Protocol inzake de voorlopige toepassing van de Overeenkomst betreffende een eengemaakt octrooigerecht
Partijen met voorbehouden, verklaringen en bezwaren
Partij | Voorbehoud / verklaring | Bezwaren |
Denemarken | Ja | Nee |
Italië | Ja | Nee |
Verenigd Koninkrijk | Ja | Nee |
Zweden | Ja | Nee |
Until further notice the Protocol shall not apply to Greenland and the Faroe Islands.
In accordance with Article 3(1)(b) of the Protocol, the Italian Republic considers itself bound by the provisional application of the articles of the Unified Patent Court Agreement mentioned under Article 1 of the Protocol.
Verenigd Koninkrijk
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland shall not provisionally apply Article 4 of the Agreement on a Unified Patent Court.
Depositary communication
Withdrawal of consent to be bound received on, and effective as from, 20/07/2020.
In accordance with Article 3 (1) (b) of the Protocol, Sweden considers itself bound by the provisional application of the articles of the Unified Patent Court Agreement mentioned under Article 1 of the Protocol.