Convention on jurisdiction, applicable law, recognition, enforcement and co-operation in respect of parental responsibility and measures for the protection of children
Protection of Children No. 01/2025 (Denmark objection accession El Salvador) | 13-03-2025 pdfDownload filevan abonnement:Protection of Children No. 01/2025 (Denmark objection accession El Salvador) | 13-03-2025
Protection of Children No. 03/2024 (accession Belize) | 12-12-2024 pdfDownload filevan abonnement:Protection of Children No. 03/2024 (accession Belize) | 12-12-2024
Protection of Children No. 02/2024 (accession El Salvador) | 10-09-2024 pdfDownload filevan abonnement:Protection of Children No. 02/2024 (accession El Salvador) | 10-09-2024
Protection of Children No. 01/2024 (authority Portugal) | 20-02-2024 pdfDownload filevan abonnement:Protection of Children No. 01/2024 (authority Portugal) | 20-02-2024
Protection of Children No. 02/2023 (communication Ukraine) | 11-12-2023 pdfDownload filevan abonnement:Protection of Children No. 02/2023 (communication Ukraine) | 11-12-2023
Protection of Children No. 01/2023 (authority Ukraine) | 07-04-2023 pdfDownload filevan abonnement:Protection of Children No. 01/2023 (authority Ukraine) | 07-04-2023
Protection of Children No. 03/2022 (accession Cabo Verde) | 18-10-2022 pdfDownload filevan abonnement:Protection of Children No. 03/2022 (accession Cabo Verde) | 18-10-2022
Protection of Children No. 02/2022 (authorities Guyana) | 24-05-2022 pdfDownload filevan abonnement:Protection of Children No. 02/2022 (authorities Guyana) | 24-05-2022
Protection of Children No. 01/2022 (communication Ukraine) | 15-03-2022 pdfDownload filevan abonnement:Protection of Children No. 01/2022 (communication Ukraine) | 15-03-2022
Protection of Children No. 07/2021 (acceptance amended late reservation Nicaragua) | 23-11-2021 pdfDownload filevan abonnement:Protection of Children No. 07/2021 (acceptance amended late reservation Nicaragua) | 23-11-2021
Protection of Children No. 06/2021 (authority Croatia) | 15-07-2021 pdfDownload filevan abonnement:Protection of Children No. 06/2021 (authority Croatia) | 15-07-2021
Protection of Children No. 05/2021 (acceptance late reservations Nicaragua) | 17-05-2021 pdfDownload filevan abonnement:Protection of Children No. 05/2021 (acceptance late reservations Nicaragua) | 17-05-2021
Protection of Children No. 04/2021 (declaration EU Member States) | 17-05-2021 pdfDownload filevan abonnement:Protection of Children No. 04/2021 (declaration EU Member States) | 17-05-2021
Protection of Children No. 03/2021 (declaration Poland) | 07-05-2021 pdfDownload filevan abonnement:Protection of Children No. 03/2021 (declaration Poland) | 07-05-2021
Protection of Children No. 02/2021 (withdrawal declaration United Kingdom) | 19-02-2021 pdfDownload filevan abonnement:Protection of Children No. 02/2021 (withdrawal declaration United Kingdom) | 19-02-2021
Protection of Children No. 01/2021 (authority Costa Rica) | 15-01-2021 pdfDownload filevan abonnement:Protection of Children No. 01/2021 (authority Costa Rica) | 15-01-2021
Protection of Children No. 04/2020 CORR (amendment of late reservation Nicaragua) | 20-11-2020 pdfDownload filevan abonnement:Protection of Children No. 04/2020 CORR (amendment of late reservation Nicaragua) | 20-11-2020
Protection of Children No. 04/2020 (amendment of late reservation Nicaragua) | 19-11-2020 pdfDownload filevan abonnement:Protection of Children No. 04/2020 (amendment of late reservation Nicaragua) | 19-11-2020
Protection of Children No. 03/2020 (accession Costa Rica) | 30-10-2020 pdfDownload filevan abonnement:Protection of Children No. 03/2020 (accession Costa Rica) | 30-10-2020
Protection of Children No. 02/2020 (declaration Lithuania) | 19-06-2020 pdfDownload filevan abonnement:Protection of Children No. 02/2020 (declaration Lithuania) | 19-06-2020
Protection of Children No. 01/2020 (late reservations Nicaragua) | 13-05-2020 pdfDownload filevan abonnement:Protection of Children No. 01/2020 (late reservations Nicaragua) | 13-05-2020
Protection of Children No. 08/2019 (signature North Macedonia) | 09-12-2019 pdfDownload filevan abonnement:Protection of Children No. 08/2019 (signature North Macedonia) | 09-12-2019
Protection of Children No 07 2019 (authority Netherlands) | 20-09-2019 pdfDownload filevan abonnement:Protection of Children No 07 2019 (authority Netherlands) | 20-09-2019
Protection of Children No. 06/2019 (accession Barbados) | 18-07-2019 pdfDownload filevan abonnement:Protection of Children No. 06/2019 (accession Barbados) | 18-07-2019
Protection of Childeren No. 05/2019 (declaration Estonia) | 02-05-2019 pdfDownload filevan abonnement:Protection of Childeren No. 05/2019 (declaration Estonia) | 02-05-2019
Protection of Children No. 04/2019 (authority Nicaragua) | 17-04-2019 pdfDownload filevan abonnement:Protection of Children No. 04/2019 (authority Nicaragua) | 17-04-2019
Protection of Children No. 03/2019 (authority Guyana) | 06-03-2019 pdfDownload filevan abonnement:Protection of Children No. 03/2019 (authority Guyana) | 06-03-2019
Protection of Children No. 02/2019 (accession Nicaragua) | 28-02-2019 pdfDownload filevan abonnement:Protection of Children No. 02/2019 (accession Nicaragua) | 28-02-2019
Protection of Children No. 01/2019 CORR (accession Guyana) | 27-02-2019 pdfDownload filevan abonnement:Protection of Children No. 01/2019 CORR (accession Guyana) | 27-02-2019
Protection of Children No. 01/2019 (accession Guyana) | 26-02-2019 pdfDownload filevan abonnement:Protection of Children No. 01/2019 (accession Guyana) | 26-02-2019
Protection of Children No. 10/2018 (authority Paraguay) | 27-12-2018 pdfDownload filevan abonnement:Protection of Children No. 10/2018 (authority Paraguay) | 27-12-2018
Protection of Children No. 09/2018 (declaration by Finland) | 03-10-2018 pdfDownload filevan abonnement:Protection of Children No. 09/2018 (declaration by Finland) | 03-10-2018
Protection of Children No. 08/2018 (accession Paraguay) | 14-09-2018 pdfDownload filevan abonnement:Protection of Children No. 08/2018 (accession Paraguay) | 14-09-2018
Protection of Children No. 07/2018 (declaration by Romania) | 10-07-2018 pdfDownload filevan abonnement:Protection of Children No. 07/2018 (declaration by Romania) | 10-07-2018
Protection of Children No. 06/2018 (declaration by Germany) | 27-06-2018 pdfDownload filevan abonnement:Protection of Children No. 06/2018 (declaration by Germany) | 27-06-2018
Protection of Children No. 05/2018 (accession Fiji) | 08-06-2018 pdfDownload filevan abonnement:Protection of Children No. 05/2018 (accession Fiji) | 08-06-2018
Protection of Children No. 04/2018 (declaration by Latvia) | 01-05-2018 pdfDownload filevan abonnement:Protection of Children No. 04/2018 (declaration by Latvia) | 01-05-2018
Protection of Children No. 03/2018 (declaration by Portugal) | 13-04-2018 pdfDownload filevan abonnement:Protection of Children No. 03/2018 (declaration by Portugal) | 13-04-2018
Protection of Children No. 02/2018 (declaration by Austria) | 29-03-2018 pdfDownload filevan abonnement:Protection of Children No. 02/2018 (declaration by Austria) | 29-03-2018
Protection of Children No. 01/2018 (authority Turkey) | 03-01-2018 pdfDownload filevan abonnement:Protection of Children No. 01/2018 (authority Turkey) | 03-01-2018
Protection of Children No. 14/2017 (accession Honduras) | 17-10-2017 pdfDownload filevan abonnement:Protection of Children No. 14/2017 (accession Honduras) | 17-10-2017
Protection of Children No. 13/2017 (declaration by Greece) | 11-10-2017 pdfDownload filevan abonnement:Protection of Children No. 13/2017 (declaration by Greece) | 11-10-2017
Protection of Children No. 12/2017 (declaration by Austria) | 11-10-2017 pdfDownload filevan abonnement:Protection of Children No. 12/2017 (declaration by Austria) | 11-10-2017
Protection of Children No. 11/2017 (declaration by Portugal) | 05-10-2017 pdfDownload filevan abonnement:Protection of Children No. 11/2017 (declaration by Portugal) | 05-10-2017
Protection of Children No. 10/2017 (entry into force Cuba) | 15-09-2017 pdfDownload filevan abonnement:Protection of Children No. 10/2017 (entry into force Cuba) | 15-09-2017
Protection of Children No. 09/2017 (withdrawal of objection Denmark (accession Ukraine)) | 30-08-2017 pdfDownload filevan abonnement:Protection of Children No. 09/2017 (withdrawal of objection Denmark (accession Ukraine)) | 30-08-2017
Protection of Children No. 08/2017 (withdrawal of objection Denmark (accession Georgia)) | 30-08-2017 pdfDownload filevan abonnement:Protection of Children No. 08/2017 (withdrawal of objection Denmark (accession Georgia)) | 30-08-2017
Protection of Children No. 07/2017 (withdrawal of objection Denmark (accession Ecuador)) | 30-08-2017 pdfDownload filevan abonnement:Protection of Children No. 07/2017 (withdrawal of objection Denmark (accession Ecuador)) | 30-08-2017
Protection of Children No. 06/2017 (withdrawal of objection Denmark (accession Dominican Republic)) | 30-08-2017 pdfDownload filevan abonnement:Protection of Children No. 06/2017 (withdrawal of objection Denmark (accession Dominican Republic)) | 30-08-2017
Protection of Children No. 05/2017 (withdrawal of objection Denmark (accession Armenia)) | 30-08-2017 pdfDownload filevan abonnement:Protection of Children No. 05/2017 (withdrawal of objection Denmark (accession Armenia)) | 30-08-2017
Protection of Children No. 04/2017 (withdrawal of objection Denmark (accession Albania)) | 30-08-2017 pdfDownload filevan abonnement:Protection of Children No. 04/2017 (withdrawal of objection Denmark (accession Albania)) | 30-08-2017
Protection of Children No 03 2017 (signature Canada) | 23-05-2017 pdfDownload filevan abonnement:Protection of Children No 03 2017 (signature Canada) | 23-05-2017
Protection of Children No. 03/2017 (declaration by Russian Federation) | 13-03-2017 pdfDownload filevan abonnement:Protection of Children No. 03/2017 (declaration by Russian Federation) | 13-03-2017
Protection of Children No. 02/2017 (accession Cuba) | 13-03-2017 pdfDownload filevan abonnement:Protection of Children No. 02/2017 (accession Cuba) | 13-03-2017
Protection of Children No. 01/2017 (French text declaration by Cyprus) | 09-01-2017 pdfDownload filevan abonnement:Protection of Children No. 01/2017 (French text declaration by Cyprus) | 09-01-2017
Protection of Children No. 05/2016 (English text declaration by Cyprus) | 19-12-2016 pdfDownload filevan abonnement:Protection of Children No. 05/2016 (English text declaration by Cyprus) | 19-12-2016
Protection of Children No. 04/2016 CORR | 11-10-2016 pdfDownload filevan abonnement:Protection of Children No. 04/2016 CORR | 11-10-2016
Protection of Children No. 04/2016 (signature and ratification Turkey) | 07-10-2016 pdfDownload filevan abonnement:Protection of Children No. 04/2016 (signature and ratification Turkey) | 07-10-2016
Protection of Children No. 03/2016 (extension Greenland; declaration by Denmark) | 13-05-2016 pdfDownload filevan abonnement:Protection of Children No. 03/2016 (extension Greenland; declaration by Denmark) | 13-05-2016
Protection of Children No. 02/2016 (signature and ratification Norway) | 06-04-2016 pdfDownload filevan abonnement:Protection of Children No. 02/2016 (signature and ratification Norway) | 06-04-2016
Protection of Children No. 01/2016 (accession Serbia) | 28-01-2016 pdfDownload filevan abonnement:Protection of Children No. 01/2016 (accession Serbia) | 28-01-2016
Protection of children No. 03/2015 (declaration by Ukraine) | 13-11-2015 pdfDownload filevan abonnement:Protection of children No. 03/2015 (declaration by Ukraine) | 13-11-2015
Protection of Children No. 02/2015 (ratification Italy) | 13-10-2015 pdfDownload filevan abonnement:Protection of Children No. 02/2015 (ratification Italy) | 13-10-2015
Protection of Children No. 01/2015 (signature Argentina) | 17-06-2015 pdfDownload filevan abonnement:Protection of Children No. 01/2015 (signature Argentina) | 17-06-2015
Protection of Children No. 03/2014 (entry into force Georgia; objection Denmark) | 15-12-2014 pdfDownload filevan abonnement:Protection of Children No. 03/2014 (entry into force Georgia; objection Denmark) | 15-12-2014
Protection of Children No. 02/2014 (ratification Belgium) | 08-07-2014 pdfDownload filevan abonnement:Protection of Children No. 02/2014 (ratification Belgium) | 08-07-2014
Protection of Children No. 01/2014 (accession Georgia; declaration by Estonia) | 23-05-2014 pdfDownload filevan abonnement:Protection of Children No. 01/2014 (accession Georgia; declaration by Estonia) | 23-05-2014
Protection of Children No. 04/2012 (ratification Sweden; entry into force Montenegro) | 01-04-2012 pdfDownload filevan abonnement:Protection of Children No. 04/2012 (ratification Sweden; entry into force Montenegro) | 01-04-2012
Protection of Children No. 03/2012 (ratification United Kingdom; accession Lesotho and Russian Federation; reservations and declarations by Estonia and Poland) | 01-03-2012 pdfDownload filevan abonnement:Protection of Children No. 03/2012 (ratification United Kingdom; accession Lesotho and Russian Federation; reservations and declarations by Estonia and Poland) | 01-03-2012
Protection of Children No. 02/2012 (declaration by Poland) | 01-02-2012 pdfDownload filevan abonnement:Protection of Children No. 02/2012 (declaration by Poland) | 01-02-2012
Protection of Children No. 01/2012 (ratification Greece; accession Montenegro; declarations by Latvia) | 01-01-2012 pdfDownload filevan abonnement:Protection of Children No. 01/2012 (ratification Greece; accession Montenegro; declarations by Latvia) | 01-01-2012
Protection of Children No. 05/2011 (entry into force Malta) | 01-05-2011 pdfDownload filevan abonnement:Protection of Children No. 05/2011 (entry into force Malta) | 01-05-2011
Protection of Children No. 04/2011 (ratification Denmark; reservations and declarations by France and Poland; objection Denmark) | 01-04-2011 pdfDownload filevan abonnement:Protection of Children No. 04/2011 (ratification Denmark; reservations and declarations by France and Poland; objection Denmark) | 01-04-2011
Protection of Children No. 03/2011 (ratification Portugal; reservations and declarations by Cyprus, Czech Republic and Poland) | 01-03-2011 pdfDownload filevan abonnement:Protection of Children No. 03/2011 (ratification Portugal; reservations and declarations by Cyprus, Czech Republic and Poland) | 01-03-2011
Protection of Children No. 02/2011 (ratification Netherlands; accession Malta) | 01-02-2011 pdfDownload filevan abonnement:Protection of Children No. 02/2011 (ratification Netherlands; accession Malta) | 01-02-2011
Protection of Children No. 01/2011 (ratifications Austria and Finland; declaration by Ireland; authority Ireland) | 01-01-2011 pdfDownload filevan abonnement:Protection of Children No. 01/2011 (ratifications Austria and Finland; declaration by Ireland; authority Ireland) | 01-01-2011
Protection of Children No. 04/2010 (signature United States of America; ratifications France, Germany and Ireland) | 01-04-2010 pdfDownload filevan abonnement:Protection of Children No. 04/2010 (signature United States of America; ratifications France, Germany and Ireland) | 01-04-2010
Protection of Children No. 03/2010 (ratifications Luxembourg, Romania and Spain) | 01-03-2010 pdfDownload filevan abonnement:Protection of Children No. 03/2010 (ratifications Luxembourg, Romania and Spain) | 01-03-2010
Protection of Children No. 02/2010 (ratifications Cyprus and Poland; declaration by Bulgaria) | 01-02-2010 pdfDownload filevan abonnement:Protection of Children No. 02/2010 (ratifications Cyprus and Poland; declaration by Bulgaria) | 01-02-2010
Protection of Children No. 01/2010 (entry into force Dominican Republic) | 01-01-2010 pdfDownload filevan abonnement:Protection of Children No. 01/2010 (entry into force Dominican Republic) | 01-01-2010
Protection of Children No. 05/2009 (accession Dominican Republic) | 01-05-2009 pdfDownload filevan abonnement:Protection of Children No. 05/2009 (accession Dominican Republic) | 01-05-2009
Protection of Children No. 04/2009 (signature and ratification Uruguay) | 01-04-2009 pdfDownload filevan abonnement:Protection of Children No. 04/2009 (signature and ratification Uruguay) | 01-04-2009
Protection of Children No. 03/2009 (ratification Croatia) | 01-03-2009 pdfDownload filevan abonnement:Protection of Children No. 03/2009 (ratification Croatia) | 01-03-2009
Protection of Children No. 02/2009 (declaration by Latvia) | 01-02-2009 pdfDownload filevan abonnement:Protection of Children No. 02/2009 (declaration by Latvia) | 01-02-2009
Protection of Children No. 01/2009 (ratification Switzerland) | 01-01-2009 pdfDownload filevan abonnement:Protection of Children No. 01/2009 (ratification Switzerland) | 01-01-2009
Protection of Children No. 01/2008 (signature Croatia) | 01-01-2008 pdfDownload filevan abonnement:Protection of Children No. 01/2008 (signature Croatia) | 01-01-2008
Protection of Children No. 03/2007 (accession Armenia) | 01-03-2007 pdfDownload filevan abonnement:Protection of Children No. 03/2007 (accession Armenia) | 01-03-2007
Protection of Children No. 02/2007 (accession Ukraine) | 01-02-2007 pdfDownload filevan abonnement:Protection of Children No. 02/2007 (accession Ukraine) | 01-02-2007
Protection of Children No. 01/2007 (authority Hungary) | 01-01-2007 pdfDownload filevan abonnement:Protection of Children No. 01/2007 (authority Hungary) | 01-01-2007