

Verdrag inzake de erkenning en de tenuitvoerlegging van beslissingen over onderhoudsverplichtingen


Autoriteiten Estland


... , the Estonian Riigikogu while acceding to the said Convention declared that the public body acting in Estonia as Transmitting- and Receiving Agency shall be the Ministry of Justice.

Autoriteiten Noorwegen


As from 01-01-1992 the Norwegian National Insurance Office for Social Insurance Abroad, Child Maintenance Division, functions as transmitting as well as receiving agency for the recovery of maintenance contributions to children where one of the parents is resident abroad.


The Norwegian body designated as requesting agency is:
The Labour and Welfare Collection Agency,
The Norwegian body designated as receiving agency is:
The National Office for Social Insurance Abroad,

Autoriteiten Spanje


Central Authority:
Subdirección General de Cooperación Jurídica Internacional
Ministerio de Justicia

Autoriteiten Verenigd Koninkrijk


Central Authority
The following authorities will receive requests for the recognition and enforcement of decisions relating to maintenance obligations:
in England and Wales
Home Office
in Northern Ireland
Northern Ireland Courts Service, Windsor House
in Scotland
Scottish Courts Administration


Requests for the recognition and enforcement in the Isle of Man of decisions relating to maintenance obligations are to be adressed to:
The Secretary of State


Central Authority
The Attorney General of Jersey

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