any transfer may take place.
In accordance with Article 18, paragraph 4, of the Second Additional Protocol, the
Government of the United Kingdom declares that the competent authorities for the purposes
of this Article (controlled deliveries) are those required by Article 15, paragraph
8, of the Convention, and set out above.
In accordance with Article 19, paragraph 4, of the Second Additional Protocol, the
Government of the United Kingdom declares that the competent authorities for the purposes
of paragraph 2 of Article 19 are those required by Article 15, paragraph 8, of the
Convention, and set out above.
In accordance with Article 15, paragraph 6, of the Convention (as inserted by Article
4 of the Second Additional Protocol), the Government of the United Kingdom declares
that the competent authorities to which requests for criminal records should be made
is the UK Central Authority for Exchange of Criminal Records ('UKCA-ECR').
EU Member States should transmit requests for criminal records to UKCA-ECR through
their own central authority for criminal exchange. The European Criminal Records Information
System (ECRIS) will be used to facilitate these requests between central authorities.
Contact details:
PO Box 481
Hampshire PO14 9FS
United Kingdom
In accordance with Article 24 of the Convention (as inserted by Article 6 of the Second
Additional Protocol), the Government of the United Kingdom declares the following
to be judicial authorities:
- Magistrates' Courts, the Crown Courts and the High Court;
- the Attorney General for England and Wales;
- the Director of Public Prosecutions and any Crown Prosecutor;
- the Director and any designated member of the Serious Fraud Office;
- the Environment Agency;
- Secretary of State for Business, Innovation & Skills in respect of his function
of investigating and prosecuting offences;
- Secretary of State for Health;
- Secretary of State for Transport;
- Secretary of State for Work and Pensions;
- District Courts and Sheriff Courts and the High Court of Justiciary;
- the Lord Advocate of Scotland;
- any Procurator Fiscal;
- the Attorney General for Northern Ireland;
- the Director of Public Prosecutions in Northern Ireland;
- the Financial Services Authority.
Partial Withdrawal of reservation
In accordance with Article 33, paragraph 3, of the Second Additional Protocol, the
Government of the United Kingdom declares that it partially withdraws its reservation
in respect of Article 17 of the said Protocol. The Government of the United Kingdom
accepts the application of paragraph 1 of the said Article and, to the extent they
apply to paragraph 1, paragraphs 3 to 5. The Government of the United Kingdom maintains
its reservation in respect of paragraph 2 of the said Article and does not accept
the application of that provision.
In accordance with Article 15, paragraph 8, of the Convention (as inserted by Article
4 of the Second Additional Protocol), the Government of the United Kingdom declares
that all incoming letters of request should be sent to the relevant central authority
set out below:
HM Revenue and Customs
Requests for assistance from England, Wales and Northern Ireland for some customs
matters, including indirect tax matters, alcohol and tobacco smuggling and excise
fraud should be sent to HM Revenue and Customs. Requests relating to the smuggling
of prohibited and restricted items and matters related to direct tax should be sent
to the United Kingdom Central Authority (UKCA). Requests relating to Scotland should
all be sent to the Crown Office:
HM Revenue and Customs
Law Enforcement & International Advisory Division
HM Revenue and Customs – Solicitor’s Office
UK Central Authority
Requests for assistance from England and Wales and Northern Ireland, other than requests
which are the responsibility of HM Revenue and Customs or the ACRO Criminal Records
Office, should be sent to the UK Central Authority.
UK Central Authority
Judicial Co-operation Unit
ACRO Criminal Records Office
Requests for assistance from England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland, for judicial
records under Article 13 of the Convention, should be sent to the ACRO Criminal Records
Requests for assistance only from Scotland should be sent to the Crown Office and
Procurator Fiscal Service.
In respect of the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,
references to the “Ministry of Justice” for the purposes of:
- Article 11, paragraph 2, Article 15 and Article 21, paragraph 1, are to the Home
Office (for England and Wales), the Crown Office (for Scotland) and the Northern Ireland
Office (for Northern Ireland).
- Article 22 are to the ACRO Criminal Records Office (on behalf of the Home Office
(for England and Wales), the Crown Office (for Scotland), and the Northern Ireland
Office (for Northern Ireland)). Notifications of criminal convictions or subsequent
measures under Article 22 of the Convention should be sent to the ACRO Criminal Records
In accordance with Article 24 of the Convention (as inserted by Article 6 of the Second
Additional Protocol), the Government of the United Kingdom declares the following
to be judicial authorities:
- Magistrates’ Courts, the Crown Courts and the High Court;
- the Attorney General for England and Wales;
- the Director of Public Prosecutions and any Crown Prosecutor;
- the Director and any designated member of the Serious Fraud Office;
- the Environment Agency;
- Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills in respect of his function
of investigating and prosecuting offences;
- Secretary of State for Health;
- Secretary of State for Transport;
- Secretary of State for Work and Pensions;
- District Courts and Sheriff Courts and the High Court of Justiciary;
- the Lord Advocate of Scotland;
- any Procurator Fiscal;
- the Attorney General for Northern Ireland;
- the Director of Public Prosecutions in Northern Ireland;
- the Financial Services Authority,
- the ACRO Criminal Records Office (ACRO).
In accordance with Article 9, paragraph 9, of the Second Additional Protocol, the
Government of the United Kingdom declares that it will not allow video conferencing
to be used where the witness in question is the accused person or the suspect and
the hearing is, or forms part of, the trial of that person.
In accordance with Article 17, paragraph 4, of the Second Additional Protocol, the
Government of the United Kingdom declares that for the purposes of Article 17, paragraph
1, members of a police force, National Crime Agency officers, officers of Revenue
and Customs, constables of the Police Service of Scotland, are designated officers
and the National Crime Agency is the designated Authority.
In accordance with Article 9, paragraph 9, of the Second Additional Protocol, the Government of the United Kingdom declares that it will not apply the provisions of this article to hearings by video conference involving the accused person or the suspect, where the hearings are, or form part of, the trial of that person. This position applies irrespective of whether or not the hearings involve oral or written evidence from the accused person or the suspect.
In accordance with Article 33, paragraph 2, of the Second Additional Protocol, Sweden
does not accept Article 17 (cross-border observations).
In accordance with Article 4, paragraph 9, of the Second Additional Protocol, Sweden
will accept requests for legal assistance forwarded by electronic means upon agreement
in the particular case.
In accordance with Article 18, paragraph 4, of the Second Additional Protocol, the
competent authorities for the purpose of Article 18 are prosecutors, the Swedish National
Police Board, police authorities, Swedish Customs and Swedish Coast Guard.
In accordance with Article 19, paragraph 4, of the Second Additional Protocol, the
competent authorities for the purpose of Article 19 are prosecutors, the Swedish Prosecution
Authority, the Swedish National Police Board and police authorities.
Switzerland declares that the Federal Office of Justice of the Federal Department
of Justice and Police in Bern is the central competent authority, under Article 4
(and 15 of the Convention), to address and to receive:
- requests for mutual assistance, except if the request is directly submitted to the
competent authority of the requested State according to Article 4, paragraphs 1, 3
and 4;
- requests for temporary transfer of persons detained according to Article 4, paragraph
- requests for extracts from judicial records according to Article 4, paragraph 5.
Whenever, in case of urgency, a request for mutual assistance is directly submitted
to the competent authority of the requested State, a copy of the request and of the
reply must be communicated to the Federal Office of Justice.
To contact the Federal Office of Justice and to determine the territorially competent
Swiss judicial authority to which requests for mutual assistance can be addressed
directly, the databank of Swiss Localities and Courts can be consulted on line at
the following address:
Switzerland requires that the personal data transferred by it to another Party for
the purposes indicated in Article 26, paragraph 1, letters a and b, cannot be used
without the consent of the person concerned except with the agreement of the Federal
Office of Justice for the purposes of procedures for which Switzerland could have,
according to the terms of the Convention or the Protocol, refused or limited the transmission
or the use of personal data.
Switzerland declares that the following authorities shall be regarded as Swiss judicial
authorities for the purposes of the Convention and the Protocol:
- the Tribunals, their courts, chambers or sections;
- the Public Prosecutor (Ministère Public) of the Confederation;
- the Federal investigating judges;
- the Federal Office of Justice;
- the authorities empowered by cantonal or federal law to hold an enquiry in criminal
cases, to issue warrants of repression and to take decisions in a procedure connected
with a criminal case.
The detailed list of the Swiss judicial authorities can be consulted on line at the
following address:
Switzerland declares that the following authorities are competent to execute the requests
under Article 17:
- the Federal Office of Police, in Bern;
- the police commands of the cantons.
Requests submitted to Switzerland under Article 17, paragraphs 1 and 2, must be addressed
- the prosecuting authorities of the Confederation; or
- the prosecuting authorities of the canton in whose territory the crossing of the
border is likely to occur.
In case of any doubt, requests submitted under Article 17, paragraph 1, can be addressed
to the Federal Office of Justice, in Bern, and those submitted under Article 17, paragraph
2, to the Federal Office of Police, in Bern.
Switzerland declares that the following authorities are competent to execute requests
under Article 18:
- the prosecuting authorities of the Confederation; or
- the prosecuting authorities of the canton in whose territory the starting point
of the transport is located.
Switzerland declares that the following authorities are competent to execute requests
under Article 19:
- the Public Prosecutor (Ministère Public) of the Confederation and the Federal investigating
- the prosecuting authorities of the canton in whose territory the cross-border investigation
Switzerland declares that it will deem as Swiss administrative authorities for the
purposes of Article 1, paragraph 3, of the Convention the administrative services
of the Confederation and of the cantons which, under Federal or Cantonal Law, can
investigate offences and are empowered, once the investigation is concluded, to ask
for the opening of judicial proceedings that may result in a conviction.
The Permanent Representation of Switzerland […] and, referring to the notifications
of declarations JJ9199C, Tr./030-136 Tr./099-69 Tr./182-95, JJ9180C revised, Tr./030-132
T r./099-65 Tr./182-90, JJ9184C revised, Tr./030-133 Tr./099-66 Tr./182-91, JJ9204C,
Tr./030-137 Tr./099-70 Tr./182-96, JJ9238C, Tr./030-143 Tr./099-76 Tr./182-103, JJ9273C,
Tr./030- 144 Tr./099-77 Tr./182-104, JJ9213C, Tr./030- 139 Tr./099-72 Tr./182-98,
JJ9234C, Tr./030- 141 Tr./099-74 Tr./182-100, JJ9190C, Tr./030-134 Tr./099- 67 Tr./182-93,
JJ9216C, Tr./030- 140 Tr./099-73 Tr./182-99, JJ9194C, Tr./030-135 Tr./099-68 Tr./182-
94, JJ9212C, Tr./030-138 Tr./099-71 Tr./182-97, JJ9285C, Tr./030-146 Tr./099-78 Tr./182-105
and JJ9304C, Tr./030-147 Tr./099-79 Tr./182-107, has the honor to inform her of the
The Swiss Federal Council has examined the declarations relating to Article 24 of
the European Convention on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters of 20 April 1959
as amended by Article 6 of the Second Additional Protocol to the Convention of 8 November
2001 formulated by Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Finland, France, Germany,
Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Romania, the Slovak Republic
and Slovenia. These States declare that the European Public Prosecutor's Office (EPPO),
in the exercise of its powers, as provided for in Articles 22, 23 and 25 of Council
Regulation (EU) 2017/1939, shall be deemed to be a judicial authority for the purposes
of the issuing requests for mutual legal assistance in accordance with the Convention
and its Protocols as well as for the purpose of providing, on request of another Contracting
Party in accordance with the Convention and its protocols, information or evidence
which the EPPO has obtained already or may obtain following the initiation of an investigation
in the area of its competence. These States further declare that the EPPO shall also
be deemed to be a judicial authority for the purpose of receipt of information in
accordance with Article 21 of the Convention in respect of offences within its competence
as provided for by Articles 22, 23 and 25 of Council Regulation (EU) 2017/1939. These
declarations are intended to supplement the previous declarations relating to Article
24 of the Convention.
The Federal Council considers that the European Convention […] as amended by the Second
Additional Protocol allows States Parties to notify only their own judicial authorities
as judicial authorities within the meaning of the Convention and the Additional Protocols.
The European Public Prosecutor's Office is not a judicial authority of a State Party
but an organ of the European Union with its own legal personality and judicial powers.
Consequently, Switzerland is of the opinion that the declarations of the aforementioned
States as well as the identical or similar declarations which will be, if necessary,
formulated by other States participating in the European Public Prosecutor's Office
are not in conformity with the Convention and are not enforceable against it. Therefore,
collaboration between the Swiss authorities and the European Public Prosecutor's Office
cannot take place based on the Convention and its Additional Protocols. Requests from
the European Public Prosecutor's Office to the Swiss authorities are examined in the
light of Swiss domestic legislation.
Switzerland welcomes and supports the work of the Council of Europe aimed at drafting
a binding instrument which will provide an international legal basis for criminal
cooperation with the European Public Prosecutor's Office.