Convention on the taking of evidence abroad in civil or commercial matters
- Albania
- Andorra
- Argentina
- Armenia
- Australia
- Bahrain
- Barbados
- Belarus
- Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Brazil
- Bulgaria
- China
- Colombia
- Costa Rica
- Croatia
- Cyprus
- Czech Republic
- Czechoslovakia (<01-01-1993)
- Denmark
- El Salvador
- Estonia
- Finland
- France
- Georgia
- Germany
- Greece
- Hungary
- Iceland
- India
- Israel
- Italy
- Kazakhstan
- Kuwait
- Latvia
- Liechtenstein
- Lithuania
- Luxembourg
- Malta
- Mexico
- Monaco
- Montenegro
- Morocco
- Netherlands, the Kingdom of the
- Nicaragua
- Norway
- Paraguay
- Poland
- Portugal
- Republic of Korea, the
- Romania
- Serbia
- Seychelles
- Singapore
- Slovakia
- Slovenia
- South Africa
- Spain
- Sri Lanka
- Sweden
- Switzerland
- Türkiye
- Ukraine
- United Kingdom
- United States of America
- Venezuela
- Vietnam
Authorities Albania
In the meaning of Article 2 of the Convention the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Albania is the Central Authority.
Authorities Andorra
Ministry of Social Affairs, Justice and Interior
Competent Authority (modification):
International Relations and Legal Cooperation Service - Ministry of Justice and Interior
Authorities Argentina
The Government of the Argentine Republic has designated the following competent authority:
Ministerio de Relaciones y Culto
Authorities Armenia
Central Authority
Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Armenia
Authorities Australia
The Government of Australia hereby declares, for and on behalf of Australia, that:
- pursuant to Article 2, the Secretary to the Attorney-General's Department of the
Commonwealth of Australia will be its Central Authority;
- pursuant to Article 16, the Secretary to the Attorney-General's Department of the
Commonwealth of Australia will be its competent authority for the purposes of that
- pursuant to Article 24, it designates the Registrars of the State and Territory
Supreme Courts as additional authorities.
Central Authority in accordance with Article 2 and competent authority in accordance
with Article 16:
The Secretary
Commonwealth Attorney-General's Department
Additional Authorities:
For the jurisdiction of Victoria:
Supreme Court of Victoria
General Registry
For the jurisdiction of New South Wales:
Supreme Court of New South Wales
For the jurisdiction of the Australian Capital Territory:
Supreme Court of the Australian Capital Territory
For the jurisdiction of Queensland:
Supreme Court of Queensland
Civil Registry or Criminal Registry
For the jurisdiction of South Australia:
Supreme Court of South Australia
Civil Registry or Criminal Registry
For the jurisdiction of Tasmania:
Supreme Court of Tasmania
For the jurisdiction of Western Australia:
Supreme Court of Western Australia
For the jurisdiction of the Northern Territory:
Supreme Court of the Northern Territory
Authorities Bahrain
Ministry of Justice, Islamic Affairs and Endowments of the Kingdom of Bahrain
Authorities Barbados
Central Authority
Barbados has designated as the Central Authority referred to in Article 2 of the Convention:
The Registrar of the Supreme Court of Barbados.
Authorities Belarus
In accordance with Article 8 of the Convention the Republic of Belarus designates
the Supreme Court of the Republic of Belarus and the Supreme Economic Court of the
Republic of Belarus in accordance with their competence as the authorities for the
purposes of this Article of the Convention.
In accordance with Articles 16 and 17 of the Convention the Republic of Belarus designates
the Supreme Court of the Republic of Belarus and the Supreme Economic Court of the
Republic of Belarus in accordance with their competence as the authorities for the
purposes of these Articles of the Convention.
In accordance with Article 18 of the Convention the Republic of Belarus designates
the Supreme Court of the Republic of Belarus and the Supreme Economic Court of the
Republic of Belarus in accordance with their competence as the authorities for the
purposes of this Article of the Convention.
Central Authority in accordance with Article 2:
Ministry of Justice
Authorities Bosnia and Herzegovina
Central Authority
The Ministry of Justice of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Authorities Brazil
[...] the Ministry of Justice of Brazil has been designated as the Central Authority for the Convention.
Authorities Bulgaria
Declaration on articles 2 and 8:
The Republic of Bulgaria designates as Central Authority the Ministry of Justice and
European Legal Integration which is also competent authority under article 8.
Authorities China
Hong Kong
In accordance with Article 24 of the Convention, it designates the Registrar of the
High Court of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region as an Other Authority competent
to receive Letters of Request for execution in the Hong Kong Special Administrative
Region; in accordance with Article 17, it designates the Administrative Secretary
of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region as the competent
authority for the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.
In accordance with Article 2 of the Convention, the Ministry of Justice of the People's
Republic of China has been designated as the Central Authority which will undertake
to receive Letters of Request coming from a judicial authority of another Contracting
State and to transmit them to the authority competent to execute them.
The Central Authortiy designated by the People's Republic of China in accordance with
Article 2 is as follows:
Bureau of International Judicial Assistance
Ministry of Justice of the People's Republic of China
In accordance with Article 35 and Article 24 of the Convention, the Registrar of the
Supreme Court of Hong Kong is designated as an additional authority competent to receive
Letters of Request for execution in Hong Kong.
In accordance with Article 35 and Articles 16 and 17 of the Convention, the Chief
Secretary is designated as the competent authority for Hong Kong.
In accordance with Article 2 of the Convention, it designates the Procurate of the
Macao Special Administrative Region as the Central Authority in the Macao Special
Administrative Region.
In accordance with Article 24 of the Convention, it designates the Procurate of the
Macao Special Administrative Region as the Other Authority in the Macao Special Administrative
Region, which will undertake to receive Letters of Request coming from a judicial
authority of another Contracting State and to transmit them to the authority competent
to execute them.
Based on the proposal forwarded to the Central Government by the Government of the
Macao Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China, and with a
view to further facilitating the application of the [...] Convention on the Taking
of Evidence Abroad in Civil or Commercial Matters, concluded at The Hague on 18 March
1970 (hereinafter referred to as "the Taking of Evidence Convention") in the Macao
Special Administrative Region, the Embassy is instructed to inform the following
amendments with respect to the application of the above-mentioned Conventions in the
Macao Special Administrative region:
1. With regard to the competent authority to complete a certificate referred to in
Article 6 of the Service Convention: the authority designated originally is the Court
Clerks and assistant Court Clerks from the Court of Final Appeal of the Macao Special
Administrative Region, now it should be amended as the Primary Court of the Macao
Special Administrative Region.
2. With regard to the competent authority to receive Requests for Service forwarded
by other Contracting States through consular channels referred to in Article 9 of
the Service Convention: the authority designated originally is the Court Clerks and
Assistant Court Clerks from the Court of Final Appeal of the Macao Special Administrative
Region, now it should be amended as the Procurate of the Macao Special Administrative
Central Authority (modification)
International Legal Cooperation Center
Ministry of Justice
Authorities Colombia
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Colombia [...] informs that the "Dirección de Asuntos Migratorios, Consulares y Servicio al Ciudadano" of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Colombia, was designated as a Central Authority in accordance with the article 2 of the Convention.
Authorities Costa Rica
Central Authority:
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Worship
Legal Directorate
Authorities Croatia
Declaration concerning Article 2 of the Convention
In accordance with Article 2, paragraph 1, of the Convention, the Republic of Croatia
designates the Ministry of Justice as the Central Authority for receiving the Letters
of Request coming from a judicial authority of another Contracting State.
Authorities Cyprus
The Ministry of Justice is designated as the Central Authority referred to in Article 2 of the Convention.
Under Article 2 the Ministry of Justice is designated as the Competent Authority.
Under Article 16 the Ministry of Justice is designated as the Competent Authority.
Under Article 17 the Ministry of Justice is designated as the Competent Authority.
Under Article 18 the Supreme Court is designated as the Competent Authority.
Authorities Czech Republic
Central Authority in accordance with Articles 2 and 24:
Ministry of Justice of the Czech Republic
Competent authority in accordance with Articles 15, 17 and 18:
Diplomatic officers, consular agents or commissioners can request on the basis of
reciprocity the competent court for executing of procedural act. Letters shall be
sent to the Ministry of Justice.
The Ministry of Justice of the Czech Republic was designated as the competent authority under Article 16 of the [...] Convention to accord approval for taking of evidence by diplomatic representative or consular agent of another contracting state if the reciprocity is not assured.
Authorities Czechoslovakia (<01-01-1993)
The Government of Czechoslovakia informed the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands of the designation, in accordance with Article 2 and 24 of the Convention, of the Ministry of Justice of the Czech Socialist Republic and the Ministry of Justice of the Slovak Socialist Republic as central authorities.
Authorities Denmark
Article 2: The Ministry of Justice is hereby designated as Central Authority.
Article 16: The Ministry of Justice will issue authorizations to take evidence.
Authorities El Salvador
Central Authority:
The Supreme Court of Justice
Authorities Estonia
According to Articles 16 and 17 of the Convention the competent authority designated by the State to give its permission is the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Estonia.
Authorities Finland
In Finland the Ministry for Foreign Affairs shall be the Central Authority referred to in Article 2.
The Central Authority which will undertake to receive Letters of Request referred to in Article 2 of the Convention, is the Ministry of Justice as from 1 June 1982.
Authorities France
- In accordance with the provisions of Article 2, the "Service Civil de l'Entraide
Judiciaire Internationale", Ministry of Justice, has been designated as the Central
Authority to the exclusion of any other authority.
- In accordance with the provisions of Article 16, the "Service Civil de l'Entraide
Judiciaire Internationale", Ministry of Justice, has been designated as the authority
competent to authorize diplomatic officers or consular agents of a Contracting State
to take the evidence without compulsion of persons other than nationals of that State
in aid of proceedings commenced in the courts of a State which they represent.
This authorization which will be given for each particular case accompanied by particular
conditions if need be, shall be subject to the following general conditions:
1. The evidence must only be taken within the precincts of the Embassies;
2. The "Service Civil de L'Entraide Judiciaire Internationale" must be given due notice
of the date and time at which the evidence is to be taken so that it can make representatives
available if necessary;
3. The evidence must be taken in a room to which the public has access;
4. The persons who are to give evidence must receive due notice in the form of an
official summons drawn up in French or accompanied by a translation into French, and
(a) That the taking of evidence for which the person concerned is summoned is based
on the provisions of the Hague Convention of 18 March 1970 on the taking of evidence
abroad in civil or commercial matters, and is part of the judicial proceedings taken
in a court designated by a Contracting State by name;
(b) That appearance for the giving of evidence is voluntary and that non-appearance
cannot lead to prosecution in the requesting State;
(c) That the parties to any action consent to it or, if they do not, their reasons
for this;
(d) That the person who is to give evidence is entitled to legal advice;
(e) That the person who is to give evidence can claim dispensation or prohibition
from doing so.
A copy of the summonses will be sent to the Ministry of Justice.
5. The "Service Civil de l'Entraide Judiciaire Internationale" will be kept informed
of any difficulties.
- In accordance with the provisions of Article 17, the "Service Civil de l'Entraide
Judiciaire Internationale", Ministry of Justice, has been designated as the authority
competent to authorize persons duly appointed as commissioners to take evidence without
compulsion in aid of proceedings commenced in the courts of a Contracting State.
This authorization, which will be given for each particular case, accompanied if need
be by particular conditions, shall be subject to the following general conditions:
1. The evidence must only be taken within the precincts of the Embassies;
2. The "Service Civil de l'Entraide Judiciaire Internationale" must be given due notice
of the date and time at which the evidence is to be taken so that it can make representatives
available if necessary;
3. The evidence must be taken in a room to which the public has access;
4. The persons who are to give evidence must receive due notice in the form of an
official summons drawn up in French or accompanied by a translation into French, and
(a) That the taking of evidence for which the person concerned is summoned is based
on the provisions of the Hague Convention of 18 March 1970 on the Taking of Evidence
Abroad in Civil or Commercial Matters, and is part of the judicial proceedings taken
in a court designated by a Contracting State by name;
(b) That appearance for the giving of evidence is voluntary and that non-appearance
cannot lead to prosecution in the requesting State;
(c) That the parties to any action consent to it or, if they do not, their reasons
for this;
(d) That the person who is to give evidence is entitled to legal advice;
(e) That the person who is to give evidence can claim dispensation or prohibition
from doing so.
A copy of the summonses will be sent to the Ministry of Justice.
5. The "Service Civil de l'Entraide Judiciaire Internationale" will be kept informed
of any difficulties.
The application for authorization, which will be addressed to the Ministry of Justice
by the requesting authority, should specify:
1) The reasons why this method of investigation was chosen in preference to that of
Letters of Request, bearing in mind the judiciary expenses involved.
2) The criteria for designating the commissioners when the person designated does
not reside in France.
The French Government declares that, in pursuance of the provisions of Article 8,
members of the judicial personnel of the requesting authority of a Contracting State
may be present at the execution of a Letter of Request.
Central Authority in accordance with the provisions of article 2 of the Convention:
Ministry of Justice
Direction des Affaires Civiles et du Sceau
Bureau de l'entraide civile et commerciale internationale
Competent authority in accordance with the provisions of articles 16 and 17 of the
Ministry of Justice
Direction des Affaires Civiles et du Sceau
Bureau de l'entraide civile et commerciale internationale
Authorities Georgia
1. In accordance with Article 2 of the Convention the Ministry of Justice shall be designated as the Central Authority in Georgia.
Authorities Germany
The authority competent to execute a Letter of Request shall be the local court (Amtsgericht)
in whose district the official act is to be performed.
Letters of Request shall be addressed to the Central Authority of the Land in which
the respective request is to be executed. The Central Authority pursuant to Article
2 and paragraph 2 of Article 24 of the Convention shall be for:
das Justizministerium Baden-Württemberg
(The Ministry of Justice of Baden-Württemberg)
das Bayerische Staatsministerium der Justiz
(The Bavarian State Ministry of Justice)
der Senator für Justiz (The Senator of Justice)
der Präsident des Landgerichte Bremen
(The President of the Regional Court of Bremen)
der Präsident des Amtsgerichts Hamburg
(The President of the Local Court of Hamburg)
der Hessische Minister der Justiz
(The Hessian Minister of Justice)
Lower Saxony
der Niedersächsische Minister der Justiz
(The Minister of Justice of Lower Saxony)
der Justizminister des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen
(The Minister of Justice of the Land Northrhine-Westphalia)
das Ministerium der Justiz (The Ministry of Justice)
der Minister für Rechtspflege (The Minister of Justice)
der Justizminister des Landes Schleswig-Holstein
(The Minister of Justice of the Land Schleswig-Holstein)
The Government of the Federal Republic of Germany informed the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands that with effect from 1 April 1991 the designated authority for the Land Northrhine-Westphalia no longer is "der Justizminister des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen" but "der Präsident des Oberlandesgerichts Düsseldorf".
The Government of Germany informed the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom
of the Netherlands of the designation of the following central authorities pursuant
to Articles 2 and 24, second paragraph:
in Brandenburg:
Das Ministerium der Justiz des Landes Brandenburg
in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania:
Der Minister für Justiz, Bundes- und Europaangelegenheiten
in Saxe:
Das Sächsische Staatsministerium der Justiz
in Saxe-Anhalt:
Das Ministerium der Justiz des Landes Sachsen-Anhalt
in Thüringe:
Das Justizministerium Thüringen
Germany has deposited the following revised list of Central Authorities designated
in accordance with Article 2 of the Convention:
Bayerisches Staatsministerium der Justiz
Senatsverwaltung für Justiz von Berlin
Ministerium der Justiz des Landes Brandenburg
Der Präsident des Landsgerichts
Präsident des Ambtsgerichts Hamburg
Hessisches Ministerium der Justiz
Lower Saxony
Niedersächsisches Justizministerium
Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania
Ministerium für Justiz, Bundes- und Europaangelegenheiten des Landes Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
Präsident des Oberlandesgerichts Düsseldorf
Ministerium der Justiz
Ministerium der Justiz des Saarlandes
Sächsisches Staatsministerium der Justiz
Ministerium des Justiz des Landes Sachsen-Anhalt
Der Justizminister des Landes Schleswig-Holstein
Thüringer Justizministerium
The German Embassy informed the depositary that the authority for the Land Bavaria
has been modified as follows:
Präsident des Oberlandesgerichts München
The German Embassy, referring to Article 35, litt d, of the above-mentioned Convention
informed the Ministry of the following change of the authority designated for the
"Land" of Saxony:
Präsident des Oberlandesgerichts Dresden
The Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany informed the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
of the Kingdom of the Netherlands of the following change of the Central Authority
designated in accordance with the provisions of the Convention for Baden-Württemberg:
Präsident des Amtgerichts Freiburg
The Central Authority under article 2, paragraph 1, first sentence, of the Convention
for the Land of Hessen has changed and is now:
Oberlandesgericht Frankfurt am Main
It replaces the former Central Authority: Hessisches Ministerium der Justiz und für
[...] the Central Authority pursuant to Articles 2 and 24, second paragraph, of the
Convention for the Land of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern [...]:
Justizministerium Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
Updated list of Central Authorities of the Federal Republic of Germany
Requests shall, in principle, be addressed to the Central Authority of the Land where
the request is to be complied with. Requests may also be transmitted to the Federal
Office of Justice in its capacity as Federal Central Authority; the Federal Office
of Justice will forward the request to the competent Central Authority. To save time,
however, it is advised to transmit requests directly to the Central Authority of the
relevant Land. The Central Authorities pursuant to Article 2 and paragraph 2 of Article
24 of the Convention shall be the following.
Federal Central Authority:
Federal Office of Justice
Baden-Wuerttemberg (Baden-Württemberg):
Präsidentin des Amtsgerichts Freiburg
Bavaria (Bayern):
Präsident des Oberlandesgerichts München
Senatsverwaltung für Justiz, Vielfalt und Antidiskriminierung Berlin
Ministerium der Justiz des Landes Brandenburg
Präsidentin des Landgerichts Bremen
Präsident des Amtsgerichts Hamburg
Hesse (Hessen):
Präsident des Oberlandesgerichts Frankfurt am Main
Mecklenburg Western Pomerania (Mecklenburg-Vorpommern):
Ministerium für Justiz, Gleichstellung und Verbraucherschutz Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
Lower Saxony (Niedersachsen):
Niedersächsisches Justizministerium
Northrhine-Westphalia (Nordrhein-Westfalen):
Präsident des Oberlandesgerichts Düsseldorf
Rhineland-Palatinate (Rheinland-Pfalz):
Ministerium der Justiz Rheinland-Pfalz
Ministerium der Justiz Saarland
Saxony (Sachsen):
Präsident des Oberlandesgerichts Dresden
Saxony-Anhalt (Sachsen-Anhalt):
Ministerium für Justiz und Verbraucherschutz des Landes Sachsen-Anhalt
Ministerium für Justiz, Europa und Verbraucherschutz des Landes Schleswig-Holstein
Thuringia (Thüringen):
Thüringer Ministerium für Migration, Justiz und Verbraucherschutz
Authorities Greece
Greece declares that the Ministry of Justice is designated as the Central Authority for application of the Convention, in terms of articles 2 and 35 thereof.
Authorities Hungary
To Article 2
In the Republic of Hungary the Ministry of Public Administration and Justice
Department of Justice Cooperation and Private International Law
is designated as the Central Authority in accordance with Article 2 of the Convention.
Competent authority (Art. 8, 17) (Modification):
Ministry of Public Administration and Justice
Department of Justice Cooperation and Private International Law
Authorities Iceland
In accordance with Article 2, paragraph 1, of the Convention of 18 March 1970 on the taking of evidence abroad in civil or commercial matters, Iceland hereby designates the Ministry of Justice and Ecclesiastical Affairs as the Central Authority which will undertake to receive Letters of Request coming from a judicial authority of another Contracting State and to transmit them to the authority competent to execute them.
Central Authority (modification)
District Commissioner of Sudurnes (Sýslumađurinn á Suđurnesjum)
Authorities India
Central Authorities:
The Ministry of Law and Justice and the High Courts in all States and Union Territories
within India.
Authorities Israel
Central Authority: the Director of Courts
The Central Authority designated by the State of Israel pursuant to Article 2 of the Convention is the Director of the Courts. The Director of the Court is also the Authority designated pursuant to Articles 16 and 17 to give the permissions specified in those Articles.
Authorities Italy
In accordance with Article 35 the Italian Government designates the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs pursuant to Article 2 as the Central Authority which will undertake to receive
Letters of Request coming from a judicial authority of another Contracting State and
to transmit them to the authority competent to execute them.
In accordance with the abovementioned Article the Italian Government designates the
Court of Appeal within whose jurisdiction proceedings are to take place as the authority
competent to:
- authorize foreign judicial personnel to be present at the execution of a Letter
of Request, pursuant to Article 8;
- authorize foreign diplomatic officers, consular agents or commissioners to take
evidence under Article 16 or 17;
- grant the judicial assistance provided for in Article 18.
Authorities Kazakhstan
[…] the Republic of Kazakhstan designates the following central and competent authorities:
The Central authority - The Department for provision of courts' activity under the
Supreme Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan (administrative office of the Supreme
Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan) in accordance with Article 2 of the Convention;
The Competent authority - The Department for provision of courts' activity under the
Supreme Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan (administrative office of the Supreme
Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan), which is authorized to organize the issuance
of permits to take the evidence without compulsion in accordance with Articles 15,16,
17 of the Convention and to assist in obtaining the evidence by compulsion in accordance
with Article 18 of the Convention.
The central authority for the Republic of Kazakhstan in accordance with article 2 of the Convention […] is the Judicial Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan; the competent authority is the Judicial Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which is authorized to arrange for the taking of evidence without compulsion in accordance with articles 15, 16 and 17 of the Convention and to provide assistance in taking evidence by force in accordance with article 18 of the Convention.
Authorities Kuwait
The Department of International Relations at the Ministry of Justice of the State of Kuwait has been designated as the Central Authority.
Authorities Latvia
Persons wishing to obtain evidence within the Republic of Latvia under Article 16 and Article 17 of the Convention submit the respective application to the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Latvia.
Authorities Liechtenstein
Pursuant to Article 35 (1) of the Convention of 18 March 1970 on the Taking of Evidence
Abroad in Civil or Commercial Matters, the Principality of Liechtenstein notifies
as Central Authority referred to in Article 2 of the Convention:
Fürstliches Landgericht (Court of Justice)
Pursuant to Article 35 of the Convention, the Principality of Liechtenstein declares
that the taking of evidence as referred to in Articles 15, 16 and 17 of the Convention
is subject to prior permission by the Government of the Principality of Liechtenstein.
Authorities Lithuania
And whereas it is provided in paragraph 1 of Article 2 of the Convention, the Republic of Lithuania designates the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Lithuania as a Central Authority to receive a Letter of Request coming from a judicial authority of another Contracting State.
Authorities Luxembourg
- In accordance with Article 2 the "Parquet Général" is designated as the Central
- In accordance with the provisions of Article 16, the "Parquet Général" is designated
as the authority competent to authorize the diplomatic officers or consular agents
of a Contracting State to take, without compulsion, the evidence of persons other
than the nationals of that State in aid of proceedings commenced in the courts of
the State which they represent.
- In accordance with the provisions of Article 17, the "Parquet Général" is designated
as the authority competent to authorize persons designated in accordance with the
regulations as commissioners to take evidence, without compulsion, in aid of proceedings
commenced in the courts of another Contracting State.
Authorities Malta
In accordance with the requirement of Article 2 of the said Convention and for the purposes of this Convention, the designated Central Authority for Malta is the Attorney General.
Authorities Mexico
Transmission and execution of letters of request
Central Authority (Article 2)
Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores,
Dirección General de Asuntos Jurídicos.
Authorities Monaco
In accordance with article 2, the Directorate of Judicial Services is designated as
the Central Authority.
In accordance with articles 16 and 17, the Directorate of Judicial Services is designated
as a competent authority for the purpose of authorising, as appropriate:
- the consular authorities of a Contracting State to take the evidence without compulsion
of persons other than nationals of that State and in aid of proceedings commenced
in a court of the State which they represent, or
- persons duly designated as commissioners to take evidence without compulsion in
aid of proceedings commenced in a court of the Contracting State.
Authorities Montenegro
Montenegro declares that:
a) in accordance with Article 2 of the Convention, Montenegro designates the Ministry
of Justice as Central Authority, which will undertake to receive Letters of Request
coming from judicial authority of another Contracting State;
b) in accordance with Article 8 of the Convention, Montenegro declares that members
of the judicial personnel of judicial authority of the requesting authority of another
Contracting State may be present at the execution of a Letter of Request in Montenegro
when prior authorization by the Ministry of Justice of Montenegro is granted.
Authorities Morocco
[...] in accordance with article 2, the Moroccan Ministry of Justice has been designated as the Central National Authority.
Authorities Netherlands, the Kingdom of the
Article 2
The Public Prosecutor at The Hague district Court is designated as the Central Authority.
The permission referred to in Article 17 must be requested from the President of the
District Court in the area in which evidence is to be taken.
In accordance with Article 2, the Kingdom of the Netherlands designated as Central Authority at Aruba: the Attorney-General at Aruba of the Joint Court of Justice of the Netherlands Antilles and Aruba.
Central Authority in accordance with Article 2 (modification from 1 December 2008):
The Hague district court
Civil law sector
General Affairs
Central Authority Aruba (modification):
The Attorney-General at Aruba of the Joint Court of Justice of Aruba, Curaçao, Sint
Maarten and of Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba.
Authorities Nicaragua
Central Authority in accordance with Article 2:
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Department of Legal Affairs, Sovereignty and Territory
Authorities Norway
The Royal Ministry of Justice and Police is designated as the Central Authority with reference to Article 2 and as the Competent Authority with reference to Articles 15, 16 and 17.
In accordance with Article 35, paragraph 2, subparagraph d) of the Convention, the designated Central Authority under Article 2 shall be: The Norwegian Civil Affairs Authority.
Authorities Paraguay
Central Authority:
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Directorate of Legal Affairs, Department of Letters Rogatory
and International Legal Cooperation (Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, Dirección
de Asuntos Legales, Departamento de Exhortos y Cooperación Jurídica Internacional)
Authorities Poland
Article 2, paragraph 1
The Central Authority designated to receive Letters of Request coming from a judicial
authority or another Contracting State shall be the Ministry of Justice.
Article 8
The Authority designated to issue a prior authorization shall be the Ministry of Justice.
Articles 24 and 27 (a)
Other authorities, in addition to the Central Authority, designated to receive Letters
of Request shall be the voivodship courts.
Authorities Portugal
With regard to Articles 2 and 15 of the Convention, the competent Portugese authority will be the Director-General of the Judiciary Department ("Direcçao-Geral dos Serviços Judiciáros") of the Ministry of Justice.
Central Authority (Art. 2 and 35) (modification):
Direcção-Geral da Administração da Justiça - Ministério da Justiça
(Directorate-General of Justice Administration - Ministry of Justice)
Competent Authority (Art. 16)
Direcção-Geral da Administração da Justiça - Ministério da Justiça
(Directorate-General of Justice Administration - Ministry of Justice)
Central Authority (modification):
Direcção-Geral da Administração da Justiça - Ministério da Justiça
(Directorate-General for the Administration of Justice - Ministry of Justice)
Authorities Republic of Korea, the
For the purpose of Article 8, the competent authority shall be the National Court Administration.
Central Authority in accordance with Article 2:
National Court Administration
Attn: Director of International Affairs
Authorities Romania
In accordance with Article 2 of the Convention, the Ministry of Justice is the Central Authority in Romania designated to receive and to transmit Letters of Request.
Authorities Serbia
Competent Organ for application of Article 18 of the Convention is the First Instance
Court in the Republic of Serbia in whose area person has permanent or temporary residence.
The Belgrade First Instance Court is determined as Central Organ in accordance with
Article 2 of the Convention.
The Central Authority pursuant to Article 2 of the Convention is:
Ministry of Justice and State Administration of the Republic of Serbia;
Department for the International Legal Assistance in Civil Procedure.
Authorities Seychelles
The Central Authority which will undertake to receive and transmit letters of requests
to the executing authority:
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of the Republic of Seychelles
The Competent Authority to execute Letters of Request:
Supreme Court of Seychelles
Authorities Singapore
Central Authority
Singapore notified the Ministry of Foreign Affairs that the Central Authority which
will undertake to receive Letters of Request referred to in Article 2 of the Convention,
is the Registrar of the Supreme Court.
Authorities Slovakia
Central Authority
Ministry of Justice of the Slovak Republic
The Slovak Republic has designated in accordance with Articles 2 and 8 of the Convention
the following Central Authority:
Ministry of Justice of the Slovak Republic
[...] the competent authority in the Slovak Republic for the purposes of
a) granting permission for the taking of evidence by a diplomatic officer or consular
agent of nationals of the State in which he of she exercises his functions or of a
third State (Art. 16) in case no reciprocity is guaranteed, or
b) granting permission for the taking of evidence by a commissioner (Art. 17) is:
[...] Ministry of Justice of the Slovak Republic.
Authorities Slovenia
Central Authority
Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Slovenia
Authorities South Africa
Designation of Authorities
That the Republic of South Africa designates:
(a) the Director-General of the Department of Justice as Central Authority in terms
of Article 2 of the Convention and as the competent authority referred to in Article
8 of the Convention; and
(b) the division of the High Court of South Africa that has jurisdiction as the competent
authority referred to in Articles 17 and 18 of the Convention.
Authorities Spain
The Spanish Central Authority referred to in Article 2 will be:
The Ministry of Justice - Technical Secretariat General,
with exclusion of any other Authority.
Central Authority
La Dirección General de Codificación y Cooperación Jurídica Internacional,
Ministry of Justice and Interior
Subdirección General de Cooperación Jurídica Internacional
Ministry of Justice
Authorities Sri Lanka
In terms of Article 2, Secretary/Ministry of Justice and Constitutional Affairs is designated as the Central Authority.
Authorities Sweden
I would further inform you that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Stockholm, has been designated as the Central Authority referred to in Article 2 and also as the Competent Authority referred to in Article 15-17.
Central Authority
The Swedish Government informed the Ministry by Note of 6 November 2000 that the Central
Authority referred to in Article 2 and the competent authority referred to in Articles
15 - 17 of the above-mentioned Convention is no longer the Ministry for Foreign Affairs
but is from 1 October 2000: the Ministry of Justice.
Ministry of Justice
Division for Criminal Cases and International Judicial Co-operation, Central Authority
Authorities Switzerland
Re articles 2 and 24
In accordance with article 35, first paragraph, Switzerland designates the cantonal
authorities listed in the annex as Central Authorities as referred to in articles
2 and 24 of the Convention. Requests for the taking of evidence or the execution of
any other judicial act may also be addressed to the Federal Justice and Police Department
in Bern, which will forward them to the appropriate Central Authority.
Swiss Central Authorities
Langue(s) officielle(s): a= allemand, f= français, i=italien
Aargau (AG) - a
Obergericht des Kantons Aargau
Appenzell Ausserrhoden (AR) - a
Kantonsgericht Appenzell A.Rh.
Appenzell Innerrhoden (AI) - a
Kantonsgericht Appenzell I.Rh.
Basel-Landschaft (BL) - a
Obergericht des Kantons Basel-Landschaft
Basel-Stadt (BS) - a
Appellationsgericht Basel-Stadt
Bern (BE) - a/f
Justiz-, Gemeinde- und Kirchendirektion des Kantons Bern
Fribourg (FR) - f/a
Tribunal cantonal
Genève (GE) - f
Parquet du Procureur général
Glarus (GL) - a
Obergericht des Kantons Glarus
Graubünden (GR) - a
Justiz-, Polizei- und Sanitätsdepartement, Graubünden
Jura (JU) - f
Département de la Justice, Service juridique
Luzern (LU) - a
Obergericht des Kantons Luzern
Neuchâtel (NE) - f
Département de la justice, de la santé et de la sécurité; service de la justice, Château
Nidwalden (NW) - a
Kantonsgericht Nidwalden
Obwalden (OW) - a
Kantonsgericht Obwalden
Schaffhausen (SH) - a
Obergericht des Kantons Schaffhausen
Schwyz (SZ) - a
Kantonsgericht Schwyz
Solothurn (SO) - a
Obergericht des Kantons Solothurn
St. Gallen (SG) - a
Kantonsgericht St. Gallen
Thurgau (TG) - a
Obergericht des Kantons Thurgau
Ticino (TI) - i
Tribunale di appello
Uri (UR) - a
Gerichtskanzlei Uri
Valais (VS) - f/a
Tribunal cantonal
Vaud (VD) - f
Tribunal cantonal
Zug (ZG) - a
Obergericht des Kantons Zug, Rechtshilfe
Zürich (ZH) - a
Obergericht des Kantons Zürich, Rechtshilfe
Cantonal central authorities (list updated on 14 September 2001):
The competent Swiss authority for the place to which the request can be addressed
may be consulted at the following address:
The correct co-ordinates for the cantons Luzern, Ticino and Uri are:
Luzern (LU) - a
Obergericht des Kantons Luzern
Ticino (TI) - i
Tribunale di appello
Uri (UR) - a
Landgericht Uri
Cantonal Central Authorities
A list of the Cantonal Central Authorities including their address and phone/fax numbers
can be consulted online at the following address:
Cantonal Central Authorities (modification) (list up to date as per 12 October 2012).
A list of the Central Cantonal Authorities including their address and phone/fax numbers
can be consulted online at the following address:
Cantonal Central Authorities (modification) (list up to date as per 23 July 2020)
A list of the Central Cantonal Authorities including their address, email address
and phone/fax numbers can be consulted online at the following address:
Authorities Türkiye
In accordance with Article 35 of the Convention, the Republic of Turkey declares that:
The Ministry of Justice has been designated as the competent autority empowered to
grant permission envisaged in Articles 16 and 17.
Central Authority in accordance with Article 2, paragraph 1, of the Convention:
Ministry of Justice
General Directorate for International Law and Foreign Relations
Authorities Ukraine
In accordance with Article 2 of the Convention, the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine is the Central Authority of Ukraine.
Authorities United Kingdom
1. Under Article 2 the Foreign and Commonwealth Office is designated as the Central
2. Under Article 16 the Foreign and Commonwealth Office is designated as the competent
3. Under Article 17 the Foreign and Commonwealth Office is designated as the competent
4. Under Article 18 the following are designated as the competent authorities for
the places indicated:
The Senior Master of the Supreme Court (Queen's Bench Division) for England and Wales;
The Crown Agent for Scotland, for Scotland;
The Registrar of the Supreme Court of Northern Ireland, for Northern Ireland.
5. Under Article 24 the following are designated as authorities additional to the
Central Authority designated hereinbefore and as having competence in the places indicated:
The Senior Master of the Supreme Court (Queen's Bench Division) in England and Wales;
The Crown Agent for Scotland, for Scotland;
The Registrar of the Supreme Court of Northern Ireland in Northern Ireland.
Hong Kong
In accordance with Article 35 and Article 24 of the Convention, the Registrar of the
Supreme Court of Hong Kong is designated as an additional authority competent to receive
Letters of Request for execution in Hong Kong.
In accordance with Article 35 and Articles 16 and 17 of the Convention, the Chief
Secretary is designated as the competent authority for Hong Kong.
Designations Gibraltar
(a) under Articles 16 and 17 of the Convention the Deputy Governor is designated as
the competent authority for Gibraltar;
(b) under Article 18 of the Convention, the Registrar of the Supreme Court of Gibraltar
is designated as the competent authority;
(c) under Article 24 of the Convention, the Deputy Governor is designated as an additional
authority competent to receive Letters of Request for execution in Gibraltar.
Designations Sovereign Base Areas
In accordance with Article 35 of the Convention the following designations have been
a) under Articles 16 and 17 of the Convention the Chief Officer, Sovereign Base Areas,
is designated as the competent authority for the Sovereign Base Areas;
b) under Article 18 of the Convention, the Senior Registrar of the Judge's Court of
the Sovereign Base Areas of Akrotiri and Dhekelia is designated as the competent authority;
c) under Article 24 of the Convention, the Senior Registrar of the Judge's Court of
the Sovereign Base Areas of Akrotiri and Dhekelia is designated as an additional authority
competent to receive Letters of Request for execution in the Sovereign Base Areas.
Designations Falkland Islands
a) under Articles 16, 17 and 18 of the Convention the Judge of the Supreme Court of
the Falkland Islands, is designated as the competent authority for the Falkland Islands
and Dependencies;
b) under Article 24 of the Convention, the Governor of the Falkland Islands and its
Dependencies is designated as an additional authority competent to receive Letters
of Request for execution in the Falkland Islands and Dependencies.
Designations Isle of Man
a) under Articles 16, 17 and 18 of the Convention Her Majesty's First Deemster and
Clerk of the Rolls is designated as the competent authority for the Isle of Man;
b) under Article 24 of the Convention, Her Majesty's First Deemster and Clerk of the
Rolls is designated as an additional authority competent to receive Letters of Request
for execution in the Isle of Man.
Northern Ireland
The British Government notified that instead of the Registrar of the Supreme Court
of Northern Ireland, designated in 1976, the Master (Queen's Bench and Appeals) is
designated as the competent authority for Northern Ireland under Article 18 and as
the additional authority for Northern Ireland under Article 24 of the Convention.
The address of the Master (Queen's Bench and Appeals) is Royal Courts of Justice,
Belfast 1.
Designations Cayman Islands
a) Under Articles 16 and 17 of the Convention, the Attorney General is designated
as the competent authority for the Cayman Islands;
b) Under Article 18 of the Convention, the Clerk of the Grand Court is designated
as the competent authority;
c) Under Article 24 of the Convention, His Excellency the Governor is designated as
an additional authority competent to receive Letters of Request for execution in the
Cayman Islands.
Under Articles 8 and 25 of the Convention, the Bailiff, Deputy Bailiff, any Jurat
of the Royal Court of Guernsey, the Chairman or a Jurat of the Court of Alderney and
the Seneschal (or Deputy) of the Court of the Seneschal of Sark are designated as
the competent authorities for Guernsey.
Under Articles 16, 17 and 18 of the Convention the Registrar of the East Caribbean
Supreme Court is designated as the competent authority for Anguilla.
Under Article 24 of the Convention, the Governor of Anguilla is designated as an additional
authority competent to receive Letters of Request for execution in Anguilla.
Designations Jersey
(a) Under Articles 16, 17 and 18 of the Convention the Royal Court is designated as
the competent authority for Jersey;
(b) Under Articles 24 and 25 of the Convention, the Royal Court is designated as an
additional authority competent to receive Letters of Request for execution in Jersey.
The designated authority for Scotland is:
The Scottish Executive Justice Department, Civil Justice & International Division.
Central Authority for England and Wales (modification from 22 August 2008):
The Senior Master
The Foreign Process Department
Royal Courts of Justice
Authority for Scotland (modification):
Scottish Government
EU & International Law Branch
Authorities United States of America
The United States Department of Justice is designated as the Central Authority referred
to in Article 2 of the Convention.
The Department of Justice is the competent authority for the purposes of Article [8].
The competent authority for the purposes of Article 18 is the United States district
court of the district in which a person resides or is found.
Authorities Venezuela
Central Authority
In accordance with Article 2, paragraph 1, of the Convention Venezuela has designated
"el Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores" as the Central Authority.
Authorities Vietnam
Central Authority:
Ministry of Justice