
Optional Protocol concerning Acquisition of Nationality

Treaty data

Treaty number 004556
Date of conclusion 18-04-1961
Place of conclusion Wenen
Provisional application
Entry into force 24-04-1964
Retroactive effect
Treaty Series
Parliamentary paper
Approval act 1984, 147
Consolidated text 0004538


The Protocol was in force for the Netherlands Antilles from 07-10-1984 until 10-10-2010.

Kingdom of the Netherlands

Koninkrijksdeel Provisional
Entry into force Retroactive effect Termination
Netherlands (in Europe) 07-10-1984
Netherlands (Bonaire) 10-10-2010
Netherlands (Sint Eustatius) 10-10-2010
Netherlands (Saba) 10-10-2010
Aruba 01-01-1986
CuraƧao 10-10-2010
Sint Maarten 10-10-2010

PartiesParties with a link have a reservation.

Party Signature RatificationS=Signature without reservation or requirement of ratification R=Ratification, Acceptance, Approval or Notification A=Accession Su=Succession NK=Not Known Entry into force Renunciation Termination
Argentina 25-10-1961 10-10-1963 (R) 24-04-1964
Belgium 02-05-1968 (A) 01-06-1968
Bosnia and Herzegovina 12-01-1994 (Su) 06-03-1992
Botswana 11-04-1969 (A) 11-05-1969
Cambodia 31-08-1965 (A) 30-09-1965
Central African Republic 28-03-1962 19-03-1973 (R) 18-04-1973
Democratic Republic of the Congo 15-07-1976 (A) 14-08-1976
Denmark 18-04-1961 02-10-1968 (R) 01-11-1968
Dominican Republic 30-03-1962 14-01-1964 (R) 24-04-1964
Egypt 09-06-1964 (A) 09-07-1964
Estonia 21-10-1991 (A) 20-11-1991
Finland 20-10-1961 09-12-1969 (R) 08-01-1970
Gabon 02-04-1964 (A) 02-05-1964
Germany 28-03-1962 11-11-1964 (R) 11-12-1964
Ghana 18-04-1961
Guinea 10-01-1968 (A) 09-02-1968
Iceland 18-05-1971 (A) 17-06-1971
India 15-10-1965 (A) 14-11-1965
Indonesia 04-06-1982 (A) 04-07-1982
Iran 27-05-1961 03-02-1965 (R) 05-03-1965
Iraq 20-02-1962 15-10-1963 (R) 24-04-1964
Italy 13-03-1962 25-06-1969 (R) 25-07-1969
Kenya 01-07-1965 (A) 31-07-1965
Laos 03-12-1962 (A) 24-04-1964
Lebanon 18-04-1961
Liberia 16-09-2005 (A) 16-10-2005
Libya 07-06-1977 (A) 07-07-1977
Madagascar 31-07-1963 (A) 24-04-1964
Malawi 29-04-1980 (A) 29-05-1980
Malaysia 09-11-1965 (A) 09-12-1965
Montenegro 23-10-2006 (Su) 03-06-2006
Morocco 23-02-1977 (A) 25-03-1977
Myanmar 07-03-1980 (A) 06-04-1980
Nepal 28-09-1965 (A) 28-10-1965
Netherlands, the Kingdom of the 07-09-1984 (A) 07-10-1984
New Zealand 05-09-2003 (A) 05-10-2003
Nicaragua 09-01-1990 (A) 08-02-1990
Niger 28-03-1966 (A) 27-04-1966
North Macedonia 18-08-1993 (Su) 17-11-1991
Norway 18-04-1961 24-10-1967 (R) 23-11-1967
Oman 31-05-1974 (A) 30-06-1974
Panama 04-12-1963 (A) 24-04-1964
Paraguay 23-12-1969 (A) 22-01-1970
Philippines 20-10-1961 15-11-1965 (R) 15-12-1965
Republic of Korea, the 30-03-1962 07-03-1977 (R) 06-04-1977
Senegal 18-04-1961
Serbia 12-03-2001 (Su) 27-04-1992
Sri Lanka 31-07-1978 (A) 30-08-1978
Suriname 28-10-1992 (A) 27-11-1992
Sweden 18-04-1961 21-03-1967 (R) 20-04-1967
Switzerland 12-06-1992 (A) 12-07-1992
Syria 09-06-1964 (A) 09-07-1964
Tanzania 27-02-1962 05-11-1962 (R) 24-04-1964
Thailand 30-10-1961 23-01-1985 (R) 22-02-1985
Tunisia 24-01-1968 (A) 23-02-1968
Yugoslavia (< 25-06-1991) 18-04-1961 01-04-1963 (R) 24-04-1964

Parent treaties

Title Date of conclusion Place of conclusion
Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations. 18-04-1961 Wenen
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