
International Convention to Facilitate the Importation of Commercial Samples and Advertising Material

Treaty data

Treaty number 007262
Date of conclusion 07-11-1952
Place of conclusion Genève
Provisional application
Entry into force 20-11-1955
Retroactive effect
Treaty Series
Parliamentary paper 0000279481 (external link)
Consolidated text 0005231


The Convention was in force for the Netherlands Antilles from 20-11-1955 until 10-10-2010.

Kingdom of the Netherlands

Koninkrijksdeel Provisional
Entry into force Retroactive effect Termination
Netherlands (in Europe) 20-11-1955
Netherlands (Bonaire) 10-10-2010
Netherlands (Sint Eustatius) 10-10-2010
Netherlands (Saba) 10-10-2010
Aruba 01-01-1986
Curaçao 10-10-2010
Sint Maarten 10-10-2010

PartiesParties with a link have a reservation.

Party Signature RatificationS=Signature without reservation or requirement of ratification R=Ratification, Acceptance, Approval or Notification A=Accession Su=Succession NK=Not Known Entry into force Renunciation Termination
Australia 06-01-1956 (A) 05-02-1956
Austria 08-06-1956 (A) 08-07-1956
Belgium 30-06-1953 28-08-1957 (R) 27-09-1957
Bosnia and Herzegovina 12-01-1994 (Su) 06-03-1992
Canada 12-06-1974 (A) 12-07-1974
Croatia 31-08-1994 (Su) 08-10-1991
Cuba 26-04-1976 (A) 26-05-1976
Cyprus 16-05-1963 (Su) 16-08-1960
Czech Republic 02-06-1993 (Su) 01-01-1993
Czechoslovakia (<01-01-1993) 12-01-1956 (A) 11-02-1956
Democratic Republic of the Congo 31-05-1962 (Su) 30-06-1960
Denmark 05-10-1955 (A) 20-11-1955
Egypt 29-09-1955 (A) 20-11-1955
Fiji 31-10-1972 (Su) 10-10-1970
Finland 27-05-1954 (A) 20-11-1955
France 07-02-1964 (A) 08-03-1964
Germany 12-06-1953 02-09-1955 (R) 20-11-1955
Ghana 07-04-1958 (Su) 04-03-1957
Greece 12-06-1953 10-02-1955 (R) 20-11-1955
Guinea 08-05-1962 (A) 07-06-1962
Haïti 12-02-1958 (A) 14-03-1958
Hungary 03-06-1957 (A) 03-07-1957
Iceland 28-04-1977 (A) 28-05-1977
India 03-08-1954 (A) 20-11-1955
Indonesia 21-04-1954 (A) 20-11-1955
Iran 11-06-1970 (A) 11-07-1970
Ireland 23-04-1959 (A) 23-05-1959
Israel 08-10-1957 (A) 07-11-1957
Italy 20-02-1958 (A) 02-03-1958
Jamaica 11-11-1963 (Su) 06-08-1962
Japan 02-08-1955 (A) 20-11-1955
Kenya 03-09-1965 (A) 03-10-1965
Liberia 16-09-2005 (A) 16-10-2005
Luxembourg 09-09-1957 (A) 09-10-1957
Malaysia 21-08-1958 (Su) 31-08-1957
Malta 27-06-1968 (Su) 21-09-1964
Mauritius 18-07-1969 (Su) 12-03-1968
Mexico 07-11-2000 (A) 07-12-2000
Montenegro 23-10-2006 (Su) 03-06-2006
Netherlands, the Kingdom of the 03-05-1955 (A) 20-11-1955
New Zealand 19-04-1957 (A) 19-05-1957
Nigeria 26-06-1961 (Su) 01-10-1960
Norway 02-11-1954 (A) 20-11-1955
Pakistan 12-10-1953 (A) 20-11-1955
Poland 18-02-1960 (A) 19-03-1960
Portugal 24-09-1956 (A) 24-10-1956
Republic of Korea, the 12-06-1978 (A) 12-07-1978
Romania 15-11-1968 (A) 15-12-1968
Rwanda 01-12-1964 (Su) 01-07-1962
Serbia 12-03-2001 (Su) 27-04-1992
Sierra Leone 13-03-1962 (Su) 27-04-1961
Singapore 07-06-1966 (Su) 09-08-1965
Slovakia 28-05-1993 (Su) 01-01-1993
Slovenia 03-11-1992 (Su) 25-06-1991
Spain 09-09-1954 (A) 20-11-1955
Sri Lanka 28-10-1959 (A) 27-11-1959
Sweden 30-06-1953 23-02-1955 (R) 20-11-1955
Switzerland 04-12-1954 (A) 20-11-1955
Tanzania 28-11-1962 (A) 28-12-1962
Thailand 30-11-1994 (A) 30-12-1994
Tonga 11-11-1977 (Su) 04-06-1970
Trinidad and Tobago 11-04-1966 (Su) 31-08-1962
Türkiye 08-12-1956 (A) 07-01-1957
Uganda 15-04-1965 (A) 15-05-1965
United Kingdom 30-06-1953 21-10-1955 (R) 20-11-1955
United States of America 28-05-1953 17-09-1957 (R) 17-10-1957
Yugoslavia (< 25-06-1991) 29-05-1956 (A) 28-06-1956



Extended to Entry into force Termination
New Guinea (< 16-09-1975) 11-02-1956 16-09-1975
Papua (< 16-09-1975) 11-02-1956 16-09-1975


Extended to Entry into force Termination
Belgian Congo (<30-06-1960) 27-09-1957 30-06-1960
Ruanda-Urundi ( <01-07-1962) 27-09-1957 01-07-1962

New Zealand

Extended to Entry into force Termination
Cook Islands 19-05-1957
Niue 19-05-1957
Tokelau Islands 19-05-1957

United Kingdom

Extended to Entry into force Termination
Aden (< 30-11-1967) 07-03-1957 30-11-1967
Anguilla 07-03-1957
Antigua and Barbuda (< 01-11-1981) 07-03-1957 01-11-1981
Barbados (< 30-11-1966) 07-03-1957 30-11-1966
Belize (< 21-09-1981) 07-03-1957 21-09-1981
British North Borneo (< 16-09-1963) 07-03-1957 16-09-1963
British Somaliland (< 26-06-1960) 07-03-1957 26-06-1960
British Virgin Islands 07-03-1957
Cyprus (< 16-08-1960) 07-03-1957 16-08-1960
Dominica (< 03-11-1978) 07-03-1957 03-11-1978
Falkland Islands 07-03-1957
Fiji (< 10-10-1970) 07-03-1957 10-10-1970
Gambia, The (< 18-02-1965) 07-03-1957 18-02-1965
Ghana (< 06-03-1957) 07-03-1957 06-03-1957
Gibraltar 07-03-1957
Grenada (< 07-02-1974) 07-03-1957 07-02-1974
Guiana (< 26-05-1966) 07-03-1957 26-05-1966
Hong Kong (< 01-07-1997) 07-03-1957 01-07-1997
Jamaica (< 06-08-1962) 07-03-1957 06-08-1962
Kenya (< 12-12-1963) 07-03-1957 12-12-1957
Kiribati (< 12-07-1979) 07-03-1957 12-07-1979
Malay Federation (< 31-08-1957) 07-03-1957 31-08-1957
Malta (< 21-09-1964) 07-03-1957 21-09-1964
Man, Isle of 20-11-1955
Mauritius (< 12-03-1968) 07-03-1957 12-03-1968
Montserrat 07-03-1957
Nigeria (< 01-10-1960) 07-03-1957 01-10-1960
Saint Kitts and Nevis (< 19-11-1983) 07-03-1957 19-11-1983
Saint Lucia (< 22-02-1979) 07-03-1957 22-02-1979
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (<27-10-1979) 07-03-1957 27-10-1979
Saint-Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha 07-03-1957
Sarawak (< 16-09-1963) 07-03-1957 16-09-1963
Seychelles (< 29-06-1976) 07-03-1957 29-06-1976
Sierra Leone (< 27-04-1961) 07-03-1957 27-04-1961
Singapore (< 16-09-1963) 07-03-1957 16-09-1963
Tanganyika (< 09-12-1961) 07-03-1957 09-12-1961
Tonga (< 04-06-1970) 07-03-1957 04-06-1970
Trinidad and Tobago (< 31-08-1962) 07-03-1957 31-08-1962
Uganda (< 09-10-1962) 07-03-1957 09-10-1962
Zanzibar (< 26-04-1964) 07-03-1957 26-04-1964

United States of America

Extended to Entry into force Termination
Alaska (< 03-01-1959) 17-10-1957 03-01-1959
Baker Island 17-10-1957
Hawaii (< 21-08-1959) 17-10-1957 21-08-1959
Howland Island 17-10-1957
Jarvis Island 17-10-1957
Navassa Island 17-10-1957
Northern Mariana Islands 17-10-1957
Palmyra Atoll 17-10-1957
Panama Canal Zone (< 01-10-1979) 17-10-1957 31-12-1999
Puerto Rico 17-10-1957
Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands (< 22-12-1990) 17-10-1957 22-12-1990

Child treaties

Title Date of conclusion Place of conclusion
Convention on temporary admission 26-06-1990 Istanbul
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