

Convention abolishing the requirement of legalisation for foreign public documents

Objections to accession

Objection to accession Albania

Objections by Objections Withdrawal
Belgium 05-03-2004 21-12-2015
Germany 08-03-2004 09-12-2016
Greece 09-03-2004 26-02-2018
Italy 09-03-2004 26-05-2011
Spain 03-03-2004 07-02-2017

Belgium, 05-03-2004

The Government of the Kingdom of Belgium declares in accordance with Article 12, paragraph 2, of the Convention that the Convention will not take effect between the Republic of Albania and the Kingdom of Belgium.

Withdrawal, 21-12-2015

In 2004 Belgium raised an objection to the accession of Albania in accordance with article 12, paragraph 2, of the Convention. […] Belgium has decided to withdraw this objection.

Germany, 08-03-2004

Albania has declared its accession to the Hague Convention abolishing the requirement of legalisation for foreign public documents of 5 October 1961. The Embassy hereby raises an objection to Albania's accession with reference to Article 12, paragraph 2, of the Convention.

Withdrawal, 09-12-2016

The Federal Republic of Germany herewith reverses the objection to the accession of Albania to the Hague Convention of 5 October 1961 Abolishing the Requirement of Legalisation for Foreign Public Documents ("Apostille Convention").

Greece, 09-03-2004

In accordance with Article 12, paragraph 2, of the Hague Convention of 5 October 1961, the Government of the Hellenic Republic hereby raises an objection such that the said Convention shall not enter into force between the Hellenic Republic and the Republic of Albania.

Withdrawal, 26-02-2018

[…] the Hellenic Republic hereby withdraws its objection to the accession of Albania to the Convention abolishing the requirement of legalization for foreign public documents (The Hague, 5 October 1961).

Italy, 09-03-2004

... and has the honour to inform that, with reference to Article 12 of the Convention eliminating the need of legalisation of foreign public documents, signed in The Hague on October 5th, 1961, Italy raises an opposition to the entering into force of the above mentioned Convention in bilateral relations between Italy and Albania. Italy reserves the faculty to re-examine its position at a later stage.

Withdrawal, 26-05-2011

Italy has expressed the will to withdraw the objections raised (article 12, para 2) to the accession of Albania to the Convention.

Spain, 03-03-2004

In accordance with Article 12, paragraph 2, of the Convention, Spain hereby declares that the Convention shall not enter into force between the Republic of Albania and the Kingdom of Spain.

Withdrawal, 07-02-2017

The Kingdom of Spain withdraws the objection raised on 1 March 2004 to the accession of the Republic of Albania to the Convention of 5 October 1960 Abolishing the Requirement of Legalisation for Foreign Public Documents. Therefore, the Convention enters into force between the Kingdom of Spain and the Republic of Albania.

Objection to accession Azerbaijan

Objections by Objections Withdrawal
Germany 27-12-2004
Hungary 31-12-2004 10-03-2005
Netherlands, the Kingdom of the 24-12-2004 10-08-2010

Germany, 27-12-2004

Azerbaijan has declared its accession to the Hague Convention abolishing the requirement of legalisation for foreign public documents of 5 October 1961. The Federal Republic of Germany hereby raises an objection to Azerbaijan's accession with reference to article 12, paragraph 2 of the Convention.

Hungary, 31-12-2004

... that Hungary raises objection to the accession of the Republic of Azerbaijan to the Convention Abolishing the Requirement of Legalisation for Foreign Public Documents, signed in Hague, on the 5th October 1961. The objection is based on Article 6 Paragraph 1 of the Convention, according to which "Each Contracting State shall designate by reference to their official function, the authorities who are competent to issue the certificate referred to in the first paragraph of Article 3".

Withdrawal, 10-03-2005

... that the Republic of Hungary revokes its objection raised on 31 December 2004 (No. 83/J/2004.) to the accession of the Republic of Azerbaijan to the Convention Abolishing the Requirement of Legalisation for Foreign Public Documents, signed in the Hague, on the 5th October 1961. The revocation is based on the notification given by the Republic of Azerbaijan. The President of the Republic of Azerbaijan designated as competent authority - with his instruction No. 544 of December 2004 - the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Azerbaijan for documents emanating from courts, public prosecutors, and justice authorities, including documents certified in notarial order and state civil acts registration documents; and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan for other documents.

Netherlands, the Kingdom of the, 24-12-2004

... the Kingdom of the Netherlands raises an objection to the accession of Azerbaijan to the Convention abolishing the requirement of legalisation for foreign public documents.

Withdrawal, 10-08-2010

The Kingdom of the Netherlands withdraws its declaration made in accordance with Article 12, second paragraph, of the Convention, objecting to the accession of Azerbaijan to the Convention.
Therefore, the Convention will take effect between the Kingdom of the Netherlands and Azerbaijan as of 10 August 2010.

Objection to accession Bangladesh

Objections by Objections Withdrawal
Argentina 24-01-2025
Austria 23-12-2024
Belgium 13-01-2025
Czech Republic 12-12-2024
Denmark 24-01-2025
Estonia 16-01-2025
Finland 13-01-2025
France 23-01-2025
Germany 10-09-2024
Greece 21-01-2025
Lithuania 27-01-2025
Netherlands, the Kingdom of the 14-01-2025

Argentina, 24-01-2025

[…] the Argentine Republic objects to the accession of the People's Republic of Bangladesh to the [Convention], in accordance with Article 12, second paragraph.

Austria, 23-12-2024

The Republic of Austria raises an objection to the accession of the People’s Democratic Republic of Bangladesh with reference to Article 12, paragraph 2 of the Convention.

Belgium, 13-01-2025

[…] Belgium raises an objection to the accession of Bangladesh to the Apostille Convention of 5 October 1961.

Czech Republic, 12-12-2024

[…] the Czech Republic raises an objection to the accession of the People's Republic of Bangladesh to the above-mentioned Convention.

Denmark, 24-01-2025

In accordance with Article 12(2) of the mentioned Convention, the Kingdom of Denmark raises an objection to the accession of Bangladesh to the Convention.

Estonia, 16-01-2025

[…] the Republic of Estonia raises an objection to the accession of the People's Republic of Bangladesh with reference to Article 12, paragraph 2 of the Convention.

Finland, 13-01-2025

Pursuant to Article 12, second paragraph, of that Convention, Finland hereby raises an objection to the accession of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh.

France, 23-01-2025

[…] has the honour to notify that the Government of the French Republic objects to the accession of the People's Republic of Bangladesh to the Hague Convention of 5 October 1961 Abolishing the Requirement of Legalisation for Foreign Public Documents.

Germany, 10-09-2024

[…] the Federal Republic of Germany raises an objection to the accession of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh in accordance with Article 12(2) of the Convention.

Greece, 21-01-2025

In accordance with Article 12, second paragraph of the Hague Convention abolishing the requirement of legalization for foreign public documents of 5 October 1961, the Hellenic Republic hereby objects to the accession of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh to the above mentioned Convention.

Lithuania, 27-01-2025

[…] the Republic of Lithuania hereby raises an objection to the accession of the People's Republic of Bangladesh to the above-mentioned Convention.

Netherlands, the Kingdom of the, 14-01-2025

Pursuant to Article 12, second paragraph, of the Convention abolishing the requirement of legalisation for foreign public documents, the Kingdom of the Netherlands (the Netherlands, Aruba, Curaçao and Sint Maarten) hereby raises an objection to the accession of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh to the aforementioned Convention.

Objection to accession Burundi

Objections by Objections Withdrawal
Austria 28-11-2014
Czech Republic 12-12-2014
Germany 11-12-2014
Poland 15-12-2014

Austria, 28-11-2014

The Republic of Austria raises an objection to the accession of the Republic of Burundi with reference to Article 12, paragraph 2, of the Convention.

Czech Republic, 12-12-2014

The Czech Republic raises an objection to the accession of Burundi to the Convention.

Germany, 11-12-2014

[...] the Federal Republic of Germany herewith objects to the accession of the Republic of Burundi in accordance with article 12, paragraph 2 of this Convention.

Poland, 15-12-2014

[...] the Republic of Polen objects to the accession of the Republic of Burundi to the Convention [...] under Article 12(2) of the Convention.

Objection to accession China

Objections by Objections Withdrawal
India 08-09-2023

India, 08-09-2023

[…] in accordance with Article 12 of the Convention Abolishing the Requirement of Legalisation for Foreign Public Documents 1961, the Republic of India objects to the accession of [the] People’s Republic of China to the Convention.

Objection to accession Dominican Republic

Objections by Objections Withdrawal
Austria 24-06-2009 30-01-2023
Belgium 24-06-2009 08-03-2019
Germany 11-06-2009
Netherlands, the Kingdom of the 26-06-2009 03-11-2017

Austria, 24-06-2009

The Dominican Republic has declared its accession to the Hague Convention abolishing the requirement of legalisation for foreign public documents of 5 October 1961.
The Republic of Austria raises an objection to the accession of the Dominican Republic with reference to Article 12, paragraph 2, of the Convention.

Withdrawal, 30-01-2023

In accordance with Article 12, paragraph 2, of the Convention Abolishing the Requirement of Legalisation for Foreign Public Documents, the Republic of Austria had raised an objection to the accession of the Dominican Republic to the Convention.
Following a review of this objection, the Republic of Austria has decided to withdraw its objection to the accession of the Dominican Republic to the Convention.

Belgium, 24-06-2009

The Embassy hereby wishes to raise an objection to the accession of the Dominican Republic to the mentioned Convention, in accordance with Article 12.

Withdrawal, 08-03-2019

In 2009 Belgium raised an objection to the accession of the Dominican Republic in accordance with article 12, paragraph 2, of the Convention. […] Belgium has decided to withdraw this objection.

Germany, 11-06-2009

The Dominican Republic has declared its accession to the Hague Convention abolishing the requirement of legalisation for foreign public documents of 5 October 1961.
The Federal Republic of Germany raises an objection to the accession of the Dominican Republic with reference to Article 12, second paragraph, of the Convention.

Netherlands, the Kingdom of the, 26-06-2009

... the Kingdom of the Netherlands (the Kingdom in Europe, the Netherlands Antilles and Aruba) raises an objection to the accession of the Dominican Republic to the Convention abolishing the requirement of legalisation for foreign public documents.

Withdrawal, 03-11-2017

The Kingdom of the Netherlands withdraws its declaration made in accordance with Article 12, second paragraph, of the Convention, objecting to the accession of the Dominican Republic to the Convention.
Therefore, the Convention will take effect between the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Dominican Republic as of 3 November 2017.

Objection to accession Georgia

Objections by Objections Withdrawal
Germany 14-03-2007 03-02-2010
Greece 15-03-2007 17-12-2015

Germany, 14-03-2007

Georgia has declared its accession to the Hague Convention abolishing the requirement of legalisation for foreign public documents of 5 October 1961.
The Federal Republic of Germany raises an objection to the accession of Georgia with reference to article 12, paragraph 2, of the Convention.

Withdrawal, 03-02-2010

The Federal Republic of Germany withdraws the objection to the accession of Georgia to the Hague Convention abolishing the requirement of legalisation for foreign public documents of 5 October 1961.

Greece, 15-03-2007

In accordance with Article 12, paragraph 2, of the Hague Convention on abolishing the requirement of legalization for foreign public documents of October 1961, the Government of the Hellenic Republic hereby raises an objection such that the said Convention shall not enter into force between the Hellenic Republic and the Republic of Georgia.

Withdrawal, 17-12-2015

[...] the Hellenic Republic hereby withdraws the objection raised to the accession of Georgia to the Convention abolishing the requirement of legalization for foreign public documents (The Hague, 5 October 1961).

Objection to accession India

Objections by Objections Withdrawal
Belgium 20-04-2005 10-01-2008
Finland 02-05-2005 05-10-2009
Germany 21-04-2005
Netherlands, the Kingdom of the 13-05-2005 16-09-2008
Spain 13-05-2005 12-02-2008

Belgium, 20-04-2005

The Embassy hereby makes it known that Belgium believes it is necessary to make a reservation in connection with India's accession to the Convention Abolishing the Requirement of Legalisation for Foreign Public Documents.

Withdrawal, 10-01-2008

... Belgium has decided, effective immediately, to withdraw the reservation that it had made concerning India's accession to the Convention of 5 October 1961 abolishing the requirement for the legalisation of foreign public documents.

Finland, 02-05-2005

Pursuant to Article 12, second paragraph, of that Convention Finland hereby objects to the accession of India. Consequently, pursuant to Article 12, third paragraph, the Convention shall not enter into force between India and Finland.

Withdrawal, 05-10-2009

Finland hereby withdraws the said objection in accordance with article 12, paragraph 2, of the Convention with the intention that the said Convention enters into force between Finland and India.

Germany, 21-04-2005

India has declared its accession to the Hague Convention abolishing the requirement of legalisation for foreign public documents of 5 October 1961.
The Embassy hereby raises an objection to India's accession with reference to article 12, paragraph 2 of the Convention.

Netherlands, the Kingdom of the, 13-05-2005

... the Kingdom of the Netherlands (the Kingdom in Europe, the Netherlands Antilles and Aruba) raises an objection to the accession of India to the Convention abolishing the requirement of legalisation for foreign public documents.

Withdrawal, 16-09-2008

The Kingdom of the Netherlands (the Kingdom in Europe, the Netherlands Antilles and Aruba) withdraws its declaration made in accordance with Article 12, second paragraph, of the Convention, objecting to the accession of India to the Convention.
Therefore, the Convention will take effect between the Kingdom of the Netherlands and India as of 16 September 2008.

Spain, 13-05-2005

In accordance with Article 12, paragraph 2, of the Convention, Spain hereby declares that the Convention shall not enter into force between the Republic of India and the Kingdom of Spain.

Withdrawal, 12-02-2008

Spain withdraws the objection in accordance with article 12, paragraph 2, of the Convention.
Therefore, the mentioned Convention will enter into force between Spain and India.

Objection to accession Kosovo

Objections by Objections Withdrawal
Argentina 03-05-2016
Armenia 18-04-2016
Austria 13-05-2016
Azerbaijan 22-02-2016
Belarus 24-02-2016
China 29-01-2016
Cyprus 26-01-2016
Ecuador 17-06-2016
Georgia 15-01-2016
Germany 12-05-2016
Greece 12-05-2016
India 10-05-2016
Israel 11-05-2016 20-11-2024
Mauritius 31-03-2016
Mexico 20-01-2016
Moldova 24-02-2016
Namibia 13-05-2016
Nicaragua 19-04-2016
Paraguay 10-05-2016
Peru 13-05-2016
Poland 13-05-2016 20-02-2024
Romania 07-01-2016
Serbia 23-12-2015
Slovakia 03-05-2016
Ukraine 18-04-2016
Uzbekistan 10-05-2016
Venezuela 10-05-2016

Argentina, 03-05-2016

The Argentine Republic upholds the validity of Resolution 1244 (1999) of the Security Council and the principle of territorial integrity. For that reason, it does not recognize Kosovo as a State. Accordingly, since Kosovo is not an independent State, it cannot adhere to the Apostille Convention because it does not meet the requirements set forth in Article 12 of such Convention. Argentina therefore objects to the accession process pursued by Kosovo, considering that the provisions of the Apostille Convention will not apply to or bind Argentina in respect of Kosovo.
It should be noted that the role of Depositaries is regulated by the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, which sets forth in Articles 76 and 77 the obligation for Depositaries to act impartially in the performance of their functions. In this respect, the Council on General Affairs and Policy of the Hague Conference specifically referred to these Articles in its session of March 2016:
'The Council took note of the different views expressed on the subject matter. It recalled the relevance of the Vienna Convention of 1969 on the law of Treaties, in particular its Articles 76(2) and 77 on the functions of depositories, and the provisions and requirements of the relevant Hague Convention. When, following the deposit of an instrument of ratification, approval, or accession, the Depositary subsequently receives an objection from a Contracting State, including based on the issue of statehood, the Depositary brings the matter to the attention of all Contracting States to the Convention concerned.”
In this context, the Argentine Republic draws the attention of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands that the accession of Kosovo to the Apostille Convention not only fails to comply with the requirements of Article 12 of the abovementioned Convention, but also would be a negative precedent with respect to the Convention and to other multilateral treaties requiring compliance with the requirement of statehood to become a Party thereto.
Based on the foregoing, the Argentine Republic requests the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in its capacity as depositary, to provide no further treatment Kosovo's instrument of accession to the Apostille Convention, as it has not been received.

Armenia, 18-04-2016

In relation to the accession to the Convention Abolishing the Requirement of Legalisation for Foreign Public Documents, of 5 October 1961, the Republic of Armenia declares that it has not recognized Kosovo.

Austria, 13-05-2016

The Republic of Kosovo has declared its accession to the Hague Convention Abolishing the Requirement of Legalisation for Foreign Public Documents of 5 October 1961. While the Republic of Austria recognizes the right of the Republic of Kosovo to accede to the Convention pursuant to Article 12, paragraph 1, due to the currently insufficient document security it raises an objection to the accession of the Republic of Kosovo with reference to Article 12, paragraph 2, of the Convention.

Azerbaijan, 22-02-2016

The Republic of Azerbaijan raises an objection to the accession of Kosovo to the Convention Abolishing the Requirement of Legalisation for Foreign Public Documents of October 5, 1961. The Republic of Azerbaijan does not recognize Kosovo as an independent state and holds the view that today Kosovo does not meet the criteria of statehood under international law. Therefore, the Republic of Azerbaijan considers the “application” by Kosovo for accession to the aforementioned Convention shall have no effect between the Republic of Azerbaijan and Kosovo.
The Republic of Azerbaijan is also of the position that the depositary of the Convention does not possess the authority to qualify any such entity as a state for the purposes of the Convention, and the notification of November 17, 2015 shall not be interpreted as an act granting such a competence to the depositary.
The present objection of the Republic of Azerbaijan shall in no way be construed as recognition of applicability of the accession procedure set forth in the aforesaid Convention with regard to Kosovo.

Belarus, 24-02-2016

The Republic of Belarus does not recognize Kosovo as an independent State and holds the view that the deposition of abovementioned «instrument of accession» has no legal validity inasmuch as neither the Depositary nor the Hague Conference are entitled to qualify directly or implicitly a territory as a State.
The Republic of Belarus pursuant to Article 12 of the Apostille Convention objects to the accession of Kosovo to the aforementioned Convention and declares that the Apostille Convention will not be applicable between the Republic of Belarus and Kosovo.

China, 29-01-2016

The Government of the People's Republic of China objects, for the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and the Government of the Macao Special Administrative Region, the accession of Kosovo to the Convention. China further clarifies that the Convention will not be applicable between Kosovo and the above-mentioned regions of China.
The Embassy noted that relevant States have raised objections to the acceptance of Kosovo's accession by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands as the Depositary, and reminds the Dutch side to take appropriate actions in accordance with Article 77.2 of the Vienna Convention on the Law of the Treaties.

Cyprus, 26-01-2016

Given the fact that "Kosovo" has not been recognised as a state by the United Nations, the unilateral decision by the Depositary to accept a submission of a, so called, instrument of accession on behalf of "Kosovo", without prior consultation with the state-parties, sets a precarious precedent.
The Republic of Cyprus wishes to reiterate its position that it does not recognize the 2008 Unilateral Declaration of Independence by Kosovo and considers that the designation "Kosovo" is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244(1999) and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence.
The Republic of Cyprus is, in any case, obliged under the circumstances, to raise an objection, under Article 12, of the Convention Abolishing the Requirement of Legalisation for Foreign Public Documents of October 5, 1961, to the accession of "Kosovo", and understands that in accordance with the said Article, the Convention will not enter into force between "Kosovo" and the Republic of Cyprus.

Ecuador, 17-06-2016

[…] Ecuador does not recognize Kosovo as a State and accordingly only States can become members to the Apostille Convention. For this reason, the Apostille Convention as well as other Conventions cannot be applied between Ecuador and Kosovo. It would also be important to note that Kosovo is not a member of the United Nations.

Georgia, 15-01-2016

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, in its capacity as depositary, by its notification of November 17. 2015, informed the Contracting States on the accession of Kosovo to the above Convention. According to the notification, the accession will have effect only as regards the relations between Kosovo and those Contracting States which will not have raised an objection to its accession in the six months after receipt of the present notification. This six months period will in this case end on 15 May 2016. The Convention will, in accordance with its Article 12, third paragraph, enter into force between Kosovo and the other Contracting states, which have not raised an objection to its accession, on 14 July 2016.
According to Article 12 of the Convention only States can become members of the Convention. Georgia, as well as many other States, does not recognize Kosovo as an independent state. Furthermore, Kosovo is not a member state of the UN. Hence, Georgia regards that the accession of Kosovo to the Apostille Convention has no legal validity, including in the context of Georgia's treaty relationship with Kosovo under this Convention.
Georgia does not recognize that the depositary has the power to undertake actions under the Apostille Convention, the treaty practice or public international law that may be construed as direct or implied qualification of entities as states. Georgia pursuing its state interests, considers unacceptable and dangerous adoption of such a practice.
Having this premise. Georgia objects to the accession of Kosovo to the Apostille Convention and holds the view that the procedure of Kosovo's accession to the Convention shall be suspended.

Germany, 12-05-2016

The Federal Republic of Germany does not doubt the right of the Republic of Kosovo to accede to the Hague Convention Abolishing the Requirement of Legalization for Foreign Public Documents pursuant to Article 12, paragraph 1. However, in light of the present state of the document system in the Republic of Kosovo, the Federal Republic of Germany raises an objection to the accession of the Republic of Kosovo in accordance with Article 12, paragraph 2, of the Convention. Should Kosovo’s document system be improved, the Federal Government will consider withdrawing its objection.

Greece, 12-05-2016

… the Government of the Hellenic Republic objects to the accession of Kosovo to the […] Convention, in accordance with Article 12 thereof. Furthermore, the Hellenic Republic does not recognize Kosovo as a Sovereign state.

India, 10-05-2016

… the Republic of India, pursuant to Article 12 of the said Convention, objects to the accession of Kosovo to the said Convention and does not view itself to be bound by the Convention with regard to Kosovo.

Israel, 11-05-2016

The Government of Israel notes that receiving or certifying public documents under the Convention does not constitute recognition under international law. Notwithstanding the above, the Government of Israel wishes to place on record, for the sake of clarity, that it does not recognize Kosovo as a State, does not regard the request for accession as having legal effect, and does not consider itself to be in treaty relations with Kosovo under the Convention.

Withdrawal, 20-11-2024

The State of Israel hereby withdraws its objection to the accession of the Republic of Kosovo to the Hague Convention of 5 October 1961 Abolishing the Requirement of Legalization for Foreign Public Documents (“Apostille Convention”).

Mauritius, 31-03-2016

The Republic of Mauritius is a State Party to the Apostille Convention and, as many of its States Parties, has not recognised the self-proclaimed independence of Kosovo which is, besides, not a Member of the United Nations.
In view thereof, the Government of the Republic of Mauritius hereby submits its official objection to Kosovo acceding to the Apostille Convention.

Mexico, 20-01-2016

The United Mexican States adheres to the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244 (1999), and does not recognize Kosovo as an independent State in terms of Article 12 of the Apostille Convention; thus, objects to the accession of Kosovo to the aforementioned Convention.

Moldova, 24-02-2016

In accordance with Article 12 of the above mentioned Convention only states may accede to it. The Republic of Moldova has not recognized the unilaterally declared independence of Kosovo and hereby raises an objection, according to Article 12 of the Convention, to the accession of Kosovo to it and understands that, in accordance with the said Article, the Convention will not enter into force between Kosovo and the Republic of Moldova.
The Republic of Moldova specifies that the designation Kosovo is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244/1999 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence.

Namibia, 13-05-2016

[…] the Republic of Namibia does not recognise Kosovo statehood and ipso facto neither the accession of Kosovo to the Convention of 5 October 1961 Abolishing the Requirement of Legalisation for Foreign Public Documents.

Nicaragua, 19-04-2016

Nicaragua wishes to inform the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, as the depositary of the […] Convention, that Nicaragua does not consider Kosovo to be a sovereign State and does not recognize Kosovo as such. Thus, Kosovo cannot be treated as a State pursuant to Article 12 of the Apostille Convention.
In light of the above, Nicaragua objects to the accession of Kosovo to the Convention of 5 October 1961 Abolishing the Requirement of Legalisation for Foreign Public Documents.

Paraguay, 10-05-2016

… that the Government of Paraguay had decided to notify the objection to the intention of Kosovo to access this convention.

Peru, 13-05-2016

In this regard, pursuant to article 12, paragraph 2, of the Apostille Convention, it will not take effect between the Government of Peru and Kosovo. The following objection is made without prejudice of the right of Peru to take any future action on this matter in conformity with International Law.

Poland, 13-05-2016

[…] the Republic of Poland raises an objection to the accession of Kosovo to the Hague Convention Abolishing the Requirement of Legalisation for Foreign Public Documents of 5 October 1961, with reference to Article 12, paragraph 2, of the Convention.

Withdrawal, 20-02-2024

The Republic of Poland hereby withdraws its objection to the accession of the Republic of Kosovo to the Convention Abolishing the Requirement of Legalisation for Foreign Public Documents, done at the Hague on 5 October 1961.
Therefore, the aforementioned Convention will enter into force between the Republic of Poland and the Republic of Kosovo as of 1 March 2024.

Romania, 07-01-2016

As Romania does not recognise Kosovo as a State, pursuant to art. 12, second and third paragraphs of the Convention, Romania objects to the accession of Kosovo to the Hague Convention of 5 October 1961 Abolishing the Requirement of Legalisation for Foreign Public Documents.

Serbia, 23-12-2015

Serbia firmly remains at its position expressed in the above-mentioned notes concerning the incapability of Kosovo to be a Contracting State of the Convention because it is not a sovereign State, as well as concerning the inappropriate procedure of its accession. It will continue insisting on its position in the further communication to the Council of General Affairs and Policy of the Hague Conference on Private International Law.
Nevertheless, in order to make its position clear and doubtless vis-à-vis the functions of the depositary, Serbia hereby formally declares that it does not view itself bound by the Convention with regard to Kosovo, whatever a decision of the Council of General Affairs and Policy is adopted.

Slovakia, 03-05-2016

As the Slovak Republic does not recognise „Kosovo" as a State, pursuant to Article 12, second paragraph of the Hague Convention of 5 October 1961 Abolishing the Requirement of Legalisation for Foreign Public Documents, the Slovak Republic raises an objection to the accession of „Kosovo" to the Convention. To avoid any ambiguity, the Slovak Republic wishes to express its position on presumed accession that „Kosovo" is not qualified to become State party to the Convention and that the Convention shall not enter into force between the Slovak Republic and „Kosovo” nor the presumed accession shall have legal effect whatsoever in relations between the Slovak Republic and „Kosovo".

Ukraine, 18-04-2016

Ukraine does not consider Kosovo to be a sovereign state and does not recognize it in such capacity.
According to the provisions of the Convention, only a State can become its member. The provisions of the Convention regarding the procedure of its entry into force cannot be applied to the mentioned entity.
In light of the above Ukraine does not view itself bound by the Convention with regard to the said entity.

Uzbekistan, 10-05-2016

… the Republic of Uzbekistan raises its objection to the accession of Kosovo to the Convention.

Venezuela, 10-05-2016

The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela […] does not consider "Kosovo" to be a sovereign State and does not recognize "Kosovo" as such. Thus, "Kosovo" cannot be treated as a State pursuant to Article 12 of the Apostille Convention, in consequence, the Convention shall not enter into force between the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and "Kosovo" nor the presumed accession shall have legal effect whatsoever.
In light of the above, the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela objects to the accession of "Kosovo" to the Convention of 5 October 1961 Abolishing the Requirement of Legalisation for Foreign Public Documents.

Objection to accession Kyrgyzstan

Objections by Objections Withdrawal
Austria 19-05-2011
Belgium 27-04-2011
Germany 23-05-2011 07-10-2024
Greece 24-05-2011

Austria, 19-05-2011

The Republic of Austria raises an objection to the accession of the Kyrgyz Republic with reference to Article 12, paragraph 2, of the Convention.

Belgium, 27-04-2011

Belgium [...] wishes to raise an objection to the accession of Kyrgyzstan to the mentioned Convention, in accordance with Article 12.

Germany, 23-05-2011

The Federal Republic of Germany [...] objects to the accession of the Kyrgyz Republic to the Convention deLa Haye Abolishing the Requirements of Legalisation for Foreign Documents (The Hague, 5 October 1961) with reference to Art. 12, paragraph 2 of the above-named Convention.

Withdrawal, 07-10-2024

The Federal Republic of Germany herewith reverses the objection to the accession of the Kyrgyz Republic to the Hague Convention of 5 October 1961 Abolishing the Requirement of Legalisation of Foreign Public Documents (“Apostille Convention”).

Greece, 24-05-2011

[...] in accordance with Article 12, paragraph 2 of the [...] Convention [...] the Government of the Hellenic Republic hereby raises an objection to the accession of Kyrgyzstan to the above mentioned Convention.

Objection to accession Liberia

Objections by Objections Withdrawal
Belgium 08-12-1995
Germany 07-12-1995
United States of America 07-12-1995 20-05-2015

Belgium, 08-12-1995

... Belgium wishes to raise an objection to the accession of Liberia to the mentioned Convention, in accordance with Article 12.

Germany, 07-12-1995

..., the Federal Republic of Germany hereby raises an objection to Liberia's accession with reference to Article 12, paragraph 2, of The Hague Convention abolishing the requirement of legalisation

United States of America, 07-12-1995

... that the United States is not prepared at this time to accept the accession of Liberia to the 1961 Hague Legalization Convention. The United States does not believe that affective steps have been taken, or are possible at this time, to ensure that documents originated in the United States that have been certified by the apostille certification for which provision is made in the Convention, will be recognized as to their certified form by authorities throughout Liberia as required by the Convention.

Withdrawal, 20-05-2015

[...] the United States of America withdraws its objection to the accession of Liberia to the Convention.

Objection to accession Moldova

Objections by Objections Withdrawal
Germany 05-01-2007

Germany, 05-01-2007

The Republic of Moldova has declared its accession to the Hague Convention abolishing the requirement of legalisation for foreign public documents of 5 October 1961. The Federal Republic of Germany raises an objection to the accession of the Republic of Moldova with reference to Article 12, paragraph 2, of the aforementioned Convention.

Objection to accession Mongolia

Objections by Objections Withdrawal
Austria 18-09-2009
Belgium 21-10-2009
Finland 28-10-2009
Germany 22-10-2009
Greece 30-10-2009

Austria, 18-09-2009

Mongolia has declared its accession to the Hague Convention abolishing the requirement of legalisation for foreign public documents of 5 October 1961.
The Republic of Austria raises an objection to the accession of Mongolia with reference to Article 12, paragraph 2, of the Convention.

Belgium, 21-10-2009

The Embassy hereby wishes to raise an objection to the accession of Mongolia to the mentioned Convention, in accordance with Article 12, second paragraph.

Finland, 28-10-2009

Pursuant to Article 12, second paragraph, of that Convention Finland hereby objects to the accession of Mongolia. Consequently, pursuant to Article 12, third paragraph, the Convention shall not enter into force between Mongolia and Finland.

Germany, 22-10-2009

Mongolia has declared its accession on 2 April 2009 to the Hague Convention abolishing the requirement of legalisation for foreign public documents of 5 October 1961.
The Federal Republic of Germany hereby raises an objection to the accession of Mongolia with reference to Article 12, second paragraph, of the Convention.

Greece, 30-10-2009

[...] in accordance with Article 12, paragraph 2 of the Hague Convention abolishing the requirement of legalisation for foreign public documents of 1961, the Government of the Hellenic Republic hereby raises an objection to the accession of Mongolia to the above mentioned Convention.

Objection to accession Morocco

Objections by Objections Withdrawal
Germany 14-06-2016

Germany, 14-06-2016

The Federal Republic of Germany herewith objects to the accession of […] Morocco in accordance with article 12, paragraph 2 of the Convention Abolishing the Requirements of Legalization for Foreign Documents (The Hague, October 5th, 1961).

Objection to accession Pakistan

Objections by Objections Withdrawal
Austria 12-12-2022
Czech Republic 23-11-2022
Denmark 02-01-2023
Finland 12-12-2022
Germany 24-10-2022
Greece 05-01-2023
Netherlands, the Kingdom of the 15-12-2022
Poland 30-11-2022

Austria, 12-12-2022

The Republic of Austria raises an objection to the accession of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan with reference to Article 12, paragraph 2 of the Convention.

Czech Republic, 23-11-2022

The Czech Republic raises an objection to the accession of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan to the Convention [...].

Denmark, 02-01-2023

In accordance with Article 12(2) of the mentioned Convention, the Kingdom of Denmark raises an objection to the accession of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan to the Convention.

Finland, 12-12-2022

Pursuant to Article 12, second paragraph, of that Convention, Finland hereby raises an objection to the accession of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.

Germany, 24-10-2022

[…] the Federal Republic of Germany raises an objection to the accession of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan in accordance with Article 12(2) of the Convention.

Greece, 05-01-2023

In accordance with Article 12, second paragraph of the Hague Convention abolishing the requirement of legalization for foreign public documents of 5 October 1961, the Hellenic Republic hereby objects to the accession of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan to the abovementioned Convention.

Netherlands, the Kingdom of the, 15-12-2022

Pursuant to Article 12, second paragraph, of the Convention abolishing the requirement of legalisation for foreign public documents, the Kingdom of the Netherlands (the Netherlands, Aruba, Curaçao and Sint Maarten) hereby raises an objection to the accession of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan to the aforementioned Convention.

Poland, 30-11-2022

In accordance with Article 12 paragraph 2 of the Convention Abolishing the Requirement of Legalisation for Foreign Public Documents, done at The Hague on 5 October 1961, the Republic of Poland raises an objection to the accession of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan to the mentioned Convention.

Objection to accession Paraguay

Objections by Objections Withdrawal
Germany 10-06-2014 06-01-2022

Germany, 10-06-2014

[...] the Federal Republic of Germany herewith objects to the accession of [...] Paraguay in accordance with article 12, paragraph 2 of this Convention.

Withdrawal, 06-01-2022

The Federal Republic of Germany herewith reverses the objection to the accession of Paraguay to the Hague Convention of 5 October 1961 Abolishing the Requirement of Legalisation for Foreign Public Documents ("Apostille Convention").

Objection to accession Peru

Objections by Objections Withdrawal
Germany 15-07-2010 01-01-2014
Greece 28-07-2010 26-07-2024

Germany, 15-07-2010

The Federal Republic of Germany herewith objects to the accession of Peru to the Convention Abolishing the Requirements of Legalisation for Foreign Documents (The Hague, 5 October 1961).

Withdrawal, 01-01-2014

[...] the Federal Republic of Germany herewith reverses the objection to the accession of Peru to the Convention abolishing the requirement of legalisation for foreign public documents (The Hague, 5 October 1961) with effect from January 1, 2014.

Greece, 28-07-2010

In accordance with Article 12, paragraph 2 of the Hague Convention abolishing the requirement of legalization for foreign public documents of 1961, the Government of the Hellenic Republic hereby raises an objection to the accession of Peru to the above mentioned Convention.

Withdrawal, 26-07-2024

[…] the Hellenic Republic hereby withdraws its objection raised to the accession of the Republic of Peru to the Convention abolishing the requirement of legalization for foreign public documents of 5 October 1961.

Objection to accession Philippines

Objections by Objections Withdrawal
Austria 05-03-2019 31-05-2023
Finland 07-02-2019
Germany 29-01-2019
Greece 12-03-2019 25-06-2024

Austria, 05-03-2019

The Republic of Austria raises an objection to the accession of the Republic of the Philippines with reference to Article 12, paragraph 2 of the Convention.

Withdrawal, 31-05-2023

In accordance with Article 12, paragraph 2, of the Convention Abolishing the Requirement of Legalisation for Foreign Public Documents, the Republic of Austria had raised an objection to the accession of the Republic of the Philippines to the Convention.
Following a review of this objection, the Republic of Austria has decided to withdraw its objection to the accession of the Republic of the Philippines to the Convention.
Therefore, the Convention will enter into force between the Republic of Austria and the Republic of the Philippines as of 1 June 2023.

Finland, 07-02-2019

Pursuant to Article 12, second paragraph, of that Convention, Finland hereby raises an objection to the accession of the Republic of the Philippines.

Germany, 29-01-2019

[…] the Federal Republic of Germany herewith objects to the accession of the Philippines in accordance with Article 12, paragraph 2 of the Convention abolishing the Requirements of Legalization for Foreign Documents (The Hague, 5 October, 1961).

Greece, 12-03-2019

In accordance with Article 12, paragraph 2, of the Hague Convention abolishing the requirement of legalisation for foreign public documents of the 5th October 1961, the Government of the Hellenic Republic hereby objects to the accession of the Republic of the Philippines to the above mentioned Convention.

Withdrawal, 25-06-2024

[…] the Hellenic Republic hereby withdraws its objection raised to the accession of the Republic of the Philippines to the Convention abolishing the requirement of legalization for foreign public documents of 5 October 1961.

Objection to accession Rwanda

Objections by Objections Withdrawal
Germany 28-03-2024

Germany, 28-03-2024

[…] the Federal Republic of Germany raises an objection to the accession of the Republic of Rwanda in accordance with Article 12(2) of the Convention.

Objection to accession Senegal

Objections by Objections Withdrawal
Austria 12-01-2023
Germany 18-01-2023
Netherlands, the Kingdom of the 17-01-2023

Austria, 12-01-2023

The Republic of Austria raises an objection to the accession of the Republic of Senegal with reference to Article 12, paragraph 2 of the Convention.

Germany, 18-01-2023

[…] the Federal Republic of Germany raises an objection to the accession of Senegal in accordance with Article 12 (2) of the Convention.

Netherlands, the Kingdom of the, 17-01-2023

Pursuant to Article 12, second paragraph, of the Convention abolishing the requirement of legalisation for foreign public documents, the Kingdom of the Netherlands (the Netherlands, Aruba, Curaçao and Sint Maarten) hereby raises an objection to the accession of the Republic of Senegal to the aforementioned Convention.

Objection to accession Tajikistan

Objections by Objections Withdrawal
Austria 28-08-2015
Belgium 06-08-2015
Germany 26-08-2015

Austria, 28-08-2015

The Republic of Austria raises an objection to the accession of the Republic of Tajikistan with reference to Article 12, paragraph 2, of the Convention.

Belgium, 06-08-2015

[...] that in accordance with Article 12, second paragraph, of the Convention abolishing the requirement of legalisation for foreign public documents, concluded at The Hague on 5 October 1961, Belgium raises an objection to the accession of Tajikistan.

Germany, 26-08-2015

[...] the Federal Republic of Germany herewith objects to the accession of the Republic of Tajikistan in accordance with Article 12, paragraph 2, of this Convention.

Objection to accession Tunisia

Objections by Objections Withdrawal
Austria 12-01-2018
Belgium 26-01-2018
Germany 01-12-2017
Greece 25-01-2018

Austria, 12-01-2018

The Republic of Austria raises an objection to the accession of the Tunisian Republic with reference to Article 12, paragraph 2, of the Convention.

Belgium, 26-01-2018

[…] Belgium objects to the accession of Tunisia to the above mentioned Convention in accordance with Article 12 of the Convention.

Germany, 01-12-2017

The Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany herewith objects to the accession of Tunisia in accordance with article 12, paragraph 2 of the Convention Abolishing the Requirements of Legalization for Foreign Documents (The Hague, October 5th, 1961).

Greece, 25-01-2018

[…] in accordance with Article 12, paragraph 2 of the Hague Convention abolishing the requirement of legalization for foreign public documents of 5 October 1961, the Hellenic Republic hereby objects to the accession of the Republic of Tunisia to the above mentioned Convention.

Objection to accession Ukraine

Objections by Objections Withdrawal
Belgium 03-10-2003 05-07-2004
Germany 20-10-2003 22-07-2010

Belgium, 03-10-2003

The Government of the Kingdom of Belgium declares in accordance with Article 12, paragraph 2, of the Convention, that the Convention will not take effect between the Republic of Ukraine and the Kingdom of Belgium.

Withdrawal, 05-07-2004

The Government of the Kingdom of Belgium withdraws its declaration made in accordance with article 12, paragraph 2 of the Convention, so the Convention will take effect between the Republic of Ukraine and the Kingdom of Belgium.

Germany, 20-10-2003

Ukraine has declared its accession to the Hague Convention Abolishing the Requirement of Legalisation for Foreign Public Documents of 5 October 1961. The Embassy [of the Federal Republic of Germany] hereby raises an objection to Ukraine's accession with reference to Article 12, paragraph 2, of the Convention.

Withdrawal, 22-07-2010

The Federal Republic of Germany withdraws the objection to the accession of Ukraine to the Hague Convention abolishing the requirement of legalisation for foreign public documents of 5 October 1961.

Objection to accession Uzbekistan

Objections by Objections Withdrawal
Austria 03-02-2012
Belgium 13-01-2012
Germany 01-02-2012
Greece 08-02-2012

Austria, 03-02-2012

The Republic of Uzbekistan has declared its accession to the Hague Convention Abolishing the Requirement of Legalisation for Foreign Public Documents of 5 October 1961. The Republic of Austria raises an objection to the accession of the Republic of Uzbekistan with reference to Article 12, paragraph 2, of the Convention.

Belgium, 13-01-2012

[...] in accordance with Article 12 of the Convention abolishing the requirement of legalisation for foreign public documents, concluded at The Hague on 5 October 1961, the Belgian authorities raise an objection to the accession of Uzbekistan.

Germany, 01-02-2012

The Federal Republic of Germany [...] objects to the accession of the Republic of Uzbekistan to the Convention Abolishing the Requirements of Legalisation for Foreign Documents (The Hague, 5 October 1961) with reference to Art. 12, paragraph 2 of the above-named Convention.

Greece, 08-02-2012

[...] in accordance with Article 12, paragraph 2 of the said Convention, [...] the Hellenic Republic hereby raises an objection to the accession of Uzbekistan to the above mentioned Convention.

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