
Wijziging van artikel 1 van het op 10 oktober 1980 te Genève tot stand gekomen Verdrag inzake het verbod of de beperking van het gebruik van bepaalde conventionele wapens die geacht kunnen worden buitensporig leed te veroorzaken of een niet-onderscheidende werking te hebben

Partijen met voorbehouden, verklaringen en bezwaren

Partij Voorbehoud / verklaring Bezwaren
Heilige Stoel Ja Nee
Mexico Ja Nee

Heilige Stoel


With the present, the undersigned Secretary for the Holy See's Relations with States hereby declares the acceptance on the part of the Holy See of said amendment to Article I of the Convention, considering that in accordance with paragraph 4 of amended Article 1 the right of the Parties, "by all legitimate means, to maintain or re-establish law and order in the State or to defend the national unity and territorial integrity of the State" should be interpreted in conformity with international humanitarian law, the United Nations' Charter and other international rules.



The Government of Mexico understands that the conflicts not of an international character referred to in article 1, paragraph 3 as amended correspond to the situations referred to in article 3 common to the Geneva Conventions of 1949.
The Government of Mexico further understands that article 1, paragraph 7, as amended does not prejudice the applicability of future protocols to such situations as those defined in article 1, paragraph 2, as amended, and reserves the right to take positions that best accommodate its interests in negotiating future additional protocols.

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