Agreement establishing the Common Fund for Commodities
Parties with reservations, declarations and objections
Party | Reservations / Declarations | Objections |
Argentina | Yes | No |
Australia | Yes | No |
Austria | Yes | No |
Bangladesh | Yes | No |
Belgium | Yes | No |
Bulgaria | Yes | No |
Canada | Yes | No |
Central African Republic | Yes | No |
Cuba | Yes | No |
Democratic People's Republic of Korea | Yes | No |
Denmark | Yes | No |
Eswatini | Yes | No |
Finland | Yes | No |
Germany | Yes | No |
Ghana | Yes | No |
Greece | Yes | No |
India | Yes | No |
Ireland | Yes | No |
Italy | Yes | No |
Jamaica | Yes | No |
Japan | Yes | No |
Laos | Yes | No |
Malawi | Yes | No |
Malaysia | Yes | No |
Mauritania | Yes | No |
Morocco | Yes | No |
Mozambique | Yes | No |
New Zealand | Yes | No |
Niger | Yes | No |
Norway | Yes | No |
Pakistan | Yes | No |
Papua New Guinea | Yes | No |
Peru | Yes | No |
Republic of Korea, the | Yes | No |
Russian Federation | Yes | No |
Singapore | Yes | No |
Spain | Yes | No |
Sri Lanka | Yes | No |
Sweden | Yes | No |
Switzerland | Yes | No |
Syria | Yes | No |
Tanzania | Yes | No |
Trinidad and Tobago | Yes | No |
Tunisia | Yes | No |
Türkiye | Yes | No |
United Kingdom | Yes | No |
Venezuela | Yes | No |
The Argentine Republic, exercising its prerogative under article 58 of the Agreement, enters a reservation regarding article 53 of that Agreement as it cannot accept compulsory arbitration as the only means of settling disputes of the kind referred to in this article, and as it believes that the parties to such disputes must be free to determine by mutual agreement the means of settlement best suited to each particular case.
Argentina declares that it has selected the procedure provided for in Article 11(1) (b), of the Agreement for the payment of shares of Directly Contributed Capital subscribed by Argentina and that the said payments shall be made in French Francs, at the rate of conversion as at the date of this Agreement.
In accordance with article 11 (1) of the Agreement, it has decided that all payments of shares of directly contributed capital subscribed by Australia shall be made in any usable currency at the rate of conversion between that usable currency and the unit of account as at the date of payment.
The Government of Austria indicated that, in accordance with article 11(1)(b), Austria's contribution to the Common Fund for Commodities will be paid in German marks until such time as payment in Austrian shillings becomes possible.
All payments in respect of Bangladesh's shares of the directly contributed capital in the Common Fund would be made, under article 11, paragraph 1(b), of the Agreement, in US dollars.
With reference to article 11, paragraph l(b), of the Agreement, the Government of
Belgium hereby informs the Fund that it will effect the payments of Shares of Directly
Contributed Capital on the understanding that the Usable Currency selected will be
the French franc (FF), the sums in FF to be remitted being determined on the occasion
of each payment by the sums to be paid expressed in Units of Account of the Common
Fund, at the rate of 1 Unit of Account = FF 5.42029.
In accordance with article 11, paragraph 3, of the Agreement, the payment of the Paid-in
Shares subscribed by Belgium (2,640,699 Units of Account) will be effected in three
instalments in accordance with the specified procedure, the first of which will take
place within 60 days after the entry into force of the Agreement.
With regard to the amount subscribed by Belgium for Payable Shares (915,543 Units
of Account), it shall be subject to call by the Fund, in accordance with article 11,
paragraph 4, only as provided in article 17, paragraph 12.
Belgium's voluntary contribution to the Second Account will be a commitment in Belgian
francs (BF 100 million). The payment of this voluntary contribution will be made after
the entry into force of the Common Fund, the terms of which are specified in article
57 of the Agreement.
In the light of its well-known position, the People's Republic of Bulgaria cannot recognize as legitimate the titles "Republic of Korea" and "Democratic Kampuchea", as contained in the annexes to the Agreement establishing the Common Fund for Commodities.
The Government of Canada declares that it has selected the procedure provided for
in Article 11 (1) (b), of the Agreement for the payment of shares of Directly Contributed
Capital subscribed by Canada and that the said payments shall be made in French Francs,
at the rate of conversion as at the date of this Agreement.
Central African Republic
The Government of the Central African Republic declares, pursuant to article 11, paragraph 1 (b), of the Agreement, that the payments of Shares of Directly Contributed Capital subscribed by the Central African Republic shall be made in French Francs.
The Government of the Republic of Cuba declares, in conformity with article 58 of the Agreement, that it does not consider itself bound by the arbitration procedures for the settlement of disputes established in article 53.
Democratic People's Republic of Korea
The payments of Shares of Directly Contributed Capital subscribed by the Democratic
People's Republic of Korea shall be made in dollars at the rate of conversion as at
the date of payment.
In accordance with article 11 of the Agreement, it has decided that all payments of shares of directly contributed capital subscribed by Denmark shall be made in French Francs at the rate of conversion between French Francs and the Unit of account as at the date of the Agreement, i.e. 27 June 1980.
The payments of Shares of Directly Contributed Capital subscribed by Swaziland shall be made in accordance with article 11 paragraph 1 (b), in French francs.
The payments of shares of Directly Contributed Capital subscribed by Finland shall be made, in terms of article 11, paragraph 1(b), in French Francs.
The payments of Shares of Directly Contributed Capital subscribed by the Federal Republic
of Germany shall be made in Deutsche Marks.
The Government of the Federal Republic of Germany decided to withdraw its notification under article 11(1).
Ghana has chosen the procedure provided for in article 11, paragraph 1(b) of the Agreement for its payment of shares of Directly Contributed Capital in French Francs.
Payments of Shares of Directly Contributed Capital subscribed by Greece shall be made
in French francs at the rate of this Agreement.
India has chosen the procedure provided for in article 11, paragraph 1(a) of the Agreement for its payment of shares of Directly Contributed Capital.
The Government of Ireland will make its payments for Shares of Directly Contributed Capital subscribed by Ireland in French Francs, at the rate of conversion between the French Franc and the Fund's Unit of Account as at 27 June 1980, in accordance with article 11(1)(b) of the Agreement Establishing the Common Fund for Commodities.
Payments of Shares of Directly Contributed Capital subscribed by Italy shall be made
in French francs at the rate of conversion in force as at the date of the Agreement.
Payments of Shares of Directly Contributed Capital subscribed by Jamaica shall be
made in accordance with article 11, paragraph l(a), of the Agreement.
The Government of Japan shall contribute to the initial resources of the Second Account
of the Common Fund an amount in Japanese yen that is equivalent to twenty-seven million
United States dollars (U.S.$27 million) in accordance with article 13 of the Agreement.
The Government of Japan opts for payment of the above contribution in three equal
annual instalments, with the first one to be made in cash or in notes within one year
after the entry into force of the Agreement. The notes are understood to be irrevocable,
non-negotiable, non-interest bearing promissory notes, issued in lieu of a cash payment
and payable to the Fund at par value upon demand. It is also understood that the notes
are to be treated in the same manner as notes of the same kind from other contributors.
In accordance with article 11 of the Agreement, the Government of Japan has decided
that payments of the Shares of Directly Contributed Capital subscribed by Japan shall
be made in Japanese yen at the rate of conversion between Japanese yen and the Unit
of Account valid on the date of each payment.
The payments of Shares of Directly Contributed Capital subscribed by the Lao People's Democratic Republic shall be made in accordance with article 11 paragraph 1 (b), in French Francs (as converted into the Euro on 1 January 2002.
The payments of Shares of Directly Contributed Capital subscribed by Malawi shall be made, in terms of article 11, paragraph 1(b) in US dollars.
The payments of Shares of Directly Contributed Capital subscribed by Malaysia shall be made in accordance with article 11 paragraph 1 (b), is US dollars.
The payments of Shares of Directly Contributed Capital subscribed by Mauritania shall be made in accordance with article 11 paragraph 1 (b), in French Francs.
The Government of Morocco declares that it has selected the procedure provided for
in Article 11 (l)(b), of the Agreement for the payments of Shares of Directly Contributed
Capital subscribed to by Morocco and that the said Payments shall be made in French
francs, at the rate of conversion as at the date of this Agreement.
The payments of Shares of Directly Contributed Capital subscribed by Mozambique shall be made in accordance with article 11 paragraph 1, in French Francs
New Zealand
Payments of Shares of Directly Contributed Capital subscribed by New Zealand shall
be made in French francs at the rate of conversion between French francs and the Unit
of Account as at the date of the Agreement.
The payments of shares of Directly Contributed Capital subscribed by the Niger shall be made, in terms of article 11, paragraph 1(b), in US dollars.
The payments of shares of directly contributed capital subscribed by Norway will be paid, in accordance with article 11, paragraph 1(a), of the Agreement, in any usable currency at the rate of conversion between that usable currency and the unit of accounts as at the date of payment.
The payments of Shares of Directly Contributed Capital subscribed by Pakistan shall be made in accordance with article 11 paragraph 1 (b), is US dollars.
Papua New Guinea
In accordance with article 11, paragraph 1(b), of the Agreement, payments for its shares of Directly Contributed Capital will be made in United States dollars at the rate of conversion between that usable currency and the Unit of Account valid at the date the Agreement was signed.
The Government of Peru declares that it has selected the procedure provided for in
Article 1 l(l)(b), of the Agreement for the payments of shares of Directly Contributed
Capital subscribed by Peru and that the said payments shall be made in French Francs,
at the rate of conversion as at the date of this Agreement.
Republic of Korea, the
The Republic of Korea has chosen the procedure provided for in article 11, paragraph 1(a) of the Agreement for its payment of shares of Directly Contributed Capital.
Russian Federation
In view of its well-known position, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics cannot recognize the legality of the names "Republic of Korea" and "Democratic Kampuchea" contained in the schedules to the Agreement establishing the Common Fund for Commodities.
The Government of the Republic of Singapore declares that it is not in agreement with the manner in which the share of individual countries to the Directly Contributed Capital was determined. Nevertheless, the Government of the Republic of Singapore will make contributions as presently indicated in schedule A of the Agreement. This should not however prejudice in any way Singapore's position on its share of any contributions to be made under other agreements.
The payments of Shares of Directly Contributed Capital subscribed by Singapore shall be made in accordance with article 11 paragraph 1 (b), in Pounds sterling.
Payments of shares Directly Contributed Capital subscribed by Spain shall be made in French francs at the rate of conversion in force as at the date of the Agreement.
Sri Lanka
The payments of Shares of Directly Contributed Capital subscribed by Sri Lanka shall be made, in terms of article 11, paragraph (a), of the Agreement, in any Usable Currency at the rate of conversion between that usable Currency and the Unit of Account as at the date of payment.
For its Share of Directly Contributed Capital it has chosen the mode of payment foreseen in article 11, paragraph 1(a) of the Agreement.
In accordance with article 11 of the Agreement, Switzerland will use the method described in paragraph 1(a) of the said article for its payment of shares of Directly Contributed Capital, that is to say, payment will be made in any usable currency at the rate of conversion between that usable currency and the unit of account as at the date of payment.
The Syrian Arab Republic enters a reservation in respect of article 53 of the Agreement,
with regard to the binding nature of arbitration.
Our accession to and ratification of the Agreement shall not in any way imply recognition
of Israel and shall not, consequently, lead to involvement with it in any transactions
as are regulated by the provisions of the Agreement.
The United Republic of Tanzania has chosen the procedure provided for in article 11, paragraph 1(b) of the Agreement for its payment of shares of Directly Contributed Capital in US dollars.
Trinidad and Tobago
The payments of Shares of Directly Contributed Capital subscribed by Trinidad and Tobago shall be made in accordance with article 11 paragraph 1, in US dollars.
The payments of shares of directly contributed capital subscribed by Tunisia shall be made, in terms of article 11, paragraph 1(b), in French Francs.
The payments of Shares of Directly Contributed Capital subscribed by Turkey shall be made in accordance with article 11 paragraph 1 (a), in French francs.
United Kingdom
The shares of Directly Contributed Capital subscribed by the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland will be paid in Pounds Sterling at the rate of conversion between the Pound Sterling and the Unit of Account of the Common Fund as at the date of the Agreement.
With reservation as to article 53.
Venezuela has chosen the procedure provided for in article 11, paragraph 1(a) of the Agreement for its payment of shares of Directly Contributed Capital.