

Convention abolishing the requirement of legalisation for foreign public documents


Authorities Albania


Central Authority:
Referring to the first paragraph of Article 3 of the convention, the Consular Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will be the competent authority for issuing the certificate.

Authorities Andorra


Central Authority:
1. Ministre/a d'Afers Exteriors (Minister of Foreign Affairs)
2. Ministre/a de Presidència i Turisme (Minister of the Presidency and Tourism)
3. Ministre/a de Justícia i Interior (Minister of Justice and Interior)
4. Secretari/ària d'Estat de Justícia i Interior (Secretary of State of Justice and Interior)
5. Director/a de política exterior, afers bilaterals i Unió Europea (Director of Foreign Policy, Bilateral Affairs and European Union)
6. Director/a d'afers multilaterals i cooperació al desenvolupament (Director of Multilateral Affairs and Cooperation for Development).


Competent authorities in accordance with Article 3 of the Convention:
1. Ministre/a d'Afers Exteriors, Cultura i Cooperació
2. Ministre/a de Justícia i Interior
3. Ministre/a d'Economia
4. Director/a de política exteriors, afers bilaterals i Unió Europea
5. Director/a d'afers multilaterals i cooperació al desenvolupament
6. Cap d'Àrea d'afers generals del Ministeri d'Afers Exteriors


Competent authorities in accordance with Article 3, paragraph 1, of the Convention:
1. Ministre/a d'Afers Exteriors, Cultura i Cooperació
2. Ministre/a de Justícia i Interior
3. Ministre/a d'Economia
4. Director/a d'afers bilaterals i Unió Europea
5. Director/a d'afers multilaterals i cooperació al desenvolupament
6. Director/a d'afers jurídics i consulars
7. Cap d'Àrea d'afers generals del Ministeri d'Afers Exteriors, Cultura i Cooperació


Competent authorities to issue the Apostille in accordance with Article 3, paragraph 1, of the Convention (modification):
El/la ministre/a d'Afers Exteriors (The Minister of Foreign Affairs),
El/la ministre/a de Presidència i Finances (The Minister of the Presidency and Finances),
El/la ministre/a de Justícia i Interior (The Minister of Justice and Interior),
El/la director/a d'Afers Bilaterals, Consulars i Unió Europea (The Director of Bilateral Affairs, Consular Affairs and European Union),
El/la director/a d'Afers Multilaterals i Cooperació (The Director of Multilateral Affairs and Cooperation),
El/la cap d'Àrea d'Afers Generals i Jurídics del Ministeri d'Afers Exteriors (The Representative for General Affairs and Juridical Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs).


Competent authorities to issue the Apostille in accordance with Article 3, paragraph 1, of the Convention (modification):
El/la ministre/a d'Afers Exteriors i Relacions Institucionals, (The Minister of Foreign Affairs and Institutional Relations)
El/la director/a general d'Afers Exteriors i Relacions Institucionals, (The Director of Foreign Affairs and Institutional Relations)
El/la director/a d'Afers Generals, Bilaterals i Consulars (The Director of General, Bilateral and Consular Affairs)
El/la director/a d'Afers Multilaterals i Cooperació (The Director of Multilateral Affairs and Cooperation)


Competent authorities to issue the Apostille in accordance with Article 3, paragraph 1, of the Convention (modification):
El/la ministre/a d'Afers Exteriors, (The Minister of Foreign Affairs)
El/la coordinador/a d'Afers Bilaterals i Consulars (The Coordinator of Bilateral and Consular Affairs)
El/la director/a d'Afers Multilaterals i Cooperació (The Director of Multilateral Affairs and Cooperation)
El/la cap de l'Àrea d'Afers Generals i Jurídics (The Head of Unit of General and Juridical Affairs)


Competent authorities to issue the Apostille in accordance with Article 3, paragraph 1, of the Convention (modification):
El/la ministre/a d'Afers Exteriors (The Minister of Foreign Affairs)
El/la director/a d'Afers Bilaterals i Consulars (The Director of Bilateral and Consular Affairs)
El/la director/a d'Afers Multilaterals i Cooperació (The Director of Multilateral Affairs and Cooperation)
El/la cap de l'Àrea d'Afers Generals i Jurídics (The Head of the General and Legal Affairs Unit)


Competent Authorities (modification):
- El/la ministre/a d’Afers Exteriors (The Minister of Foreign Affairs);
- El/la director/a general (The General Director of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs);
- El/la director/a d’Afers Jurídics Internacionals i Recursos Humans (The Director of International Legal Affairs and Human Resources);
- El/la director/a d’Afers Bilaterals i Consulars (The Director of Bilateral and Consular Affairs);
- El/la director/a d’Afers Multilaterals i Cooperació (The Director of Multilateral Affairs and Cooperation); and,
- El/la cap de l’Àrea d’Afers Generals i Jurídics (The Head of the General and Legal Affairs).

Authorities Antigua and Barbuda


Central Authority:
The Registrar of the High Court of Antigua and Barbuda, St. John's, Antigua.

Authorities Argentina


Central Authority:
Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores y Culto
Reconquista 1088
1003 Buenos Aires


[...] the Argentine Ministry of Foreign Affairs has signed an Agreement with the Federal Board of Notariate, by which the different Body of Notary's Public of Argentina have been authorised to authenticate signatures with the Apostille legalisation.
This designation has become in force on 1st. December 2003.
The Argentine Ministry of Foreign Affairs remains being the Authority of Application of the foresaid Convention.

Authorities Armenia


Central Authority:
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Justice.

Authorities Australia


Central Authority:
The Secretary to the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade of the Commonwealth.


Designated Competent Authority(ies):
The Secretary to the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade of the Commonwealth of Australia
From 1 July 2015, Australian Embassies, High Commissions and Consulates (except Consulates headed by an Honorary Consul) will be empowered to issue Apostilles on original Australian public documents.
Within Australia, Apostilles are issued by the Australian Passport Office in capital cities.

Authorities Austria


Central Authority:
1. The Federal Ministry for Foreign Affairs with regard to all documents issued by:
a) the Federal President or the Office of the Federal President,
b) the President of the National Council, the President of the Federal Council or the Parliamentary Administrative Office,
c) the federal government,
d) a federal ministry,
e) the Constitutional Court or the Administrative Court,
f) the Supreme Court, the Supreme Cartel Court at the Supreme Court, the Supreme Restoration Commission at the Supreme Court, the Supreme Restitution Commission at the Supreme Court or
g) the Court of Audit.
2. The presidents of civil courts of first instance, or their designated representatives for the issue of certificates (apostilles), with the exception of the Commercial Court in Vienna and the Juvenile Court in Vienna, with regard to all documents issued in the region served by the court in question by:
a) a court other than those referred to in point 1 (e) and (f),
b) a public prosecutor's office,
c) a notary,
d) a chamber of notaries or a bar association, in so far as the chamber or association in question did so in the execution of official federal duties.
3. With regard to all other documents,
a) provincial governors, for documents issued in their province in the execution of official federal duties,
b) provincial governments, for documents issued in their province in the execution of official federal duties.


Central Authority (modification)
The Austrian Federal Ministry for Europe, Integration and Foreign Affairs […] has the honour to inform that in accordance with paragraph 145 of the Apostille Handbook 2013 the Austrian Embassies and Consulates abroad will be empowered to issue Apostilles on certain documents effective as of November 1st, 2014.
These documents are retrieved or transmitted in electronic form from the Austrian civil-register, containing civil documents and citizenship documents as well as the criminal records register.
List of documents:
- birth certificates
- marriage certificates
- death certificates
- proof of citizenship (Staatsbürgerschaftsnachweis)
- certificate of exit from the state (Bestätiging über das Ausscheiden aus dem Staatsverband)
- criminal records
The Apostille on the above mentioned documents will be affixed in label form on the document itself or on an inseparably connected second page.
A sample of the used Apostille is enclosed for your information.
The issuance of Apostilles by Austrian Honorary(General)Consulates is not permitted.

Authorities Azerbaijan


[...] in accordance with Article 6 of the Convention Abolishing the Requirement of Legalization for Foreign Public Documents was done at Hague on 5 October 1961, the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan by his instruction No. 544 of 10 December 2004, designated the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Azerbaijan as competent authority for documents emanating from courts, public prosecutors, and justice authorities, including documents certified in notarial order and state civil acts registration documents, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan as competent authority for other documents.


(…) referring to Article 6 of the Convention (…) the department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan in the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic has been authorized to issue apostilles to the documents executed in the territory of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Authorities Bahamas


Central Authority:
(a) Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
(b) Director General, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
(c) Under Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
(d) Senior Assistant Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
(e) Deputy Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
(f) First Assistant Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs


Central Authority (modification):
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs informs that the Permanent Secretary is authorized to sign Public Documents on behalf of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs under the Hague Convention Abolishing the Requirement of Legalization for Foreign Public Documents.

Authorities Bahrain


[...] the designated competent authority under paragraph 2 of Article 6 of the said Convention is the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Bahrain.

Authorities Barbados


Central Authority:
Deputy Solicitor-General
Registrar of the Supreme Court
Registrar of Corporate Affairs
Permanent Secretary in the Ministry responsible for Foreign Affairs
The Chief of Protocol

Authorities Belarus


An apostille may be given by the Ministry of Justice on documents issued by judicial authorities and courts; by the Ministry of National Education on documents issued by relevant educational authorities; by the Committee for Archives and Administration on documents issued by relevant state archives; and by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on all other documents.


The list of competent Belarusian authorities which have the right to issue "Apostille" in the Republic of Belarus:
Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Belarus - on the documents issued by Courts, Center for legal expertise and criminalistics of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Belarus, Republican labour arbitrage, Regional justice administrations, Minsk City Executive Committee justice administration, Notary archives, Notary officials;
Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus - on the documents issued by the educational institutions;
Department of Archives and Records Management of the Ministry of Justice - on the documents issued by the State archives of the Republic of Belarus;
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Belarus - on all other documents, also on the documents which are under the competence of the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Education as well as the Department for Archives and Records management, forwarded to Belarus by the Belarusian Diplomatic representatives or Consular offices and/or demanded (obtained) by them.


[...] the Republic of Belarus additionally designates:
- Regional Justice Administrations and
- Minsk City Executive Committee Justice Administration

Authorities Belgium


Central Authority:
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, External Commerce and Cooperation for Development.

Authorities Belize


Central Authority:
The Registrar General.


Additional competent authority:
International Financial Services Commission

Authorities Bolivia


Competent Authority: Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Authorities Bosnia and Herzegovina


Central Authority:
The Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina.


[...] the authorities designated by Bosnia and Herzegovina who are competent to issue the certificate referred to in the first paragraph of Article 3 of the Convention Abolishing the Requirement of Legalisation for Foreign Public Documents concluded at The Hague on 5th October 1961, are Municipal Courts in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and in the Republic of Srpska. These certificates shall be subject to certification by the Ministry of Civil Affairs and Communications of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina.


[...] and has the honour to inform [the depositary] according to the Convention abolishing the requirement of legalisation for foreign public documents that the Ministry of Justice of Bosnia and Herzegovina has taken over from the Ministry of Civil Affairs and Communications the responsibility for the international co-operation in judicial matters, as well as the co-operation between two entities of Bosnia and Herzegovina as of 15 March 2003.


1. From January 1st 2008, the authorities who are competent to issue the certificate referred to in the first paragraph of Article 3 of Convention Abolishing the Requirement of Legalisation for Foreign Public Documents are:
Courts of First Instance of Bosnia-Herzegovina / Municipal Courts of the Federation of Bosnia-Herzegovina, Basic Courts of Republika Srpska and the Basic Court of Brcko District of Bosnia- Herzegovina
2. In the certificate annexed to the Convention (APOSTILLE), in the line entitled "1. Country" shall be filled with Bosnia-Herzegovina without any entities marks in order to produce the public document to be fully legitimated.

Authorities Botswana


Central Authority:
(a) The persons for the time being exercising the functions of
(i) Permanent Secretary
(ii) Registrar of High Court
(iii) District Commissioner
(b) Any person appointed or empowered to hold a subordinate court of the first class; and
(c) Such other persons as the President may appoint by notice in the Gazette.

Authorities Brazil


Pursuant to Article 6 of the Convention, the Government of the Federative Republic of Brazil states that, according to the applicable Brazilian legislation, the Judiciary is responsible for supervising and regulating notarial activities in Brazil. Therefore, legal, notarial and registration authorities will have competence to issue certificates by the Brazilian Government.

Authorities Brunei


Central Authority:
Chief Registrar, Deputy Chief Registrar and Registrars of the Supreme Court of Brunei Darussalam;
Chief Magistrate, Magistrates and Registrars of subordinate Courts of Brunei Darussalam.


Central Authority:
The Supreme Court [...] has been designated the competent Authority to issue Apostille Certificate in Brunei Darussalam [...].

Authorities Bulgaria


Central Authority:
The Ministry of Justice - in respect of the documents of the courts and notaries, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs - in respect of all other documents.


The Republic of Bulgaria declares that the following authorities are designated to issue the certificate referred to in paragraph 1 of Article 3 of the Convention: the Ministry of Justice - in respect to documents of courts and notaries, the Ministry of Education, Youth and Science - in respect to educational and certifying documents, issued by higher education institutions, by institutions of the public education system and by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Science and its structures, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs - in respect to all other documents.
[The above amendment will become effective as from 1 June 2013.]


The Republic of Bulgaria declares that as of 19.10.2018 the following authorities are entitled to issue the certificate under Article 3 (1) of the Convention:
1. The Ministry of Justice - for acts of the courts and notaries;
2. The National Center for Information and Documentation - for educational and certification documents, issued by the higher schools, by the institutions in the system of pre-school, school and vocational education and training and by the Ministry of Education and Science and its units;
3. (as from 01.01.2019) the regional administrations - for documents issued by the mayors and the municipal administrations;
4. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs - for all other acts.

Authorities Burundi


Designated competent Authority:
Director General of Protocol and of Consular and Juridical Affairs

Authorities Cabo Verde


[...] in accordance with Article 6 of this Convention, the authorities of the Republic of Cape Verde which are competent to issue the certificate referred to in Article 3,[...], are the Direcção-Geral dos Registos e Notariado of the Ministry of Justice and the Direcção-Geral dos Assuntos Consulares e Comunidades of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Authorities Canada


1. The Government of Canada, in accordance with Article 6 of the Convention, designates the following authorities by reference to their official functions as competent to issue the certificates referred to in the first paragraph of Article 3 of the Convention:
- the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development;
- the Ministry of the Attorney General of British Columbia;
- the Ministry of Justice of Alberta;
- the Ministry of Justice and Attorney General of Saskatchewan;
- the Ministry of Public and Business Service Delivery of Ontario.
2. The Government of Canada further states that it may at any time give notice of any change in the designated authorities pursuant to the second paragraph of Article 6 of the Convention.


1. The Government of Canada, in accordance with Article 6 of the Convention, designates the following additional authority by reference to its official functions as competent to issue the certificates referred to in the first paragraph of Article 3 of the Convention:
- the Minister of Justice of Quebec.
2. The Government of Canada further states that it may at any time give notice of any change in its designated authorities pursuant to the second paragraph of Article 6 of the Convention.

Authorities Chile


Competent authorities:
- Subsecretario de Justicia (Under-Secretary of Justice), Secretarios Regionales Ministeriales de Justicia (Regional Ministerial Secretaries of Justice)
- Secretarios Regionales del Ministerio de Educación (Regional Secretaries of the Ministry of Education)
- Secretarios Regionales Ministeriales de Salud, Directores de Servicios de Salud, Intendente de Prestadores de Salud (Regional Ministerial Secretaries of Health, Health Service Directors, Intendent of Health Providers)
- Director Nacional, Directores Regionales del Servicio de Registro Civil e Identificación (National Director, Regional Directors of the Civil and Identification Registration Service)
- Dirección General de Asuntos Consulares y de Inmigración del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores (General Direction of Consular and Immigration Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs)

Authorities China


In accordance with Article 6 of the Convention, it designates each of the following as the competent authorities in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region to issue the certificates referred to in Paragraph 1 of Article 3 of the Convention for the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region: the Administrative Secretary, the Registrar of the High Court, the Deputy Registrar of the High Court and the Assistant Registrar of the High Court.
Within the above ambit, responsibility for the international rights and obligations of a party to the Convention will be assumed by the Government of the People's Republic of China.


In accordance with Article 6 of the Convention, it designates the Chief Executive, the Secretary for Administration and Justice, and the Director of Justice Affairs Department of the Macau Special Administrative Region as the Authorities competent to issue the certificate referred to in the first paragraph of Article 3 of the Convention in the Macau Special Administrative Region.


Designated authority of Hong Kong SAR (modification):
The contact information of the designated authority of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China [...] has been changed as:
Senior Judicial Clerk 1
Apostille Service Office
High Court Registry


[...] The designated authorities of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, who are competent to issue the certificate referred to in the first paragraph of Article 3 of the Convention, [are] the Administrative Secretary, the Registrar of the High Court, the Senior Deputy Registrar of the High Court and the Deputy Registrar of the High Court of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.

[The] designated authorities of the Macau Special Administrative Region, who are competent to issue the certificate referred to in the first paragraph of Article 3 of the Convention, [are] the Secretary for Administration and Justice, the Director and the Deputy Directors of Justice Affairs Department of the Macau Special Administrative Region.


In accordance with Article 6 of the Convention, the Government of the People's Republic of China designates the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China as the competent authority to issue the certificate referred to in the first paragraph of Article 3 of the Convention for the People's Republic of China. Unless otherwise stated by the Government, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China issues the certificates to public documents emanated in the territory of the People's Republic of China. Authorized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China, the Foreign Affairs Offices of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government can issue the certificates to public documents emanated within the respective administrative areas.
In accordance with Article 6 of the Convention, it designates each of the following as the competent authorities in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region to issue the certificate referred to in the first paragraph of Article 3 of the Convention: the Administrative Secretary, the Registrar of the High Court, the Senior Deputy Registrar of the High Court and the Deputy Registrar of the High Court of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.
In accordance with Article 6 of the Convention, it designates each of the following as the competent authorities in the Macao Special Administrative Region to issue the certificate referred to in the first paragraph of Article 3 of the Convention: the Secretary for Administration and Justice, the Director and the Deputy Directors of Justice Affairs Department of the Macao Special Administrative Region.


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China is the competent authority for issuing an Apostille onto the public documents issued in Chinese mainland. The following Foreign Affairs Offices entrusted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China can also issue an Apostille onto the public documents issued within their own administrative jurisdiction.

Hebei Foreign Affairs Office
Shanxi Foreign Affairs Office
Inner Mongolia Foreign Affairs Office
Liaoning Foreign Affairs Office
Jilin Foreign Affairs Office
Heilongjiang Foreign Affairs Office
Shanghai Foreign Affairs Office
Jiangsu Foreign Affairs Office
Zhejiang Foreign Affairs Office
Anhui Foreign Affairs Office
Fujian Foreign Affairs Office
Jiangxi Foreign Affairs Office
Shandong Foreign Affairs Office
Henan Foreign Affairs Office
Hubei Foreign Affairs Office
Hunan Foreign Affairs Office
Guangdong Foreign Affairs Office
Guangxi Foreign Affairs Office
Hainan Foreign Affairs Office
Chongqing Foreign Affairs Office
Sichuan Foreign Affairs Office
Guizhou Foreign Affairs Office
Yunnan Foreign Affairs Office
Shaanxi Foreign Affairs Office
Gansu Foreign Affairs Office
Changchun Foreign Affairs Office
Harbin Foreign Affairs Office
Ningbo Foreign Affairs Office
Jinan Foreign Affairs Office
Qingdao Foreign Affairs Office
Shenzhen Foreign Affairs Office

Authorities Colombia


Central Authority:
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Legalization Department

Authorities Cook Islands


Central Authority:
[...] the Government of the Cook Islands declares it has designated the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Immigration as the authority competent to issue apostille certificates.

Authorities Costa Rica


The 'Departamento de Autenticaciones, de la Dirección General del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores y Culto de Costa Rica' has been designated by the Government of Costa Rica, as the competent authority under article 6 of the Convention.

Authorities Croatia


Central Authority:
Municipal courts or the Ministry of Justice and Administration.

Authorities Cyprus


Central Authority:
The Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Cyprus.

Authorities Czech Republic


Central Authority:
1. the Ministry of Justice, International Department (certificates issued by authorities of justice, including certificates issued or certified by notaries);
2. the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Consular Department (when documents are issued by authorities of State Administration or by the other ones).


The Czech Republic declares pursuant to Article 6 paragraph 2 of the Convention, taking into account the recent legislative change, that the authorities competent to issue the certificate referred to in the first paragraph of Article 3 of the Convention are:
1. Ministry of Justice of the Czech Republic (International Civil Department) for documents issued by judicial authorities;
2. Notarial Chamber of the Czech Republic for documents issued or certified by notaries;
3. Ministry of Foreign Affairs for other than judicial documents.

Authorities Denmark


In connection with the deposit of Denmark's instrument of ratification of the Convention of 5 October 1961 abolishing the requirement of legalisation for foreign public documents the Government of the Kingdom of Denmark according to Article 6 of the Convention designates the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to issue the certificate referred to in the first paragraph of Article 3.

Authorities Dominica


Central Authority:
The Attorney General, the Solicitor General, the Registrar, and the Deputy Registrar, Roseau, Commonwealth Dominica.

Authorities Dominican Republic


[...] pursuant to the terms of Article 6 of the Convention (...), the Dominican authority competent to issue the certificates referred to in paragraph 1 of Article 3 of the aforementioned Convention will be the Secretariat of State of Foreign Relations of the Dominican Republic, Legalisations Section of the Consular Department.

Authorities Ecuador


Central authority:
Departamento de Legalizaciones
Dirección General de Asuntos Consulares y Legalizaciones
Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores


[...] in accordance with article 6 (1) of the Hague Apostille Convention, (...) the Government of Ecuador has designated General Department of Consular Affairs and Legalizations in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ecuador as the only competent "National Authority".


Competent Authority:
Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores y Movilidad Humana
Director de Documentos de Viaje y Legalizaciones

Authorities El Salvador


Central Authority:
El Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores.

Authorities Estonia


Central Authority:
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Legal Division
Consular Department
Estonian Ministry of Education
Administrative Department/Monitoring Department
Ministry of Justice
Courts' Department
Ministry of International Affairs
General Administrative Department
Legal Services Office
Ministry of Social Affairs
Public Relations and Training Department


Central Authority:
1. Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Consular Department, Legal Division
2. Ministry of Education and Research, Administrative Department
3. Ministry of Justice, Courts' Department
4. Ministry of Internal Affairs, Population Facts Department
5. Ministry of Social Affairs, Information Management Department


Since 1st of January 2010 Notaries, under the supervision of Ministry of Justice will be the designated competent authority described in the Article 6 of the Convention Abolishing the Requirement of Legalisation for Foreign Public Documents. Contact details of all 100 Notaries will be forwarded by the Ministry of Justice. Although the Ministry of Justice shall exercise supervision over the Notaries, the Ministry itself nor any other Ministry shall no longer issue apostilles. The register described in the Article 7 of the Convention shall be kept by the Chamber of Notaries in accordance with the decree provided by the Minister of Justice.

Authorities Eswatini


Central Authority:
The Principal Secretary's Office in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

Authorities Fiji


Central Authority:
The Chief Registrar of the Supreme Court of Fiji.


Authority (modification):
[...] the Government of Fiji's Competent Authority [...] is the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, International Cooperation and Civil Aviation. [...]
[...] the language of communication is English [...]

Authorities Finland


Central Authority:
Espoon maistraatti
Magistraten i Esbo
Helsingin maistraatti
Magistraten i Helsingfors
Hyvinkään maistraatti
Hämeenlinnan maistraatti
Joensuun maistraatti
Jyväskylän maistraatti
Jämsän maistraatti
Kajaanin maistraatti
Kemin maistraatti
Kokkolan maistraatti
Magistraten i Karleby
Kotkan maistraatti
Magistraten i Kotka
Kouvolan maistraatti
Kuopion seudun maistraatti
Lahden maistraatti
Lapin maistraatti
Valtion virastotalo
Lappeenrannan maistraatti
Lohjan maistraatti
Magistraten i Lojo
Mikkelin maistraatti
Oulun maistraatti
Pielisen-Karjalan maistraatti
Porin maistraatti
Porvoon maistraatti
Magistraten i Borgå
Raahen maistraatti
Raseborgs magistrat
Raaseporin maistraatti
Rauman maistraatti
Rovaniemen maistraatti
Saarijärven maistraatti
Salon maistraatti
Magistraten i Salo
Savonlinnan maistraatti
Seinäjoen maistraatti
Tampereen maistraatti
Turun maistraatti
Magistraten i Åbo
Magistraten i Vasa
Vaasan maistraatti
Vakka-Suomen maistraatti
Vantaan maistraatti
Magistraten i Vanda
Ylä-Savon maistraatti
Magistraten i Åboland
Turunmaan maistraatti
Länsstyrelsen på Aland


(…) starting from 1 January 2020 Finland's designated Competent Authority is the Digital and Population Data Service Agency (the Finnish Digital Agency).

Authorities France


Central Authority:
- Departments in Europe and Overseas Departments (Guadeloupe, Guiana, Martinique and Réunion): les Procureurs généraux près les cours d'appel;
- Overseas Territories:
Comore Islands: le Procureur de la République près le Tribunal supérieur d'appel de Moroni;
French territory of the Affars and the Issas: le Procureur de la République près le Tribunal supérieur d'appel de Djibouti;
New Caledonia: le Procureur général près la Cour d'appel de Nouméa;
Wallis and Futuna: le Juge de la section du Tribunal de première instance de Nouméa, siégeant à Mata Utu;
French Polynesia: le Procureur de la République près le Tribunal supérieur d'appel de Papeete;
St.Pierre and Miquelon: le Président du Tribunal supérieur d'appel de St.Pierre.


Authorities (modification):
[...] the list of competent authorities designated for the overseas territories under Article 6 of this convention should read henceforth as follows:
The Public Prosecutor at the Supreme Court of Appeal of Mayotte
New Caledonia (unchanged):
The Procurator General at the Court of Appeal of Nouméa
Wallis and Futuna Islands (unchanged):
The Judge of the Division of the Court of First Instance of Nouméa sitting at Mata Utu
French Polynesia:
The Procurator General at the Court of Appeal of Papeete
Saint-Pierre and Miquelon (unchanged):
The President of the Court of Appeal of Saint-Pierre



Authority to contact in case of difficulty (note that this authority is not competent to issue apostilles):
Ministry of Justice
Directorate of Civil Affairs
Department of Judicial Cooperation, European and Private International Law

Authorities designated under Article 6 of the Convention to issue Apostille:
Metropolitan France: Public Prosecutors at the Courts of Appeal.
Guadeloupe, French Guyana, Martinique, La Réunion: Public Prosecutors at the Courts of Appeal.
Mayotte: The magistrate of the Public Prosecutor's Office of the Appeal Chamber of the Court of Appeal of Saint-Denis de La Réunion, sitting in Mamoudzou, delegated by the Public Prosecutor of the Court of Appeal of Saint­ Denis de La Réunion.
Saint-Barthelemy and Saint-Martin: The Public Prosecutor at the Basse-Terre Court of Appeal.
Wallis-et-Futuna: The President of the Court of First Instance of Mata-Utu.
French Southern and Antarctic Territories: The Public Prosecutor at the Court of Appeal of Saint-Denis de la Réunion.
New Caledonia: The Public Prosecutor at the Noumea Court of Appeal.
French Polynesia: The Public Prosecutor at the Papeete Court of Appeal.
Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon: The President of the High Court of Appeal of Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon.

Authorities Georgia


Central Authority:
In accordance with article 6 of the above-mentioned Convention Georgia has designated: Ministry of Justice of Georgia, Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia, Supreme Court of Georgia, Ministry of Labor, Health and Social Affairs of Georgia, to issue certificate referred to in the first paragraph of Article 3 of said Convention.


Competent Authority (addition):
Entity of Public Service Agency of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia

Authorities Germany


Central Authority:
1. Federal Government
a) documents emanating from all federal authorities and courts (except the documents mentioned at b):
Bundesverwaltungsamt (Federal Office of Administration), Cologne
b) documents emanating from the Bundespatentsgericht (Federal Patent Court) and the Deutsches Patentamt (German Patent Office):
President of the German Patent Office
2. Länder (federal states)
a) documents emanating from administrative authorities concerned with the justice system, ordinary courts (civil and criminal courts) and notaries:
Ministry of Justice, Senator for Justice
President of the Landgericht (regional court), president of the Amtsgericht (local court)
b) documents emanating from all administrative authorities (except for administrative authorities concerned with the justice system):
Ministry of the Interior, Senator for the Interior
Chief Executive of the administrative district
c) documents emanating from courts other than the ordinary courts (cf. letter a):
Ministry of the Interior, Senator for the Interior
Chief Executive of the administrative district
Ministry of Justice, Senator for Justice
President of the Landgericht (regional court), president of the Amtsgericht (local court)

In accordance with article 3, paragraph 1 of the Convention, the issue of certificates in respect of public documents emanating from the new Länder (federal states) listed below:
- Brandenburg
- Mecklenburg-West Pomerania
- Saxony
- Saxony-Anhalt
- Thuringia
is the responsibility of the following Land (federal state) authorities:
a) for documents emanating from administrative authorities concerned with the justice system, ordinary courts (civil and criminal courts) and notaries:
the Ministries of Justice and the presidents of the Landgerichte (Bezirksgerichte) (regional courts)
b) for documents emanating from all administrative authorities (except for administrative authorities concerned with the justice system):
the Ministries of the Interior and the Chief Executives of the administrative districts and the Landesverwaltungsamt (Thüringen) (Thüringen administrative authority)
c) for documents emanating from courts other than the ordinary courts (cf. letter a):
the Ministries of the Interior, the Chief Executives of the administrative districts, the Ministries of Justice and the presidents of the Landgerichte (Bezirksgerichte) (regional courts).


In accordance with article 3, paragraph 1, of the Convention, the competent authorities for issuing certificates are notified as follows in the Land of Baden-Württemberg:
1. The Ministry of Justice with regard to public documents issued by itself, an Oberlandesgericht (highest court of a Land) and public prosecutor's offices serving an Oberlandesgericht;
2. The president of a Landesgericht (district court of a Land) for the public documents issued in his district by the other normal courts and public prosecutor's offices, by the authorities to which tasks of the normal courts have been delegated, by notaries and district notaries, and for other documents issued in connection with the administration of justice;
3. The district council of Tübingen for public documents issued by the ministries, except for those issued by the Ministry of Justice;
4. The district councils for the public documents issued in their districts by all other administrative bodies and by courts of all branches of the judicial system except for the normal courts.
The bold text in paragraph 3 marks a change in the authority to be notified. Hitherto, the Ministry for the Interior was named as the competent authority for issuing certificates.


Since 4 September 2021, the person responsible for issuing the apostille for public documents of the Higher Regional Court of the State of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania is the President of the Higher Regional Court […].


As of 1 January 2023, a new authority will be competent for providing an apostille on Federal certificates and final notarizations for legalisation purposes at German representations abroad, a task currently provided by the Federal Office of Administration (Bundesverwaltungsamt, BVA):
Bundesamt für Auswärtige Angelegenheiten (BfAA)
Referat Apostillen und Forderungsmanagement

Authorities Greece


Central Authority:
(1) in the case of administrative documents, the prefecture which is the seat of the authority issuing the document;
(2) in the case of judicial documents, the court of first instance in the jurisdiction which is the seat of the authority issuing the document.


Authority (modification):
[...] a change in the appointment of the competent authorities in Greece for the affixation of Apostille, as follows:
-The Prefect, for all documents issued by the services/offices of the Prefectural Administration;
-The Secretary General of the Region:
1. for all documents issued by the public civil services of the County (in greek: Nomos) or the Prefecture (in greek: Nomarchia) which do not fall under the competence of the Prefectural Administration;
2. for all documents issued by the Legal Entities of Public Law;
3. for all documents issued by first degree Local Government Organizations;
4. for all documents issued by the Registry Offices.
-For judicial documents, the First Instance Court of the region where the issuing authority is seated shall remain as the responsible Authority


Authorities (modification) (list up to date as per 31 July 2012)
A list of the Greek Authorities including their address and phone/fax numbers can be consulted online at the following address:


Competent Authorities for the issuance of the Apostille:
- The Regions for all documents issued by the services/offices of the Regional Self Government;
- The Decentralized Administrations, for all documents, for all documents issued by:
1. The public civil services of the Regions that do not fall under the competence of the Regional Self Government;
2. Legal Entities of Public Law;
3. First degree Local Government Organizations;
4. The Registry Offices.
- for judicial documents, the First Instance Court of the region where the issuing authority is seated.

Authorities Grenada


Central Authority:
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Trade
The Permanent Secretary and the Senior Administrative Officer
[...] that Grenada's central authority for the Convention Abolishing the Requirement of Legalization for Foreign Public Documents is the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Trade.
The Ministry has the further honour to advise that the Permanent Secretary, Mr. Adrian Hayes, and the Senior Administrative Officer, Mrs. Denise Hosten are the designated signatories for the Convention Apostile on behalf of the Ministry.

Authorities Guatemala


Competent Authority:
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Guatemala, Department of Authentication of the Directorate of Legal Affairs of the General Directorate of Legal Affairs, International Treaties and Translations.

Authorities Guyana


Competent Authority: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Protocol and Consular Affairs Department

Authorities Honduras


Central authority:
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Secretaría General -Sección de Auténticas-
Secretaría de Estado en el Despacho de Relaciones Exteriores
Centro Cívico Gubernamental, contiguo a la Corte Suprema de Justicia

Authorities Hungary


Central Authority:
The Minister of Justice of the Hungarian People's Republic in respect of public documents and legalisations executed by judicial authorities and the Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Hungarian People's Republic in respect of public documents and legalisations executed by other authorities.


Designated competent authority (modification):
Ministry of Public Administration and Justice
Department of Justice Cooperation and Private International Law
The name and availability of the other designated authority, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, has not changed.


Designated Competent Authority(ies) (modification):
1. The Ministry of Public Administration and Justice of the Republic of Hungary in respect of public documents and legalizations executed by judicial authorities, with the exception of public documents issued and legalized by civil law notaries;
2. Hungarian Chamber of Civil Law Notaries in respect of public documents and legalizations executed by civil law notaries;
3. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Hungary in respect of public documents and legalizations executed by other authorities.

Authorities Iceland


Central Authority:
Ministry for Foreign Affairs

Authorities India


Central Authority:
[...] that the Ministry of External Affairs of the Government of India would be the designated authority to issue certificates (Apostille) in line with Article 6(2) of the Convention.

Authorities Indonesia


Competent authority:
Ministry of Law and Human Rights

Authorities Ireland


Central Authority:
The Department of Foreign Affairs in Dublin as the authority competent to issue the certificates referred to in the first paragraph of Article 3.


Competent authorities in accordance with Article 6 of the Convention
(additional information):
The Department of Foreign Affairs

Authorities Israel


Central Authority:
1. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the State of Israel;
2. Registrars of Magistrates' Courts and Civil Servants appointed by the Minister of Justice under Notaries Law, 1976.

Authorities Italy


Central Authority:
1) in the case of judicial documents, civil status documents and notarial acts:
the public prosecutor at the courts in the jurisdiction in which the documents were issued;
2) in the case of all other administrative documents provided for in the Convention:
the prefect with territorial competence, for the Valle d'Aosta the President of the Region, and for the provinces of Trente and Bolzano the Government Commissioner.


[..] as from 31st March 2011 the competent authority for "les actes de l'état civil" is the Prefect with territorial competence, for the Valle d'Aosta the President of the Region, and for the provinces of Trente and Bolzano the Government Commissioner.

Authorities Jamaica


Competent Authority:
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade

Authorities Japan


Central Authority:
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Tokyo.

Authorities Kazakhstan


Central Authority:
- The Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan
for official documents issued by the bodies for justice and other state bodies, including the notary offices;
- The Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan
for official documents issued by the bodies for education, science and the educational institutions of the Republic;
- The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan
for official documents issued by the structural subdivisions of the Migration Police;
- The Committee on administration of the archives and documentation to the Ministry of Culture, Information and Public Consent of the Republic of Kazakhstan
for archieve certificates and copies of archieve documents issued by the state archieves of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
- The Committee for forensic (legal) administration to the Supreme Courts (to be co-ordinated)
for official documents issued by the law-enforcement bodies and the bodies for execution of law;
- The Ministry on State Income of the Republic of Kazakhstan
for official documents issued by the structural and territorial subdivisions of the Ministry on State Income of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
- The General Office of Public Prosecutors of the Republic of Kazakhstan (to be co-ordinated)
for official documents issued by the bodies of Public Prosecutors, investigation agencies and inquest;
- The Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Kazakhstan
for archieve certificates and copies of archieve documents issued by the special state archieves of the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
- The Committee for National Security of the Republic of Kazakhstan (to be co-ordinated)
for archieve certificates and copies of archieve documents issued by the special archieves of the Committee for National Security of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The designated bodies are entitled to delegate the authority to their territorial bodies to issue the apostille.

The Hague Convention of 05-10-1961 abolishing the legalisation for foreign public documents stipulates the apostille of 9 x 9 cm in size. It is expedient to have a stamp of the apostille, which size is 13 x 13 cm. A script of the text can be enlarged for the comfort of its representation and reading. It is not allowed to change (translate) a language document, text and its order of placing on the stamp. The stamp can be fulfilled in the language of the Republic of Kazakhstan only.


Competent Authorities (modification):
Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan – on official documents emanating from the justice authorities, civil registration and other government bodies, as well as notaries;
- Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan – on official documents emanating from organizations of higher and (or) postgraduate education;
- Ministry of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan – on official documents emanating from organizations of primary, basic secondary, general secondary, technical and vocational, post-secondary education;
- Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan – on official documents coming from the structural units of the migration police, archival certificates and copies of archival documents coming from the special state archive of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan and its territorial divisions;
- Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan – on archival references and copies of archival documents originating from the state archives of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
- Judicial Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan (as agreed) – on official documents emanating from the judiciary;
- Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan – on official documents emanating from the structural divisions of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and (or) their territorial divisions;
- General Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan (as agreed) – on official documents emanating from the prosecutor’s office, investigation and inquiry;
- Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan – on archival certificates and copies of archival documents emanating from the Central Archive of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
These bodies have the right to delegate the authority to affix an apostille to their territorial bodies.

Authorities Kosovo


Competent authorities in accordance with Article 3 of the Convention:
Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Department for Consular Affairs)
Ministry of Internal Affairs (Civil Registration Agency)

Authorities Kyrgyzstan


List of State institutions having the right to apostil the documents of the Kyrgyz Republic in relation to the Convention:
- Ministry of Justice of the Kyrgyz Republic;
- State Service on National Security of the Kyrgyz Republic;
- General Prosecutor Office of the Kyrgyz Republic;
- Court Department of the Kyrgyz Republic;
- Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Kyrgyz Repulic;
- State service of financial police of the Kyrgyz Republic.

Authorities Latvia


Central Authority:
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs


Designated competent authorities:
(…) Sworn Notaries of Latvia will be the designated competent authorities described in Article 6 of the Convention (…) as from 1 July 2019. (…) Sworn Notaries will certify public documents issued in the Republic of Latvia electronically (i.e., with e-Apostille); documents for certification with apostille could be submitted to Sworn Notaries either in paper form [or] electronically (i.e., e-documents). During temporary leave of a Sworn Notary, an assistant to a Sworn Notary may substitute him or her performing all official duties of a Sworn Notary including issuing an apostille.

Authorities Lesotho


Central Authority:
a. the Attorney-General;
b. the Permanent Secretary of a Ministry or Department;
c. the Registrar of the High Court;
d. a Resident Magistrate;
e. a Magistrate of the First Class;
f. such other person as the Minister may appoint and whose appointment notice has been published in the Gazette.

Authorities Liberia


Central Authority:
-The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Deputies and Assistant Ministers;
-The Minister of Justice, the Deputies and Assistant Ministers;
-The Clerk and Deputy Clerk(s) of the Supreme and Circuit Court(s);
-The Registrars and Deputy Registrars of Corporations; and
- The Commissioner and Deputy Commissioners of Maritime Affairs or Special Agents thereof.

Authorities Liechtenstein


Central Authority:
Der Regierungskanzlei der fürstlichen Regierung (Chancellery of the Government of the Principality of Liechtenstein), Vaduz

Authorities Lithuania


Central Authority:
The Consular Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


Competent authorities:
1. Notaries. Lithuania has decentralised the issuance of Apostilles and designated all notaries as competent authorities.
2. The Consular Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Authorities Luxembourg


Central Authority:
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Authorities Malawi


Central Authority:
a) the Attorney General or the Solicitor General;
b) the Permanent Secretary of a Government Ministry;
c) the Registrar of the High Court;
d) the Registrar General;
e) a Government Agent;
f) a notary public;
g) a Resident Magistrate.

Authorities Malta


Central Authority:
The Ministry of Commonwealth and Foreign Affairs.

Authorities Marshall Islands


Central Authority:
1. Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Marshall Islands;
2. Attorney General and Acting Attorney General;
3. Clerk and Deputy Clerk of the High Court;
4. Registrars and Deputy Registrars of Corporations;
5. Maritime Administrator and Special Agents thereof, and
6. Commissioner and Deputy Commissioners of maritime Affairs or Special Agents thereof.


Authority in accordance with Article 6 of the Convention (additional information):
IRI Corporate and Maritime Services (Switzerland) A.G.
Office of the Deputy Registrar

Authorities Mauritius


Central Authority:
The Permanent Secretary, or in his absence, a Principal assistant Secretary, of the Prime Minister's Office.

Authorities Mexico


Central Authority:
Apostillas de documentos federales [...]:
Dirección General de Gobierno
Dirección de Coordinación Politica con los Poderes de la Union
Subdirección de Formalización y Control
Secretaria de Gobernación
Representaciones de la Subsecretaria de Gobierno (Entidad, Dirección Oficial, telefono y fax)
Apostillas de Documentos Estatales
Estado de Aguascalientes
Secretaria General de Gobierno,
Estado de Baja California
Secretaria General de Gobierno
Edificio Poder Ejecutivo
Estado de Baja California sur.
Secretaria General de Gobierno
Estado de Campeche
Secretaria General de Gobierno
Estado de Coahuila
Estado de Colima
Secretaria General de Gobierno
Estado de Chiapas
Secretaria General de Gobierno
Estado de Chihuahua
Secretaria General de Gobierno
Estado de Durango
Secretaria General de Gobierno
Estado de Guanajuato
Secretaria General de Gobierno
Estado de Guerrero
Secretaria General de Gobierno
Estado de Hidalgo
Secretaria de Gobierno
Estado de Jalisco
Secretaria General de Gobierno
Estado de Mexico
Secretaria General de Gobierno
Estado de Michoacan
Secretaria General de Gobierno
Estado de Morelos
Secretaria General de Gobierno
Estado de Nayarit
Secretaria General de Gobierno
Estado de Nuevo Leon
Secretaria General de Gobierno
Estado de Oaxaca
Secretaria General de Gobierno
Estado de Puebla
Secretaria de Gobernacion
Estado de Queretaro
Secretaria General de Gobierno
Estado de Quintana Roo.
Secretaria General de Gobierno
Estado de San Luis Potosi
Secretaria General de Gobierno
Estado de Sinaloa
Secretaria General de Gobierno
Estado de Sonora
Secretaria General de Gobierno
Estado de Tabasco
Secretaria General de Gobierno
Estado de Tamaulipas
Secretaria General de Gobierno
Estado de Tlaxcala
General de Gobierno
Estado de Veracruz
Secretaria General de Gobierno
Estado de Yucatan
Secretaria General de Gobierno
Estado de Zacatecas
Secretaria General de Gobierno
Distrito Federal
Direccion General Juridica y de Estudios Legislativos del Departamento del Distrito Federal


Central Authority pursuant to Article 35:
Dirección General de Asuntos Jurídicos,
Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores

Authorities Moldova


Designated competent authorities (in accordance with Article 6, paragraph 1):
Competent authority to issue the Apostille on the public documents referred to in sub-paragraph b) of the second paragraph of Article 1 for administrative documents of the public central authorities:
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration
Competent authority to issue the certificate referred to in the first paragraph of Article 3 on the public documents specified in the first paragraph of Article 1:
The Ministry of Justice


For administrative documents:
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration
For all other public documents:
The Ministry of Justice, the Agency for Legal Information Technology Resources

Authorities Monaco


Central Authority:
La Direction des Services Judiciaires
Palais de Justice

Authorities Mongolia


[...] that the authority competent to issue the certificate referred to in the second paragraph of Article 6 is the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Mongolia.

Authorities Montenegro


Pursuant to Article 6 of the Convention, the competent authorities in Montenegro that have authority to issue Apostilles are as follows:
The courts of first instance of Montenegro
Basic Court of Bar
Basic Court of Berane
Basic Court of Bijelo Polje
Basic Court of Danilovgrad
Basic Court of Zabljak
Basic Court of Kolasin
Basic Court of Kotor
Basic Court of Niksic
Basic Court of Plav
Basic Court of Pljevlja
Basic Court of Podgorica
Basic Court of Rozaje
Basic Court of Ulcinj
Basic Court of Herceg Novi
Basic Court of Cetinje

President of the Court is authorized to certify the authenticity of the documents or the person who is authorized by the President of the Court with the seal "Apostille".

The Ministry of Justice may also issue Apostilles for the public documents issued by the authorities in the district of every Court of First Instance in Montenegro if the necessary conditions are fulfilled, i.e. when the Ministry's database has a sample of the signature and stamp which the public document bears.

Authorities Morocco


In accordance with Article 6, paragraph 2, of the Convention, the Kingdom of Morocco designates officials of the courts of first instance, courts of appeal (ordinary and specialised) as well as the court of cassation connected with the Ministry of Justice and Liberties as the authorities who by reference to their official function are competent to issue the certificate referred to in Article 3, first paragraph, with regard to the documents referred to in Article 1, paragraph a, on the documents emanating from an authority or an official connected with the courts or tribunals of the State, including those emanating from a public prosecutor, a clerk of a court or a process-server.
In accordance with Article 6, paragraph 2, of the Convention, the Kingdom of Morocco designates the local authorities in the provinces and prefectures connected to the Ministry of the Interior as the authorities who by reference to their official function are competent to issue the certificate referred to in Article 1, paragraphs b, c and d, of the Convention.

Authorities Namibia


Central Authority:
(a) any magistrate, including a regional magistrate and an additional magistrate;
(b) Registrar of the High Court;
(c) the Permanent Secretary and the Deputy Permanent Secretary: Ministry of Justice and Office of the Attorney-General.


[...] the Ministry wishes to modify the notice given pursuant to article 6, paragraph 2, of the Convention and to state that the Namibian authorities competent to issue the certificates referred to in article 3, paragraph 1, of the Convention are, with effect from 15 January 2006:
(a) The Registrar and the Assistant Registrar of the High Court; and
(b) The Permanent Secretary and the Deputy Permanent Secretary: Ministry of Justice.


Designated Competent Authorities (Art. 6):
1. Registrar of the High Court of Namibia
2. Registrar of the Supreme Court of Namibia
3. Ministry of Justice (The Executive Director)
Classes of Public Documents assigned to different Competent Authorities:
1. Registrar of the High Court
a. Notarial Acts
b. Lower Court Process
c. High Court Process
d. Labour Court Process
e. Supreme Court Process
f. Public Documents issued by the Deputy Executive Director or Executive Director, Ministry of Justice
g. Public Documents issued by the Deputy Executive Director or Executive Director, Office of the Judiciary
2. Registrar of the Supreme Court
a. Notarial Acts
b. Lower Court Process
c. High Court Process
d. Labour Court Process
e. Supreme Court Process
f. Public Documents issued by the Deputy Executive Director or Executive Director, Ministry of Justice
g. Public Documents issued by the Deputy Executive Director or Executive Director, Office of the Judiciary
3. Ministry of Justice (The Executive Director)
a. All Classes of Public Documents, without any exclusions

Authorities Netherlands, the Kingdom of the


Central Authority:
The Kingdom in Europe: the Registrar of the Courts of first instance
The Netherlands Antilles: the Lieutenant Governor of an island or a group of islands.
The authority designated for the island of Curaçao -the Lieutenant Governor of the island of Curaçao- has delegated his compentence to issue the certificate referred to in Article 3, first paragraph, of the Convention to:
1. the Head of the Births, Deaths and Marriages, Population and Electoral Registers of the island of Curaçao, and
2. the acting Head of the Births, Deaths and Marriages, Population and Electoral Registers of the island of Curaçao.
Aruba: the "Directeur van het Centraal Bureau Juridische en Algemene Zaken".


Authority competent to issue an apostille:
Head of the Civil Registry, Population Registry and Elections Department.
This same competence shall be retained by:
Head of Information Systems and Quality Assurance, and
Head of Data Processing,
both of whom are in the Civil Registry, Population Registry and Elections Department.


Authority competent to issue an apostille, additional information:
Civil Registry, Population Registry and Elections Department (Registro Sivil i Elekshon)


[...] the competent authorities for Curaçao:
- Head Civil Status Register Division, Ministry of Public Administration, Planning and Services;
- Head Information Systems and Quality Management


Competent Authority for Aruba:
Director of the Legislation and Legal Affairs Department


Competent Authorities for Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba:
the respective Authorities (Gezaghebbers) of Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba


Competent Authorities for Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba (additional information):
Both the Island Governor (Gezaghebber) and the acting Island Governor (waarnemend Gezaghebber) of Bonaire are authorised to sign Apostilles on documents issued on the island of Bonaire.
The Island Governor (Gezaghebber) and the Acting Island Governor (waarnemend Gezaghebber) of Sint Eustatius are authorised to sign Apostilles on documents issued on the island of Sint Eustatius.
The Island Governor (Gezaghebber) and the Acting Governor (waarnemend Gezaghebber) of Saba are authorised to sign Apostilles on documents issued on the island of Saba.


Competent Authorities for Sint Maarten:
- Prime Minister, Minister of General Affairs
- Head Civil Status Register Division of the Ministry of General Affairs


[...] the competent authorities for Curaçao (additional information):
Head Documents & Information, Ministry of Public Administration, Planning and Services


In Bonaire the following persons are competent to sign apostilles and legalise documents (additional information):
- The Lieutenant Governor and the Acting Lieutenant Governor of Bonaire;
- The Head and Acting Head of the Bonaire Population Affairs Department.


[…] the competent authorities for Curaçao (additional information):
Head of Data Processing, Ministry of Public Administration, Planning and Services

Authorities New Zealand


Central Authority:
The New Zealand Department of Internal Affairs

Authorities Nicaragua


The Republic of Nicaragua has designated the Directorate General for Consular Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as the competent National Authority to issue relevant documents.

Authorities Niue


Central Authority:
(a) The Attorney General
(b) the Financial Secretary
(c) Crown Counsel
(d) The Registrar International Business Companies
(e) Deputy Registrar International Business Companies
(f) The Registrar, High Court of Niue
(g) Secretary to Government.

Authorities North Macedonia


Central Authority:
The Ministry of Justice.


Central Authority (addition):
[...] that beside Ministry of Justice, competent authorities for the issuance of such documents [... certificate reffered to in the first paragraph of Article 3 of the Convention ...] are all 27 First Instance Courts in the Republic of Macedonia.

Authorities Norway


Central Authority:
Royal Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
the "County Governors" namely:
Fylkesmannen i Oslo og Akershus
Fylkesmannen i østfold
Fylkesmannen i Hedmark
Fylkesmannen i Oppland
Fylkesmannen i Buskerud
Fylkesmannen i Vestfold
Fylkesmannen i Telemark
Fylkesmannen i Aust-Agder
Fylkesmannen i Vest-Agder
Fylkesmannen i Rogaland
Fylkesmannen i Hordaland
Fylkesmannen i Sogn og Fjordane
Fylkesmannen i Møre og Romsdal
Fylkesmannen i Sør-Trøndelag
Fylkesmannen i Nord-Trøndelag
Fylkesmannen i Nordland
Fylkesmannen i Troms
Fylkesmannen i Finnmark

Authorities Oman


Designated Competent Authority:
Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Consular Department)

Authorities Pakistan


Competent authority:
Director General Audit and Consular Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Authorities Palau


Competent Authorities:
1. Minister of State
2. Honorary Consul General of Palau in Greece and CEO of Palau International Ship Registry
3. Clerk of Courts, Palau Supreme Court


Competent Authorities:
1. Minister of State
2. Clerk of Courts, Palau Supreme Court

Authorities Panama


Central Authority:
1. concerning the documents authorized by competent court authorities or officials, the Secretary of the Supreme Court or his legal substitutes.
2. concerning deeds drawn up by a notary or private documents authenticated by a notary, the officials of the department of administrative service of the Ministry of Justice.
3. regarding other documents issued by any central government bodies, any autonomous or semi-autonomous bodies, municipal or police authorities or a Public Ministry, the officials of the consular and legalisation department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
4. regarding all other public documents, any of the three proceeding procedures are allowed.

Authorities Paraguay


Decree No. 520 of 22 October 2013, [...], designates the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Directorate-General of Consular Affairs, as the competent authority to issue the Apostille.

Authorities Peru


[...] according to article 6 of the "Convention abolishing the requirement of legalization for foreign public documents", the designated competent authority in Peru is the Ministry of Foreign Affairs -General Direction of Consular Policy-.

Authorities Philippines


Competent Authority:
Authentication Division
Office of Consular Affairs
Department of Foreign Affairs

Authorities Poland


Central Authority:
Pursuant to the Article 6, paragraph 1 of the Convention, the Republic of Poland designates the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as the competent authority to issue the certificate referred to in Article 3, paragraph 1 of the Convention in respect of all public documents.


Competent Authority in respect of university diplomas in art and diplomas of art schools:
Ministry of Culture and National Heritage
(Ministerstwo Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego)
Address: ulica Krakowskie Przedmiescie 15/17,
00-071 Warszawa, Poland


[...] the Republic of Poland [...] has the honour to inform that as of 1 February 2018 the following institutions of the Republic of Poland are entitled to issue apostilles:
1. Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Legalisation Section
2. Ministry of Culture and National Heritage
The Department of Art and Culture Education
The following documents are subject to its competence:
-certificates, diplomas, indexes or authentications issued by art schools
3. National Agency for Academic Exchange
The following documents are subject to its competence:
1) diplomas of graduation with supplements,
2) copies of diplomas of graduation,
3) certificates of diplomas and post-graduate certificates,
4) duplicates of diplomas and post-graduate certificates,
5) certificates of graduation,
6) doctoral and postdoctoral diplomas, as well as their duplicates and copies - in the case of doctoral and post-doctoral degrees awarded by the authorized organizational units of the university.


[...] the Republic of Poland [...] has the honour to inform that […] as of 1 September 2018 the following institutions of the Republic of Poland are entitled to issue apostilles:

1. Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Legalisation Section

2. Ministry of Culture and National Heritage, The Department of Art and Culture Education

The following documents are subject to its competence:
-certificates, diplomas, indexes or authentications issued by art schools
-documents issued by schools, other than mentioned above, intended for legal transactions with foreign countries.

3. National Agency for Academic Exchange
The following documents are subject to its competence:
1) diplomas of graduation with supplements,
2) copies of diplomas of graduation,
3) certificates of diplomas and post-graduate certificates,
4) duplicates of diplomas and post-graduate certificates,
5) certificates of graduation,
6) doctoral and postdoctoral diplomas, as well as their duplicates and copies - in the case of doctoral and post-doctoral degrees awarded by the authorized organizational units of the university.

4. Ministry of National Education
The following documents are subject to its competence:
-certificates issued by schools and vocational schools in Poland, mentioned in Article 8 para. 2 letter c of the Educational Law (Consolidated text: Journal of Laws of 2018 position no. 996) and by schools, vocational schools and school consultation points at the diplomatic representations, consular offices and military representations of the Republic of Poland.

5. School superintendents appropriate for the seat of the school
The following documents are subject to its competence:
-promotion certificates and certificates of graduation as well as indexes issued by schools;
-documents issued by schools, continuing education facilities and practical educational facilities, other than mentioned above, intended for legal transactions with foreign countries.

6. Directors of regional exam commissions:
The following documents are subject to its competence:
-certificates of completion of primary and secondary education at the level of external exams, certificates of secondary education, annexes to the secondary education certificates, certificates confirming professional qualifications, diplomas and certificates issued by regional exam commissions.

Authorities Portugal


Central Authority:
The procurator general of the Republic and the public prosecutors at the Courts of Appeal
Overseas territories:
The Governors ("Governadores")
The Governor of Macau


Competent authorities designated in accordance with Article 6 (modification):
The Attorney General of the Republic; The Attorneys General on behalf of [...] Porto, Coimbra and Évora and the Assistant Attorneys General with the Representants of the Republic of the Autonomic Regions of Madeira and Açores.


Additional competent authority as of 1 October 2021:
The Court of Appeal of Guimarães (Tribunal da Relação de Guimarães)

Authorities Republic of Korea, the


[...] in accordance with Article 6 of the Convention, the Republic of Korea has decided to designate the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, the Ministry of Justice, and the National Court Administration as the authorities who are competent to issue the certificate referred to in the first paragraph of Article 3 of this Convention.


[…] in addition to the present competent authorities, as of May 16, 2023, the Overseas Koreans Agency is designated as a competent authority to issue apostilles from the Republic of Korea under the Convention […].

Authorities Romania


Central Authority:
The Ministry of Justice for the certificates referred to in article 1 (a, c, d) and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for the official certificates referred to in article 1 (b).


[...] in accordance with Article 6 paragraph 2 of the Convention of 5 October 1961 abolishing the requirement of legalization for foreign public documents, Romanian authorities who are competent to issue the certificate referred to in the first paragraph of Article 3, are the Appellate Courts for the certificates referred to in Article 1 a, c, d and the Prefectures for the official certificates referred to in Article 1 b.


Due to the necessity to continue the activity in the matter until the new competent authorities allowed to apply the apostille are entirely prepared to take over this activity, the notification sent by the Romanian authorities, on 26 May 2004, will be applicable starting with 1 November 2004. Until this term, the apostille will be applied by the Ministry of Justice, for the documents in accordance with art. 1-a), b) and c), respectively the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, for the documents in accordance with art 1-b) of the above mentioned Convention.


[...] in accordance with Article 6 paragraph 2 of the Convention Abolishing the Requirement of Legalization for Foreign Public Documents, from September 1, 2005 onward, the Romanian authorities in charge of applying the apostille are:
-the Tribunals for the official documents mentioned in art. 1 - a), c), d);
-the Prefectures for the official documents mentioned in art. 1 - b).


Tribunals are competent authorities for the official documents referred to in article 1 letters a) and d) of the Convention;
Chambers of Notaries Public are competent authorities for the official documents referred to in article 1 letter c) of the Convention;
Offices of the Prefect are competent authorities for het official documents referred to in article 1 letter b) of the Convention.

Authorities Russian Federation


Central Authority:
1. The Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation shall certify originals of documents of organisations and institutions directly subordinate to the Ministry of Justice;
2. Ministries of Justice of the republics within the Russian Federation and judicial bodies of the administration of krais, regions and autonomous formations as well as of the towns of Moscow and St.-Petersburg shall certify documents of judicial bodies subordinate to them and institutions and corresponding bodies of law of the republic, krai, region, district or town;
3. Republican registry offices of the republics within the Russian Federation, central registry offices of krais, regions and districts as well as of the towns of Moscow and St.-Petersburg shall certify certificates of civil status of the abovementioned bodies or registry offices subordinate to them;
4. The Department of documentary and reference work of the Archives Committee of the Russian Federation shall certify documents issued by the central state archives of Russia.
5. Archives bodies of autonomous formations and archives departments of krais and regions shall certify documents issued by archives subordinate to them.
6. The Department of Procurator General's Office of, the Russian Federation shall certify documents made through the channels of the bodies of prosecution.


1. The General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation;
2. The Ministry for Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation;
3. The Federal Registration Service (Rosregistratsia) and its territorial bodies in subjects of the Russian Federation;
4. The Register Offices of the executive bodies in subjects of the Russian Federation;
5. The Federal Supervision Service for Education and Science;
6. The Federal Archives Agency and the authorised bodies for archives of the executive power in subjects of the Russian Federation.


Authority (additional information):
For the purposes of Article 6 of the Convention the Russian Side declares that, alongside with the competent authorities declared earlier by the Russian Side, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation is the authority competent to issue the Certificate (Apostille), referred to in Article 3 of the Convention, on official archive documents on military service (employment) in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the Armed Forces of the USSR and the Joint Armed Forces of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), issued in the Russian Federation.


Authority (modification):
For the purposes of Article 6 of the Convention the Russian Side declares that it excludes the Federal Registration Service of the Russian Federation and its territorial bodies from the list earlier declared by the Russian Side specifying the competent authorities competent to issue the Certificate (Apostille), referred to in Article 3 of the Convention, on official documents to be produced abroad.
This authority of the Federal Registration Service of the Russian Federation and its territorial bodies is conferred on the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation and its territorial directorates.


Authority (additional information):
For the purposes of Article 6 of the Convention the Russian Side declares that in addition to the area of competence of the Federal Supervision Service for Education and Science, declared earlier by the Russian Side, the Service has the authority to issue the Certificate (Apostille) on the academic degrees and titles granted according to state sample.


For the purposes of Article 6 of the Convention the Russian Side declares that the authority to issue the Certificate (Apostille) on diplomas, certificates of academic degrees and titles issued in the Russian Federation in accordance with the state-approved forms, which was previously performed by the Federal Supervision Service for Education and Science has been transmitted to the executive bodies of constituent entities ("federal subjects") of the Russian Federation.


Authorities (modification) (list up to date as per 21 October 2011)
A list of the executive bodies of constituent entities ("federal subjects") of the Russian Federation authorised to issue the Certificate (Apostille) on education certificates and diplomas, including their contact details, can be consulted online at the following address:

Authorities Saint Kitts and Nevis


Central Authority:
For the Island of Saint Kitts the Competent Authority shall be the Attorney General, the Solicitor General, the Chief Secretary in the Office of the Prime Minister, the Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, or the Registrar of the Supreme Court and for the Island of Nevis the Competent Authority shall be the Chief Secretary in the Office of the Premier, the Legal Adviser in the Legal Department or the Deputy Registrar of the Supreme Court.


Competent authorities which may issue Apostille Certificates (additional information):
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
The other competent authorities are as follows:
Attorney General, Ministry of Legal Affairs
Legal Advisor, Nevis Island Administration


[...] has the further honour to notify [...], in compliance with Article 6 of the said Convention of the following:
Attorney General and Minister of Justice and Legal Affairs


[...] has the further honour to notify [...], in compliance with Article 6 of the said Convention [...] of the Cabinet Secretary in the Office of the Premier of Nevis, who is a designated competent authority to issue certificates.


Competent authorities (additional information):
The Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Finance in the Nevis Island Administration is authorized to sign Apostilles issues in the Island of Nevis.

Authorities Saint Lucia


Central Authority:
The Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Trade
The Deputy Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Trade
The Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Commerce, International Financial Services and Consumer Affairs
The Deputy Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Commerce, International Financial Services and Consumer Affairs
The Registrar of Companies and Intellectual Property
The Registrar of the Supreme Court
The Solicitor General


[...] that on the list of authorized signatories, the Permanent Secretary and Deputy Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Commerce be replaced by the Permanent Secretary and Deputy Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Finance, on the list of authorized signatories.

Authorities Saint Vincent and the Grenadines


Central Authority:
1. The Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
2. The Registrar, High Court


In accordance with the last sentence of Article 6 of the Convention, I hereby notify [...] that Saint Vincent and the Grenadines additionally designates:
3. The Senior Crown Counsel, The Ministry of Legal Affairs
as [...] authority who would be competent to issue the certificate referred to in the first paragraph of Article 3 of the Convention.


In accordance with Article 6 of the Convention, [...] St. Vincent and the Grenadines additionally designates the following officers as competent authorities to issue the certificate referred to in the first paragraph of Article 3 of the Convention:
The Executive Director, International Financial Services Authority
The Deputy Director, International Financial Services Authority
The Manager, Administration, International Financial Services Authority

Authorities Samoa


Central Authority:
The Secretary for Foreign Affairs
Ministry of Foreign Affairs


Competent authority to issue the certificate in accordance with Article 6 of the Convention
The Chief Executive Officer
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade
In the absence of the Chief Executive Officer, the Acting Chief Executive Officer will sign the certificate.

Authorities San Marino


Central Authority:
The Minister for Foreign Affairs (il Segretario di Stato per gli Affari Esteri della Repubblica di San Marino) or a person delegated and officially authorized by him/her to sign and authenticate legal instruments and documents issued by the Department of Foreign Affairs and other of the Republic's public bodies.


Secretary of State for Foreign and Political Affairs, Economic Planning and Justice

Secretary of State for Internal Affairs, Civil Protection and Relations with 'Giunte di Castello' Municipal Councils

Secretary of State for Finance, Budget, Transport and Relations with the Autonomous Philatelic and Numismatic State Company and the Autonomous Management Agency for Public Service Companies

Department of Foreign Affairs

Department of Internal Affairs


Central Authority (modification):
The Minister of Foreign Affairs
Segreteria di Stato per gli Affari Esteri
Republic of San Marino

Authorities São Tomé e Principe


The Minister's Office and the Consular Affairs Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Cooperation and Communities are the competent authorities for the purposes of the Convention.

Authorities Saudi Arabia


Competent authority:
Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Authorities Senegal


[…] the following officials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Senegalese Abroad of the Republic of Senegal are designated, ex officio, to issue the certificate referred to in article 3 (1) :
- Director of Legal and Consular Affairs (Directeur des Affaires juridiques et consulaires);
- Head of the Chancellery Division (Chef de la Division Chancellerie);
- Head of the Civil Registry Office (Chef du Bureau de l'Etat Civil).

Authorities Serbia


Central Authority:
The Ministry of Justice and Local Self-Government of the Republic of Serbia


Central Authority (modification):
The Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Serbia


Central Authority (modification):
Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Serbia
International Legal Assistance Department

Authorities Seychelles


Central Authority:
1. The Minister responsible for Foreign Affairs, or any person designated and officially authorised by him/her;
2. The Attorney General, or any person designated and officially authorised by him/her;
3. The Secretary of the Cabinet;
4. The Registrar of the Supreme Court.


The Central Authority which will undertake to receive and transmit letters of requests to the executing authority:
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of the Republic of Seychelles
The Competent Authority to execute Letters of Request:
Supreme Court of Seychelles

Authorities Singapore


Competent Authority:
Singapore Academy of Law

Authorities Slovakia


Central Authority:
The Slovak Republic, under Article 6 of the Convention, designates for purposes of Article 3 of the Convention as authorities competent to issue the certificate the following:

1) The Ministry of Justice of the Slovak Republic ("Ministerstvo spravodlivosti Slovenskej republik") for:
a) public documents issued or certified by courts, notaries, hussiers de justice or other judicial officers;
b) translations executed by official ( court appointed) translators;
2) The Ministry of Interior of the Slovak Republic ("Ministerstvo vnútra Slovenskej republiky") for public documents emanating from authorities within its jurisdiction with the exception of documents specified in point 6 lit. a/ below;
3) The Ministry of Education of the Slovak Republic ("Ministerstvo šrkolstva Slovenskej republiky") for public documents emanating from authorities within its jurisdiction;
4) The Ministry of Health of the Slovak Republic ("Ministerstvo zdravotníctva Slovenskej republiky") for public documents emanating from authorities within its jurisdiction with the exception of documents specified in point 6 lit. b/ below;
5) The General Headquarters of the Army of the Slovak Republic: ("Generálny štáb Armády Slovenskej republiky") for public documents emanating from authorities within the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Defence of the Slovak Republic;
6) Office of the Regional Administration ("Krajský úrad") for:
a) documents from the Register of Births, Deaths and Marriages ("matrika") with the exception of decisions on civil status;
b) documents. issued by health facilities established by the Office of Regional Administration;
7) The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Slovak Republic ("Ministerstvo zahranicných veci Slovenskej").


As of 1 March 2004 the point 1 of the original designation of authorities of the Slovak Republic under Article 6 of the Convention shall be amended as follows:
1) The Ministry of Justice of the Slovak Republic ("Ministerstvo spravodlivosti Slovenskej republiky") and all Regional Courts ("Krajský súd") for:
a) public documents issued or certified by courts, notaries, hussiers de justice or other judicial officers;
b) translations executed by official (court appointed) translators.


With effect from 1 October 2007, the Slovak Republic amends points 4 and 6 of its original declaration designating the authorities referred to in Article 6 of the Convention, to read as follows:
4. the Ministry of Health of the Slovak Republic (Ministerstvo zdravotníctva Slovenskej republiky), for public documents issued by authorities falling under its jurisdiction;
6. the District Office (obvodný úrad) for:
a. extracts from registers of births, deaths and marriages (matrika), except for decisions concerning civil status;
b. documents issued by autonomous local authorities.

Authorities Slovenia


Central Authority:
The Ministry of Justice and Administration of the Republic of Slovenia.


Designation of the authorities of the Republic of Slovenia in conformity with the second paragraph of Article 6 of the Hague Apostille Convention (additional information).
Designated competent authority(ies):
1. The Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Slovenia (for certification of the authenticity of the signatures and seals of notaries and interpreters on the public documents);
2. District Courts in Slovenia (for certification of the authenticity of the signatures and seals of notaries, notary candidates, judges, state institutions, organisations and individuals, executing public powers of attorney and legal persons on the public documents).


Designation of the authorities of the Republic of Slovenia in conformity with the second paragraph of Article 6 of the Hague Apostille Convention (modification).
Designated competent authority(ies):
1. The Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Slovenia (for certification of the authenticity of the signatures and seals of notaries, district judges, and court interpreters on the public documents);
2. District Courts in Slovenia (for certification of the authenticity of the signatures and seals of notaries, notary candidates, judges (except district judges), state institutions, organisations and individuals, executing public powers of attorney and legal persons on the public documents).

Authorities South Africa


Central Authority:
1. Any magistrate or additional magistrate.
2. Any registrar or assistant registrar of the Supreme Court of South Africa.
3. Any person designated by the Director-General: Justice.
4. Any person designated by the Director-General: Foreign Affairs.

Authorities Spain


Central Authority:
1. in the case of judicial documents, the registrar (Secretario de Gobierno) of the relevant regional court;
2. in the case of notarial acts, the Dean of the relevant Association of Notaries or a member of the management board;
3. in the case of other documents, the officials referred to in the preceding paragraph or the head of the Central Section (Jefe de la Sección Central de la Subsecretaría) of the Ministry of Justice.


The authorities competent to issue the certificate referred to in article 3, paragraph 1 shall be:
1. in the case of documents drawn up by the authorities or by the competent judicial officers, the registrars of the regional courts (Secretarios de Gobierno de las Audiencias) or their deputies;
2. in the case of documents authorised by a notary or private documents where the signature has been authenticated by a notary, the Dean of the Association of Notaries or the authorised head thereof;
3. in the case of other public documents, except for those issued by central government bodies, any of the officials referred to in paragraphs 2 and 3 above;
4. in the case of documents issued by central government bodies, the head of the Central Section (Jefe de la Sección Central de la Subsecretaría) of the Ministry of Justice.


[...] the competent officers and authorities designated for the purposes of the Apostille include:
1) For the Apostille of administrative documents, the following are designated:
a) Governance Secretaries of the High Courts of Justice (Secretarios de Gobierno de los Tribunales Superiores de Justicia) and the cities of Ceuta and Melilla, or their legal deputies, as well as the officers in whom the latter may delegate, within the respective Governance Secretariat;
b) The Head of the Unit of the Ministry of Justice in whom, at any particular time, the powers in the field of informing and attending citizens have been vested or whoever may substitute him legally, as well as those persons in whom these may delegate;
c) The Territorial Managers of the Territorial Management Bureaux (Gerencias Territoriales) that the Ministry of Justice has throughout Spain or their legal deputies, or those persons in whom the former may delegate, within the aforesaid Bureaux;
d) The Deans of the Notarial Colleges or those acting in lieu thereof pursuant to the regulations or other Public Notaries in whom the former may delegate.
The authorities and offices mentioned in this Section may carry out, without distinction, the single legislation or Apostille of the documents mentioned in Article 1.2 of the [...] Royal Decree [1497/2011, dated 24 October, designating the competent officers and authorities to carry out the single legislation or Apostille (Official State Gazette No. 276, dated 16 November 2011)], regardless of where in Spain such documents were issued.
Pursuant to the provisions contained in the Royal Decree, the following are deemed "public documents":
1. Documents issued by the bodies of the General State Administration and the Public Agencies thereof, the Social Security Management Agencies and those documents issued by any type of Public Agency whatsoever, with powers encompassing all of part of Spain;
2. Documents issued by officers and authorities of the Constitutional Bodies;
3. Documents issued by authorities and officers of the Administrations of the Autonomous Communities and the Public Agencies thereof;
4. Documents issued by authorities and officers of the bodies of Local Corporations and the Public Agencies thereof;
5. Documents and certificates issued by Land, Moveable Goods and Business Registries and, in the event, by the College of the Land and Business Registrar of Spain.
2) Apostille of judicial documents: The power to carry out the single legislation or Apostille on judicial documents, regardless of the place of issuance in Spain of such documents, is vested in the following authorities (except as provided in Paragraph 4 hereof):
a) Governance Secretaries of the High Courts of Justice (Secretarios de Gobierno de los Tribunales Superiores de Justicia) and of the Cities of Ceuta and Melilla, or their legal deputies, as well as the officers in whom the latter may delegate, within the respective Governance Secretariat;
b) The Head of the Unit of the Ministry of Justice in whom, at any particular time, the powers in the field of informing and assisting citizens have been vested or whoever may substitute him legally, as well as those persons in whom the former may delegate.
c) The Territorial Managers of the Territorial Management Bureaux (Gerencias Territoriales) that the Ministry of Justice has throughout Spain or their legal deputies, or those persons in whom the former may delegate, within the aforesaid Bureaux.
3) Apostille of notarial documents: The power is vested in the Deans of the Notarial Colleges or those acting in lieu thereof, pursuant to the regulations, or in those Public Notaries in whom the former may delegate, regardless of where in Spain such documents were issued.
4) Apostille of documents issued by judicial authorities or officers of the Supreme Court and the National High Court: Only the Governance Secretary (Secretario de Gobierno) of the relevant Court for documents issued by the Court in question or their legal deputies as well as the officers in whom the latter may delegate are competent.
5) Apostille of other public documents: the remaining public documents may be the object of the single legalisation or Apostille, at the citizen's choice and both on paper or electronically, by any of the authorities mentioned in Section 1 above.
Likewise, the aforesaid Royal Decree establishes and regulates in Chapter II, the form and register of the Apostille, whether on paper or in electronic format.
The Sole Transitional Provision of the aforesaid Royal Decree establishes that the Apostille of the documents issued by the Civil Register shall be regulated pursuant to the provisions contained in Article 2 thereof (Apostille of Judicial Documents) until the entry unto force of Act 20/2011, dated 21 July, on the Civil register, and shall be regulated thereafter by Article 1 of the Royal Decree (Apostille of Administrative Documents).

Authorities Suriname


Central Authority:
The Registrar of the Court of Justice of Surinam.

Authorities Sweden


Central Authority:
The competent authorities to issue the certificate are all Notaries Public and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


The Swedish Government decided on the 18 November 2004 to modify the declaration made by Sweden at the time of ratification of the Convention Abolishing the Requirements of Legislation for Foreign Public Documents, done at The Hague on 5 October 1961. The new declaration shall apply as from 1 January 2005 and reads as follows:
The Government of Sweden declares, in accordance with Article 6, that the competent authorities to issue the certificate are all Notaries Public.

Authorities Switzerland


Central Authority:
A. Authority of the Confederation:
La Chancellerie fédérale
B. Cantonal Authorities:
Canton de Zurich: Die Staatskanzlei.
Canton de Berne: Die Staatskanzlei (La Chancellerie d'Etat).
Canton de Lucerne: Die Staatskanzlei.
Canton d'Uri: Die Standeskanzlei.
Canton de Schwyz: Die Staatskanzlei.
Canton d'Unterwald-le-Haut: Die Staatskanzlei.
Canton d'Unterwald-le-Bas: Die Standeskanzlei.
Canton de Glaris: Die Regierungskanzlei.
Canton de Zoug: Die Staatskanzlei.
Canton de Fribourg: La Chancellerie d'État (Die Staatskanzlei).
Canton de Soleure: Die Staatskanzlei.
Canton de Bâle-Ville: Die Staatskanzlei.
Canton de Bâle-Campagne: Die Landeskanzlei.
Canton de Schaffhousen: Die Staatskanzlei.
Canton d'Appenzell Rh.-Ext. Die Kantonskanzlei.
Canton d'Appenzell Rh.-Int.: Die Ratskanzlei.
Canton de Saint-Gall: Die Staatskanzlei.
Canton des Grisons: Die Standeskanzlei (La Cancelleria dello Stato).
Canton d'Argovie: Pass-und Patentamt.
Canton de Thurgovie: Die Staatskanzlei.
Canton du Tessin: La Cancelleria dello Stato.
Canton de Vaud: La Chancellerie d'État.
Canton de Valais: La Chancellerie d'État (Die Staatskanzlei).
Canton de Neuchâtel: La Chancellerie d'État.
Canton de Genève: La Chancellerie d'État.
Canton du Jura: La Chancellerie d'État.


Department of Institutions


The list of authorities designated by Switzerland and to which competence is conferred to issue apostilles is replaced by a reference to the website which contains the contact details of the Federal Chancellery as the authority of the Confederation, a regularly updated document with the contact details of the 26 cantonal authorities and other relevant information, namely

Authorities Tajikistan


[…] the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan and [the] Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Tajikistan are designated authorities which are competent to issue the certificate referred to in the first paragraph of Article 3 of the […] Convention.

Authorities Tonga


Central Authority:
The Secretary to Government, Prime Minister's office, Nuku'alofa


The Government of the Kingdom of Tonga [...] now wishes to transfer the administrative authority for the issuance of all Tongan Apostilles from the Prime Minister's Office, Government of Tonga to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs & Immigration & Citizenship, including certain Diplomatic Missions of the Government of Tonga:
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs & Immigration & Citizenship, Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The Secretary for Foreign Affairs & Principal Immigration Officer
High Commission of the Kingdom of Tonga (UK)
The Tongan High Commissioner to the United Kingdom
Embassy and Permanent Mission of the Kingdom of Tonga to the United Nations
The Tongan Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the United States of America
Embassy of the Kingdom of Tonga to the People's Republic of China
The Tongan Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the People's Republic of China
High Commission of the Kingdom of Tonga to New Zealand
The Tongan High Commissioner to New Zealand
Consulate General of the Kingdom of Tonga to the United States of America
The Tongan Consul General to the United States of America
Consular Agency of the Kingdom of Tonga to the United States of America
The Tongan Consular Agent to the State of Hawaii, USA
Honorary Consulate General of the Kingdom of Tonga to Australia
The Tongan Honorary Consul to Australia

Authorities Trinidad and Tobago


Central Authority:
[...] that the Registrar General [in Port of Spain] has been designated the competent authority to affix the Convention Apostille [...].


Central Authority (modification):
[...] that the Registrar General has been designated the competent authority to affix the Convention Apostille, the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Education and the Chief of Protocol, Ministry of Enterprise Development, Foreign Affairs and Tourism, have also been designated competent authorities to issue certificates of authenticity under Article 3 of the Convention.
[...] that each competent authority may delegate his function to a deputy or deputies as circumstances warrant.

Authorities Tunisia


[...] the Tunisian Notaries are designated as Competent Authorities within the meaning of Article 6, paragraph 2, of the Convention [...]. Notaries will be the only authority authorized in Tunisia to issue the Apostille in accordance with the provisions of the Convention [...] as of 1 March 2019. The list of notaries practicing this profession in Tunisia is fixed by order of the Tunisian Minister of Justice.

Authorities Türkiye


Central Authority:
1. Administrative documents
a) In provinces: Governor, Deputy-Governor, Director of Juridical Matters.
b) In towns: Vice-Governor.
2. Judicial documents
Presidencies of the Judicial Commissions where the high criminal courts exist.

Authorities Ukraine


In accordance with Article 6 of the Convention and the Decree of the Government of Ukraine No 61 dated 18 January 2003 an apostille may be granted by the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on documents issued by judicial authorities and courts including documents certified by Ukraine's notaries; the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine on official documents issued by the bodies for education, state authorities, establishments and organizations, related to education and science; and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine on all other documents.


[...] the State Registration Service of Ukraine was authorized to put an "Apostille" stamp on the official documents issued by its divisions all over the territory of Ukraine.


As of 1 January 2023 the list of authorities who are competent to certify official documents in Ukraine has been expanded […].
[...] the Embassy brings to the attention of the Ministry the renewed list of designated authorities with the specified list of public documents:
- Ministry of Internal Affairs: official documents issued by the Ministry, its territorial service centers and separate registration points for a qualified electronic trust service provider – the accredited key certification center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
- Ministry of Education and Science: official documents issued by the Ministry, its central bodies of executive power, the activities of which are directed and coordinated by the Cabinet of Ministers through the Minister of Education and Science, their territorial bodies, educational institutions, enterprises, institutions and organizations that provide services in the field of education and sciences or conduct other activities related to the provision of such services;
- Ministry of Justice: official documents issued by courts of Ukraine; official documents emanating from justice and state bodies archival institutions; execution of sentences and probation bodies; official documents drawn up by public and private notaries; official certificates executed on documents signed by persons in their private capacity, such as official certificates of registration of a document or fact that existed on a certain date, and official and notarized signatures;
- State Migration Service: official documents issued by the State Migration Service, its territorial bodies and territorial subdivisions related to the field of migration (immigration and emigration), including combating illegal migration, citizenship, refugees and other legally defined categories of migrants;
- State Tax Service: official documents issued by the State Tax Service and its territorial bodies;
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs: other official documents.

Authorities United Kingdom


Central Authority:
For the United Kingdom as from 17 October, 1968:
Her Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs,
Foreign and Commonwealth Office, London S.W. 1.
and for:
Anguilla: The Governor of Anguilla
Bermuda: The Governor and Commander-in-Chief of the Bermudas or Somers Islands
British Antarctic Territory: The High Commissioner for the British Antarctic Territory
British Virgin Islands: The Governor of the British Virgin Islands
Cayman Islands: The Governor of the Cayman Islands
Falkland Islands: The Governor of the Falkland Islands
Gibraltar: The Governor and Commander-in-Chief of the City and Garrison of Gibraltar
the Bailiwick of Guernsey: The Lieutenant Governor of the Bailiwick of Guernsey
Isle of Man: The Lieutenant Governor of the Isle of Man
the Bailiwick of Jersey: His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor of the Bailiwick of Jersey
Montserrat: The Governor of Montserrat
St. Helena: The Governor and Commander-in-Chief of the Island of St. Helena and its Dependencies
South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands: The Commissioner for South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands
Turks and Caicos Islands:The Governor of the Turks and Caicos Islands


Central Authority (addition):
In accordance with Article 6 of the Convention, [...] the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland wishes to add the Parliamentary Registrar to the competent authorities for Bermuda.


Competent Authority:
[…] from 1 September 2020, the Competent Authority for the United Kingdom will be known as the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office.


Competent Authority:
[…] from 16 May 2022, pursuant to Article 6 of the Apostille Convention, there will be new designated Competent Authorities for the following territories. The new Competent Authority for Ascension will be the Administrator’s Office in Georgetown, whilst the new Competent Authority for Tristan da Cunha will be the Administrator’s Office in Edinburgh of the Seven Seas.


The new Competent Authority for the British Antarctic Territory will be the Polar Regions Department […].

Authorities United States of America


Central Authority:
I. Authentification Officer and Acting Authentification Officer, United States Department of State.
II. Clerks and deputy clerks for the following:
The Supreme Court of the United States, the Courts of Appeals for the First through the Eleventh Circuits and the District of Columbia Circuit, the United States District Courts, the United States Court of Claims, the United States Court of Customs and Patent Appeals, the United States Court of International Trade, the United States District Court for the District of the Canal Zone, the District Court of Guam, the District Court of the Virgin Islands, and the District Court for the Northern Mariana Islands.
III. Officers of the individual States and other subdivisions.


General website: Department of State:
Full contact details: All the designated clerks and deputy clerks:
Full contact details: States competent authorities - Secretary of State:

Authorities Uruguay


[...] the Authority referred in Article 6 of the Convention will be the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Uruguay.

Authorities Uzbekistan


Competent authorities:
For the purposes of the Article 6 of the Convention, the following authorities are designated to issue the Certificate (Apostille), referred to in the Article 3 of the Convention:
Ministry of Justice - on official documents emanating from courts and justice authorities;
Prosecutor General's Office - on official documents emanating from the prosecution, investigation and inquiry authorities;
State Testing Center under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan - on official documents emanating from education and science authorities;
Ministry of Foreign Affairs - on all other official documents.


Designated authorities (modification)
(…) there have been changes in the designated authorities of the Republic of Uzbekistan which are competent to issue the certificate referred to [in] the first paragraph of Article 3 and the following authorities have been designated to issue the certificate (apostille):
- Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, departments of justice of the regions and Tashkent city - on official documents emanating from justice authorities and civil registry offices;
- Supreme Court of the Republic of Uzbekistan - on official documents emanating from courts;
- Prosecutor General's Office - on official documents emanating from the prosecution, investigation and inquiry authorities;
- State Testing Center under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan - on official documents emanating from education and science authorities;
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs - on all other official documents.

Authorities Vanuatu


Competent authorities to issue an Apostille in accordance with Article 6 of the Convention:
1. The Department of Foreign Affairs
2. The Vanuatu Financial Services Commission for public documents falling under its jurisdiction

Authorities Venezuela


Central Authority:
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Directorate General of Consular Affairs.

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