

Verdrag inzake de bevoegdheid, het toepasselijke recht, de erkenning, de tenuitvoerlegging en de samenwerking op het gebied van ouderlijke verantwoordelijkheid en maatregelen ter bescherming van kinderen

Bezwaar tegen toetreding

Bezwaar tegen toetreding Albanië

Bezwaar door Bezwaar Intrekking
Denemarken 30-06-2011 24-08-2017

Denemarken, 30-06-2011

In accordance with Article 58, paragraph 3, the Kingdom of Denmark raises an objection to the accession to the Convention by the Republic of Albania.

Intrekking, 24-08-2017

The Kingdom of Denmark withdraws its objection under Article 58, paragraph 3, to the accession to the Convention by Albania.

Bezwaar tegen toetreding Armenië

Bezwaar door Bezwaar Intrekking
Denemarken 30-06-2011 24-08-2017

Denemarken, 30-06-2011

In accordance with Article 58, paragraph 3, the Kingdom of Denmark raises an objection to the accession to the Convention by the Republic of Armenia.

Intrekking, 24-08-2017

The Kingdom of Denmark withdraws its objection under Article 58, paragraph 3, to the accession to the Convention by Armenia.

Bezwaar tegen toetreding Dominicaanse Republiek

Bezwaar door Bezwaar Intrekking
Denemarken 30-06-2011 24-08-2017

Denemarken, 30-06-2011

In accordance with Article 58, paragraph 3, the Kingdom of Denmark raises an objection to the accession to the Convention by the Dominican Republic.

Intrekking, 24-08-2017

The Kingdom of Denmark withdraws its objection under Article 58, paragraph 3, to the accession to the Convention by the Dominican Republic.

Bezwaar tegen toetreding Ecuador

Bezwaar door Bezwaar Intrekking
Denemarken 30-06-2011 24-08-2017

Denemarken, 30-06-2011

In accordance with Article 58, paragraph 3, the Kingdom of Denmark raises an objection to the accession to the Convention by Ecuador.

Intrekking, 24-08-2017

The Kingdom of Denmark withdraws its objection under Article 58, paragraph 3, to the accession to the Convention by Ecuador.

Bezwaar tegen toetreding El Salvador

Bezwaar door Bezwaar Intrekking
Denemarken 10-03-2025

Denemarken, 10-03-2025

In accordance with Article 58, paragraph 3, the Kingdom of Denmark raises an objection to the accession to the Convention by the Republic of El Salvador.

Bezwaar tegen toetreding Georgië

Bezwaar door Bezwaar Intrekking
Denemarken 28-11-2014 24-08-2017

Denemarken, 28-11-2014

In accordance with Article 58, paragraph 3, the Kingdom of Denmark raises an objection to the accession to the Convention by Georgia.

Intrekking, 24-08-2017

The Kingdom of Denmark withdraws its objection under Article 58, paragraph 3, to the accession to the Convention by Georgia.

Bezwaar tegen toetreding Oekraïne

Bezwaar door Bezwaar Intrekking
Denemarken 30-06-2011 24-08-2017

Denemarken, 30-06-2011

In accordance with Article 58, paragraph 3, the Kingdom of Denmark raises an objection to the accession to the Convention by Ukraine.

Intrekking, 24-08-2017

The Kingdom of Denmark withdraws its objection under Article 58, paragraph 3, to the accession to the Convention by Ukraine.

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